


  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    Coincidence? An earlier zinger from Moore:

    "richardmoore73 1:36pm via Twitter for iPhone

    @PaulKimmage Is it true your agent was offering your services as a pundit to Sky - yes, SKY - before Tour?"

    Suspect Kimmage fancies a quiet catch-up with Ms Millar to express his disappointment that she fed RM that juicy line :D They don't like it up them.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • DL1987
    DL1987 Posts: 204
    Need to talk to you, DM please?

    Why not just DM her yourself. Same with Moore, won't return his emails yet feels the need to tell him this in front of 30,000 followers.

    I know Kimmage took a lot of sh't from LA etc, and in the end was justified but this Jesus of Pro Cycling spiel him and his disciples keep putting out is really putting me off the guy.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    What sort of cycling journalist doesn't have Fran Millar's contact details?
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • yorkshireraw
    yorkshireraw Posts: 1,632
    The sort who hardly goes to races, and when he does he's on the wrong mountains on the wrong days, where he's busy trying to make himself the story.
    I'm starting to think PK has, and has always had, a massive chip on his shoulder. Even back to Rough Ride he seemed to believe he'd have been a top rider, if everyone else wasn't dirty. Face up to it Paul, you just weren't good enough. Same with the S Times letting him go, he sees it as personal, whereas he was one of many who were let go at the time.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    The sort who hardly goes to races, and when he does he's on the wrong mountains on the wrong days, where he's busy trying to make himself the story.
    I'm starting to think PK has, and has always had, a massive chip on his shoulder. Even back to Rough Ride he seemed to believe he'd have been a top rider, if everyone else wasn't dirty. Face up to it Paul, you just weren't good enough. Same with the S Times letting him go, he sees it as personal, whereas he was one of many who were let go at the time.

    The perpetual victim
  • jamie1012
    jamie1012 Posts: 171
    The sort who hardly goes to races, and when he does he's on the wrong mountains on the wrong days, where he's busy trying to make himself the story.
    I'm starting to think PK has, and has always had, a massive chip on his shoulder. Even back to Rough Ride he seemed to believe he'd have been a top rider, if everyone else wasn't dirty. Face up to it Paul, you just weren't good enough. Same with the S Times letting him go, he sees it as personal, whereas he was one of many who were let go at the time.
    The guy is a prat but I don't think that's fair. In Rough Ride he mentions constantly that he had "no class" as a rider, unlike Roche and Kelly (whom it is fair to assume he knew were doping, but he still acknowledged their greater talent). He saw simply finishing the tour as an amazing achievement to be proud of, which it is. That doesn't sound like the attitude of a man who thought he would have been a great if there was any justice.
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Macaloon wrote:
    Coincidence? An earlier zinger from Moore:

    "richardmoore73 1:36pm via Twitter for iPhone

    @PaulKimmage Is it true your agent was offering your services as a pundit to Sky - yes, SKY - before Tour?"

    Suspect Kimmage fancies a quiet catch-up with Ms Millar to express his disappointment that she fed RM that juicy line :D They don't like it up them.
    @JournalVelo: ..and then Kimmage's agent phoned up Sky News and offered his services as a cycling pundit! http://t.co/UAEntFiBD0
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    I have tremendous respect for Kimmage for having ridden the Tour. I also thought Rough Ride was a great read but if he wants a future in cycling whether it is as a writer or a pundit then he needs to stop being such a one trick pony...and bloody hypocrite if it's true about trying to get a job as a Sky pundit.

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition