Fitness decline after Covid vaccination..



  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Had my second jab on Monday. Played out in pretty much the same way as the first. Felt 'better than usual' on the Tuesday, felt rough on Wednesday morning. By Weds late pm, I was fine...
  • Onegear
    Onegear Posts: 76
    edited June 2021
    Pfizer 1st a while ago. I was just fatigued and arm sore for 2-3 days. Did an easy ride day after nd felt a bit fatigued 2hrs in. No power degradation outside of that.
  • N0bodyOfTheGoat
    N0bodyOfTheGoat Posts: 6,083
    edited June 2021
    Back in April, I ended up being signed off work by my GP for a full second week and had to do less cyling than I hoped at a more conservative power during the following week of annual leave. My first very conservative ride was ~1.5 weeks after the jab.

    I was quite apprehensive about my second jab I had on Tuesday just gone, given the above. Fatigue and aches came on quicker than April and I had to call in sick on Wednesday, but thankfully I began to feel more normal during Thursday and I was able to do a ~90min z2 turbo ride just before dinner. But just like in April, z2 felt more like z4. Managed three short turbo sessions yesterday at slightly higher power.

    Just so relieved I feel up to cycling so soon after the second jab, because I'm on annual leave for the next week.

    FTP dipped a bit after first jab, rebounded ~3 weeks later, not done much z4+ in the past few weeks because I upset my left knee but hoping to start doing some VO2 Max intervals soon.
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • N0bodyOfTheGoat
    N0bodyOfTheGoat Posts: 6,083
    Can't edit my last post again without it needing mod approval unless this forum quirk has ended, but I joined the Zwift 1000 Newbury Velo TT this morning and completely unexpectedly, managed my first 300W+ 20mins since just before my first jab.

    Happy but knackered!
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    So I had my first AZ jab nigh on 12 wks ago. Could get enough of it. Started knocking off the neighbour's sheds to sell on, then found out I could get another on free. Just had that.
    No ill effects from first one. Minor localised firmness to skin/muscles just at the point of injection with the first one, haven't even noticed that with 2nd.
    Three hours after second one I jumped on the trainer and knocked out my 3rd best time on the Alpe (1:02:01 vs 1:00:52).
  • kageds
    kageds Posts: 37
    No effects for me after both, a different story after donating blood though, usually taksw me a month to get back to where I was previously
  • N0bodyOfTheGoat
    N0bodyOfTheGoat Posts: 6,083
    Since my post on 19th June, I had a cycling relapse that completely knocked me for the following week, struggling to do ~240W and cadence down from usual ~95 to ~80. Over the next two weeks, my leg freshness/fatigue has been all over the shop, regardless of what I'd done previously including rest days. Some days I've jumped on the turbo and felt great, on 1st July I did back to back Zwift TTs with a 10min break at quite decent numbers for me (289W for ~25mins in the second TT), other days I'm inexplicably struggling to do ~240W and ~80rpm again.

    TDLR: Everytime I jump on the bike at the mo, 3 weeks after second jab, I have no idea if my legs are going to be at home or not. It's bloody annoying!
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • focuszing723
    focuszing723 Posts: 8,318
    Pogacar had the sputnik vaccine apparently.