1 month on the trainer and its getting better



  • p1tse wrote:
    Time spent on the turbo is a pretty pointless measure, as others have indicated.

    The trick to turbo training is intensity, not the quantum of time spent on it. I have a turbo trainer which I use in the evenings after work (I have a 1hr + train commute to London so I use it in the winter evenings) as I find the turbo is easier to measure my high intensity interval training sessions perscribed by a coach.

    I would never judge a turbo training session by how much time I spent on the bike, the best measure for your purposes (loosing weight and gaining fitness) is calories burnt. Therefore a 40 minute structured interval session with efforts above threshold (seperated by recovery intervals) would do you more good than a constant 40 minute at a sustainable pace.

    To begin with, buy a couple of turbo training DVDs (such as spinnervals) or, even better, download some sufferfest dvds. You'll find that these will make a lot of difference to your sessions.

    And another snippet of advice...at the weekends go out on the road on your training bike for short rides (sub-10km if need be) just to slowly build up your confidence, then you won't worry about the weaher spoiling your AR4. Using the turbo as you are really isn't helping your balance or 'on-road' confidence at all.

    I'm medium built
    Wouldn't say skinny or fat, I'm one who can eat loads and not put any weight on
    I've never understood or counted calories, but is the statement above correct on calories burnt as a measure of fitness

    I'm not very fit, in the legs or lungs so want to improve

    I never said calories burnt is the best measure for fitness, I said it was the best measure for the OP's purposes, which as he has said is weight loss.

    Fitness is too vague a term to offer specific advice on. It depends on your targets/goals such as a sportive, race etc. If the goal is just to get 'fit' in a generic sense than all I would suggest is to ride your bike as often as possible, join a club and enjoy the social side of the sport, and then after you can keep up with a club run competently look at where you want to go with your fitness, a sportive, or even a race etc.

    I structure my training around specific goals. At the moment I'm doing specific HR interval training as perscribed by my coach to boost my FPT (functional power threshold) for the start of the spring road race season. Therefore, my measure of fitness for the moment is HR, with intervals structured at boosting my HR threshold with up and under threshold intervals. If I were a richer man I would invest in a power meter which is undoubtedly the best measure of 'fitness'.
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • Slowbike wrote:
    Imposter wrote:
    Slowbike wrote:
    Doing fast sprints and interval training is going to do little for your weight loss

    except burn more calories - which I believe is good for weight loss ;)

    Probably less overall though as he exhausts himself on one sprint and then can't make the next ...

    tortoise and the hare ...

    You seem to be doing a good job at ignoring and disregarding proven sport science research, well done!

    Calories burnt is a direct result of HR. If you spend 40 min spinning at sub 130bpm (let's use this for the purposes of example) you will burn less calories then if you do a structured 40min session like this:
    3 minutes @155bpm with 2 minutes recovery spin on a low gear x 8 times.
    The recovery spin will allow your HR to drop towards resting (though not all the way to it) whilst still burning more calories than your 40min spin @ 130bpm.

    Exhaustion happens when your power output exceeds what you are physically capable of, not necessarily your HR. therefore you can do the interval efforts on a lower gear (lower power output) if you can still achieve the desired HR (higher calorie burn) and avoid exhaustion during the session, achieving a higher overall calorie burn and greater weight loss.

    I don't claim to be an expert, and there will be other schools of thought contrary to the above, but I know at least that sessions similar to that above will achieve greater weight loss and 'fitness' than your approach...
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • VTech wrote:
    pride4ever wrote:
    Turbo trainers should only be used by non pro's for brutal sprint interval training, anything else is a waste of time and energy, unless of course youve had weeks of foul weather in which case its ok to spin for 30/40 minutes or so.

    I dont understand that (even though almost all of you agree).
    Only a few weeks ago I couldnt do a couple of km, now im knocking out 20km+ for fun.
    Its got to be doing something ? 20km+ cant be placebo !

    Any progress is good progress, and you'll see big leaps in gains like this initially as you start from scratch.

