Planet X Pricing - SMOKE AND MIRRORS



  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    We've outgrown our old Warehouse and are moving to a glorious, new, purpose-built property, practically six times the size, just around the corner. Because of this, we have thousands of products being cleared at ridiculous prices. Literally everything must go!

    I wasn't going to post here again but , seeing as the thread appears to not want to die, I thought I'd just share the latest thing from them that "tickled" me...

    So......Because the new warehouse is only six times bigger and only just around the corner ... they have an urgent need for a massive jumble sale ? And the logic of that is ?
    Contrived, is one word that spring's to mind...........Though to be fair, I might be missing something :wink:
  • rudivoller22
    rudivoller22 Posts: 492
    For anyone interested the so called warehouse sale really is a waste of time. Just a pile of crap.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    MikeBrew wrote:
    We've outgrown our old Warehouse and are moving to a glorious, new, purpose-built property, practically six times the size, just around the corner. Because of this, we have thousands of products being cleared at ridiculous prices. Literally everything must go!

    I wasn't going to post here again but , seeing as the thread appears to not want to die, I thought I'd just share the latest thing from them that "tickled" me...

    So......Because the new warehouse is only six times bigger and only just around the corner ... they have an urgent need for a massive jumble sale ? And the logic of that is ?
    Contrived, is one word that spring's to mind...........Though to be fair, I might be missing something :wink:

    You aren't doing Superstar's reputation any good, you know. They seem like a perfectly decent outfit, but your "alleged" links and your continuous sniping at Planet X are putting me right off.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    edited May 2016
    BigMat wrote:
    You aren't doing Superstar's reputation any good, you know. They seem like a perfectly decent outfit, but your "alleged" links and your continuous sniping at Planet X are putting me right off.

    Well let's be very clear here, those alleged links are just that - alleged. Despite the Machiavellian machinations of Ugo and Co, I have nothing to do with the cycle industry whatsoever, other than being a customer. Obviously it suits some people to make the suggestion that I have an ulterior motive.
    Good old fashioned saying it how you see it appears to be something that is beyond their ken, it would seem. Though it does make sense that they might want to see it that way, as wasn't that the very thing that they tried to do to Superstar and others, not a million moons ago ?
    I guess my message to them on that would have to be - "don't judge others by yourselves" It their case that would be setting the bar very low indeed.
    That said, maybe I have laboured the point a bit about PX and was happy to let the thread drop. But it's clearly still alive, and that crap about the warehouse sale - I mean come on !
    Yes superstar do appear to be a decent company. And if I was anything to do with them, or any other company, do you really think that I'd lower myself to bandy words with some of twerps on here ?
    It just happens to be the case that I simply say what I think - and yes I do think thank PX have become a joke, which is a shame because it would be nice to have a descent British cycle manufacturer out there to support. And to be fair, anyone with even half a brain has to find the conspiracy theories amusing.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    For anyone interested the so called warehouse sale really is a waste of time. Just a pile of crap.
    No good deals to be had then ?
  • rudivoller22
    rudivoller22 Posts: 492
    No not really. Tempted by some 52mm rims for a build but at £75 each I figured I could probably get something better. Got some skewers
  • darkhairedlord
    darkhairedlord Posts: 7,180
    If you don't like it on here there are other forums, its a big world out there beyond your desktop. You have had plenty of opportunities to go elsewhere when you have been banned under your previous guises. There would be no great loss if you finally got the hint.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    edited May 2016
    Says the manwho started a thread about how he spent £4.07 more than he needed to with Merlin cycles... :P BTW what mad you think that the "twerp" reference was aimed in your direction... :o
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    No not really. Tempted by some 52mm rims for a build but at £75 each I figured I could probably get something better. Got some skewers

    Many people there ?
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    MikeBrew wrote:
    it would be nice to have a descent British cycle manufacturer out there to support. w
    Condor? :lol:
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    mroli wrote:
    MikeBrew wrote:
    it would be nice to have a decent British cycle manufacturer out there to support. w
    Condor? :lol:
    A few others would be good too. The more the merrier. :)
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    Filament? Oh no, you think his work isn't up to standard. My mistake.
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    Enigma. Rourke.

  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    Bondurant wrote:
    Filament? Oh no, you think his work isn't up to standard. My mistake.

    Well to be fair there is - to date - only about one actual bike out there carrying that name, so lets not get carried away and go saying it's a brand with serious intent to revive British bike building just yet.
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858

    Only one bike that you have seen a picture of maybe.

    And anyway, you are looking for British brands to support. Do they need to have churned out 4000 frames before you give them the time of day?
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    Bondurant wrote:
    Rubbish. Only one bike that you have seen a picture of maybe.
    Check it out, I think you'll find I'm right.

    Are you up for buying a firms second offering ? But we're getting a little off topic here - aren't we.
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    Assuming you are referring to the change of brand, it is splitting hairs in the extreme to suggest his previous frames no longer count.

    I have no idea what the 'second offering' bit means. They are the same frames with a different name on them.

