Henao withdrawn from racing



  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    ddraver wrote:
    rayjay = Predator

    YP = The guy with the mini gun who stands on the log with the machete and cuts his chest so that the others can get away

    Others = others

    Or other's.

    Or perhap's not.
  • rayjay
    rayjay Posts: 1,384
    rayjay wrote:
    Usual sort of responses from the same old Sky fan boys club. Ignorant and childish .

    But the fact's are the facts and no amount of ignorance or avoidance of the truth by clumsy and childish reply's will alter the FACT that JTL and Heano are 2 Sky Riders for whom the anti doping policy has not worked.

    Funny how they never had any bust's when the had Leinder's on the books.

    Jesus you're like tinnitus in writing.

    No-one wants to engage with you because you are such a polarised tw@t. there can never be meaningful discussion on drug taking with you around because you want to harp on about Sky when most people here don't give a sh!t about them but do give a sh!t about how you manage to pull everything down to some institutional doping conspiracy on their part. I personally don't care that much about Sky.

    You were banned and came back and for about a day were sensible now you're off on it again and crying to the mods when people out of frustration take the p!ss. there's stuff to be learned and shared but your interference is complete white noise.

    I'm sick of you so from me (and this is not the opinion of the other tolerant members of this forum) just f*ck off.

    Don't bother bellyaching to the mods I'm sure they'll pick up on this and I'll be banned. When/if I'm let back hopefully you'll have disappeared or been re-programmed.

    Have a good classics season everyone.


    I am someone who has a different opinion than you.

    I have not let you down,

    Those 2 riders who wore the Sky shirt have let you down

    That's the truth.

    If this was anybody but Sky you would not be so angry and so quick to rally to their defence.

    I have not insulted you or resorted to insults nor am I going to. I already got banned for making a yawning gesture.

    I have just stated an opinion that a team with a very strong anti doping policy have now got 2 riders under investigation.

    I don't want to see you or anyone banned, but I also do not think you can justify the name calling and insults that go on because of a different view.

    I'm ok on this sight as long as I agree with the majority ?

    EXAMPLE,, iain on another thread Implied that Vaughter's confessed to USADA that he doped back in 2004.
    I was interested and willing to change my opinion on Vaughter's if this was true.

    I knew that Vaughter's had written an anonymous letter to the new York times in 2006 confessing to doping, anonymous'

    So he did not confess to USADA 2004 as implied, he talked about doping and hinted strongly but never confessed.

    On mentioning that FACT , tailwind made the comment " here we go again"

    I never insulted Iain I just gave out some information relating to the topic in hand.

    I don't think the posting the truth should resort to posters insulting me. Go take a look at the thread and see for yourself.

    If Froome ever got caught doping then Cycling would take a massive hit .

    That is something I don't want to see but we are allowed to have our views an opinion's

    This is a Forum.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Its like Son of dennis :shock:

    But with more extravagent use of apostrophes
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    rayjay wrote:
    On mentioning that FACT , tailwind made the comment " here we go again"

    I made that post in response to the silly talk from you with regard to report other posts and with reference to the previous cycle of reported posts and deleted threads
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    rayjay wrote:
    Some poster's keep going on about how cycling has cleaned itself up yet the team with one of the strongest anti doping policys now have 2 riders and one ex rider all in trouble .

    If Sky are going to have a no doping policy then they should at least make sure that their riders are not doping.

    It's not working very well.

    Perhaps they should starts running tests, consult with the UCI if any anomalies arise and remove the rider from competition until the matter in resolved?

    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/sergio- ... -anomalies
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    I hope they are still paying their salary but the damage they have done to his reputation is hard to judge at this point.

    His race fitness will suffer although I guess he can treat it like a 2 month altitude camp. He may come back firing like we have never seen beforee. Quintana was back home over winter and flying in San Luis...so much so that he said he was going to taper so he would be ready for later in the season.

    I would like to hear what Henao really thinks about this.

