Email Scams. post the ones you receive here



  • do not buy anything off, because he has a very dodgy add on ebay at the moment ... dZViewItem

    just be carefull and look at the sellers history and other items syllabub, ive come across two different people trying to scam people like us in just 2 days!

    make sure everything adds up and if theres anything suspicious tell ebay about it!

    Man came from dirt,Man will return to dirt,But untill then it is his playground!
    Man came from dirt,Man will return to dirt,But untill then it is his playground!
  • Here is where you should look for any advice on what the norm is, in the form they use to get you to part with your goods and possibly money. (Jamess666, look here, it helps to shorten links.)

    Never again will I listen to minors.
    Bicyclingeroner. Verb, By-sigh-clinger-onner. Person who hoards bycycles and parts, usually in a glass cabinet.
  • To Foot of travel - how do i check the email IPs on dnsstuff dotcom and also where do i find the email IP of a friend?? I'm not very computer literate lol.

  • Richy, type in the digits into the whois box, remembering to put the fullstops in. (It doesn't work on GMAIL for some weird reason...) It should tell you who the provider is.. Just linking to the DNS website tells me I am with such and such, and I am 'near' London. (In the top right.) From the whois, you can guess where the person is, or you can try and find out more from the service provider listed in the whois.. (You will have a set of numbers that tally with just one computer, which could be anywhere, but it still needs them numbers to access the web, and they can be tracked to the line used to access the web, even if it is in Canary Wharf, you will be able to find it.)

    As for finding the 'Header' which contains the set of numbers needed to trace a friend, it depends on which service you use. Most Emails have a header that can be expanded (with yahoo it is a 'header' button just above the email you are reading, with Gmail it is in the 'more options' above the email you are reading. (It should come up with a list of where the mail emenated from and where it is going and via whom. All of the addresses are IP numbers.)

    Channel your aggression.
    Bicyclingeroner. Verb, By-sigh-clinger-onner. Person who hoards bycycles and parts, usually in a glass cabinet.
  • cheers much appreciated [:D]

  • i recieved this recently,

    Hello Dear Seller,
    Thanks for the mail. I got your response and i must tell you i'm okay with the price and the condition, Now i want to buy it as soon as possible,And i will like you to play along to make this a success transaction, My mode of payment is by A GBP UK POUNDS CHEQUE(Make A Choice) and i will send it down to you as soon as you mail me with your payment details.
    FULL NAME.....................
    STREET ADDRESS...................
    ZIP CODE.........................
    TEL NUMBER.....{home,mobile & office}
    LAST PRICE IN POUNDS....................
    Some excess amount will be included to cover shipping , This will be sent to the shipping agent who will come for the pick up as the shipping fees so you will be returning the excess to the shipping agent as soon as the clearance confirmation done and i will be making an offer for making this done quickly......I hope to read back from you soon .... Cheers....
    Mr Poroskey

    proabbly seen it before but just to let people know

    Man came from dirt,Man will return to dirt,But untill then it is his playground!
    Man came from dirt,Man will return to dirt,But untill then it is his playground!
  • We own a number of on-line bike stores and always experience scammers, you cannot even gaurantee credit cards. When you buy and even sell on-line you must check them out. Get their name and address and check in the phone book, call the numbers they give you and check against the entry in the book. Do not accept mobiles. We have delivered to houses that have been rented out to scam people. Be very careful.

    It's a must.... - Secure shopping for bikes and accessories
  • i put 2 bikes on and 3 people replied. ALL of them fakes i got a 3000 cheque 4 1 of them and a 2000 cheque for the other 1. both of them came form different countries, 1 came from spain and 1 came from ireland.

  • <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by andy.d</i>

    i put 2 bikes on and 3 people replied. ALL of them fakes i got a 3000 cheque 4 1 of them and a 2000 cheque for the other 1. both of them came form different countries, 1 came from spain and 1 came from ireland.

