1 month on the trainer and its getting better



  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    The weather's gorgeous out there! Get out and ride! Turbo is for bad weather!
  • It's your money and all that, but I simply didn't realise that people spent £2.5k on a bike, also bought a winter bike and a training bike, and then didn't ride anything other than a turbo because of a lack of confidence cycling outside, but still went ahead with upgrading their wheels. It's a highly original approach!
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Its my approach, it doesnt deserve abuse !

    @Rolf F, there is zero inconsistency, I pride myself on consistency, its what I do.
    I dis not feel confident, that was my feeling, I went with that but either way, I bought the turbo way before this was an issue, I got the turbo after the NEC show, I then had to wait for the bike and when it arrived the weather was so poor I chose not to ride in the snow, sleet and ice.
    When the weather was good on a day I was free I went out, only then did I realise that I felt unsafe, most due to fitness and the instant shock of road cycling.

    if your going to call people inconsistent you need to be sure as its quite rude and you will never see an inconsistency from e, as i said above, its what I do.
    Living MY dream.
  • philwint
    philwint Posts: 763
    @Vtech I think it might be about your volume of posts compared to your actual time cycling.

    If you think about it, this is a cycling forum. So generally it's about cycling.

    Turbo work isn't cycling. Anymore than say, playing a PC F1 game is driving. yes they are vaguely related. But not much.

    So my genuine advice would be to walk away from here for a month. Go out, get a couple of hundred miles of cycling under your belt then come back.

    I think that would help on several levels:

    > Firstly you will know a bit more about what you are talking about. As you have said yourself, in your feild test data needs to be verified in the real world. So get out and do it.

    > Because you will know more you will probably ask less, so won't be seen as a troll by posting so often

    > Acceptance - in going and getting those 200 miles done you will have become a cyclist (instead of an aspirant cyclist), and so will be more "in" with the rest of us

    As to your approach - I strongly believe in each to his own. But I can understand some of the hostility. Most of us came to cycling gradually. Got a cheap bike, rode it to death, upgraded, diversified (me from mountain bike to road), then built in some cros training or tubo work...... a long and painfully expensive process.

    Another analogy to try and help you explain.

    Scenario 1
    The rock band, formed and wrote some songs in a garage. Graduated to local pubs. After several years they got a break on the student union circuit. Got noticed, managed to secure a recording contract. First CD bombed, they stuck at it for a few more years , then finally made it into the album charts and got some festival gigs.

    Scenario 2
    Guy went on xfaxctor, won made it big.

    My guess is the guys in the rock band might feel a little aggrieved at how easy it was for the xfactor guy..... No it's not all that nice, and yes it's about jealousy. But that's life.

    Just something to think on.

    So again - get out, play the small pubs, and get your miles in. Then come back when you are a cyclist :D
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I understand phil, in a word it comes down to jealousy which I find odd, almost all the guys on here would leave me for dead on a cycle run (even though I am getting a touch better) so there isnt any need for it. You surely cant think I deserve abuse because I have the capability to buy a bike and a trainer ? What if I was on a car forum and showed an image of a $1m car, would I get the same treatment as many of the members have a sub £10k car ?

    My questions have only been cycling related, Ive asked when I didnt know and ive commented when I did, thats not bad surely ?

    Anyway, ill get the miles done but do you honestly think anything will change ?
    Ive offered info you would have to pay a company many tens of £000's to do yet again, abuse !

    This isnt really a 100% cycling forum, its a forum where the odd few are snobs, jealous snobs. Instead of abusing me they could have asked me to buy them a bike, who knows, I may of obliged ?
    Living MY dream.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Go ride your bike fella, please!
  • djhermer
    djhermer Posts: 328
    VTech - the amount of posts and questions at the moment, combined with a lack of actual cycling, but coupled with the purchasing of reams of kit, suggests someone who like the idea of cycling or getting into cycling, rather than someone who actually wants to cycle.

    It's this, i believe, that is causing some of the reactions to your ramblings.

    That, coupled with two very odd, presumptive comments: Firstly that you have been using the internet for longer than most on 'here' and secondly, in this thread, that you understand the notion of the consequences of applied force 'more than anyone on this forum'.

