'Twitter Taliban'



  • ddraver wrote:
    Perhaps it might have something to do with the non-stop criticism he get's off of her and her brethren..?

    Classic Twitter Taliban behaviour! I'd get all self-righteous if it was nt so darned hypocritical! ;)

    Quite. *shrugs* *rolls eyes*
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    So why has Millar stopped using Twitter?
  • Fran Millar's twitter said it was because he was spending too much time there. Cath Wiggins has also left, I hope not due to abuse.
  • mr_poll wrote:
    The twitterati's darling David Millar decided to close his twitter account, who knows why. Within hours this gets retweeted by our favourite female cycling fan:

    drhysc: @festinagirl right when cycling needs a strong public voice @millarmind leaves twitter? I don't get it. @omerta

    Such loyalty. Love the way that leaving twitter means the end of his views, what did we do before it?
    My reply to her.
    @festinagirl Maybe if the twitter taliban weren't such c***s it wouldn't happen?

    The anonymity of the interwebz is it's biggest failing. Most of the conflict you see around the web probably wouldn't happen if the protagonists were sat down the pub having a few pints. They would probably get on swimmingly.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Well, reading betweenthe lines, I would suggest that they started as a quick and easy way to connect with fans like us and to raise ther profile a bit (let's be honest). Instead they ve been met with people picking their tweets apart to the nth degree looking for any possible negative spin they can put on it and they ve got better things to do than argue with an annonomous nobody.

    I'm genuinely trying to think which riders now post even semi regularly, and even more so, which riders tweet about cycling. I can think of only Millar and Kittel. Cav just tweets about his daughter, Gee about who he beat at FIFA last, Jens about his kids and their geochaches.

    Frankly it's no great loss...

    Edit - or what he^ said....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • mr_poll wrote:
    The twitterati's darling David Millar decided to close his twitter account, who knows why. Within hours this gets retweeted by our favourite female cycling fan:

    drhysc: @festinagirl right when cycling needs a strong public voice @millarmind leaves twitter? I don't get it. @omerta

    Such loyalty. Love the way that leaving twitter means the end of his views, what did we do before it?
    My reply to her.

    [quote]@festinagirl Maybe if the twitter taliban weren't such c***s it wouldn't happen?[/quote]

    The anonymity of the interwebz is it's biggest failing. Most of the conflict you see around the web probably wouldn't happen if the protagonists were sat down the pub having a few pints. They would probably get on swimmingly.

  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    ^ just proves he's an omerta apologist doesn't it :?
  • ^ just proves he's an omerta apologist doesn't it :?

  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    edited November 2012
  • merinotop wrote:
    Fran Millar's twitter said it was because he was spending too much time there. Cath Wiggins has also left, I hope not due to abuse.

    I'd imagine that last week was the last straw, with the abuse she got plus the blow-by-blow reproduction of her tweets with the likes of the Torygraph decided qualified as valid journalistic coverage.

    There's been a huge surge in both mainstream and niche cycling media trawling and building entire 'stories' around cyclists tweets - or their partners - I'm thinking Mrs Wiggo and Froome's gf in particular. I suspect that this is helping to drive people away from Twitter.
  • For such a bunch of No Marks the 'twitter taliban' managed to get you all talking for 4 pages. :lol:
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    edited November 2012
    For such a bunch of No Marks the 'twitter taliban' managed to get you all talking for 4 pages. :lol:

    Actually I think it shows that although there are some on Twitter who like to create and spread innuendo and accusation - and others who like to indulge them in this ('ooh, I'm in on some kind of little special community') - there are others who consider them to be infantile, irresponsible and at times verging on defamatory and libellous...

    Talking of which, the Lord McAlpine business might actually shine a light on the whole area of tweeting and RT'ing libellous and defamatory statements. Tweeters and retweeters might find themselves liable - right now, they think its a free-for-all and they can say - and RT - what they like. Twitter is a publishing platform, just as much as a newspaper or magazine, and a test case like McAlpine would show this. Oh and blogs too. And, um, internetz forums...
  • r0bh
    r0bh Posts: 2,382
    Talking of which, the Lord McAlpine business might actually shine a light on the whole area of tweeting and RT'ing libelous and defamatory statements. Tweeters and retweeters might find themselves liable - right now, they think its a free-for-all and they can say - and RT - what they like. Twitter is a publishing platform, just as much as a newspaper or magazine, and a test case like McAlpine would show this. Oh and blogs too.

    Article on the possible twitter fallout from the McAlpine affair: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20299551
  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    My advice to every human on this planet.

    Don't use Twitter. It's horrible.
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    Twitter is fabulous. Some of the people who use it are not. Just like the rest of the internet.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    r0bh wrote:
    Talking of which, the Lord McAlpine business might actually shine a light on the whole area of tweeting and RT'ing libelous and defamatory statements. Tweeters and retweeters might find themselves liable - right now, they think its a free-for-all and they can say - and RT - what they like. Twitter is a publishing platform, just as much as a newspaper or magazine, and a test case like McAlpine would show this. Oh and blogs too.