    The whole thing is very odd to me. I suspect they may well use the results to improve their altitude simulators.

    Does anyone have any documentation on:
    -what this new altitude test is?
    -what specifically Henao is breaching in Sky's eyes?
    Contador is the Greatest
  • adr82
    adr82 Posts: 4,002
    rayjay wrote:
    Some poster's keep going on about how cycling has cleaned itself up yet the team with one of the strongest anti doping policys now have 2 riders and one ex rider all in trouble .

    If Sky are going to have a no doping policy then they should at least make sure that their riders are not doping.

    It's not working very well.
    rayjay, everyone knows that in different circumstances you'd simply be complaining that Sky's anti-doping policy was useless because it hadn't found anything questionable going on.

    Since it's not to your liking, please explain to everyone in the world of cycling how to design and implement a fullproof anti-doping policy which can somehow prove the absence of doping while leaving absolutely no scope for any ambiguity in its results, and of course including means for ensuring the total compliance of all riders with said policy.

    Or, you know, just keep making a tit of yourself...
  • Crankbrother
    Crankbrother Posts: 1,695
    ddraver wrote:

    Others = others

    The Drama Initiative ...
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784

    Does anyone have any documentation on:
    -what this new altitude test is?
    -what specifically Henao is breaching in Sky's eyes?

    I suspect they're seeing things in the blood markers they don't expect. However, as Richn95 mentioned in the Sports Gene they explain that people who live at altitude in different parts of the world adapt in different ways. So perhaps the way a European would react is different to someone from South America

    He's not breaching anything. It's a precaution; If he carried on riding and they were trying to understand the results there would be outcry
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    Spartacus wrote:
    I'm sick of you so from me (and this is not the opinion of the other tolerant members of this forum) just f*ck off.

    I agree with Spartacus
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    In addition, what is the word on his cousin? From the same region? If so surely that is a given that he should be included as what could be better than someone who shares some genes and the same environment.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • rayjay
    rayjay Posts: 1,384
    Its like Son of dennis :shock:

    But with more extravagent use of apostrophes

    I Also recall you stating that those riders who gave testimony against Armstrong were not under oath

    They were under oath and I Posted a link to confirm that.

    I was not out to prove you wrong just correcting your mistake. It was not personal.

    You don't know me and I don't know you and I can assure you it was not. I don't carry around anger or hate for people I don't know .

    I was Just getting the facts right. Not in anyway was I trying to put your opinion down.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Macaloon wrote:
    Spartacus wrote:
    I'm sick of you so from me (and this is not the opinion of the other tolerant members of this forum) just f*ck off.

    I agree with Spartacus

    No! I agree with Spartacus!

  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    In addition, what is the word on his cousin? From the same region? If so surely that is a given that he should be included as what could be better than someone who shares some genes and the same environment.

    Difficult one, Frenchie

    Sebas, a neo-pro, only been here in Europe since Jan. Not the same control set as Sergio, if you think about it, by which I mean the same experiences last year leading up to the winter test(s) in Colombia. Sergio rode in Europe last year from Jan-May, went back to Colombia for Jun and Jul, then rode again in Europe till end-Sep, then back to Colombia till late Jan.

    Reading some of the more balanced commentators today (eg Friebe), there's a view that the back and forth between Europe and Colombia for training over long periods at a time, could exacerbate fluctuations.

    Plus, pulling a neo in his first 3 months of his pro career when its not his values causing concerns...harsh
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    edited March 2014
    In addition, what is the word on his cousin? From the same region? If so surely that is a given that he should be included as what could be better than someone who shares some genes and the same environment.

    Surrrrrely you can't compare someone to their cousin as some kind of baseline if that's what you're getting at? Maybe you can, but it doesn't sound very scientific to me. We share 98% of our Dna with Chimps (some of us even more) does that mean it's worth getting a Chimp in to do tests on too? I know that's a daft example, but I'm not too sure about this 'comparing to a relative' thing. Unless I am missing the point it doesn't stand up to common sense, or at least sounds unfair.
  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    Rayjay is one of the few that made it on to my foe's list. He's just not really worth listening to.