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Hi So you actually received cheques?! Then what, can you cash them? My Kona's currently in the reader ads and have received lots of emails along the same lines, same crap english/wording. I'm stringing them along at the moment as it amuses me, obviously not giving out home address or any bank details just a work address for them to send the cheques to. Apparantly a cheque for œ4900 is on the way to me, I'm to take 900 for the bike and give back the 4K, whatever, if I actually get a cheque for œ4900 I'll eat my helmet.
  • Hello,
    Am mr barr by name....Well would like to buy your bike which is syllabub..Pls get back to me with your last price..And the condition of it.


    Hello Seller,
    How are you doing?I saw your Bike syllabub on Posted Advert and i'm Intresting in Purchasing it from you if is still available syllabub.I want you to tell me the Condition of the Bike and the Last Price syllabub and if you have the Pictures if the Bike you can Scan it and send it to me.I will be looking forward to hear from you back if you still have it syllabub and we can go into business in buying the Bike from you.Hope to hear from you soonest.
    Todd Bernard

    Hello Seller,
    I am Mark. How are you doing today?Hope your day is Great..So i Saw your Posted Advert on Advertisment,so am Intrested to Purchase it from you.So i will Like you to tell me the Condition and the Scan the Pictures for me also tell me the Last Price of it syllabub.So the Payment Option is by Certified Cheque from European.Thanks and Get back to me as soon as Possible if it is still Available syllabub.It's my Pleasure in doing Business with you in
    Future. Cheers


    My responses were throught and direct, and i think i should probably not post on here, too many expletives, and c**** and f*** y** you f****** w******* f*** off and f******* die. kind of thing lol.
  • and another...

    Thanks for the mail responsed,I'm okay with the price and the
    condition.My payment are shipping arrangement for it goes thus.i have a
    in UK who owes me the sum of œ3500,will instruct him to issue you a
    cheque of that amount.
    After you get the cheque you will have to bank it and when it's clear
    from your bank you deduct your own money out of it and send the
    remaining funds to the shipper's company who will come down to your location
    for the pick up.
    kindly E-mail me back with your full details if this arrangement is
    okay by you,such as Full name on the check..........
    Full Address...............
    Your phone number.........
    Kindly E-mail me back with thus information asap so that i can instruct
    my client to issue the payment out asap.
    N"B. i just want you to understand that i don't mindcompensation you
    with the sum of œ50 to consider this transaction done and also consider
    it sold to me and removed the adver syllabub.Cheers.

    my response was very very very very direct lol my god sooo many swear words. [;)]
  • so, bit of an update on my 'stringing along the con-artists to see what happens': I've recieved a cheque today for œ4900 (the amount actually has œ4500 but i'm going to change it with a biro). THe envelope looks like it came from spain with the cheque from the national irish bank. Looks semi-official, bit rubbish quality so could have been printed himself but i'm going to take it to the bank this afternoon and ask them about it. If they say it looks ok then i'll try and cash it!
    Has anyone else done this? Would be interested to hear what happened and how people have actually been conned - i.e. how did they get your money?
  • pobble
    pobble Posts: 4
    Presumably you've given these scammers your home address then? Not necessarily advisable...
  • <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by boogie80</i>

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by andy.d</i>

    i put 2 bikes on and 3 people replied. ALL of them fakes i got a 3000 cheque 4 1 of them and a 2000 cheque for the other 1. both of them came form different countries, 1 came from spain and 1 came from ireland.

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Hi So you actually received cheques?! Then what, can you cash them? My Kona's currently in the reader ads and have received lots of emails along the same lines, same crap english/wording. I'm stringing them along at the moment as it amuses me, obviously not giving out home address or any bank details just a work address for them to send the cheques to. Apparantly a cheque for œ4900 is on the way to me, I'm to take 900 for the bike and give back the 4K, whatever, if I actually get a cheque for œ4900 I'll eat my helmet.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Don't cash the cheque... Report it to the bank as you will lose whatever funds you spend from this cheque in a couple of weeks of cashing it. You might be able to get finger prints from it, so don't handle it too much.. [;)]

    <center>Don't look back, that's where the sawdust mess is.</center>
    Bicyclingeroner. Verb, By-sigh-clinger-onner. Person who hoards bycycles and parts, usually in a glass cabinet.
  • wahwah
    wahwah Posts: 11
    IThe latest scam I've read about is getting an email from ebay saying that something is wrong with teh users account, and unles you click on teh link and ennter you're details again it will lock you out for ever. When you click on the link it takes you to the genuine ebay screen, but a second blank window opens in the background (and minimises) and this is used to record your keystrokes.
  • here's one of many I've had recently:

