Is my life less valuable than a police officer?



  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    Boy, you take yourself too seriously and what I said too seriously too.
    It was a loose, humoured generalisation in Cake Stop with a wink icon at the end of it. How you can jump to conclusions about me or be offended by it, I do not know.

    There is so much irony in this paragraph I'm nearly lost for words, but just to say you don't always have to put a smiley or wink at the end of a sentence to let people know that you're being humorous. Some people are intelligent and can work it out for themselves. If they can't it's probably because it's not funny! There are the odd occasions when a person is just too stupid to get some jokes though.

    Too stupid to get a disrespectful "joke"?

    The levels of stupidity in this thread amaze me.

    I may not have grown up on a council estate, but people know exactly the type of people I am speaking of. The ones who sit around spewing disrespect to things for no reason, with pure prejudice against specific types of people. Sadly, a large majority of the ones who do this come from Council Estates, do not read this as council house. If you are as well travelled as you say Pinarello, you would have learned there are no great countries and no crap ones, everywhere has twats, but to call us all twats with a few exceptions is a bit harsh. It is fair enough that you hate the incidious parts of the culture, which has spread violently, you just need to remember those factors all come from a very select group of people that even the American population dislikes. These groups have their roots all over the world, and I see it wrong as well, are not solely to blame. You can put just as much blame on the reasons those ideas exist there on the people who idolise it and want it there. Still though, this is not a fault of Americas.

    With regards to your "wtf is this crap comment", you stated Americans are all twats and I asked: why, what Americans have you met that have been twats? To which I got a story about your stepfather, and about people on safaris in Africa that have no connection to the promotion of disrespect towards Americans.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Too stupid to get a disrespectful "joke"?

    What makes you think it refers to you? Was I quoting you in the post?

    As for your comments regarding council estates or council houses (what difference that makes I've got no idea!) may I suggest you stop repeating this ridiculous crap as you are in danger of making yourself sound like an imbecile now. The kind of housing someone has been brought up in has no bearing on the level of stupidity or ignorance they are capable of showing, you will find such attitudes just as easily behind gated estates or stately homes.

    How else can I put it? It's a bit like just because you're an American doesn't necessarily make you a tw4t does it?
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,516
    Boy... know.

    Some people are intelligent and can work it out for themselves.Are you sure ?

    ...To which I got a story about your stepfather, and about people on safaris in Africa that have no connection to the promotion of disrespect towards Americans...

    This was illustrating the fact that I have met many different Americans. Did you actually read what I wrote?
    Mountainmoster: He who doth protest too much?

    You have also conveniently avoided my challenge:

    Qualify your charge that I 'hate' Americans. To say that they are a race of tw4ts is quite different from saying that I hate them. As I have illustrated, I have met many Americans from many backgrounds.
    I am also a socialist and a staunch Europhile. US foreign policy has been highly questionable and seen as the American people vote each administration in, I can only summise that:
    A) They do not know wtf is going on in the world or
    B) They don't actually care or
    C) They endorse the continual interference with foreign governments (like us too by the same token) on the basis that their way is the only way.

    Which means that:
    A) There are a few individuals (insufficient in number to change a culture) who are decent, moral, intelligent and sentient but the rest of them have not got a clue so:
    B) I stand by my original comment.

    The intellectual 'woolly liberals' in the US do not get a chance to form US policy and are often drowned out because (and it has been said) that American administrations are run by the elite for the elite.
    Unfortunately, we in the UK seem to be going down the same route.

    Currently, people in the US are suing the ass off BP. What about the victims of Bhopal? How about the Haitian disaster where $320 million was raised by American charities/contributions and 95% went to private US contractors to re-build the place?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228

    Some people are intelligent and can work it out for themselves.Are you sure ?

    Yes I am very sure, even though I've discovered that you do need them to recognise humour.
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    Boy... know.

    Some people are intelligent and can work it out for themselves.Are you sure ?

    ...To which I got a story about your stepfather, and about people on safaris in Africa that have no connection to the promotion of disrespect towards Americans...