    Those sort of comments, when you don't know who you are talking to, are not endearing.

    All that aside, good effort on considering becoming a cyclist. Let's hope you crack it.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    djhermer wrote:
    VTech - the amount of posts and questions at the moment, combined with a lack of actual cycling, but coupled with the purchasing of reams of kit, suggests someone who like the idea of cycling or getting into cycling, rather than someone who actually wants to cycle.

    It's this, i believe, that is causing some of the reactions to your ramblings.

    That, coupled with two very odd, presumptive comments: Firstly that you have been using the internet for longer than most on 'here' and secondly, in this thread, that you understand the notion of the consequences of applied force 'more than anyone on this forum'.

    Those sort of comments, when you don't know who you are talking to, are not endearing.

    All that aside, good effort on considering becoming a cyclist. Let's hope you crack it.

    I can understand your points but can you argue mine ?

    1) I was using online resource since the 80's, I would think that less than 50% here were doing the same.

    2) It was suggested I didnt understand applied forces, I do this for a living, in a very high tech environment so I answered "I probably understand applied force more than most"

    I was correct on both counts.
    I cant help that !
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech wrote:
    This isnt really a 100% cycling forum, its a forum where the odd few are snobs, jealous snobs.

    Hear hear!
    VTech wrote:
    Instead of abusing me they could have asked me to buy them a bike, who knows, I may of obliged ?

    Now .. is it too late ... ? :lol:

    (I didn't do any abusing by the way ...)
  • djhermer
    djhermer Posts: 328
    I'm not trying to prove you wrong and frankly don't care if you're correct or spouting shit.

    I'm merely pointing out that saying things like this are not endearing. Which itself is a hint to your continual questioning as to the level of negativity you receive.

    That's all guv. I don't care what your credentials are on either count. I think you're missing the point.

    But hey, sun's out in sunny Dorset and i have 75 mins before a meeting, so enough crap from me....
  • djhermer wrote:
    VTech - the amount of posts and questions at the moment, combined with a lack of actual cycling, but coupled with the purchasing of reams of kit, suggests someone who like the idea of cycling or getting into cycling, rather than someone who actually wants to cycle.

    It's this, i believe, that is causing some of the reactions to your ramblings.

    That, coupled with two very odd, presumptive comments: Firstly that you have been using the internet for longer than most on 'here' and secondly, in this thread, that you understand the notion of the consequences of applied force 'more than anyone on this forum'.

    Those sort of comments, when you don't know who you are talking to, are not endearing.

    All that aside, good effort on considering becoming a cyclist. Let's hope you crack it.

    Absolutely bang on imo. Whilst its great that the OP has started "cycling" it sounds as if they have read too much and needs too many answers before getting on the bike. Confidence will only be found by actually getting on the bike in my opinion. Whilst not overweight I hadn't ridden a bike for 22 years when i started cycling last August. I did my research on what bike I needed as is sensible when you're shelling out a lot of money but that was it. Too much thinking will only put you off. I went straight onto cleats as well, I figured just go for it, be sensible where I ride etc. I feel I've been rewarded for that. My passion for cycling grew at a rate I was not expecting, I'm now on my second bike, have lots of lovely kit and the turbo I bought back in November simply adds to my road cycling. I think you need to just get out there, so what if you can only do 2 miles without feeling near to collapse? You'll feel a greater sense of achievement looking at your road stats than turbo stats.

    Good luck
  • VTech wrote:
    My cadence has risen from an average of 70 to 81 and power from 113w to 167w.

    Are you using a power meter?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    @Supermurph09, Thank you for your comments, they are of course bang on the money :)
    Im using the TacX powered system, I went for this as I had previously had a gym cycle which I found completely boring, It does seem better to me, more things to take your mind off the fact the legs are hurting like crazy.

    On a side note, I did my first run this morning with my hands firmly on the bottom bars of the bike, before now ive had to sit upright for comfort after a few km.
    Living MY dream.
  • jane90
    jane90 Posts: 149
    Hi VTech, whether or not you feel hard done by, I think it's probably unwise continually to play the victim card. It comes across as needy. self-indulgent and tends to alienate people who might otherwise be sympathetic to you.

