It's All Kicking Off in The Bottom Bracket



  • fat daddy
    fat daddy Posts: 2,605
    Instead it's turned out that the PR dudes are the worse ones: .

    errrr, as an outsider to both BB and PR ......both of you come across as dicks to be fair that have both ruined your fair share of threads :mrgreen:
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    Ridgerider wrote:
    The original purpose of this thread was to highlight the fact that The Bottom Bracket crew play a game where they go off round the forum to disrupt threads and brag about it.

    No we don't. No one has firmly established that. We only get involved after it kicks off and not always. Some threads have their own momentum. It's just an alert. It's 'where it's kicked off' rather than 'Let's kick it off'.

    The last thread in BB to be locked was in November 2014. We're obviously not up to the standards of Pro Race mud slinging.
    I doubt that our involvement had anything to do with The Wiggins MK1 thread being locked or hang on, was it Wiggins MK2...
    On that tack, you'll have to do some research where the BB brethren have been directly responsible for a thread being locked. You'll have a hard job.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • smithy21
    smithy21 Posts: 2,204
    Ridgerider wrote:
    The original purpose of this thread was to highlight the fact that The Bottom Bracket crew play a game where they go off round the forum to disrupt threads and brag about it.

    Hopefully that is now clear, and it's always worth checking in BB once a thread here gets into double digit pages!


    Well -

    You started this thread trying to portray innocent, kind, gentle, caring, comedic Bracketeers as bad people: tyrants, bullies, imbeciles, rapists, those who purvey dark onto light. The bringers of sadness, of sorrow. Those who steal joy only replace it with disappointment and the yearning for joy.

    Instead it's turned out that the PR dudes are the worse ones: within 3 pages you're arguing, cussing, bickering, accusing, finger pointing. Verbally stabbing, hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, slapping, spitting, slashing, shooting.

    Bracketeers have shown loyalty, humility, gratefulness in this thread. Our posts have been humble, supportive of all forumites. PR have not.

    And now you want to lock the thread down because it's not a Bracketeers slagfest. This is wrong. Freedom of speech is to be supported, welcomed and guarded.

    I think that this shows something about your theories, but I shall allow you to make up your mind.

    He's right you know.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,535
    A few notes on BB, from my very limited experience of it...

    About me: I post on pro race, because I'm interested in pro racing, and have sort-of-followed it since the early eighties. I don't post anywhere else, because I'm not interested in Mountain biking, commuting, kit, training, or any of the other stuff. I have ridden bikes for as long as I can remember, though never been interested in racing them. I have one bike. It's in the cellar, with a puncture that's needed repairing for at least 6 weeks. It has some gears, about 8. It has disc brakes. I'm very happy with my disc brakes. It makes stopping in the wet much easier. I don't like doping. I do quite like Sky. I very much like some Sky riders. I like Dimension Data much more. I like some of the French, Belgian and Dutch riders. I don't like many of the Spanish riders. Italian riders are largely inconsequential.

    I popped into BB as someone posted about it. I found a fairly cliquey atmosphere, where the PR forum was the subject of a lot of piss taking. It didn't strike me as very friendly, more like being shit-talked behind your back. Laughing at you, not with you. I called matthewf a w@nker. I didn't know he had a difficult job as a field medic. He still has no idea who I am, what I do, whether I'm a brain surgeon or a bricklayer, but that didn't stop him from attempting to take the piss.

    I don't mid piss-taking. I've been a denizen of the internet - and an ADMIN of a popular football message board - for more years than I care to remember. That's a long time. That's a lot of piss taking. It did strike me though, that MF - and a few BB cohorts - were taking the piss out of me based on an exaggerated stereotype of PR posters. Taking the piss doesn't bother me, but tired and lazy generalisations - and making an individual responsible for the actions of others - boils my piss and grits my shit.

    BB wasn't friendly, and wasn't particularly funny. It just thinks it is. It thinks it's the only forum that knows how to swear, that can be ironic, that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's a load of bollocks.

    On top of that - BB isn't regularly trolled by Asylum escapees hell-bent on posting 100 pages of tinfoil-hat shite to wind people up. When you get that on a daily basis - especially in the off season - then you can come back and tell us about our limitations when it comes to free and open discussion.