    This was illustrating the fact that I have met many different Americans. Did you actually read what I wrote?
    Mountainmoster: He who doth protest too much?

    You have also conveniently avoided my challenge:

    Qualify your charge that I 'hate' Americans. To say that they are a race of tw4ts is quite different from saying that I hate them. As I have illustrated, I have met many Americans from many backgrounds.
    I am also a socialist and a staunch Europhile. US foreign policy has been highly questionable and seen as the American people vote each administration in, I can only summise that:
    A) They do not know wtf is going on in the world or
    B) They don't actually care or
    C) They endorse the continual interference with foreign governments (like us too by the same token) on the basis that their way is the only way.

    Which means that:
    A) There are a few individuals (insufficient in number to change a culture) who are decent, moral, intelligent and sentient but the rest of them have not got a clue so:
    B) I stand by my original comment.

    The intellectual 'woolly liberals' in the US do not get a chance to form US policy and are often drowned out because (and it has been said) that American administrations are run by the elite for the elite.
    Unfortunately, we in the UK seem to be going down the same route.

    Currently, people in the US are suing the ass off BP. What about the victims of Bhopal? How about the Haitian disaster where $320 million was raised by American charities/contributions and 95% went to private US contractors to re-build the place?

    Sorry, I thought I had written that I thought hate was the wrong word to use, but somehow managed to either delete it or I forgot to write it in.

    Don't forget the large gap that appears between what candidates for administrations promise the public, what they don't mention, and what they don't deliver on. I know of some administrations here in the UK that once had the support of the public because they believed it was the right thing at the time,but things did not work our the way they thought they would. Remember Margaret Thatcher era? The point is that does not make the American public twats, unless of course you would say the British public are twarts for their elections as well, but you wouldn't would you, as that touches just as close to home?

    With regards to the Haitian rebuilding. The country can not finance their own rebuilding of infrastructure and housing due to lack of finance, and I can guarantee that the people who lost their homes and had them rebuilt for them free of charge, and often of a higher quality than before, do not care about who did the work as they are grateful to have a home again. Also do not forget the same drives were made in the UK, with UK companies getting the contracts. Is there something wrong with that as well?

    You are saying we are all twats for doing the same things Britain has done and had problems with. So does that mean by power of your own logic that the British are twats as a culture? Of course not, because they are not twats, and neither are the American. Try and apply your logic more uniform the next time you want to disrespect cultures.
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    Too stupid to get a disrespectful "joke"?

    What makes you think it refers to you? Was I quoting you in the post?

    As for your comments regarding council estates or council houses (what difference that makes I've got no idea!) may I suggest you stop repeating this ridiculous crap as you are in danger of making yourself sound like an imbecile now. The kind of housing someone has been brought up in has no bearing on the level of stupidity or ignorance they are capable of showing, you will find such attitudes just as easily behind gated estates or stately homes.

    How else can I put it? It's a bit like just because you're an American doesn't necessarily make you a tw4t does it?

    I am American, therefore I felt it refers to me.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Too stupid to get a disrespectful "joke"?

    What makes you think it refers to you? Was I quoting you in the post?

    As for your comments regarding council estates or council houses (what difference that makes I've got no idea!) may I suggest you stop repeating this ridiculous crap as you are in danger of making yourself sound like an imbecile now. The kind of housing someone has been brought up in has no bearing on the level of stupidity or ignorance they are capable of showing, you will find such attitudes just as easily behind gated estates or stately homes.

    How else can I put it? It's a bit like just because you're an American doesn't necessarily make you a tw4t does it?

    I am American, therefore I felt it refers to me.

    It didn't.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,516
    Boy... know.

    Some people are intelligent and can work it out for themselves.Are you sure ?

    ...To ... Americans...

    Remember Margaret Thatcher era? I'll never f*cking forget itThe point is that does not make the American public twats, unless of course you would say the British public are twarts for their elections as well, but you wouldn't would you, as that touches just as close to home? Quite a few voted UKIP - so I don't take offence to that.

