Sky are dopers - Oh no they're not



  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    Contador seriously, what are you saying man!

    I'm glad I unblocked you today :lol:

    I think though we probably agree that we'd rather not have Contador saying that kind of thing, though for different reasons.

    I know what you are thinking and I assure you it crossed my mind too. Don`t write it out though ; )

    Nice to see you guys getting on. Reminds me a bit of this...

    O brother Montague, give me thy hand:
    This is my daughter's jointure, for no more
    Can I demand.

    But I can give thee more:
    For I will raise her statue in pure gold;
    That while Verona by that name is known,
    There shall no figure at such rate be set
    As that of true and faithful Juliet.

    As rich shall Romeo's by his lady's lie;
    Poor sacrifices of our enmity!

    If Frenchfighter's yet-to-be lad comes anywhere near my daughter.... let's put it this way, FF will never look on a "pistolero" celebration in the same way again.

    Mind you she'd be heading toward thirty by then, so maybe I should start cutting her some slack on choice of BF.
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  • powerbookboy
    powerbookboy Posts: 241
    rayjay wrote:
    No tail wind when the got out of the tree line and going up you have a wall of trees both sides . The tailwind was useful before they hit the climb once on the climb it was of no major benefit . Froomes times up the other climbs also show him beating times of known doped riders except Armstrong . It looks mighty suspicious and you have to be very blinded not to have suspicions. Personally I say let them dope . They are not taking steriods so no major health issues if done correctly and we can stop having this debate and we can get back all our past results as well .

    So you're unaware of the pre-clinical trial drugs that WADA have been explicitly warning athletes from taking due to there unfortunate side-affect of giving you cancer? And that people have been busted for...

    Seriously, please don't say things like that. Gyms are full of idiots taking christ knows what. At least the old drugs are well understood, newer compounds are potentially much more damaging, due to ignorance about dose levels, periods and cycles.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Forget experimental drugs - EPO has a black box warning as it can cause cancer. ... .html?_r=0
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    iainf72 wrote:
    Forget experimental drugs - EPO has a black box warning as it can cause cancer. ... .html?_r=0

    Never mind that, I still shudder when I think of the descriptions of getting a bad blood bag... Cowboy medicine. Jesus.
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  • powerbookboy
    powerbookboy Posts: 241
    ddraver wrote:
    Can you provide proper evidence, which was available at the time that Leinders "dopes riders" please?

    There were I imagine rumours in the peleton. He was Dr at Rabobank during the whole Human Plasma deal wasn't he? And he's a haematologist. Doesn't look good. Stupid in fact.

    On the flip side, since he's gone, they still have a rather handy rider or 2. And the people that left are still putting in the performances (Wiggins is the obvious case of a rider imploding after he disappeared). So whatever he was doing, it must have either been very well taught to the current Drs (bad for business), or non-existent.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    No proper evidence....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • powerbookboy
    powerbookboy Posts: 241
    Contador seriously, what are you saying man!

    Maybe Contador knows he himself is clean, but a bit older and sub par - therefore there's nothing unbelievable to him about Froome's ride.

    If he was doped to the bollocks but still not within touch of Froome, he might have a different opinion...
  • rayjay
    rayjay Posts: 1,384
    iainf72 wrote:
    Forget experimental drugs - EPO has a black box warning as it can cause cancer. ... .html?_r=0

    Read your own article again. I have never heard of anyone dying taking EPO , There are loads of old pro cyclists around who doped . Taking steriods and other peds is a different issue and the cause of a lot of deaths .
    EPO could be and has been used without any consequences . Dont take drugs kids, say no
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    rayjay wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    Forget experimental drugs - EPO has a black box warning as it can cause cancer. ... .html?_r=0

    Read your own article again. I have never heard of anyone dying taking EPO , There are loads of old pro cyclists around who doped . Taking steriods and other peds is a different issue and the cause of a lot of deaths .
    EPO could be and has been used without any consequences . Dont take drugs kids, say no