    I also started cycling around the same time you did and my philosophy has been to try to keep a low profile until I've learnt the culture of the forum as this is not only good manners but will make it easier to learn and pick up tips rather than putting myself in the middle of every thread. I hope you accept these unsolicited thoughts in the spirit in which they are offered.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    VTech wrote:
    if your going to call people inconsistent you need to be sure as its quite rude and you will never see
    an inconsistency from e, as i said above, its what I do.

    I am quite sure you are inconsitent and calling someone inconsistent is hardly rude. Most people are inconsistent to a greater or lesser degree. Just because you pride yourself on being consistent doesn't mean you are actually being consistent. Difference between personal perception and reality. In your case, you've been inconsistent in this very thread yet you claim that you are never inconsistent. TBH, that is an extremely far fetched claim even without the very obvious evidence from your own words!

    Personally, whilst I also try to be consistent, I am aware that I am not always. And, tbh, without inconsistency we probably don't learn. And there is a lesson in there somewhere if you want to find it........
    Faster than a tent.......
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    jane90 wrote:
    Hi VTech, whether or not you feel hard done by, I think it's probably unwise continually to play the victim card. It comes across as needy. self-indulgent and tends to alienate people who might otherwise be sympathetic to you.

    I also started cycling around the same time you did and my philosophy has been to try to keep a low profile until I've learnt the culture of the forum as this is not only good manners but will make it easier to learn and pick up tips rather than putting myself in the middle of every thread. I hope you accept these unsolicited thoughts in the spirit in which they are offered.

    Of course, im not offended.
    I didnt realise I was playing the hard done by card, im not at all bothered about the same 3-5 people following me onto every post im on just to argue with me. I dont think ive put myself in the middle of each thread, ive been polite, honest, helpful and accepting of advice. Im not at all bothered about some people making more out of things than is necessary, thats a life issue, not a forum one.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Rolf F wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    if your going to call people inconsistent you need to be sure as its quite rude and you will never see
    an inconsistency from e, as i said above, its what I do.

    I am quite sure you are inconsitent and calling someone inconsistent is hardly rude. Most people are inconsistent to a greater or lesser degree. Just because you pride yourself on being consistent doesn't mean you are actually being consistent. Difference between personal perception and reality. In your case, you've been inconsistent in this very thread yet you claim that you are never inconsistent. TBH, that is an extremely far fetched claim even without the very obvious evidence from your own words!

    Personally, whilst I also try to be consistent, I am aware that I am not always. And, tbh, without inconsistency we probably don't learn. And there is a lesson in there somewhere if you want to find it........

    Your like a politician, I never said I was never inconsistent, I said I had zero inconsistency when questioned about what I was saying in this thread when in fact my consistency was perfect.
    Thats not to say I have never been consistent, just that on here I have been.
    Living MY dream.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    edited February 2013
    VTech wrote:
    Your like a politician, I never said I was never inconsistent, I said I had zero inconsistency when questioned about what I was saying in this thread when in fact my consistency was perfect.
    Thats not to say I have never been consistent, just that on here I have been.
    VTech wrote:
    if your going to call people inconsistent you need to be sure as its quite rude and you will never see an inconsistency from e, as i said above, its what I do.

    Concentrate man*! :wink:

    *you are being inconsistent again!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • jane90
    jane90 Posts: 149
    VTech wrote:
    im not at all bothered about the same 3-5 people following me onto every post im on just to argue with me.
    It doesn't come across that way to a neutral observer. I understand that it's never a nice thing to have happen to you, but have you considered whether you'd be better off ignoring it completely rather than, say, making a passive/agressive reference to it in your sig? There's no need to be defensive about it or even to respond, but perhaps it's a question you might like to ponder.
  • VTech wrote:
    What if I was on a car forum and showed an image of a $1m car, would I get the same treatment as many of the members have a sub £10k car ?

    Might depend on whether you'd passed your driving test or not.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    ooermissus wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    What if I was on a car forum and showed an image of a $1m car, would I get the same treatment as many of the members have a sub £10k car ?

    Might depend on whether you'd passed your driving test or not.