    With regards to the Haitian rebuilding. The country can not finance their own rebuilding of infrastructure and housing due to lack of finance, and I can guarantee that the people who lost their homes and had them rebuilt for them free of charge, Oh yeah fine - put the money back into the pockets of rich Americans running big companies - the elite for the elite.

    You are saying we are all twats for doing the same things Britain has done and had problems with Yep. So does that mean by power of your own logic that the British are twats as a culture For voting for Thatcher and the ilk - absolutely? Of course not, because they are not twats they are, but they are our twats, and neither are the American. Try and apply your logic more uniform the next time you want to disrespect cultures*.

    *Naughty me, disrespecting cultures.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    Boy... know.

    Some people are intelligent and can work it out for themselves.Are you sure ?

    ...To ... Americans...

    Remember Margaret Thatcher era? I'll never f*cking forget itThe point is that does not make the American public twats, unless of course you would say the British public are twarts for their elections as well, but you wouldn't would you, as that touches just as close to home? Quite a few voted UKIP - so I don't take offence to that.

    With regards to the Haitian rebuilding. The country can not finance their own rebuilding of infrastructure and housing due to lack of finance, and I can guarantee that the people who lost their homes and had them rebuilt for them free of charge, Oh yeah fine - put the money back into the pockets of rich Americans running big companies - the elite for the elite.

    You are saying we are all twats for doing the same things Britain has done and had problems with Yep. So does that mean by power of your own logic that the British are twats as a culture For voting for Thatcher and the ilk - absolutely? Of course not, because they are not twats they are, but they are our twats, and neither are the American. Try and apply your logic more uniform the next time you want to disrespect cultures*.

    *Naughty me, disrespecting cultures.

    I love how all of the disrespect only applies to other cultures, but you are in agreement the same problems exist here and yet that despite your heavy criticism of it, it does not apply to yourself. Absolute joke that your mentality is that broken you'll tar people for something and not yourself.

    I also love how you deleted the part that the UK did the same with natural disaster response, but that doesn't matter because it your birth land in question.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508

    Firstly, my first stepfather was a man called Stirling Doughty. He sold his farm in Napa valley California. Sold out because of an acrimonious divorce and the mafia. Walked away from it all. Died in Januray 1979. He was a good man. Much missed.

    This is a blatant lie, Stirling Doughty, or dad as we called him was a bartender/mop head repair man in Stoke who discovered elasticated underpant syndrome.

    And anyway - that ^^^ is the opening paragraph of chapter 4 of Mario Puzo's The Godfather - entitled "io sono tacchetto, io sono un bugiardo"

    so there.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    LOL Pinarello, disrespectful, a lier and a cheat. This ended interesting!
  • What gets me too is when you get a story of someone who is killed or dies and they go into how full of life they were or how much potential they had etc etc. Its adding a crazy subjectivism to the whole thing.
    We are going down the American route unfortunately.

    How is that an American thing to say? I've heard it from Thailand, India, Austria, the UK, the US and many other places. Why do you hate Americans so much?

    You get me wrong.
    As a race of people, the British are great except for a few individuals who are complete tw4ts.
    As a race of people, the Amerians are a race of tw4ts, however you do get some great individuals. :wink:

    wrong, in fact id say its the ther way around...
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    I am not so sure the precentages differ, but there are obviously ALOT more Americans than there are British, so even with the same percentage of tw4ts, the actual numbers would be higher in America - and the tw4ts tend to get noticed more, so on the surface it might seem like there are more of them.

    However, the stereotype (which I think has some credibility) is that Americans are more neurotic, brash and louder. There is a suggestion that they are also more self-opinionated, but I think this is just because they are more likely to express their self-opinion.

    The sterotype British is that we are more shy and reserved. We may be equally self-opinionated but are less likely to express this. As such, our personality traits are less obvious and less likely to offend or annoy. Doesnt mean they are any better, but less noticeable.
  • lucan2
    lucan2 Posts: 294
    At risk of getting this thread back on topic, and to answer the OP - Yes.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    Ignore him, ^^^ he;s a tw4t :roll: :D:lol::mrgreen:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,516
    LOL Pinarello, disrespectful (1), a lier(2)and a cheat(3). This ended interesting!

