Donald Trump



  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    Trump is due to give his first press conference in months later today, personally I don't think it will happen, don't ask me how I know I just feel it in my waters

    Are you hiding on the grassy knoll with a rifle?
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Trump is due to give his first press conference in months later today, personally I don't think it will happen, don't ask me how I know I just feel it in my waters

    Are you hiding on the grassy knoll with a rifle?

    shhh the russians are listening.. it was more a play on 'watersportsgate' :wink:
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • Judging by a lot of the member locations on bikeradar I'm going to assume it is most frequented by British folks. Therefore, I blame you guys. :lol: All that Brexit stuff emboldened the crazies over here.

    On an actual serious note:
    What actually won him the election, with the victory of several midwestern states, is that evangelicals in those midwestern states voted for him as a backlash to progressive social policies and court victories under Obama. On a recent trip to that part of the country several Trump voters willingly offered up their reasons: it almost made them vomit in their mouths to do it, but they couldn't as an evangelical let a Democratic president select so many SCOTUS justices.

    It had nothing to do with ignoring the economic plight of the "rust belt" of the US. It had everything to do with SCOTUS picks and a backlash against gay rights, black lives matters (BLM), and 8 years of Obama not protecting the evangelicals and zionists at home and around the world the way they liked.

    Nobody wants to admit it, but the US is still a very young country. Infantile in its history. We aren't willing to recognize that the rapid social gains of the last 100 years, while great, cannot erase generations upon generations of different viewpoints.

    My theory: As rural America does not tend to mobilize as much as urban and suburban citizens, those children become adults in the same areas. The same 100 year old views persist. This quote from a famous American author sums up my theory well: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”

    Look at an electoral map on a precinct level basis. You can very easily see that the left wins urban, lots of suburbia, college towns, and much of the like. Even in right leaning states, this typically holds true.

    One may try to argue that urban and suburban folks don't move. Statistics show otherwise. The stats prove the vegetation of the rural folks and the mobility of their urban and suburban neighbors. The urban and suburban neighbors being statistically more likely to have attended college ( and thus moved to do so), or on occasion moving jobs for new opportunities.

    I feel in perhaps 10 years, the US will have to address the failures of the electoral college supporting rural areas much more heavily while still protecting those people's view with some balance.

    You should still have a voice, but you shouldn't win when you get 3 million fewer votes.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Judging by a lot of the member locations on bikeradar I'm going to assume it is most frequented by British folks. Therefore, I blame you guys. :lol: All that Brexit stuff emboldened the crazies over here.

    On an actual serious note:
    What actually won him the election, with the victory of several midwestern states, is that evangelicals in those midwestern states voted for him as a backlash to progressive social policies and court victories under Obama. On a recent trip to that part of the country several Trump voters willingly offered up their reasons: it almost made them vomit in their mouths to do it, but they couldn't as an evangelical let a Democratic president select so many SCOTUS justices.

    It had nothing to do with ignoring the economic plight of the "rust belt" of the US. It had everything to do with SCOTUS picks and a backlash against gay rights, black lives matters (BLM), and 8 years of Obama not protecting the evangelicals and zionists at home and around the world the way they liked.

    Nobody wants to admit it, but the US is still a very young country. Infantile in its history. We aren't willing to recognize that the rapid social gains of the last 100 years, while great, cannot erase generations upon generations of different viewpoints.

    My theory: As rural America does not tend to mobilize as much as urban and suburban citizens, those children become adults in the same areas. The same 100 year old views persist. This quote from a famous American author sums up my theory well: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”

    Look at an electoral map on a precinct level basis. You can very easily see that the left wins urban, lots of suburbia, college towns, and much of the like. Even in right leaning states, this typically holds true.

    One may try to argue that urban and suburban folks don't move. Statistics show otherwise. The stats prove the vegetation of the rural folks and the mobility of their urban and suburban neighbors. The urban and suburban neighbors being statistically more likely to have attended college ( and thus moved to do so), or on occasion moving jobs for new opportunities.

    I feel in perhaps 10 years, the US will have to address the failures of the electoral college supporting rural areas much more heavily while still protecting those people's view with some balance.