    However, as I've said before, time and distance (which is never accurate on a turbo anyway) are not worthy measures on a turbo. Yes if you can sit on a turbo for longer (time) or if Tacx says you cycled for 'longer' (again be wary of using distances on turbos as measures of progress as they are misleading) then this can be seen as small progress but the key to turbo work is intensity. If you want to use distance as a tracker of progress then track distance on the road and track calorie burnt or HR intervals on the turbo.

    You've asked for advice from more experienced cyclists, and you've been given some helpful friendly advice from some (hopefully including me) but you seem to be going in circles coming back to your points on time and distances on the turbo. I'm not a fan of banging my head against a wall so all I can say is please heed the helpful advice, ignore the trolls and haters, and above all ride your bike on the road and enjoy it!

    Lastly get Strava to track your rides, find some local segments and use your personal best times recorded on these segments as a measure of progress and fitness. I find that great fun...
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I'm starting to use strava as I do more road work.
    Just to be clear, the only thing I'm judging at the moment is weight loss and stamina.
    I'm half a stone lighter and can ride 20-25 times further now.
    I go at it quite hard too, I just use flat 2km then 4 degree incline for 1km then back to 2km flat and repeat for 20km+
    Living MY dream.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    The OP is very new to cycling so if he rides turbo or road it is all wurst - main thing is, he is turning the cranks.
    When weather is warmer we will all be out ... I'm just peverse I suppose and train mainly on the turbo for the race season still 5 weeks away and then only chippers until some main meal deal in May when It would be nice to have an envelope to aid expenses.
    I'm actually calling off a road ride on Sunday as weather is too damned cold for sensibility and that I have had major issues in bringing my bike up to spec this week after bb30 issues - went through a brand new bearing as I broke several golden bike repair rules!

    So a few hours on the turbo at endurance pace - oh so sh1t training as you all seem to promote.. better do 90 mins at sweetspot as well then :wink:
  • VTech wrote:
    I was referring to the RITCHEY carbon wcs written on it.

    You are totally clueless.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    VTech wrote:
    I was referring to the RITCHEY carbon wcs written on it.

    You are totally clueless.

    :D he's a quick learner.. (better be)
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Maybe in your cycling world, but my cluelessness has served me well for 40 long years and only just let me down at the precise moment I joined this here forum :)
    At every point that you and the crew have argued with me, I have been proven correct, I can live with that but it must be frustrating as hell for you ?
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech wrote:
    I'm starting to use strava as I do more road work.
    Just to be clear, the only thing I'm judging at the moment is weight loss and stamina.
    I'm half a stone lighter and can ride 20-25 times further now.
    I go at it quite hard too, I just use flat 2km then 4 degree incline for 1km then back to 2km flat and repeat for 20km+

    Head meet wall, wall meet head...

    You have no idea how frustrating it is from where I'm sat. Distance on a turbo is unreliable as a measure. If you want to use a measure for progress on the turbo use a HR monitor. That will give you a gauge of exertion and effort output which will help you loose weight and gain stamina quicker then what you are doing now!
    You will be able to see gains like you are now because you were starting from scratch, that's just obvious. But in other posts you've expressed regret that you can't join your colleagues on rides yet as you're not fit enough yet. Follow the advice you've been given and you'll get there quicker. Or just ignore us as you're doing now, doesn't matter to me really but at the end of the day you're the one who has asked the advice, it's just baffling to me that you keep disregarding what we're saying.
    Also, you've spent an awful lot of money on high end gear, it would surely be common sense for you to want to know how best to use it to achieve your goals quicker and to get best value for money?!

    Anyway, I've offered advice, hope you did it useful, I honestly haven't got the patience to continue repeating myself to someone that asks for advice then disregards it. Good luck and good night...
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    VTech wrote:
    I'm starting to use strava as I do more road work.
    Just to be clear, the only thing I'm judging at the moment is weight loss and stamina.
    I'm half a stone lighter and can ride 20-25 times further now.
    I go at it quite hard too, I just use flat 2km then 4 degree incline for 1km then back to 2km flat and repeat for 20km+

    Head meet wall, wall meet head...

    You have no idea how frustrating it is from where I'm sat. Distance on a turbo is unreliable as a measure. If you want to use a measure for progress on the turbo use a HR monitor. That will give you a gauge of exertion and effort output which will help you loose weight and gain stamina quicker then what you are doing now!
    You will be able to see gains like you are now because you were starting from scratch, that's just obvious. But in other posts you've expressed regret that you can't join your colleagues on rides yet as you're not fit enough yet. Follow the advice you've been given and you'll get there quicker. Or just ignore us as you're doing now, doesn't matter to me really but at the end of the day you're the one who has asked the advice, it's just baffling to me that you keep disregarding what we're saying.
    Also, you've spent an awful lot of money on high end gear, it would surely be common sense for you to want to know how best to use it to achieve your goals quicker and to get best value for money?!

    Anyway, I've offered advice, hope you did it useful, I honestly haven't got the patience to continue repeating myself to someone that asks for advice then disregards it. Good luck and good night...

    I wasnt actually referring to you, I thought your reply was good and I will definitely be taking note of what you say.
    My only aim a few weeks back was to lose weight, I hate running so cycling was a better option for me. I initially tried on the road and didnt like it, I think that was down to fitness as ive done it since and felt better although very tired afterwards.
    Living MY dream.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    I can't help thinking everyone is getting a little carried away here. The OP has only just started riding - for the time being, as long as he is actually turning the pedals, that's all that matters...
  • VTech wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I'm starting to use strava as I do more road work.
    Just to be clear, the only thing I'm judging at the moment is weight loss and stamina.
    I'm half a stone lighter and can ride 20-25 times further now.
    I go at it quite hard too, I just use flat 2km then 4 degree incline for 1km then back to 2km flat and repeat for 20km+

    Head meet wall, wall meet head...

    You have no idea how frustrating it is from where I'm sat. Distance on a turbo is unreliable as a measure. If you want to use a measure for progress on the turbo use a HR monitor. That will give you a gauge of exertion and effort output which will help you loose weight and gain stamina quicker then what you are doing now!
    You will be able to see gains like you are now because you were starting from scratch, that's just obvious. But in other posts you've expressed regret that you can't join your colleagues on rides yet as you're not fit enough yet. Follow the advice you've been given and you'll get there quicker. Or just ignore us as you're doing now, doesn't matter to me really but at the end of the day you're the one who has asked the advice, it's just baffling to me that you keep disregarding what we're saying.
    Also, you've spent an awful lot of money on high end gear, it would surely be common sense for you to want to know how best to use it to achieve your goals quicker and to get best value for money?!

    Anyway, I've offered advice, hope you did it useful, I honestly haven't got the patience to continue repeating myself to someone that asks for advice then disregards it. Good luck and good night...

    I wasnt actually referring to you, I thought your reply was good and I will definitely be taking note of what you say.
    My only aim a few weeks back was to lose weight, I hate running so cycling was a better option for me. I initially tried on the road and didnt like it, I think that was down to fitness as ive done it since and felt better although very tired afterwards.

    Fair enough, I misread your last post, apologies.

    I think there will be confusion as to your aims (or more to the point our/my perception of your aims) seeing as you've spent so much on equipment, and more to the point performance orientated equipment (aero frame, turbo trainer etc), which I hope you can excuse. On that note I envy you that your first bike was a felt ar4! I can only wish for that disposable expenditure, but that mortgage won't save for itself!

    At the end of the day, it's a wonderful sport and first and foremost enjoy it. It becomes quickly and strangely addictive.
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • VTech wrote:
    Maybe in your cycling world, but my cluelessness has served me well for 40 long years and only just let me down at the precise moment I joined this here forum :)
    At every point that you and the crew have argued with me, I have been proven correct, I can live with that but it must be frustrating as hell for you ?

    OK, I'll prove you wrong - that isn't a sticker.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I have become addicted, last week when I went to decathlon I was like a kid in a sweet shop.
    I got the felt as it looked like my car 9to me) there was no other factor really as I knew and still know little about cycling. I just wanted to lose weight before the wife left me.
    Living MY dream.
  • Imposter wrote:
    I can't help thinking everyone is getting a little carried away here. The OP has only just started riding - for the time being, as long as he is actually turning the pedals, that's all that matters...

    I think people (me included) may have read to much into/ misinterpreted his aims seeing as he spent £5k+ on performance orientated equipment.
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • VTech wrote:
    I have become addicted, last week when I went to decathlon I was like a kid in a sweet shop.
    I got the felt as it looked like my car 9to me) there was no other factor really as I knew and still know little about cycling. I just wanted to lose weight before the wife left me.

