The way to behave

Phil_D Posts: 467
edited October 2013 in Road general
The thread titled "bad form old chap" has got me thinking.

I cycle around 100 miles a week and try my best to be polite and sensible.

It occurred to me that although I drive a car, as I have had no training on the bicycle there may be a myriad of things that I am doing that I should not be doing, but I just don't know it... yet.

To stop me getting a smack on the nose, please would you let me know the things you see cyclists doing that I ought not do.


  • Being faster than me.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • neal1984
    neal1984 Posts: 240
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    Life is like riding a bicycle: you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling.

    Scott Foil Team Issue HMX Di2
    Boardman Team Carbon LTD
  • bsharp77
    bsharp77 Posts: 533
    You drive, you cycle - you know the rules of the road, so you should be fine.
    Doesnt mean somebody wont want to smack you - there are bad drivers and bad cyclists a plenty!
    I commute every day by bike - my one major annoyance is cyclists running red lights - dangerous and highly stupid.
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    Wearing mismatched pro jersey and shorts
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    ju5t1n wrote:
    Wearing pro jersey and shorts

    FTFY :wink:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • gozzy
    gozzy Posts: 640
    Make sure there's no-one around when you run red lights.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    Why? Surely it depends on the traffic.

    You should try not to hold up traffic. But if there's little traffic about then I see no harm in riding two abreast. Just go single file when a vehicle approaches.
  • diamonddog
    diamonddog Posts: 3,426 ... w-59-to-71
    Have a look at this if you feel like it. :)
  • Barteos
    Barteos Posts: 657
    Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    what i have learned from reading these forums is that whatever you (or anyone els) do (or does), someone else will tell you you are wrong or just not to do it!! and someone will then counter that and say you should or have to do it!

    that is of course before it escalates and the nazis get involved! - a site for sore eyes
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Chris Bass wrote:
    what i have learned from reading these forums is that whatever you (or anyone els) do (or does), someone else will tell you you are wrong or just not to do it!! and someone will then counter that and say you should or have to do it!

    You're wrong - you shouldnt have posted that on here ;):lol:
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Every cyclist should have a opinion on something and not be afraid to share it. Not having the right experience or expertise in an area must not prevent anyone having an opinion about it, in fact in some cases the lack of expertise/experience is a positive advantage.
  • Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    At the very least please read the highway code again, and recognise the differences between SHOULD, MUST and MUST NOT
  • Don't nick anyone's KOMs, it's considered very bad form and some people get EXTREMELY upset......
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    Especially on blind tight corners, that makes you loads of new friends.
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    At the very least please read the highway code again, and recognise the differences between SHOULD, MUST and MUST NOT

    Get over yourself ;)

    We share the roads with alot of other users and it is in everyones interest we ride safely and with respect to other road users. The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back. If tractors can pull over to let traffic past then these pair of idiots certainly can.
  • adr82
    adr82 Posts: 4,002
    Kajjal wrote:
    Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    At the very least please read the highway code again, and recognise the differences between SHOULD, MUST and MUST NOT

    Get over yourself ;)

    We share the roads with alot of other users and it is in everyones interest we ride safely and with respect to other road users. The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back. If tractors can pull over to let traffic past then these pair of idiots certainly can.
    There's a bit of a difference between telling people they flat out can't ride two abreast down a narrow country lane and advising them that if you want to ride like that then it's generally a good idea to be prepared to pull over or get into single file to let traffic overtake.
  • NeXXus
    NeXXus Posts: 854
    Kajjal wrote:
    The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back.
    Couldn't overtake them because they were riding two-abreast - or couldn't overtake due to traffic in the other direction?. There is a distinct difference there that you neglected to include or elaborate on.
    If tractors can pull over to let traffic past then these pair of idiots certainly can.
    They can, but often don't in my experience. Again, without having been a witness to your example (perhaps scenario you have concocted) it could be assumed that on a busy road, taking more space on it is one way to deter close passes?

    Do you really want cars passing you within the white line with heavy opposing traffic? Frankly, sometimes riding single file is idiotic. But again I wasn't there, on the road or within your head - whichever.
    And the people bowed and prayed, to the neon god they made.
  • NeXXus wrote:
    Kajjal wrote:
    The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back.
    Couldn't overtake them because they were riding two-abreast - or couldn't overtake due to traffic in the other direction?. There is a distinct difference there that you neglected to include or elaborate on.

    Sorry, but this argument is bonkers. Traffic coming the other way is what it is, it's just there, but two cyclists riding two abreast can choose to ride single file if riding two abreast is holding people up. If they don't they are just being selfish and inconsiderate and making people hate cyclists.
    Shut up, knees!

    Various Boardmans, a Focus, a Cannondale and an ancient Trek.
  • NeXXus
    NeXXus Posts: 854
    wandsworth wrote:
    NeXXus wrote:
    Kajjal wrote:
    The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back.
    Couldn't overtake them because they were riding two-abreast - or couldn't overtake due to traffic in the other direction?. There is a distinct difference there that you neglected to include or elaborate on.