    This ending is interesting...


    The ending is interesting...


    This had an interesting ending...

    Time to get the tea back out of the harbour methinks; that damn colony accross the pond has gone t1ts up.

    (1) Disrespectful ? - Any race of people who voted for George dublya speaks for itself and the odd tw4t who voted for Blair speaks for itself too.
    (2) I don't play the lier - thats IRISH
    (3) Cheating ? I only take drugs on a Sunday after mass and before 8 pints of McEwans 80sh:-, 2 kebabs and a visit to the local brothel staffed by Bulgarians and other Eastern Europeans with 'mixed' descent and knock up prices.

    Cleats quip about the bartender was metaphorical. The plagiarism out of the godfather was contaminated.

    Very philosophical apreader - be careful though. I have had to re-direct all the American hate mail through an agency and I have built a Nuclear bunker in case they start bombing Scotland. To which this would be ironical considering I was born in Kenya. If MM drags my Kwazungu Kenyan tribe into the mix, it truly will be a World War.
    In the inevitable invasion after 5 years of attrition, we shall resort to passive resistance under the slogan - 'You can't bomb us, we're pi$$ed' and you'll have nothing to preside over.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Lucan2 wrote:
    At risk of getting this thread back on topic, and to answer the OP - Yes.
    Well, funnily enough I don't think it is.

    But thanks for answering the question (unless you're one of them american twats. :wink::lol: ) Where did that tangent come from?
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    LOL Pinarello, disrespectful (1), a lier(2)and a cheat(3). This ended interesting!

    This ending is interesting...


    The ending is interesting...


    This had an interesting ending...

    Time to get the tea back out of the harbour methinks; that damn colony accross the pond has gone t1ts up.

    (1) Disrespectful ? - Any race of people who voted for George dublya speaks for itself and the odd tw4t who voted for Blair speaks for itself too.
    (2) I don't play the lier - thats IRISH
    (3) Cheating ? I only take drugs on a Sunday after mass and before 8 pints of McEwans 80sh:-, 2 kebabs and a visit to the local brothel staffed by Bulgarians and other Eastern Europeans with 'mixed' descent and knock up prices.

    Cleats quip about the bartender was metaphorical. The plagiarism out of the godfather was contaminated.

    Very philosophical apreader - be careful though. I have had to re-direct all the American hate mail through an agency and I have built a Nuclear bunker in case they start bombing Scotland. To which this would be ironical considering I was born in Kenya. If MM drags my Kwazungu Kenyan tribe into the mix, it truly will be a World War.
    In the inevitable invasion after 5 years of attrition, we shall resort to passive resistance under the slogan - 'You can't bomb us, we're pi$$ed' and you'll have nothing to preside over.

    LOL! Entertaining to say the least!
  • lucan2
    lucan2 Posts: 294
    Lucan2 wrote:
    At risk of getting this thread back on topic, and to answer the OP - Yes.
    Well, funnily enough I don't think it is.

    But thanks for answering the question (unless you're one of them american twats. :wink::lol: ) Where did that tangent come from?

    That's because we are both looking at this from different perspectives (albeit from the same side of the pond). You see, I don't know you, nor what purpose you serve in society, but I know the purpose of the police officer and he's one of society's good guys who will come to my aid when I am in need. Therefore, I consider his life to be more 'valuable' than yours. I do, of course, understand why you don't see it that way - it's because your life is pretty important to you, if to none of the rest of us.

    Hot-diggidy damn and yeehaaaa!
  • lucan2
    lucan2 Posts: 294
    Ignore him, ^^^ he;s a tw4t :roll: :D:lol::mrgreen:

    Thanks Cleat. On your recommendation, I am going to ignore myself for the rest of the evening.

    Having said that, this tw4t did ride Shaley, Hunters, Roby Mill, Farley Lane/Crow Lane and the Beacon on Monday, so I'm a sore (but slightly smug) tw4t 8)
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Lucan2 wrote:
    Lucan2 wrote:
    At risk of getting this thread back on topic, and to answer the OP - Yes.
    Well, funnily enough I don't think it is.