    Not sure if you were around when the UCI brought in the 50% haematocrit rule, to stop riders dying in their sleep through heart failure.
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  • powerbookboy
    powerbookboy Posts: 241
    rayjay wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    Forget experimental drugs - EPO has a black box warning as it can cause cancer. ... .html?_r=0

    Read your own article again. I have never heard of anyone dying taking EPO , There are loads of old pro cyclists around who doped . Taking steriods and other peds is a different issue and the cause of a lot of deaths .
    EPO could be and has been used without any consequences . Dont take drugs kids, say no

    I don't know where to start... Are you seriously unaware of the large numbers of cyclists, biathletes, cross-country skiers who died of sudden heart failure in the late 80s early 90s. Please, please go and educate yourself before you post.

    Drugs can be taken with relative safely when their effects and behaviours are well understood. This takes time, patience, money, serious analysis and literal "gineau pigs". Things not in common supply on professional sport's "cutting edge", apart from the latter. And like said experimental animals, any number of them have died.

    Do some more reading.
  • fleshtuxedo
    fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,857
    EPO is safe??

  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    rayjay wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    Forget experimental drugs - EPO has a black box warning as it can cause cancer. ... .html?_r=0

    Read your own article again. I have never heard of anyone dying taking EPO , There are loads of old pro cyclists around who doped . Taking steriods and other peds is a different issue and the cause of a lot of deaths .
    EPO could be and has been used without any consequences . Dont take drugs kids, say no
    The simplest bit of research on the interwebz would have turned up an awful lot before you posted.
  • rayjay
    rayjay Posts: 1,384
    Pross wrote "I didn't say he came 34th in the Tour, it's hard to have a serious debate with someone who's intellect prevents them from reading simple facts. Also, it wasn't a jump in one year. He was 84th in his first Tour (aged 23 and riding on a team who's main role was to support a sprinter), he then finished 34th in a Giro in 2009 which is a respectable performance for a young rider in their second GT as a domestique for a sprinter. Those two years were enough for British Cycling to spot the potential and get him to change passport.

    If you can't see the reason Wiggins may have suddenly improved on the road after the Beijing Olympics in 2008 then there really is no point in further debate"

    Even corrected 34th in the Giro and 84th In the tour and the only impact he made was when he rode off the side of a mountain to becoming a podium winner is a mighty big step. I have not seen a jump like that before have you? I dont recall any commentators saying we are seeing a future tour winner. Other riders who placed a lot higher than him and could certainly climb a lot better at the time have still not reached those giddy heights .
    As for Wiggins, no I can't see the reason why he started kicking everybodys ass except it ties in with the arrival of Leinders as does Froomes mega jump. It's only my opinion. My intellect seems to be pulling a few of your strings or why would you have replied ,,,,back of the net .
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    edited July 2013
    Ok which one of you is rayjay? Seriously it has to be a second account! No TA Doc or Macaloon I'm thinking one of you boys?

    Seriously there is no better example of how the Doping fanbois argue than this serious of exchanges. A series of demonstrably wrong posts tailed off by totally switching the subject and then a claim that we re just not intelligent to follow his reasoning!

    Cannot be real surely! Chapeau to whoever it is!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • fleshtuxedo
    fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,857
    rayjay wrote:
    some stuff .

    You've got to rescue some shred of credibility from your previous post debacle before many people will read any of that.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Contador seriously, what are you saying man!
    Poor Frenchie, I take it you've not heard Contador has signed for sky yet then?
  • Froboz
    Froboz Posts: 32
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Contador seriously, what are you saying man!
    Poor Frenchie, I take it you've not heard Contador has signed for sky yet then?

