Seven words
crotchety, irritable, irascible, authoritative, contrary, but altogetherseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
loveable old farts who we know as"Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity"
seanoconn0 -
Bono, The Edge and the other ones0
took a disliking to angles and sharpseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
objects being inserted right up their mothers"Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity"
seanoconn0 -
dark chimneys which need constant attention becauseseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
years of abuse by over zealous young"Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity"
seanoconn0 -
nymphomaniac dwarves high on a mixture ofseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
Sir Bradley Wiggins, Sir Chris Hoy, and0
Katie from I Can Cook who would"Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity"
seanoconn0 -
love to show you how to pluck0
her cherry except she's papering the landingseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
strip, deep within the wilds of Scotland0
to create an escape route for trapped"Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity"
seanoconn0 -
Englishmen so that they can return to0
the safety of the motherland away from"Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity"
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devils in skirts, faces painted with woad0
who like to eat strange things like"Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity"
seanoconn0 -
Salmon, Grouse, Angus steaks, venison, smoked mackerel,seanoconn - gruagach craic!0
but can't afford them due to independence0
but selling Whisky to Joe Foreigner hasseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
gotten Sean Connery a job in Japan0
where his minch and tatties were burntseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
and his Japanese whisky, shaken not stirred0
despite the Tokyo police banging him upseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
for having an offensive hair piece which0
got confused with a Geisha girls carpetseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
munching girlfriend's bush, which was well trimmed0
by Greg Norman who had to crawlseanoconn - gruagach craic!0
away, having gashed his hand on gash0