    But thanks for answering the question (unless you're one of them american twats. :wink::lol: ) Where did that tangent come from?

    That's because we are both looking at this from different perspectives (albeit from the same side of the pond). You see, I don't know you, nor what purpose you serve in society, but I know the purpose of the police officer and he's one of society's good guys who will come to my aid when I am in need. Therefore, I consider his life to be more 'valuable' than yours. I do, of course, understand why you don't see it that way - it's because your life is pretty important to you, if to none of the rest of us.

    Hot-diggidy damn and yeehaaaa!
    So why not the whole life sentence for someone who kills a fireman or a lifeboatman? Both will come to a total strangers aid when in need. I'm only a humble engineer but I am one of lifes good guys (I think :? depends how you define "good guy"). As I've already said when you sign up to the force you do it in full knowledge you'll be dealing with some of lifes scum, and all that that brings.
    Couple of years ago I stepped in when a cashier in the local off licence was being threatened by a group of tw@ts. Had one of them murdered me (bit drastic I know) even though I was going to a strangers aid no full life sentence.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564
    edited May 2013
    I'm not sure that anyone thinking of murdering a police officer is going to be thinking of the possible consequences anyway... I can't imagine for a moment that someone is going to think 'hum, well I was going to stab that officer in the neck but because of Mrs May I'd better put the knife down.'
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,516

    Glad the guy is still alive - if he was killed, would the woman in question be charged with murder ? Will she be charged with attempted murder ?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564

    Glad the guy is still alive - if he was killed, would the woman in question be charged with murder ? Will she be charged with attempted murder ?

    Totally misposted!
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,516

    Glad the guy is still alive - if he was killed, would the woman in question be charged with murder ? Will she be charged with attempted murder ?

    Totally misposted!

    How does this forum thingy work ?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    Lucan2 wrote:
    Ignore him, ^^^ he;s a tw4t :roll: :D:lol::mrgreen:

    Thanks Cleat. On your recommendation, I am going to ignore myself for the rest of the evening.

    Having said that, this tw4t did ride Shaley, Hunters, Roby Mill, Farley Lane/Crow Lane and the Beacon on Monday, so I'm a sore (but slightly smug) tw4t 8)

    hehe yes I saw no one turned up for the saturday ride :lol:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Vino'sGhost
    Vino'sGhost Posts: 4,129
    I appreciate the police are there to "Protect and serve" but if the home secretary has her way the killing of a police officer will carry a mandatory life imprisonment tariff. However if I were to get murdered (perhaps defending an elderly person from attack, who knows) the sentence is up for debate.

    Now I'm not being funny but, I think the loss of me to my family would be every bit as devastating to them as sharon beshenivsky's awful loss was to hers.

    I'm not saying that the life tariff would be wrong, but when you join the force you do so with full knowledge (I hope) of what you're signing up to. One of the reasons I never joined the police force or armed forces.

    Quite agree, they know what theyre signing up for and we shouldn't provide protection by making killing or maiming a police officer or soldier (ergo the state) an even more serious affair. we dont need deterrents. In fact we spend a lot of money on protective clothing. they know a riot or shrapnell is going to hurt they should buy their own or stop whinging. in fact its their own fault for protecting spineless bafoons like the op
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,740
    I can't believe I missed the Pinarello bashing! There really should be some kind of forum alert when it's kicking off.

    And what's wrong with Eastenders!!?! You just started World War 3 my humourless friend!
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    Well, other than the fact it is a TV programme, it is a TV programme designer to take your life away (not in the sense we have been using in this thread). Why would I want to watch a programme every single day for the rest of my life with no end to it, with nothing interesting happen? That's just my personal opinion though, I know tons of people like it!
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,740
    Nothing interesting happens!?

    Gary making a pass at Tina
    Peter Barlow's struggling business
    Gail taking her job too seriously
    Roy's dad dying
    Katy and Liam.....
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי