Millar and Boutling.

tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
edited July 2017 in Pro race
Quite enjoying the job these two are doing on the Dauphine coverage.

Boutling has just enough knowledge to ask Millar questions and Millar the patience and the insight to answer.
“New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!


  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,810
    Had the day off today, so watched ES as live, then found myself putting the last half hour of Boulting and Millar on afterwards, to see how'd they'd done.

    It's so much better for me, as I don't care how exciting the commentator makes it sound, I want to know who the riders are and why they're doing what they're doing.

    It just made me think, you never hear Belgian, French, Spanish commentators getting half as excited as Kirby does, because they know fans are knowledgable, and don't need it to sound exciting.
  • epc06
    epc06 Posts: 216
    Agree. Thought the same during the Tour de Yorkshire coverage.
    Millar has a tendency to use the same adjectives very often, but that will change with practice. Other than that his insight in interesting to hear and his delivery quite funny at times.
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,160
    Much liking them. Think they are getting better with practice too.
  • carbonclem
    carbonclem Posts: 1,771
    Good to see Dave back on top of things

    2020/2021/2022 Metric Century Challenge Winner
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Brailsford's Bentley?! Bit ostentatious for him I would have thought. Very nice car apart from the white.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • awavey
    awavey Posts: 2,368
    Millars ability to recognise riders from long zoom lens helicopter shots from often merely a flash of team kit is certainly uncanny, and so authoritative you instinctively trust him, unlike poor old Kirby who is entertaining in a how do you fill hours of airtime with nothing distracting stuff, but often feels like hes calling a completely different race to the one thats happening on screen.

    certainly I found myself hooked watching the ITV highlights when I hadnt planned to as it didnt sound like a very interesting stage
  • bluemoon17
    bluemoon17 Posts: 718
    Good pairing so far, quite enjoying the slightly 'amateur' feel to it. The certainly aren't as polished as some of the other pairings we've had, but that will come with time. The knowledge Millar has is exceptional, reads the race really well, and I think Boulting is good at saying the right thing and the right time. Interested to see how they develop.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Hopefully they will get ITVs TdF gig - I cannot stand three full weeks of Kirbygasms.
  • argyllflyer
    argyllflyer Posts: 893
    mr_poll wrote:
    Hopefully they will get ITVs TdF gig - I cannot stand three full weeks of Kirbygasms.

    Well there's always Phil and Paul if they don't!
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,810
    awavey wrote:
    Millars ability to recognise riders from long zoom lens helicopter shots from often merely a flash of team kit is certainly uncanny, and so authoritative you instinctively trust him, unlike poor old Kirby who is entertaining in a how do you fill hours of airtime with nothing distracting stuff, but often feels like hes calling a completely different race to the one thats happening on screen.

    This has just reminded me of my latest pet hate with Carlton.

    "Something's happened to [TEAM NAME] there. [TEAM NAME'S LEADER] will have to do some extra work that's for sure"

    He did it earlier when A N Orica was dropped and he said "Simon Gerrans will have to work harder now"
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    Are they a couple...? :?
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    The end is nigh for Phil and Paul I reckon.
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    CarbonClem wrote:
    Good to see Dave back on top of things


    How's he gone drive it standing up there...

    That is an ugly car... :shock: :shock:
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    The end is nigh for Phil and Paul I reckon.

    Much loved by the americans so I think they'll hang in there for a while. However, I'm of the opinion that Matt Stephens is now a really a better anchor than a pro pundit thses days (it's not a criticism but he's learnt the craft well) and could do the whole continuity bit with a more recent ex pro beside him

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • ManOfKent
    ManOfKent Posts: 392
    I'm of the opinion that Matt Stephens is now a really a better anchor than a pro pundit thses days (it's not a criticism but he's learnt the craft well) and could do the whole continuity bit with a more recent ex pro beside him
    Surely Gary Imlach will be the main presenter for the TdF, with Chris Boardman alongside him?

    I found myself preferring ITV to Eurosport today...
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    I'm of the opinion that Matt Stephens is now a really a better anchor than a pro pundit thses days (it's not a criticism but he's learnt the craft well) and could do the whole continuity bit with a more recent ex pro beside him
    Surely Gary Imlach will be the main presenter for the TdF, with Chris Boardman alongside him?

    I found myself preferring ITV to Eurosport today...

    Yes I'm sure he will I was thinking of Stephens replacing Kirby at Eurosport. Very happy with Imlach/Boardman/Millar/Boulting, I think there is a fair few years in that quartet. If ITV4 can keep them I certainly think the highlights show will have brilliant ratings going forward. Loving the Dauphine

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    I disagree. I have found myself switching to eurosport coverage. Its great that itv are showing the dauphine, but whilst I don't actually mind Boultings commentary that much (he was far better at presenting imo) , David Millar is beyond boring.

    I doubt they will get the bigger events like the tour, at least I hope they don't! I think whilst they might know the riders & identify them more accurately than other commentators, their tone and lack of enthusiasm will bore viewers.

    Just my opinion though.
  • bobbydazzla
    bobbydazzla Posts: 289
    I'm actually interested in what Millar and Boulting have to say, it complements the coverage. I enjoy it.