    Article on the possible twitter fallout from the McAlpine affair: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20299551
    Indeed. Personally I would love it if there was some way that Macalpine could sue everyone who labelled him online - especially those who were chiefly doing it with an undisguised delight at the prospect of a big Tory being got, as opposed to any particular concern for the victims. And yes, I am definitely thinking about some regular posters on this forum when I say that.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    a guide
    Scenario -> Outcome
    Rider holds form all season. ->Doping
    Rider loses form. -> Was doping
    Strong team performance. -> All doping
    Great solo performance. -> Doping
    Team declare zero tolerance. -> Doping
    Team hire ex-dopers. -> Doping
    Rider has a doctor. -> Doping
    Rider has a trainer. -> Doping
    Rider gets ill. -> Doping
    Rider stays healthy. -> Doping
    Rider admits to past doping, says he’s now clean. -> Liar, doping
    Rider doesn’t admit to doping. -> Doping
    Rider fails no tests. -> Bio passport doesn’t work
    Conti rider goes well. -> Ah but he’s not on the bio passport
    Rider wins MTF with solid team tactics. -> Doping, just like Armstrong
    Rider wins MTF with solo breakaway. -> Doping just like Pantani
    Rider wins, goes to doping control. -> Tests don’t work
    Rider finishes outside top places, doesn’t have to go to doping control. -> Convenient
    Rider refuses to release data. -> Doping
    Rider releases data. -> Doping
    Rider won’t speak to press. -> Doping
    Rider does speak to press. -> Fans with typewriters
    Journalist covers stage race by reporting on what happened on the road not in the hotels. -> Accessory to doping
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    ^credit where it's due.

    From the twitter pen of @journalvelo
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    ^credit where it's due.

    From the twitter pen of @journalvelo

    They're just spitting in the soup, the bastards.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    ^credit where it's due.

    From the twitter pen of @journalvelo

    They're just spitting in the soup, the bastards.

    Where's a dollop of Omertà when one needs it
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    "Twitter: The Stasi for the Angry Birds generation" - Stewart Lee
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    RichN95 wrote:
    "Twitter: The Stasi for the Angry Birds generation" - Stewart Lee


    Animals? Definitely satire.
  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    How come @Ciclismo2005 got over 5000 followers and why is Cyclingnews one of them? What a depressing clown he is on Twitter right now.
  • bockers
    bockers Posts: 146
    Twaliban are after Froome again this week. His girl friend is taking a lot of abuse too, even the Spanish media have joined in. That tool differforum is as usual at the bottom of this particular cesspit spitting his usual vial abuse and groundless accusations. Wasn't he involved in the fiasco with the Kimmage fund?

    One look at the exchange of tweets form this lot and my blood starts to boil. Then I just remember it's twitter and all a load of shite anyway. They are the minority that makes all the noise unfortunately :(
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,163
    I think you'll find the stuff with Froome's girlfriend is of her own making.
  • r0bh
    r0bh Posts: 2,382
    Pross wrote:
    I think you'll find the stuff with Froome's girlfriend is of her own making.

    How so? By being Froome's girlfriend? By calling out people who make completely unsubstantiated accusations?
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Pross wrote:
    I think you'll find the stuff with Froome's girlfriend is of her own making.

    Pross, whatever her initial tweets, there is absolutely no justification - no justification in the world - for the vile abuse thrown at her which includes rape threats, and the mildest of which seem to be the calling her a twunt.

    As you know, I'm the last person to be a signed up member of her fan club - and I dont care for Froome - but this is utterly disgusting stuff.

    To say its of her own making, is akin to saying that a woman 'asked for it' by going out dressed in a short skirt.
  • tom3
    tom3 Posts: 287
    A better way for her to support Chris would have been to come off Twitter immediately after the Cath Wiggins spat.

    She created the monstor by being seen to be a bit of a gobsh%te on many occassions.

    end of.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    tom3 wrote:
    A better way for her to support Chris would have been to come off Twitter immediately after the Cath Wiggins spat.

    She created the monstor by being seen to be a bit of a gobsh%te on many occassions.

    end of.

    I do agree she should have left Twitter a long time ago, because she seems unable to restrain herself. And she's not only his fiancee - she's also his manager. Which should add a huge professional onus on how she uses social media. But I think she's a massive control freak and has no 'control' button.

    My previous post re the degree of abuse thrown at her still stands, though.
  • yorkshireraw
    yorkshireraw Posts: 1,632
    tom3 wrote:
    A better way for her to support Chris would have been to come off Twitter immediately after the Cath Wiggins spat.

    She created the monstor by being seen to be a bit of a gobsh%te on many occassions.

    end of.

    Maybe so, but how come idiots like 'Digger Forum', who apparently is a school teacher in Ireland and has no more insight into Pro cycling than my 93 yr old aunt, are able to continually publish libellous accusations and get away with no action being taken?
    When Tom Daley was abused on Twitter after the Olympics the Police arrested people - not advocating that but surely twitter should be warning / banning or at least suspending accounts that troll out unfounded accusations. Look at what happened to Sally Bercow.

    DF also continually trots about rubbish like 'Froome cam from nowhere' - ignoring any sensible facts like his 34th in the 09 Giro (an absolute dope-fest up front). T0ss3r.