    Just my observations.
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  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    Veronese68 wrote:
    To be honest this sort of thing is why both probably appear cliquey to anyone that doesn't regularly post in them. The difference being no specialist knowledge is needed to post in BB, other than being a bit of a fool. Anyone is welcome over there, just join in. The humour is pretty childish, but as mentioned further up this is only a cycling forum on the internet, it's not something worth getting het up over. I have often said the tone can get lost when reading someones post, if something can be taken one of two ways try reading it with a smile on your face and a little tongue in cheek. Hopefully it wasn't intended to offend. Think of it more as a bunch of blokes talking bollox in a pub, there will be a lot of good natured pisstaking.

    The suggestion in the BB thread that they aren't cliquey seemed to be stretching it a bit because, like here, it's the same 5-10 names posting all the time with their own secret language and back catalogue of in jokes. So to the outsider it makes absolutely no sense!

    They're just 2 different bits of the internet with 2 different lots of posters, and when you stick a bunch of people in the same place for a while they inevitably start talking in ways that look cliquey and weird to everyone else.

    Case in point - when I first started posting in here I didn't have a clue what people were on about when they said "my man" or PTP. I still haven't a clue what MF is on about with TDLO (nor why people indulge it!).

    FWIW I didn't have any problem sticking my oar in on either board, not that I post in BB very much.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,535
    smithy21 wrote:
    Ridgerider wrote:
    The original purpose of this thread was to highlight the fact that The Bottom Bracket crew play a game where they go off round the forum to disrupt threads and brag about it.

    Hopefully that is now clear, and it's always worth checking in BB once a thread here gets into double digit pages!


    Well -

    You started this thread trying to portray innocent, kind, gentle, caring, comedic Bracketeers as bad people: tyrants, bullies, imbeciles, rapists, those who purvey dark onto light. The bringers of sadness, of sorrow. Those who steal joy only replace it with disappointment and the yearning for joy.

    Instead it's turned out that the PR dudes are the worse ones: within 3 pages you're arguing, cussing, bickering, accusing, finger pointing. Verbally stabbing, hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, slapping, spitting, slashing, shooting.

    Bracketeers have shown loyalty, humility, gratefulness in this thread. Our posts have been humble, supportive of all forumites. PR have not.

    And now you want to lock the thread down because it's not a Bracketeers slagfest. This is wrong. Freedom of speech is to be supported, welcomed and guarded.

    I think that this shows something about your theories, but I shall allow you to make up your mind.

    He's right you know.

    Matthewf is certainly NOT right. BB is a forum dedicated to taking the piss out of people behind their backs. They've not got the front to post their shite to your face.
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  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    Also the BB kicking off thread is well worth keeping an eye on if you're bored and want to find the best popcorn threads.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,535
    Pinno wrote:
    The Wiggins thread is dead. A mercy killing if ever there was one.
    Now only the mods can assemble the book "The complete collected writings and wisdom of weekendcyclingfan".

    There'll be a replacement. That was the second one remember.

    And there it is. Best policy? Ignore or derail?

    Stir it up. Just give us boys the nod.
    They're just starting to get sucked in again. Can they resist?

    No they can't, because they are all stuck up their own arses.

    The only reason the Wiggins thread was deleted was because someone had an opinion that wasn't theirs - ie anything that doesn't say Wiggins/Froome/Sky are wonderful and British and we must support them forever will get shouted down.
    You do realise that this thread has now been highlighted in Po Face? Its only taken them 4 years... not that they are insular in any way.

    A world outside Sky loving? No! Never! It cannot exist!!!!!
    I'll actually hold my hands up and say that WCF is nowt to do with me although I am inspired by his writings - to annoy so many people so easily is the work of a true genius with far more time on his hands than I have.

    I'll just point to the shouting down of anyone who dares to taint the sacred names of Wiggins and Froomedog - according to the Po Face boys they are not Belgian and Kenyan respectively, they are the cleanest thing since Daz, and the mighty untouchable Sky are the cleanest team ever (not mention Tiernan Locke and the others who all skiddadled when they bought in the no past doping rule). Oh, and the now fabled Courier Parcel of Doom.
    Garry H wrote:
    Somebody's talking about Pro Racing down here in the Bracket. Get them out, now!!