    Sorry, but this argument is bonkers. Traffic coming the other way is what it is, it's just there, but two cyclists riding two abreast can choose to ride single file if riding two abreast is holding people up. If they don't they are just being selfish and inconsiderate and making people hate cyclists.
    How wide do you think roads are if passing a single file cyclist with the recommended space is do-able, without crossing the white line and without interfering with oncoming traffic?

    Bonkers. Definitely you mate.
    And the people bowed and prayed, to the neon god they made.
  • kingstonian
    kingstonian Posts: 2,847
    Throwing rubbish on the floor. Really pisses me off when a rider can't just put it back in their pocket and chuck it in a bin later.
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    adr82 wrote:
    Kajjal wrote:
    Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    At the very least please read the highway code again, and recognise the differences between SHOULD, MUST and MUST NOT

    Get over yourself ;)

    We share the roads with alot of other users and it is in everyones interest we ride safely and with respect to other road users. The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back. If tractors can pull over to let traffic past then these pair of idiots certainly can.
    There's a bit of a difference between telling people they flat out can't ride two abreast down a narrow country lane and advising them that if you want to ride like that then it's generally a good idea to be prepared to pull over or get into single file to let traffic overtake.

    True enough which is why we have to be reasonable to the circumstances.
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    NeXXus wrote:
    Kajjal wrote:
    The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back.
    Couldn't overtake them because they were riding two-abreast - or couldn't overtake due to traffic in the other direction?. There is a distinct difference there that you neglected to include or elaborate on.
    If tractors can pull over to let traffic past then these pair of idiots certainly can.
    They can, but often don't in my experience. Again, without having been a witness to your example (perhaps scenario you have concocted) it could be assumed that on a busy road, taking more space on it is one way to deter close passes?

    Do you really want cars passing you within the white line with heavy opposing traffic? Frankly, sometimes riding single file is idiotic. But again I wasn't there, on the road or within your head - whichever.

    Very simple,

    The A road was busy on both sides and also had poor visibility due to winding round various corners. They just stayed there affectively blocking one side of the road winding up a long queue of other road users behind them. This is very arrogant behaviour and in this case very dangerous. We were on the way to do some mountain biking and could not believe what they were up to , including one of them shaking his fists at car drivers who beeped their horns at them.

    Your suggestion of doing similar to stop cars over taking you is equally bizare , there are enough risks cycling on roads without creating your own ;)
  • dave02
    dave02 Posts: 325
    good point about the rubbish, i have a friend who lives on a sportive route and gets well p
    off with gel wrappers all over the place, do they make a wrapper that dissolves when it gets wet ? if not they should
  • Kajjal wrote:
    NeXXus wrote:
    Kajjal wrote:
    The worst example I saw was in Wales on a busy A road. Two cyclists rode down the A road two abreast and no one could over take them safely leading to a huge tail back.
    Couldn't overtake them because they were riding two-abreast - or couldn't overtake due to traffic in the other direction?. There is a distinct difference there that you neglected to include or elaborate on.
    If tractors can pull over to let traffic past then these pair of idiots certainly can.
    They can, but often don't in my experience. Again, without having been a witness to your example (perhaps scenario you have concocted) it could be assumed that on a busy road, taking more space on it is one way to deter close passes?

    Do you really want cars passing you within the white line with heavy opposing traffic? Frankly, sometimes riding single file is idiotic. But again I wasn't there, on the road or within your head - whichever.

    Very simple,

    The A road was busy on both sides and also had poor visibility due to winding round various corners. They just stayed there affectively blocking one side of the road winding up a long queue of other road users behind them. This is very arrogant behaviour and in this case very dangerous. We were on the way to do some mountain biking and could not believe what they were up to , including one of them shaking his fists at car drivers who beeped their horns at them.

    Your suggestion of doing similar to stop cars over taking you is equally bizare , there are enough risks cycling on roads without creating your own ;)
    Holding up cars is a bit like pushing a gear that's too big :shock:
  • dave02
    dave02 Posts: 325
    there is no gear to big to push for real men arrrrrrrrrrrrrh 8) :lol:
  • Barteos
    Barteos Posts: 657
    In most of cases riding two abreast has absolutely nothing to do with safety.
    People do it simply to have a chit-chat and when challenged they use "safety" arguments and quote The Highway Code...

    Holding up the traffic and creating bad PR doesn't make any of us safer.
  • adr82
    adr82 Posts: 4,002
    Barteos wrote:
    In most of cases riding two abreast has absolutely nothing to do with safety.
    People do it simply to have a chit-chat and when challenged they use "safety" arguments and quote The Highway Code...

    Holding up the traffic and creating bad PR doesn't make any of us safer.
    Where was anyone saying it was about safety??? Of all the reasons I've ever heard for riding 2 abreast, safety has never once been mentioned.
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    Neal1984 wrote:
    Riding two abreast down a narrow country lane on a Sunday afternoon

    +1. Really p1sses me off when you come across cyclists two a breast that refuse to move to single file, accidents will happen....And you bring it on yourself.
  • Dudders29
    Dudders29 Posts: 171
    Don't go through red traffic lights, that really does boil my piss !