The Daily Musings Thread...



  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    TKM, I expect the pub van to be making rounds near me soon.
    Arrived at work meh to find a message asking me to go to a different work meh. That's fine by me as it's a seven mile wobble from one side of the city to the other on my bike on work time.
    Now I'm getting hungry. The search for food is about to commence.

    PS, TKM - add pork scratchings to your pub van, maybe even some scampi fries as well.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,863
    TLW1 wrote:
    TKM - Are you coming over this way with the bar? :)
    Just park the van in TLW's drive then you won't have to bother taxing or insuring it again. You could probably move into his house as there'd be space for you as he'd spend all his time with your van.
    Busy start to the day with a few large orders, now lots of stuff to sort out. Daughter was back at school today and managed to stay until 1.30 which is longer than she's done in the last 10 months. Lets hope tomorrow goes as well as today.
  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    Made a fusion reactor today.
    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll:
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    FishFish wrote:
    Made a fusion reactor today.
    I hope this is to power the refrigeration and put a frothy head on the beers from TKM's pub van.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • oodboo wrote:
    FishFish wrote:
    Made a fusion reactor today.
    I hope this is to power the refrigeration and put a frothy head on the beers from TKM's pub van.
    I like the sound of this!
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,788
    I've been minion hunting as well today. Saw a good one this morning so got HR henchmen to get him back in next week. Then have to start anothe minion hunt next week. At least I'm working from home tomorrow so get a lie in.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Friday

    Morning Losers!

    Today is my turn for fresh minion hunting. All I can ask for is not to get someone as retarded as my current one. Out of 109 applicants, surely I can't have whittled it down to the dumbest feckers in the vacinity!? Watch this space...

    Other than that, I don't have much going on.

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,194
    In the bad lands of Hayes today, so an early start was had

    Wonder if any Crudders will want to meet for lunch?

    Later is out in Crawley of all places, but with some good mates, so will be a giggle
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Morning wastes of space,

    Had drinks round a friends last night, apparently i drank too much, is this a bad thing?

    Bought six chickens yesterday they still haven't come out of their little house. Hoping to have plenty of eggs from them.

    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    KOM on my way to work. I'll have that.
    Day of work meh.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    oodboo wrote:
    FishFish wrote:
    Made a fusion reactor today.
    I hope this is to power the refrigeration and put a frothy head on the beers from TKM's pub van.

    Sht - did not think of that chucked it in the bin - black bin of course. Sorry. I'll make a superfluid fridge this pm.
    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll:
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,863
    Afternoon all,
    Been reasonably busy today, helps pass the time I guess. Roll on the weekend. Might sneak a pint with the Mrs on the way home. 24 minutes and counting...
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,788
    TLW1 wrote:
    Wonder if any Crudders will want to meet for lunch?
    Fortunately none of us are near a sh1t hole like Hayes. Oh, hang on... :)

    Working from home today to managed to get car serviced & MOT'd (didn't get shafted with extra work for once) and transported Stropteen to & from school in the process. Even got some work done, including arranging interviews with prospective minions/victims of the VAT variety.

    Onwards to dinner and cider.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Afternoon dorks,

    I've done a tip run and am halfway through tidying up the weeds in the jardin!

    Had homemade pizza last night and I'm about to smash the leftovers now so do one!

    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Wifey booked me in for personal training today do getting ready for that. Might go camping with the young un later. If I can be bothered after training.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,788
    Mother in law kicked the bucket earlier today. Wifey taking it rather well considering how close they were. Bit of a blessing in disguise really as she'd been in care homes for 18 years and bed-ridden/semi vegetative for over a decade. Now realising how complicated funerals etc can be.

    Will order take away and wash down with cider for a bit of light relief.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • M9DBO
    M9DBO Posts: 175
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Mother in law kicked the bucket earlier today. Wifey taking it rather well considering how close they were. Bit of a blessing in disguise really as she'd been in care homes for 18 years and bed-ridden/semi vegetative for over a decade. Now realising how complicated funerals etc can be.

    Will order take away and wash down with cider for a bit of light relief.

    After that long in care and in that final stage, it comes as a blessing. My Mum was ill for 13 years and didn't know who we were in the final 2. She had Lewy Body Damentia. Awful disease. She was released from it in May this year. God bless her.

    Right, massive breakfast done. About to cut the grass and then a sneaky outing, maybe 6 miles or 9 miles depending on time and feeling in tired legs.

    Later, maybe foods and beers.
    I am the Orange stereotype and loving it.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,788
    M9DBO wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Mother in law kicked the bucket earlier today. Wifey taking it rather well considering how close they were. Bit of a blessing in disguise really as she'd been in care homes for 18 years and bed-ridden/semi vegetative for over a decade. Now realising how complicated funerals etc can be.

    Will order take away and wash down with cider for a bit of light relief.

    After that long in care and in that final stage, it comes as a blessing. My Mum was ill for 13 years and didn't know who we were in the final 2. She had Lewy Body Damentia. Awful disease. She was released from it in May this year. God bless her.
    Spot on mate. It wasn't living, it was just existing. The OH is taking it very well but she's a tough nut and already organising stuff, telling family round the world etc. Once the dust has settled we can move on and it'll be better.

    Anyhow, took the hound for a walk and mull stuff over. Bloody lovely morning. Now slacking with a **** off big cup of coffee. Relatives will descend later. Ho hum.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Morning chicks with dix,

    Been chopping stuff down and doing other garden related niff naff.

    Meat in the slow cooker for later......mmmmmmm!

    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • Monday

    Mehning Losers!

    I've had a good weekend, ruined by Monday and the return to work.
    Bury won their football match, which had goals, fights, more fights and 2 red cards! Awesome. Spent some time with my dog-walking friend too, which is always nice.

    Today, I have to finish building as many computers as possible, and maybe start some soldering (though that can wait).

    This evening, I'm over to Manchester for a ceremony thing. I'm basically writing a review on it, as I've been told that speeches can go on for about an hour. I believe these people need to be told that just because they love the sound of their own voice, doesn't me everybody loves the sound of their voice :twisted:

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,194
    Tired, thought I would have slept better considering I went to bed at 8.30 am on Sunday morning

    Long day of work meh means I may miss the log burner chap coming over later
  • For the first time in a long time I'm taking my MTB out of the garage, Llandegla tomorrow!

    Looking forward to it too.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,863
    Monging all,
    Slower start than usual as I had to take the girl to school, dumped the car near the school and rode in from there school run traffic does my head in. Then had part of my route blocked by a film crew, no idea what they were filming but there were a lot of young people standing around with a woman barking orders at them. Need to go in search of food now...
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Serious case of CBA this morning meant I drove to work instead of riding. It also prompted me to order a car as well to keep me warm and dry on the winter commutes. Not sure if it was a good idea but it's done now. Soon as that comes the bike will probably be put in the cupboard and forgotten about.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Afternoon worms,

    Been getting shown how to process parts of the pig that don't go to make bacon! Strange eh! I thought all the pig was bacon.

    Sunny and just over 30degrees so the pool will feature later.

    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,788
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Then had part of my route blocked by a film crew, no idea what they were filming but there were a lot of young people standing around with a woman barking orders at them. Need to go in search of food now...
    Met a bloke last week who is my opposite number in United Biscuits which is based over Hayes way. He told me the filmed some scenes in 'World War Z' there. Maybe because they didn't have to put any make up on the extras? :)

    Average day with lots of minion hunting and some pedalling. Now a bit knackered!
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,863
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Then had part of my route blocked by a film crew, no idea what they were filming but there were a lot of young people standing around with a woman barking orders at them. Need to go in search of food now...
    Met a bloke last week who is my opposite number in United Biscuits which is based over Hayes way. He told me the filmed some scenes in 'World War Z' there. Maybe because they didn't have to put any make up on the extras? :)
    In Hayes that's entirely possible, this was in Kingston which is rather posher.
  • Tuesday

    Morning Losers!

    I slept terribly last night. Like really terribly. It might have been to do with the Large tea I drank about 5 minutes before bed. Whoops.

    The ceremony thing last night wasn't that bad actually. My review is going to be a lot more boring that I'd hoped.

    Today, more of the same, build computers, avoid the retard minion, stuff like that. This evening, I'm back over to Manchester as my friend is playing in a concert. I'm going to be dead to the world on Wednesday!

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,194
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Up between 3-5am with the boy. I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. But I did, not all heros wear capes. I still want a cape though.
    Took my time riding to work as it's a bit warm today, still arrived dripping with sweat. No shower here either so I might head off to a different site. Just for the ride and a shower.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.