    It's only because we're kind and gentle and feel that we need to nurture the afflicted.

    But generally they're a bunch of thunder thunder thundertwaaaaats ho! So we'll leave them to it.

    There's letting off steam from a high-pressure job, and there's being a tw@t.
    I'll let you decide which is which.

    I don't know if this is standard for BB, or just MF's posting style. I haven't seen any BB posters distancing themselves from it though.
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  • smithy21
    smithy21 Posts: 2,204
    smithy21 wrote:
    Ridgerider wrote:
    The original purpose of this thread was to highlight the fact that The Bottom Bracket crew play a game where they go off round the forum to disrupt threads and brag about it.

    Hopefully that is now clear, and it's always worth checking in BB once a thread here gets into double digit pages!


    Well -

    You started this thread trying to portray innocent, kind, gentle, caring, comedic Bracketeers as bad people: tyrants, bullies, imbeciles, rapists, those who purvey dark onto light. The bringers of sadness, of sorrow. Those who steal joy only replace it with disappointment and the yearning for joy.

    Instead it's turned out that the PR dudes are the worse ones: within 3 pages you're arguing, cussing, bickering, accusing, finger pointing. Verbally stabbing, hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, slapping, spitting, slashing, shooting.

    Bracketeers have shown loyalty, humility, gratefulness in this thread. Our posts have been humble, supportive of all forumites. PR have not.

    And now you want to lock the thread down because it's not a Bracketeers slagfest. This is wrong. Freedom of speech is to be supported, welcomed and guarded.

    I think that this shows something about your theories, but I shall allow you to make up your mind.

    He's right you know.

    Matthewf is certainly NOT right. BB is a forum dedicated to taking the wee-wee out of people behind their backs. They've not got the front to post their shite to your face.

    He is. And you just proved it by arguing with me :D
  • gweeds
    gweeds Posts: 2,605
    What is the Bottom Bracket for. Genuine question.
    Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Pinno wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Pinno wrote:
    Anyway, odd comment considering that I know 1 regular Pro Race regular that doesn't actually cycle.
    I notice that you suggested that that was me. I own three bikes. Admittedly I don't ride as much as I used to for various reasons and mostly just use the turbo trainer, but I've ridden plenty.

    The fact is, I don't care. You are a regular here and no one judges you for how much or how little you cycle.
    There was a little bit of "I'll tell you how many miles I cycle and then you can decide whether to interact with me or not" in paul 8v's line. That;s proper clique mentality to which I guarantee, you RichN are not a part of but others might be, even if it is not explicit.
    That's an absolute load of horsesh!t and is exactly what I was getting at. You assume that I won't talk to you if you ride less miles than me from that sentence? Definitely trolling mate as that's bollocks. I'm no big time racer, I don't give a monkeys how far you ride and I ride with people of all levels, some much faster than me, some slower. I'm pretty sure a high percentage of pro racer goers are not racers but post on there because they love the sport.

    My point stemmed from your mate Matthew (which I did allude to in the post afterwards) who seems to hate commuting cyclists, cyclists in lycra, cyclists who race and cyclists in clubs. If you hate that many types of cyclists you probably aren't in to cycling and are therefore there just to make assumptions about people and stir up sh!t.

    I happen to have met a few of the people from pro race in real life and they're all decent people. I get it that you're there to talk trash about people down in the dungeon that is the BB but don't get precious when people bite back.
  • benws1
    benws1 Posts: 415
    Gweeds wrote:
    What is the Bottom Bracket for. Genuine question.

    It houses the pedal cranks.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    benws1 wrote:
    Gweeds wrote:
    What is the Bottom Bracket for. Genuine question.

    It houses the pedal cranks.


    In true BB style.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    smithy21 wrote:
    Ridgerider wrote:
    The original purpose of this thread was to highlight the fact that The Bottom Bracket crew play a game where they go off round the forum to disrupt threads and brag about it.

    Hopefully that is now clear, and it's always worth checking in BB once a thread here gets into double digit pages!