    That would finish him off... :cry:
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,174
    OK I'll spell it out on the Wiggins front then. Until 2008 all his real effort went into riding as hard as he could for 4km on the boards. He did a bit of riding on the road to earn a living and keep his fitness in the off season. Come 2009 he had decided to concentrate more on the road, he dropped a lot of weight and rode in support of his team leader. In the process he found himself in an unexpected podium position which he nearly defended so he got a 4th (arguably 3rd) without going into the race trying for it. He wasn't at Sky and very probably had never heard of Leinders at that time. At the same time a new, big budget British team was being formed called Sky (boo, hiss etc. etc.) who saw this result and thought it might be a good idea to get the cheque book out and sign him. After making a complete hash of the first season they put everything into a strategy to win in 2011 which was baring fruit until Wiggins crashed, 2012 it all came together. So put simply someone who has always had a natural ability completely changed focus and strangely got better at the new discipline. Not that you'll pay the slightest attention as some people are completely lost to cycling if they haven't got doping.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Just kidding, I think that would officially rank as the worst FF tour ever!

    I do hope AC regains some of his previous form to be fair, loved seeing him vs Froome in the Vuelta last year, always quire exciting when he attacks
  • rayjay
    rayjay Posts: 1,384
    rayjay wrote:
    some stuff .

    You've got to rescue some shred of credibility from your previous post debacle before many people will read any of that.

    Not really. You can agree or not simple . But you cannot prove Im wrong .
    The thing with any drug is that it gets abused. Pantani is listed as having died from EPO and we all know he was taking a lot more than that. These things are never simple as the effect on anybody eating or drinking anything can be fatal i.e. peanuts . Should we ban Peanuts? You cannot stop athletes looking for an advantage.Its what they do. So lets give them an advantage, lets control it, lets make it safe and even out the playing field as best as we can. Lets get our past results back lets get rid of the hypocricy of drugs in sport.You have Wiggins saying what a disgrace Armstrong his then dedicating a race win to the memory of Tommy Simpson. Hypocricy at the highest level.
  • powerbookboy
    powerbookboy Posts: 241
    rayjay wrote:
    rayjay wrote:
    some stuff .

    You've got to rescue some shred of credibility from your previous post debacle before many people will read any of that.

    Not really. You can agree or not simple . But you cannot prove Im wrong .
    The thing with any drug is that it gets abused. Pantani is listed as having died from EPO and we all know he was taking a lot more than that. These things are never simple as the effect on anybody eating or drinking anything can be fatal i.e. peanuts . Should we ban Peanuts? You cannot stop athletes looking for an advantage.Its what they do. So lets give them an advantage, lets control it, lets make it safe and even out the playing field as best as we can. Lets get our past results back lets get rid of the hypocricy of drugs in sport.You have Wiggins saying what a disgrace Armstrong his then dedicating a race win to the memory of Tommy Simpson. Hypocricy at the highest level.

    Oh dear. So Marco didn't die of Cocaine intoxication. Silly me...
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    ddraver wrote:
    Ok which one of you is rayjay? Seriously it has to be a second account! No TA Doc or Macaloon I'm thinking one of you boys?

    Seriously there is no better example of how the Doping fanbois argue than this serious of exchanges. A series of demonstrably wrong posts tailed off by totally switching the subject and then a claim that we re just not intelligent to follow his reasoning!

    Cannot be real surely! Chapeau to whoever it is!

    Not guilty, your honour.
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  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,174
    Why is dedicating a win to Simpson hypocrisy?
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Just kidding, I think that would officially rank as the worst FF tour ever!

    I do hope AC regains some of his previous form to be fair, loved seeing him vs Froome in the Vuelta last year, always quire exciting when he attacks

    Luckily for FF Sky wouldn't have him anyway.

    Sorry FF, I know that's a double edged blade.
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  • giro-2010-st10-HENDERSON-FROOME.jpg

    I’m a big fan of Chris Froome.

    I remember watching him in the 2010 Giro.

    Dave Bruyneel assigned him the job of pushing the sprinters when they had a flat tyre.

    Froome Dawg was really good running in his cleats.

    Never thought he’d push 460w up Ventoux but all that training pushing Greg Henderson sure helped.
  • rayjay
    rayjay Posts: 1,384
    rayjay wrote:
    rayjay wrote:
    some stuff .