    Yes, we are off topic. Back to bashing Planet X. My apologies.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    Bondurant wrote:
    Assuming you are referring to the change of brand, it is splitting hairs in the extreme to suggest his previous frames no longer count.

    Well his construction method changed. This is the first bike without obvious carbon lugs, so how can the two be compared. And to be honest who really knows how well the old ones worked or sold anyway ? One might even speculate, not that well - why change your construction method otherwise ?
    BTW "second offering" meant second time he used the new method to build a bike.
    But yes, let's not digress too far...
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    Don't let the lack of any evidence at all get in the way of casting aspersions on a manufacturer. I try - on occasion - to take you with a pinch of salt as your motivations against PX are clear, but I fail to understand why you would try to do down a local builder with nothing other than idle speculation.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    Bondurant wrote:
    Don't let the lack of any evidence at all get in the way of casting aspersions on a manufacturer. I try - on occasion - to take you with a pinch of salt as your motivations against PX are clear, but I fail to understand why you would try to do down a local builder with nothing other than idle speculation.

    Well you really are trying to put words in my mouth there purely for the sake of a personal argument, so let's leave it there.
    Afterall, you brought up the subject of Filment here, not me. If you think about it -and please try- all I really said was that they're unproven and so there really isn't much "evidence" about them either way. OK I did also say that IMO that particular frame - the first of it's kind- was not pretty.
    It's Friday, I off to the pub - why aren't you...
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    I found it ironic that you wanted more British cycle manufacturers to support, yet in another thread you were perfectly happy to imply that one in particular, Filament, was in some mysterious way substandard.

    With no evidence at all.

    That's why I brought it up. You put the words in your own mouth really.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    edited May 2016
    OK so I asked you to think about it and clearly thinking is not your thing - trying to score personal points though clearly is. Tonight Matthew Guinness is my thing, so I must bid your adieu - You can go out on Friday the 13TH you know - go on you'll be fine. Just tel her you're nipping out for a paper :wink:
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    Didn't think it would take long before the real Paxington loveliness started to shine through.

    Goodnight Mr Superstar. Don't forget to turn your magical wheel ruining machine off before you go.
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    Say it enough times and it'll be true ! :lol:
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    I think hand built wheels by a good builder are generally going to be better built than those built by a machine.

    What are your thoughts on the matter Mike?
  • TonyJams
    TonyJams Posts: 214
    The beauty with smoke and mirrors pricing is that the astute shopper can get some cracking deals. Sure, there's times when its not such good value, but when it is, because of the huge volume they are doing , its stinking.
    For any shopper using a tool like Bikes to compare prices on kit, you'll know when PlanetX are massively undercutting everyone else and equally you'll know when they aren't.
    (And yes you can also use that tool for price matching with who ever your favoured retailer is)
  • MikeBrew
    MikeBrew Posts: 814
    The only slight problem with that, otherwise, possibly very useful tool is that it'll only ever compare PX with PX, as only they're the only one's that sell PX branded items. So I'm not sure where PX undercutting other retailers comes into play in that. Unless you count ESCGolf on ebay, who seem to have a large amount of new(and used) PX Frames, wheels etc for sell @any one time at prices lower than the actual website.. How that works is anyone's guess.... Whoever runs ESCGolf, it's pretty clear where they're buying from. Slightly odd though. ... 1986114055?

    Frameset in the link above appears to be Pro Carbon painted up as a Viner "Gladium" , whatever that is. I do like the colour scheme though, with the Union Jack on the fork leg. A Union Jack on something made in China feels a little awkward though, when I think about. Best not to , maybe. ... SwLs5XLMSj
  • letap73
    letap73 Posts: 1,608
    MikeBrew wrote:
    The only slight problem with that, otherwise, possibly very useful tool is that it'll only ever compare PX with PX, as only they're the only one's that sell PX branded items. So I'm not sure where PX undercutting other retailers comes into play in that. Unless you count ESCGolf on ebay, who seem to have a large amount of new(and used) PX Frames, wheels etc for sell @any one time at prices lower than the actual website.. How that works is anyone's guess.... Whoever runs ESCGolf, it's pretty clear where they're buying from. Slightly odd though. ... 1986114055?

    Frameset in the link above appears to be Pro Carbon painted up as a Viner "Gladium" , whatever that is. I do like the colour scheme though, with the Union Jack on the fork leg. A Union Jack on something made in China feels a little awkward though, when I think about. Best not to , maybe. ... SwLs5XLMSj

    You do realise Planet x sell lots of stuff from other brands don't you?
  • Steve-XcT
    Steve-XcT Posts: 267
    letap73 wrote:
    You do realise Planet x sell lots of stuff from other brands don't you?

    Yes but that other stuff is never (rarely) actually available when you check... it's usually "just sold out"... OR it's shown in stock, you order it then a few days later they say "oops sorry" then try to pressure you into buying something completely incompatible buit a lot cheaper for the same price.

    I ordered some Sapim X-Ray's.... then a few days later they got back... "Ooops we only have 7 not 8 in that length"... "stock control issue".. but we can replace this item with some round spokes for the same price ... then a few days later they are showing "plenty in stock"