    You should still have a voice, but you shouldn't win when you get 3 million fewer votes.
    So very well articulated burnthesheep, we can only hope that the republican (left leaning) can put some brakes on his ambitions :(
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    Judging by a lot of the member locations on bikeradar I'm going to assume it is most frequented by British folks. Therefore, I blame you guys. :lol: All that Brexit stuff emboldened the crazies over here.
    As somebody else said, the US voting for Trump has restored world order. We were the global laughing stock for a while, now we can act superior and laugh at the US again.
    Completely agree with the rest of your post as well. A friend's daughter has just got back from driving around the states in an old Mustang. Said the East and West coasts were anti Trump, everywhere else seemed pro Trump.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • Thanks. It's also not to say all Trumpers are nutters. Some just made a very difficult decision between the immediate choice and long term implications to what they believe in.

    I feel the single most meaningful thing that could happen socially in the US, that would drive real long term change, is for there to be a successful swing from Second Great Awakening evangelism to a more modern approach.

    This may seem irrelevant due to declining church membership in the US and abroad, but a lot of the sentiments from that period of history remain.

    Here's a Wiki quote: "Converts were taught that to achieve salvation they needed not just to repent personal sin but also work for the moral perfection of society, which meant eradicating sin in all its forms. "

    This lends itself to US conservative's tendency to try to promote a morally legalistic agenda in politics: no abortion rights, no gay rights, less women's rights, patriarchal society, unwavering respect of authority figures.

    The change I would like to see is a movement away from this kind of mentality and a movement towards social justice.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Watching and listening to Tillerson, it seems that if US sanctions against Russia or Iran would upset business interests in the US he would have to think twice!!! WTF
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Watching and listening to Tillerson, it seems that if US sanctions against Russia or Iran would upset business interests in the US he would have to think twice!!! WTF ... ons/russia
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Watching and listening to Tillerson, it seems that if US sanctions against Russia or Iran would upset business interests in the US he would have to think twice!!! WTF ... ons/russia
    sad day, that US foreign policy for all it's faults chooses money/business as the driver
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • Watching and listening to Tillerson, it seems that if US sanctions against Russia or Iran would upset business interests in the US he would have to think twice!!! WTF ... ons/russia
    sad day, that US foreign policy for all it's faults chooses money/business as the driver

    When was that? 1945 when Roosevelt met with King Saud and agreed US support in return for oil?
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Watching and listening to Tillerson, it seems that if US sanctions against Russia or Iran would upset business interests in the US he would have to think twice!!! WTF ... ons/russia
    sad day, that US foreign policy for all it's faults chooses money/business as the driver

    When was that? 1945 when Roosevelt met with King Saud and agreed US support in return for oil?
    needs must :wink:
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • Well, he's live. And he starts by saying he has more respect for certain organisations who, in essence, haven't had a go at him
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  • He can't pronounce the word industry it seems. Other than that he wants the jobs back in the USA.
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  • The F35/F18 is going to be a beautiful thing.
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  • Greatest jobs producer that God ever created. (will be). But will need some luck.

    God v luck ;)
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  • The states which voted for him are going to have a lot of jobs.
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  • Questions on intelligence briefing. Do you accept their opinion that Putin ordered the hack? If so, how will that colour relationship.

    These meetings are classified, can't say. Many witnesses in that meeting. I think it's a disgrace that info would be let out. I saw and read it outside that meeting, it's fake news, didn't happen.
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  • The states which voted for him are going to have a lot of jobs.

    Are they going to be the best jobs?
  • He can tell you about outside the meeting about the stuff inside the meeting.

    And it was China
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  • The Democrats did a very bad job at defense of hacking.

    Interesting that isn't it. The fact that they were hacked is not evidence of that is it?
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  • He thinks that if Putin had something they'd be glad to release it.

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  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    The states which voted for him are going to have a lot of jobs.

    Are they going to be the best jobs?
    They're going to be beautiful jobs.
  • If Putin likes me then that's an asset
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  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    The states which voted for him are going to have a lot of jobs.

    Are they going to be the best jobs?
    there are limits to the capabilities of trump voters, but don't knock banjo making
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • Don't like the question, act like a child and talk shout down the reporter.
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  • Then randomly wanders off.
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  • At a glance, it looks like he was speaking in front of a "No entry" sign.
  • We've had 15 minutes now on how it's like a blind trust but not really one as you can't have a blind trust cos ewe is so famous and you'd find out what you didn't know about in minutes.
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  • And he's back.
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  • Obamacare, repeal and replace essentially the same day, could be same hour. Very complicated stuff. Good luck with that kind of legislation.
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