    <i>Am Mr Tommy Smith by name..Well am Intrested in purchasing your advertise Bike for sell......Pls e-mail me back with the least price and the presently condition...Await your swift response
    Regards Mr Tommy

    N.B Pls make sure you mail me back immediately you get this message</i>

    "Tommy Smith"? I doubt it. I keep getting mail from people with SERIOUSLY english sounding names who hardly speak a word of english. And why do they want the price and condition? It's in the bloody adverts you morons! And why do they ALL have Yahoo e-mail adresses?
    Hanging's too good for 'em.[:D]
  • mikemonster
    mikemonster Posts: 21
    edited April 2012
  • this is one i got, what do you think?,scam or not?

    Good Day
    I mail to know if your ""BIKE"" above still available syllabub, I saw it advert pasted and subject syllabub, i am higly intrested to purchase and also to know your last selling price if you still have it available syllabub with good condition.

    I have a Client who is so much interested in the item with the purpose of making immediate payment by a Banker Draft / Money Order That will be cleared into your bank account within 2 to 3 days.
    Kindly e-mail your full details

    POSTAL CODE................
    TEL NUMBER.....................

    My client promised to make sure that you receive the payment in atleast 5 working days. And also i will like the item to remaing in good condition i read from it details and to have the item picture send to me if you are intrested to syllabub out the item to me.

    I look forward to read from you soonest.
    Best Regards

    my pink bike album ... rid=108161
  • <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by ginger spazz</i>

    this is one i got, what do you think?,scam or not?

    Good Day
    I mail to know if your ""BIKE"" above still available syllabub, I saw it advert pasted and subject syllabub, i am higly intrested to purchase and also to know your last selling price if you still have it available syllabub with good condition.

    I have a Client who is so much interested in the item with the purpose of making immediate payment by a Banker Draft / Money Order That will be cleared into your bank account within 2 to 3 days.
    Kindly e-mail your full details

    POSTAL CODE................
    TEL NUMBER.....................

    My client promised to make sure that you receive the payment in atleast 5 working days. And also i will like the item to remaing in good condition i read from it details and to have the item picture send to me if you are intrested to syllabub out the item to me.

    I look forward to read from you soonest.
    Best Regards

    my pink bike album ... rid=108161
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    that is a scam. dont do it. i did post a topic in mbuk office headed plesae read nicked cheques. but it has now gone for sum reson, which i anit happy about[:(!][:(!](if anyone knows where it has gone plz tell me). the person will send you the cheque for more then you are asking for your item. and then ask you to give the rest to the transporter. then about 4-5 weeks later you will have the police on your door. you will have top pay the money back, so you have lost your item and the money. i know this is true cause it happened to my mate selling hes car. lost œ5000 and his car and had to pay for a new front door on his house after the police kicked it though cause he went there
  • this are the emails that where sent to me
    frist one was
    Am Mr Tommy Smith by name..Well would like to buy your item whcih is syllabub....Pls get back to me with your last price and the condition of it...Hope to hear from you asap as you receive my email.
    and the 2nd one was
    Thanks alot for your response I am glad to know that the item is still available syllabub. The price is ok by me as I am pleased to inform you that I will buy the item from you do let me know if this is acceptable by you so that I can make payment at once which will be by a Bank Draft,i will be sending you overdraft of payment the balance will be for transport of the item to me .To enable me do so I will require your

    Postal Code:-
    Telephone Number:-

    So that the payment can be made to you with the cheque immediately you receive the cheque, you shall take it to your bank and let the money be on your account. Upon clearance of the cheque into your account, I will now instruct my shipping company to come over to your location and have the item transport to me.SO and i will give you œ100 for you to keep the item for me. I shall be expecting your response asap.
    Thanks and God bless.
  • my mum got a e-mail from Ebay saying she hadnt paid œ500 for something but it was just a scam...
  • if you get an email entitled 'life is beautiful' if you open it it deletes everything off your computer..........