    For what its worth it seems that quite a few of the colombians are getting test values similar to this guy ( throwaway statement i know), is it simply because they are training at altitude and the tests kick off because they get differing readings because of the thinner air and the bodies way of adjusting to it? or is there genuinely something more sinister? honest question... I genuinely don't know the answer.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    In addition, what is the word on his cousin? From the same region? If so surely that is a given that he should be included as what could be better than someone who shares some genes and the same environment.

    Would be good, I presume he hasnt recorded any anomolous values though so doest need withdrawing from racing.
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    philbar72 wrote:
    Rayjay is one of the few that made it on to my foe's list. He's just not really worth listening to.

    For what its worth it seems that quite a few of the colombians are getting test values similar to this guy ( throwaway statement i know), is it simply because they are training at altitude and the tests kick off because they get differing readings because of the thinner air and the bodies way of adjusting to it? or is there genuinely something more sinister? honest question... I genuinely don't know the answer.

    There's been a spate of Colombians testing pos for banned substances. But that's a very different thing. Or do you mean something different?
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    In addition, what is the word on his cousin? From the same region? If so surely that is a given that he should be included as what could be better than someone who shares some genes and the same environment.

    Difficult one, Frenchie

    Sebas, a neo-pro, only been here in Europe since Jan. Not the same control set as Sergio, if you think about it, by which I mean the same experiences last year leading up to the winter test(s) in Colombia. Sergio rode in Europe last year from Jan-May, went back to Colombia for Jun and Jul, then rode again in Europe till end-Sep, then back to Colombia till late Jan.

    Reading some of the more balanced commentators today (eg Friebe), there's a view that the back and forth between Europe and Colombia for training over long periods at a time, could exacerbate fluctuations.

    Plus, pulling a neo in his first 3 months of his pro career when its not his values causing concerns...harsh

    Agreed, it would be more of a point of improving test results than a gesture of lack of confidence but I suppose it would easily be construed wrongly and would not be in Seb's interests at this point. I suspect that if something turns out against Sergio, he can always ask for Seb to be tested (who I am guessing will agree) to try and show similar 'anomalies'. I am struggling to see what they can penalise him on though that isnt already accounted for in the extensive anti-doping framework.

    Will be interested to see what will be written on cycling inquisition about this.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    It doesn't bother me much, but this information was proably known to those concerned quote a while ago. Henao was for sure pulled from TA due to this and possibly earlier races.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    It doesn't bother me much, but this information was proably known to those concerned quote a while ago. Henao was for sure pulled from TA due to this and possibly earlier races.

    Sky highlighted their concerns to the UCI in Oman - Henao hasn't raced since then.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Have a good classics season everyone.


    Don't go YP! :(
    feltkuota wrote:
    Before you go.. well said. I've got him on ignore but the function only works when I'm logged in!

    That's why I enabled log-in automatically.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310

    UCI test Henao in October
    Sky see results and think 'hang about that doesn't look right'
    Sky speak to UCI in Oman with regard to the results
    Sky withdraw Henao from racing
    Henao's agent talks to Gazetta - "Here, my man is being benched"
    Gazetta phone Sky for confirmation
    Sky say 'Yup' - Henao's agent goes 'Oh Shoot'
    Sky issue press release saying that they have benched Henao and are looking to explain results.
    The emphasis is on his living/training at altitude as a explanation

    Have I got it?
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    The reputation point is a good one. He's going to need an industrial stain remover. A grave injustice if the only offence is pumping Colombian blood.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    iainf72 wrote:
    He's not breaching anything. It's a precaution; If he carried on riding and they were trying to understand the results there would be outcry

    Also if he carried on riding or perhaps racing more specifically could this not have some effect on whatever they are trying to monitor? I would think that if they are trying to ascertain some base lines or something then they would want to be able to control quite tightly what he does - training OK, but specific training that wouldn't mess up any tests - also injury resulting from racing (not sure on the risk but I would think there was more risk of injury occurring while racing than training) would mean a spell off the bike which might also mess up any ongoing testing they are doing.