    Hey if you've got the money (and the wive's approval to spend the money!) then go for it. It's a lovely frame.

    Just hope your wife is prepared for the shaved legs and lycra in exchange for the weight!!
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • He's basically bought a Wii Fit. In fact he should have just bought a Wii Fit, it would have saved him a heap of cash.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Imposter wrote:
    I can't help thinking everyone is getting a little carried away here. The OP has only just started riding - for the time being, as long as he is actually turning the pedals, that's all that matters...

    I think people (me included) may have read to much into/ misinterpreted his aims seeing as he spent £5k+ on performance orientated equipment.

    yeah fair enough - and I think lots of people have reacted to that. It's true that spending that much may or may not be necessary for a beginner, but what the hell, it's another cyclist on the road and more money going into cycling. Further down the road, it might be another new member for BC and another racing licence, another race marshal, another race organiser and another advocate for the sport. In that sense, it's all good ;)
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I did join, my membership and racing licence came through yesterday.

    I also have a wii fit, 3 of them, although I dont play video games as such, the boys love them though.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech wrote:
    I did join, my membership and racing licence came through yesterday.

    I also have a wii fit, 3 of them, although I dont play video games as such, the boys love them though.

    Racing Licence :shock:
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Brakeless wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I did join, my membership and racing licence came through yesterday.

    I also have a wii fit, 3 of them, although I dont play video games as such, the boys love them though.

    Racing Licence :shock:

    You got me :mrgreen: I went online after someone here saying I should join and the licence was part of the package I think? I have no intention of racing of course, im just happy to do a few k and lose a couple of lb.
    Living MY dream.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    VTech wrote:
    I have no intention of racing of course, im just happy to do a few k and lose a couple of lb.

    That's what they all say. If you have any competitiveness in you (and I'm guessing that you have ;) ), you will be on the start line within 12 months.
  • letap73
    letap73 Posts: 1,608
    Brakeless wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I did join, my membership and racing licence came through yesterday.

    I also have a wii fit, 3 of them, although I dont play video games as such, the boys love them though.

    Racing Licence :shock:

    And pray tell why do you need 3 Wii fits?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    The kids always argue over games so easier to get them all one (I have 3 kids).
    Living MY dream.
  • letap73 wrote:
    Brakeless wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I did join, my membership and racing licence came through yesterday.

    I also have a wii fit, 3 of them, although I dont play video games as such, the boys love them though.

    Racing Licence :shock:

    And pray tell why do you need 3 Wii fits?

    Because his next door neighbour had 2
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    letap73 wrote:
    Brakeless wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I did join, my membership and racing licence came through yesterday.

    I also have a wii fit, 3 of them, although I dont play video games as such, the boys love them though.

    Racing Licence :shock:

    And pray tell why do you need 3 Wii fits?

    same reason I have two Xbox 360s - one for me, one for the kids.
  • letap73
    letap73 Posts: 1,608
    Imposter wrote:
    letap73 wrote:
    Brakeless wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I did join, my membership and racing licence came through yesterday.

    I also have a wii fit, 3 of them, although I dont play video games as such, the boys love them though.

    Racing Licence :shock:

    And pray tell why do you need 3 Wii fits?

    same reason I have two Xbox 360s - one for me, one for the kids.

    Isn't the wii fit the exercise game? I can understand 3 game consoles but 3 versions of an exercise game?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    A lot of kids games use the foot board. Like I said, I don't play them.
    Living MY dream.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Slowbike wrote:
    Imposter wrote:
    Slowbike wrote:
    Doing fast sprints and interval training is going to do little for your weight loss

    except burn more calories - which I believe is good for weight loss ;)

    Probably less overall though as he exhausts himself on one sprint and then can't make the next ...

    tortoise and the hare ...

    You seem to be doing a good job at ignoring and disregarding proven sport science research, well done!

    Well. I have to apologise on this one - today I heard of a doc advising interval training to assist in weight loss. New one on me - I'd always thought t was just long hours at steady z2 heart rate. - sorry.

    Still - anytime spent exercising is better than not. :)