    My Tomac M.O.A.H
  • I got this scam a while ago through email. After reading Danny Wallace and "Yes man" i decided it would be fun to play along, because im a saddo i cut and pasted it all into a word file...


    To Whom It May Concern:

    I am Mr. Howard Cecil, President of Britworks Art and Craft, located in London,
    united Kingdom. Britworks is an on line gallery and publisher specializing in
    the mythopoetic arts. The gallery features original paintings and sculpture
    along with prints, giclees,and collectibles from visionary artists with a flair
    for fantasy and fairy tale art.

    We want to expand our business into Canada, United States, the Middle and Far
    East and the rest of the world. We are searching for reliable representatives
    who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in your
    respective country as well as making payments through you to us.

    Please contact us for more information,Subject to your satisfaction you will be
    given the opportunity to negotiate your mode of which we will pay for your
    services as our representative.if you are interested,kindly get back to us for
    more details as we will be pleased to do business with you.

    Thanks in advance.

    Mr.Howard Cecil

    President Britworks Art & Craft.



    Note:All Applicants Should Write To:

    To Mr Howard Cecil,
    What a coincidence, I *AM* interested in selling your type of art in the United States and the Middle East, Fantastic. I would however like to know more about the Job before i make any decisions. Look forward to the possibility of working with you,
    Rob D

    Dear Prospective Representive,

    Thanks for your response to our proposal.I am in receipt of your mail. This organisation, is a registered public liability company with directors and board of management, our mode of operation is basically according to our client specification. we have workers that we deal with directly from the local set up where we handle the buying and selling of our products.We sell these products to our customers in Canada/America/Europe and middle east,on credit basis.

    What we requesting personally is that, based on the scope of this organization and the mode of transaction with our client, we want you to act as our payment officers ,as your location shall determine.As at the moment we cannot be paying you as one of our regular staff but you will be strictly on comission basis, you will be entitled to 10% of any amount that you receive from our customers on our behalf.

    Please kindly send the informations below,so that we can include it in our data base and forward to all our customers in and around your country, for easy communication between you and the customers.

    3.Marital Status:...................................
    8.Country Of Residence:........................
    9.Telephone Number:...............................
    10.Mobile/Cell Phone Number: .................
    11.Fax Number........................................

    Do you own a company?if yes please state name of company.................................................................................................

    Please get back to us as soon as possible.

    Thanks In advance
    Mr.Howard Cecil.

    To Mr Howard Cecil, here are the details you requested.

    Name - Rob D

    Address - 9 Marmerduke walk, Illinois, US.

    Marital status - Divorced/long distance internet relationship

    Occupation - Odd job man, Comic book trader

    Age - 32

    Sex - Male

    Nationality - I guess it's American (US) but I associate myself more with middle earth.

    Country of residence - US

    Telephone - +350044566733

    Cell - 064857635684

    Look forward to my first payment. Rob D.

    Dear D,

    I just received an update from the accounts dept. that a client of ours,Mr.frank Adams From Vaseta Finicial Brokers in canada has imade a payment of $70,000.Please reply me so i know you are available to receive the paymets in order to aviod loss.

    Hope to hear from you asap.



    Dear Howard (is it ok if i call you "the dragon" from now on?)

    Yes i am able to take that payment. I expect you will pay for all of my transport costs in getting the cheque or (preferably) cash. I expect $1000 (US) will cover them, you can take them out of my 10% cut if you like. Please send all money in cash to my home address.
    Look forward to your response and I'm sure this transaction will be a smooth one.

    Rob D

    P.S One of my friends told me this was a scam! How i laughed, of coarse this is not a scam! Once again look forward to hearing from you!
    <hr noshade size="1"><font color="purple"><center><i><b><font size="2"><font face="Times New Roman"> "Boggis and Bunce and Bean. One fat, one short, one lean. These horrible crooks. So different in looks. Were none the less equally mean."</font id="Times New Roman"></b></font id="size2"></i></center></font id="purple">
  • not so much a scam, but a really annoying attemptat subtle spamming...

    I had a meeting to attend to, and I needed something classy yet professional to wear. One of my friends told me about your
    website and I've seen him wearing one of your watches, but I was still sceptical to buy a replica watch. I took my chance
    though, and ordered a Rolex from your website. When I received it, I was definitely impressed, but wasn't sure if my
    associates would be able to tell it's a replica. But when I showed up to the meeting, they couldn't take their eyes off of
    my new watch. This watch gave me what I was looking for, classy style, with a touch of professionalism.

    - Jo S.,

    Go To

    Worst part is how they got my address, which i don't know how? and now keep sending them to me, all apparantly from different people

    if you had one wish what would it be..?
    "to have a swimming pool full of flumps!"
    Disclaimer: If it sounds sarcastic, don\'t take it seriously; if it sounds dangerous, don\'t try this at home or at all; and if it offends you, just don\'t listen to it.
  • below is a sperious email,in my case most of them from yahoo adds: i have also had emails from ppl wanting to buy my caravan,wen i am clearly selling a bike, Hav a read through,and then laugh at the guys method of typing, think he used a dictionary!!

    From : Tommy Smith <>
    Sent : 06 November 2006 15:11:01
    To : asa Wintrup <>
    Subject : payment!!!

    | | | Inbox

    Hi ,
    Thanks for the mail and the information given towards making this transaction a successful one .Once again is nice doing business with you i can say we have a deal.As i said in my initial e-mail am okay with the presently condition and the price is okay by me(œ150).And i will like you to know i won't be inspenting or viewing it before buying it so that is the reason i said we should carry with this deal with trust and understanding.Because am presently in Wales.Am paying you with a Bank draft as payement.Pls do not bother about any other buyer i believe things will soon work as plan.

    Concerning the shipping i will arrange for that as soon as we do seal the transaction the shippers information that will come for pick-up will be given to you. And do not bother about any other buyer.

    And as soon as we do seal the transaction I will give you a description of WHO the shipper is when he's ready to come over.In order to be a valid shipper who represents the Buyer for the pick up.If the arrangement is okay by you Kindly get back to me with your

    1)Your full name to be written on the cheque
    2)Your address where the cheque will be send to
    3)your contact phone number

    Inorder to send you the cheque. May God bless you.Looking forward to your swift response in order to hasten up things.

    Make sure you mail me back immediately you get this message.As soon as we do seal the transaction the shippers information that willl come for picking up will be given to you
  • hinz
    hinz Posts: 1
    I just got a response from my ad, but I'm thinking it could be a scam too :-(. Let me know what you think, i haven't replied yet. kfresh Lab
    Good day ,

    Am Fresh want to purchase your advertise
    still available kindly get back to me with the least
    price and the presently condition of it... Make sure
    you email me back immediately you do receive my
    message..Your quick response to this will be highly
    Kindest Regards
  • This is now becoming a rather large thread about the same emails.

    <center>When God created mountains he meant them for climbing, not to be used as glorified toboggan runs.</center>
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • Ha i just had a great one, it was a typical scam email, except it said, "i am very british citizen, born here all my life" brilliant!!!
  • Hey up chaps.. Seems this link/topic is a little dated now.. Just a quick one to say i've had some real classic scammers recently, with some really quite funny use of written English! Any one heard of a Morris James or a Tara Scott involved in bike processing? I tried ringing james once and got someone from deep Africa... Hmmmm i wonder.. And then Tara sends me an email after i ignore James.. If i can figure out how to transfer these emails and my cheaky correspondance to this site i will.. They're real crackers!!! Laters people..
  • <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by wahwah</i>

    IThe latest scam I've read about is getting an email from ebay saying that something is wrong with teh users account, and unles you click on teh link and ennter you're details again it will lock you out for ever. When you click on the link it takes you to the genuine ebay screen, but a second blank window opens in the background (and minimises) and this is used to record your keystrokes.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    its called keyhacking, i do it with some of my mates for a mess round but never do it like that, viruses are fun aswell, if you get a good spywere program it should stop it happening.
    there is viruses going round on msn messenger where friends send friends a link for a website, which asks you to save a file and once you save the file and open it, it infects your computer, it is a trajen horse virus, if this does happen do a full system scan straight away and delete it permently, when it does infect your computer and you try to talk to some one on msn it will send them the link aswell, its a few weeks old now but is still goin around

    John Francis
    John Francis