    Well -

    You started this thread trying to portray innocent, kind, gentle, caring, comedic Bracketeers as bad people: tyrants, bullies, imbeciles, rapists, those who purvey dark onto light. The bringers of sadness, of sorrow. Those who steal joy only replace it with disappointment and the yearning for joy.

    Instead it's turned out that the PR dudes are the worse ones: within 3 pages you're arguing, cussing, bickering, accusing, finger pointing. Verbally stabbing, hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, slapping, spitting, slashing, shooting.

    Bracketeers have shown loyalty, humility, gratefulness in this thread. Our posts have been humble, supportive of all forumites. PR have not.

    And now you want to lock the thread down because it's not a Bracketeers slagfest. This is wrong. Freedom of speech is to be supported, welcomed and guarded.

    I think that this shows something about your theories, but I shall allow you to make up your mind.

    He's right you know.

    Matthewf is certainly NOT right. BB is a forum dedicated to taking the wee-wee out of people behind their backs. They've not got the front to post their shite to your face.
    No it isn't. And you don't need front to post anonymously on a forum. If something is kicking off in pro race I'm sure you'd prefer not to have your threads clogged up with wee wee but rather it flushed elsewhere.

    ps. I'd like to distance my self from MF, Pinno & V68 :D
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    seanoconn wrote:
    smithy21 wrote:
    Ridgerider wrote:

    ps. I'd like to distance my self from MF, Pinno & V68 :D

    You can run but you can't hide. We know where you live.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,648
    Christ, omloop can't come soon enough.
  • Pinno wrote:
    benws1 wrote:
    Gweeds wrote:
    What is the Bottom Bracket for. Genuine question.

    It houses the pedal cranks.


    In true BB style.

    Only cos of a pedal.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    Christ, omloop can't come soon enough.

    What an omloop?
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    I know what an omloop is 8)
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    Omloop is like paracetamol. What you lot need is a proper opiate based pacifier like Milan - San Remo.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    Pinno wrote:
    Omloop is like paracetamol. What you lot need is a proper opiate based pacifier like Milan - San Remo.
    At last, someone getting this forum back to racing, thank you Pinno.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Wait for the Tour Rick. You'll be pining for the off-season when the dopage nutters appear
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    seanoconn wrote:
    Pinno wrote:
    Omloop is like paracetamol. What you lot need is a proper opiate based pacifier like Milan - San Remo.
    At last, someone getting this forum back to racing, thank you Pinno.

    Seano: 'The new PR regular' :roll:
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    Pinno wrote:
    seanoconn wrote:
    Pinno wrote:
    Omloop is like paracetamol. What you lot need is a proper opiate based pacifier like Milan - San Remo.
    At last, someone getting this forum back to racing, thank you Pinno.

    Seano: 'The new PR regular' :roll:
    No, a part of me died when French Fighter left. Damn you ride on time!
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Frenchie does still log in from time to time...
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Frenchie does still log in from time to time...

    Yes. And PMs people who say things he doesn't agree with, which is very odd behaviour!

    I miss his pictures and some of his views on racing but not so much the blatant trolling for reaction (which, to be fair, did make for a lot of very long threads). Although.... He was much more interesting than WCF. I wonder how they'd get on - both seem to think Sky are a shadowy cabal with a sophisticated doping program, so that's one thing, but on the other hand Frenchie claimed to genuinely believe Contador didn't dope.

    I expect WCF would side with him just to wind people up.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    edited February 2017
    bobmcstuff wrote:
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Frenchie does still log in from time to time...

    Yes. And PMs people who say things he doesn't agree with, which is very odd behaviour!

    PM's don't go towards the post count. It would ruin the lovely even number.

    "Cher Monsieur Pinno at Monsieur Matthew,

    Alors... "
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    I think he painted himself into a corner with that 30,000 post malarkey. Doesn't need to be so stubborn though, he obviously loves cycling so post if you want to post.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,535
    Can't say I miss FF, but I'd swap him in the blink of an eye for WCF.
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  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,398
    Pinno wrote:
    bobmcstuff wrote:
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Frenchie does still log in from time to time...

    Yes. And PMs people who say things he doesn't agree with, which is very odd behaviour!

    PM's don't go towards the post count. It would ruin the lovely even number.

    Are you planning something similar? Not long!

    Or maybe going for the big 50?