    You've got to rescue some shred of credibility from your previous post debacle before many people will read any of that.

    Not really. You can agree or not simple . But you cannot prove Im wrong .
    The thing with any drug is that it gets abused. Pantani is listed as having died from EPO and we all know he was taking a lot more than that. These things are never simple as the effect on anybody eating or drinking anything can be fatal i.e. peanuts . Should we ban Peanuts? You cannot stop athletes looking for an advantage.Its what they do. So lets give them an advantage, lets control it, lets make it safe and even out the playing field as best as we can. Lets get our past results back lets get rid of the hypocricy of drugs in sport.You have Wiggins saying what a disgrace Armstrong his then dedicating a race win to the memory of Tommy Simpson. Hypocricy at the highest level.

    Oh dear. So Marco didn't die of Cocaine intoxication. Silly me...

    We Know what he died of, but if you search EPO deaths Pantani comes up. That was my point. I should have been more clear on that I agree.
    Pross . Seriously ?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,174
    Yes, seriously. Why is dedicating a victory to a rider who died using a common (and not banned at the time) cocktail not compatible with criticising a rider who cheated their way to 7 Tour wins and a multi-million dollar fortune by using a drug that was banned and which they constantly denied using with threats and bullying?
  • UncleMonty
    UncleMonty Posts: 385
    TdF 2013 - Part II
    By: Michele Ferrari
    Published: 11 Jul 2013

    Froome's attitude towards time trials is well known, but these differences between climbing and TT performances cannot be explained solely by the difference in body weight among athletes.
    Contrary to the large majority of cyclists, Froome (but also Wiggins) is climbing with higher cadences (100-110 RPM) than in TT's (90-100 RPM), where he prefers to push important gears, perhaps also due to the use of longer cranks.

    The extreme thinness, even with a significant reduction in lean body mass, evidently does not take away the power in his pedaling, which is particularly fluid, probably due to a reduction of internal friction and the cost of "spinning the legs."

    Interesting point he makes about cadence, something I only noticed on this years Critérium du Dauphiné TT, Froome was grinding massive gear while Contador was spinning away (he was having a bad day admittedly), then a day later in the mountains this was reversed with Froome doing the spinning.

    Horses for courses I guess and a handy trick to have.
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    ddraver wrote:
    Ok which one of you is rayjay? Seriously it has to be a second account! No TA Doc or Macaloon I'm thinking one of you boys?

    Seriously there is no better example of how the Doping fanbois argue than this serious of exchanges. A series of demonstrably wrong posts tailed off by totally switching the subject and then a claim that we re just not intelligent to follow his reasoning!

    Cannot be real surely! Chapeau to whoever it is!

    Not guilty, your honour.

    Would the Good Lord really choose Pat Robertson to do his work?
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • fleshtuxedo
    fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,857
    rayjay wrote:
    rayjay wrote:
    some stuff .

    You've got to rescue some shred of credibility from your previous post debacle before many people will read any of that.

    Not really. You can agree or not simple . But you cannot prove Im wrong .
    The thing with any drug is that it gets abused. Pantani is listed as having died from EPO and we all know he was taking a lot more than that. These things are never simple as the effect on anybody eating or drinking anything can be fatal i.e. peanuts . Should we ban Peanuts? You cannot stop athletes looking for an advantage.Its what they do. So lets give them an advantage, lets control it, lets make it safe and even out the playing field as best as we can. Lets get our past results back lets get rid of the hypocricy of drugs in sport.You have Wiggins saying what a disgrace Armstrong his then dedicating a race win to the memory of Tommy Simpson. Hypocricy at the highest level.

    You don't know of any cyclists dying as a result of using EPO and think it's just about Pantani?

    I'm no expert but I'm astounded you know so little if you talk so much.

    BTW, what are the performance benefits of peanuts? :lol:
This discussion has been closed.