    Why ?
    I know plenty of people with supercars yet dont drive, I dont argue with them, I think its great.
    Living MY dream.
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    To be fair OP,at first I did think you got a hard time but after so many of your posts I,m beginning to think its deserved.Not for anything to do with your cycling but your general arrogence and I,m beginning to think your actually just playing games here.I mean in one post your richer than most on here,then your more techy than most on here,where does your ego end.Is it that important to you to be so much better than every one else,I bet your mrs doesn,t even own a rabbit ffs.
    Also you said you were getting a turbo and bike specifically for the home for you and your son to use,now your saying that you are stuck in office so need bike and turbo there as well as taking one to sunny climes.If you want to impress people then just get out on the road and cycle and one day you may be better at that than most people on here aswel.
    The end. :wink:
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    elderone wrote:
    To be fair OP,at first I did think you got a hard time but after so many of your posts I,m beginning to think its deserved.Not for anything to do with your cycling but your general arrogence and I,m beginning to think your actually just playing games here.I mean in one post your richer than most on here,then your more techy than most on here,where does your ego end.Is it that important to you to be so much better than every one else,I bet your mrs doesn,t even own a rabbit ffs.
    Also you said you were getting a turbo and bike specifically for the home for you and your son to use,now your saying that you are stuck in office so need bike and turbo there as well as taking one to sunny climes.If you want to impress people then just get out on the road and cycle and one day you may be better at that than most people on here aswel.
    The end. :wink:

    Youve got me.

    If im really honest, im a really easygoing guy but 3-5 people on here are morons, plain and simple and so I ran with it.
    It doesnt matter if im poor or rich, im just a fat guy wanting to lose weight but to some its become an obsession to follow me on all threads so I played them.

    Life is way to short for arguing, ill be more sensitive now ive made a point.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Vtech, do any of your friends cycle?

    Yes, almost all of them do, its a very big thing for most people I work with, the problem is they are VERY good and I would like to pick up stamina and strength before I go out with them.
    Living MY dream.
  • "all the gear; no idea"

    in a nutshell

    sorry 8)
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    "all the gear; no idea"

    in a nutshell

    sorry 8)

    I cant argue with you there, (although I am sure many people here have much more than I do), I dont think there is anything wrong with that, I had to start somewhere and the bike came with a deal through work so was an easy choice, the rest was the rollercoaster effect.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech wrote:
    Vtech, do any of your friends cycle?

    Yes, almost all of them do, its a very big thing for most people I work with, the problem is they are VERY good and I would like to pick up stamina and strength before I go out with them.

    I expected that answer. Surely if they are mates then they'd happily coach you along, if as you say they are "VERY good"?. I'd say you'd progress a lot quicker with them then alone going through every conceivable permutation on the Turbo. Or is this an image thing and you don't want to lose face? Life's too short, don't waste time thinking everything through just get out there!!! I'm sure you've splashed out on a high spec bike, the latest Garmin, dressed head to toe in Rapha gear and have carbon fibre socks and pants? :lol:
  • VTech wrote:
    "all the gear; no idea"

    in a nutshell

    sorry 8)

    I cant argue with you there, (although I am sure many people here have much more than I do), I dont think there is anything wrong with that, I had to start somewhere and the bike came with a deal through work so was an easy choice, the rest was the rollercoaster effect.

    More of an idea? Yip. There are many.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    VTech wrote:
    Vtech, do any of your friends cycle?

    Yes, almost all of them do, its a very big thing for most people I work with, the problem is they are VERY good and I would like to pick up stamina and strength before I go out with them.

    I expected that answer. Surely if they are mates then they'd happily coach you along, if as you say they are "VERY good"?. I'd say you'd progress a lot quicker with them then alone going through every conceivable permutation on the Turbo. Or is this an image thing and you don't want to lose face? Life's too short, don't waste time thinking everything through just get out there!!! I'm sure you've splashed out on a high spec bike, the latest Garmin, dressed head to toe in Rapha gear and have carbon fibre socks and pants? :lol:

    They think nothing of doing 100km+ rides, it would have been silly of me to even attempt that. Most do it as part of rigarous training schemes so it would also be unfair of me to allow them to wait for me.
    Living MY dream.