    I'm totally speculating here, I don't really know what I'm talking about, I'm just trying to imagine a controlled environment style situation.

    I should also read The Sport's Gene.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    edited March 2014
    Macaloon wrote:
    The reputation point is a good one. He's going to need an industrial stain remover. A grave injustice if the only offence is pumping Colombian blood.

    Would be worse if in future the UCI flagged up a passport violation for him

    It might sound contrary, but it does seem that the team are behind him...opposite to the JTL situation
  • narbs
    narbs Posts: 593
    It doesn't bother me much, but this information was proably known to those concerned quote a while ago. Henao was for sure pulled from TA due to this and possibly earlier races.

    How can he 'for sure' be pulled because of this when at the same time you claim that the info was only 'probably' known?

    It's pointless speculation.
  • feltkuota
    feltkuota Posts: 333
    feltkuota wrote:
    Before you go.. well said. I've got him on ignore but the function only works when I'm logged in!

    That's why I enabled log-in automatically.[/quote]

    Thanks. Now fixed.
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    Here is how I see it

    SKY’s review sees something that does not look as they would expect. It’s not something obvious enough for the UCI to raise as a confirmed issue and may be so slight that the UCI didn’t even spot it (they have a pool of thousands to screen NOT a pool of 30 after all).

    The data cannot initially be explained, but is there. SKY want/need to be able to explain it for 2 reasons; 1) the results may indicate doping or IMHO far more likely 2) SKY and Henao do not want the UCI to spot the anomaly in later tests, raise a formal concern and then be left with no way of explaining the results (particularly in light of JTL).

    They have to pull Henao from competition whilst they look for the explanation as if the results turn out to be 1) they are all ****ed and if it turns out to be 2) SKY and Henao will be accused of knowing there was a potential issue and SKY of turning a blind eye by letting Henao race, a PR disaster as shown by the JTL case. There is also the possibility of the location/racing skewing the data.

    Whilst I am sure the asylum and rayjay are adamant that the whole issue means that SKY are doping, FACT. I think that ultimately it is the only sensible method of reducing the risks to SKY and Henao.

    Looks like management to me.
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • rayjay
    rayjay Posts: 1,384
    adr82 wrote:
    rayjay wrote:
    Some poster's keep going on about how cycling has cleaned itself up yet the team with one of the strongest anti doping policys now have 2 riders and one ex rider all in trouble .

    If Sky are going to have a no doping policy then they should at least make sure that their riders are not doping.

    It's not working very well.
    rayjay, everyone knows that in different circumstances you'd simply be complaining that Sky's anti-doping policy was useless because it hadn't found anything questionable going on.

    Since it's not to your liking, please explain to everyone in the world of cycling how to design and implement a fullproof anti-doping policy which can somehow prove the absence of doping while leaving absolutely no scope for any ambiguity in its results, and of course including means for ensuring the total compliance of all riders with said policy.

    Or, you know, just keep making a tit of yourself...

    I post that Sky's anti doping policy does not look very good right now and I get a ton of abuse from obvious Sky fans.
    Like I said , I am not going to resort to insults and I think that has made some of you like adr82 above even more wound up.

    Me, Joelsim, FF, in-fact anyone who post's anything that does not fit into the Sky are clean and cycling is clean way of thinking get's abuse. I have checked some of the threads , It's true.

    Your like a bunch of fanatical religious zealots. Only your view is right and anyone who does not think your way or proves us wrong , which I have done on many occasion feels the wrath of your insults

    Take a look at what I posted then take a look at the responses.

    Completely over the top and really quite nasty.

    What a shame that you cannot behave like adults and reply like adults, instead your show your prejudice and
    Fanatical views and would respond with insults

    I am prepared to accept an apology.