    Listening to Kirby gives me great pain. Like someone scratching their nails down a blackboard. He's horrific.
  • argyllflyer
    argyllflyer Posts: 893
    Eurosport have a fairly clear commentary heirarchy this year it seems:

    1. Give it to Kirby
    2. If he's unavailable, give it to Hatch.
    3. If he's unavailable, give it to Quigley.
    4. If he's unavailable, give it to Stephens.
    5. If he's unavailable, give it to Harris-Bass.
    6. If he's unavailable, give it to MacDonald.

    When there's more than one race on at the same time it makes matters more complicated, but at least once this season, Kirby has done a double-shift (think it was Catalunya and then Criterium International on 29th March) and Quigley even did three in a day (Azerbaijan, Dunkirk then California on 10th May)!

    Wish they'd use Stephens more but he has other irons in the fire with GCN and his co-commentary role at Eurosport.
  • argyllflyer
    argyllflyer Posts: 893
    Listening to Kirby gives me great pain. Like someone scratching their nails down a blackboard. He's horrific.

    Worst I've ever heard him was doing the Wiggins commentary. Funnily enough, he was at his best doing Dekker's attempt at the hour. Amusing, witty, perfectly summing up what we were seeing (with no reliable lap times). But with Wiggo, it was patriotic waffle turned up to 11.
  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    I disagree. I have found myself switching to eurosport coverage. Its great that itv are showing the dauphine, but whilst I don't actually mind Boultings commentary that much (he was far better at presenting imo) , David Millar is beyond boring.

    I doubt they will get the bigger events like the tour, at least I hope they don't! I think whilst they might know the riders & identify them more accurately than other commentators, their tone and lack of enthusiasm will bore viewers.

    Just my opinion though.

    I thought the opposite about Millar, his enthusiasm and reading of a race from a riders point of view really shines through for me.
  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    I like both of them in isolation. I also think that Millar has occasional gems, that do shine through, but overall, I think the partnership needs a bit of work. it is already far better than Phil and paul, but then listening to a mix of death metal, brown noise and unfiltered imbecility in a tin is better than those two morons.
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    They're very good until Ned has to call a sprint. The previous 2 hours of un-irritatingness makes up for it though.
  • yorkshireraw
    yorkshireraw Posts: 1,632
    For yesterday's TTT I can't think of another current commentator / pundit who could have provided better insight than you got from Millar about what was likely happening within the line / riders minds at the time. He did make one small slip-up when commenting on Garmin and referred to 'we' - but think that's forgiveable in his first retirement season.

    Hope ITV persist with them - Boulting's style is completely different to P&P or other 'full-time' ITV commentators but thats not a bad thing, and certainly better (for me) than the Porter / Smith combo on the tour series. As mentioned he will need to learn to call the sprints but he's a bright guy so sure that will come.
    Am guessing they are also in a studio rather than on the ground at the CDD (as Millar was then at the Wiggins hour on Sunday eve) - so the atmos will be a bit muted vs sitting in a booth at the actual race finish.
    Worry for the TDF coverage will be that the P&P commentary is syndicated for the US & Aus (probably other countries as well) for the tour so guess it reduces the cost to ITV so they may still use them.

    There was a TDF stage a couple of yrs back (maybe the famous 2013 stage 9) when they went early to pictures and we got a good voiceover from Imlach and Boardman (and maybe Rendell as well) for a while, that was better than anything provided by the P&P show for other 21 days.

    Biggest issue I have at the mo is the picture quality on ITV4 through BT is terrible compared to Eurosport HD.
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Liked the comments about the sinking feeling, when you attack 3k into a 200k stage....and the peloton let you go....
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • d_o_g
    d_o_g Posts: 286
    Yes, Millar has been excellent. He occasionally stumbles slightly when starting his contributions, but overall he provides good stuff.

    I think it's because I believe everything he's saying and it's backed up by recent experience. Great insights.
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    Liked the comments about the sinking feeling, when you attack 3k into a 200k stage....and the peloton let you go....

    Ha ha! yes that was brilliant. Normally you have to read an autobiography to get that honesty. Here you're getting an insight into what's really probably going through a rider's head other than some presumed tactical brilliance!

    He was good with the TTT as well when he was going on about how you feel when you're the fifth man and can no longer bail.

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    It does sound a bit like a voiceover rather than commentary - I keep expecting Ned to say "and now we hand you over to our commentary team..." - but it is vastly superior to listening to Kirby. I suppose that's to be expected when that is what Boulting is used to doing up until now. They do seem to have a good working relationship - Millar is happy to correct Ned when he gets it wrong and Ned seems happy to bow to his superior knowledge (contrast with Kirby who seems unable to accept he ever makes mistakes).

    I've just been watching the ITV highlights rather than the Eurosport coverage as they are doing their usual good job putting the package together.
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    Gary Imlach should present every show on TV (I don't watch TV). Boardman can sit in the 'Paxman hole'.

    It's rare you get Millar's combination of insight, enthusiasm and communications skills.

    Meanwhile Eurosport think Carlton Kirby (with respect) is a cycling commentator. Hahahahahahahahahaha
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  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,704
    Millar and Boulting were a no brainer, given the opposition was Kirby.
    Switched more or less from the start.
    I was a bit disappointed with their rider recognition, yesterday, taking an age to ID Kelderman, but I suppose that's a small price to pay for not having to enure the manic ramblings of Kirby.
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