Kimmage and the UCI



  • bigdawg
    bigdawg Posts: 672
    and they actually failed to tell Landis he was due in court... ... ation-suit
    dont knock on death\'s door.....

    Ring the bell and leg it...that really pi**es him off....
  • bigdawg wrote:
    and they actually failed to tell Landis he was due in court... ... ation-suit

    dont you remember, according to the Heinmeister when corned by Benson at the Worlds 'they didnt know how to find Landis'

  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    iainf72 wrote:

    Luv it ! I'm not wild about GL as a person but anyone who can tell the UCI to f-off goes up in my estimation
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    If you like to have fun with your twitter account; why not tweet @UCI_Cycling with a comment on this and add a hashtag with one of the things we can't call them.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • Lichtblick
    Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
    Kimmage fund now up to $52,535.

    1,695 contributors.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Lichtblick wrote:
    Kimmage fund now up to $52,535.

    1,695 contributors.

    I wonder how much Igor Makarov has donated on the quiet.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    So when is this Sky internal investigation going to come to light then eh ? - Seems Brailsford keeps spinning the line that it's nearly at an end regarding Geert Leinders !! Funny how wiggins & cavendish have been quiet on the subject as is Geraint "he done a lot for the sport of cycling Re-Armstrong" Thomas :roll: Um yes lets move on that was in the past.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Surely this is the END game for the UCI after today's USADA report on Armstrong & Co....I Really hope Paul Kimmage can bury this lot now and forever.
  • mike6
    mike6 Posts: 1,199
    I am all for bringing the UCI to book for anything they have done wrong, and from where I stand they have a shedload to answer for.
    Sadly they are the establishment, and we all know the establishment protects itself and manages, somehow, to stay in power no matter what the masses want.
    I hope against hope I am wrong because it is high time we had an honest, decent, hard working body representing cycling.
  • “have concealed cases of doping, received money for doing so, have accepted money from Lance Armstrong to conceal a doping case, have protected certain racing cyclists, concealed cases of doping, have engaged in manipulation, particularly of tests and races, have hesitated and delayed publishing the results of a positive test on Alberto Contador, have accepted bribes, are corrupt, are terrorists, have no regard for the rules, load the dice, are fools, do not have a genuine desire to restore discipline to cycling, are full of shoot, are clowns, their words are worthless, are liars, are no different to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, or to make any similar other allegations of that kind.”

    All these things are true..........
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    mike6 wrote:
    I am all for bringing the UCI to book for anything they have done wrong, and from where I stand they have a shedload to answer for.
    Sadly they are the establishment, and we all know the establishment protects itself and manages, somehow, to stay in power no matter what the masses want.
    I hope against hope I am wrong because it is high time we had an honest, decent, hard working body representing cycling.

    I agree whole heartedly. I do believe there is a chance for the ASO to show some clear direction, if they imposed strict bans on riders/teams entering their races that have cheated, pressure from sponsors on lack of exposure as a result in not being allowed in would be massive. Even if they were just to ban any team that has a rider under contract that has doped from entering their races for 1 year.

    If it took out all of the top teams, fine, the races would still be good with trade teams and the sport would move forwards I think
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Nick Fitt wrote:
    . Even if they were just to ban any team that has a rider under contract that has doped from entering their races for 1 year.

    If it took out all of the top teams, fine, the races would still be good with trade teams and the sport would move forwards I think

    It would go to CAS and they would lose because it violates so many rules.

    When you say "a rider that has doped" do you mean and has served a ban? Or not?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    Its all pipe dreams but yes, in my ideal world, the sport would remove all riders who have doped. Garmin will or is in danger of becoming an old dopers who said sorry home. I think the LA exposure is sufficient for the sport to call enough. I accept fully the liability for contracts bewteen UCI/ASO/Team?sponsors?TV rights etc would prevent this but, it would be nice.

    The reward even today still outweighs the risk; dope, get million euro contract get caught, pay top lawyers, act prostrate, ban for 6-24 months, return, join Garmin, write book, buy a ranch/villa, whatever. Lose them all and pursue them for their winnings for breach of trust/contract/etc. Leave the toe rags broken in gutters. Someone hand Armstrong a loaded pistol please.

    Back on topic though, what are the UCI options? This mess is huge by comparison to anything they have managed to weather before...
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Cards on the table guys -

    1. Do you think now that the UCI will have the balls to sue Kimmage...Can see them dropping the case.

    2. Should Kimmage call their bluff and sue them and turn the tables ?
  • Lichtblick
    Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Cards on the table guys -

    1. Do you think now that the UCI will have the balls to sue Kimmage...Can see them dropping the case.

    2. Should Kimmage call their bluff and sue them and turn the tables ?

    I was thinking the exact same thing!

