Kimmage and the UCI



  • Pross wrote:
    Presumably when he says Emma Riley he means Emma O'Reilly? He could at least get her name right (unless that's the reporter's mistake)! Incidently, she seems to have been all over the media talking recently but was a new name to me - did she speak out at all before the USADA stuff or is this all new and she is milking her new found fame?

    She certainly did. Interviewed by David Walsh and quoted in LA Confidential. Armstrong then went after both her and the ST when they serialised the book.
  • oneof1982
    oneof1982 Posts: 703
    Pross wrote:
    Presumably when he says Emma Riley he means Emma O'Reilly? He could at least get her name right (unless that's the reporter's mistake)! Incidently, she seems to have been all over the media talking recently but was a new name to me - did she speak out at all before the USADA stuff or is this all new and she is milking her new found fame?

    As I said on another thread, Emma O'Reilly has been castigated and abused for years for speaking out. I know you admit to being new to this, but any idea that she is "milking her new found fame" does her a great disservice.
  • Trev The Rev
    Trev The Rev Posts: 1,040
    Pross wrote:
    Presumably when he says Emma Riley he means Emma O'Reilly? He could at least get her name right (unless that's the reporter's mistake)! Incidently, she seems to have been all over the media talking recently but was a new name to me - did she speak out at all before the USADA stuff or is this all new and she is milking her new found fame?

    The woman was appallingly treated by Armstrong and his scum associates and apologists. She has my total support, and anyone who has a go at her now should re consider their opinion of her particularly now we know she was telling the truth all along.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,181
    Thanks, it was a new name on me. I've read loads on Betsy Andreu and how appallingly she was treated but had never seen Emma's name. I've been playing catch up on the whole doping thing as I stopped following and participating in cycling from about '98 to '08 other than bits of the Tour. The first I heard from Emma O'Reilly was on Sunday on Radio 5 and found it really interesting, I wasn't sure who she was still other than she had been employed as USPS and then a quick Google found a lot of recent articles featuring her. I also recognised a photo of her on soigneur duty from back in the USPS days as she always stood out at the Tour feed zones. I certainly don't blame her for giving these interviews now, especially having heard more about the way she spoke out before it became 'popular'. The 'milking it' comment was more down to the amount of people who now seem to be everywhere giving their tales having stayed silent up until the point they were pursuaded to talk under oath.