    Can't see them having the time to sue Kimmage now. And for what, now that it's all come out.
    Kimmage to sue them? Why ever not, he's got $58,563 in the fund. That'd get a defamation suit started, no?
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    I would think they would both choose to walk away honours even. I wonder if he will return the dosh? It was to defend himself against the man, if he won a defamation suit and received a payment, I imagine he would feel morally in between a rock and a hard place
  • He didn't set up the fund, I believe, so what happens to the money isn't his concern.

    Nice little earner for someone who has access to it though.
  • mercsport
    mercsport Posts: 664
    He didn't set up the fund, I believe, so what happens to the money isn't his concern.

    Nice little earner for someone who has access to it though.

    I'll let you know if any funds get returned. :|
    "Lick My Decals Off, Baby"
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    He didn't set up the fund, I believe, so what happens to the money isn't his concern.

    Nice little earner for someone who has access to it though.

    If I had thought of the fund (and I wish I had), I would have given Kimmage six grand to pay off Pat, followed by....

    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Good plan. Just, whatever you do, don't waste any of it
  • skylla
    skylla Posts: 758
    coriordan wrote:
    Good plan. Just, whatever you do, don't waste any of it

    "I spent a lot of money of booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered. " - George Best
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132

    Great. Another blue-clad American squad showing distinct signs of artificial enhancement.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    LangerDan wrote:

    Great. Another blue-clad American squad showing distinct signs of artificial enhancement.

    Yeah. But this lot you want to be screwed by.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95 wrote:
    LangerDan wrote:

    Great. Another blue-clad American squad showing distinct signs of artificial enhancement.

    Yeah. But this lot you want to be screwed by.

    *hat tip*
  • andyrac
    andyrac Posts: 1,173
    Isn't one of the problems that the UCI are the governing body, and also the 'Promoter'? Armstrong was a money spinner, so they turned more than a blind eye to what was going on.

    The whole governance and running of the sport needs looking into.

    Example, in Motorsport the FiA are the governing body, but Bernie promotes F1, Eurosport-WTCC, RedBull- WRC, ACO-WEC, etc
    So for Cycling, you could have, ASO as the road cycling Promoter, RockyRoads/RedBull for MTB, Sporza for Cyclocross, etc
    All Road/ Gravel: tbcWinter: tbcMTB: tbcRoad: tbc"Look at the time...." "he's fallen like an old lady on a cruise ship..."
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    The race is promoted by ASO I thought??? Anyway, interesting read; ... 09762.html

    "A number of people I think should be name-checked – particularly Paul Kimmage [who is currently being sued for defamation by cycling's governing body, the UCI] and The Sunday Times' David Walsh, but then also Emma Riley, who was Lance's masseuse. They did try to do this and felt the full force of Lance's lawyers and lost.

    "So the idea of the rest of us doing our jobs, knowing this was going on, the idea of some small cycling journalist thinking they'll go up against Lance Armstrong when News International [the owner of The Sunday Times] had lost became very unlikely."
  • Nick Fitt wrote:
    The race is promoted by ASO I thought??? Anyway, interesting read; ... 09762.html

    "A number of people I think should be name-checked – particularly Paul Kimmage [who is currently being sued for defamation by cycling's governing body, the UCI] and The Sunday Times' David Walsh, but then also Emma Riley, who was Lance's masseuse. They did try to do this and felt the full force of Lance's lawyers and lost.

    "So the idea of the rest of us doing our jobs, knowing this was going on, the idea of some small cycling journalist thinking they'll go up against Lance Armstrong when News International [the owner of The Sunday Times] had lost became very unlikely."

    Hmmm....apart from the fact that Sutcliffe is putting up the ST lawsuit as a defence, and that was settled in 2006 - 8 years after he left Cycling Weekly, and 4 years after he left ProCycling.... :?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Well, if Murdoch can bring down LA and all those involved, repost some slimy corruptible cretin as head of the UCI then it might mean another fabbo year for team SKY
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    If Sepp Blatter was in charge of the UCI, none of this would have happened, cycling would be as clean as football ;-)
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,180
    Presumably when he says Emma Riley he means Emma O'Reilly? He could at least get her name right (unless that's the reporter's mistake)! Incidently, she seems to have been all over the media talking recently but was a new name to me - did she speak out at all before the USADA stuff or is this all new and she is milking her new found fame?