Men's World TT **Spoiler**



  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:

    He was perfectly fine for the Olympics.

    You may have forgotten that he had to pull out of the Tour in its second week due to a badly injured wrist (he was back in a cast). It wasnt exactly ideal preparation for the Olympics the week after the Tour, now was it?

    He pulled out only after riding the 2nd TT.

    Then 3 weeks off before the Olympics. Then 2 weeks later he was riding the Vuelta.

    He was perfectly fine.

    He was also perfectly fine in the Dauphine.
  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    Turfle wrote:
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:

    He was perfectly fine for the Olympics.

    You may have forgotten that he had to pull out of the Tour in its second week due to a badly injured wrist (he was back in a cast). It wasnt exactly ideal preparation for the Olympics the week after the Tour, now was it?

    He pulled out only after riding the 2nd TT.

    Then 3 weeks off before the Olympics. Then 2 weeks later he was riding the Vuelta.

    He was perfectly fine.

    He was also perfectly fine in the Dauphine.

    I guess you dont know of the concept of "race miles" or "race fitness" :lol::lol:
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    In respect to which race? The Dauphine came a week after he won the Tour of Belgium.

    2011 Martin would give 2012 Wiggins a great race. For whatever reason, 2012 Martin hasn't. I can't see any logical reason why it would have been any different today.
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:

    He was perfectly fine for the Olympics.

    You may have forgotten that he had to pull out of the Tour in its second week due to a badly injured wrist (he was back in a cast). It wasnt exactly ideal preparation for the Olympics the week after the Tour, now was it?

    He pulled out only after riding the 2nd TT.

    Then 3 weeks off before the Olympics. Then 2 weeks later he was riding the Vuelta.

    He was perfectly fine.

    He was also perfectly fine in the Dauphine.

    I guess you dont know of the concept of "race miles" or "race fitness" :lol::lol:

    Martin could have not broken his wrist, finished the TdF, won some crits and then Wiggins would still have won the olympic TT.

    I reckon, if Wiggins wanted to, he would have won today too.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:

    He was perfectly fine for the Olympics.

    You may have forgotten that he had to pull out of the Tour in its second week due to a badly injured wrist (he was back in a cast). It wasnt exactly ideal preparation for the Olympics the week after the Tour, now was it?

    He pulled out only after riding the 2nd TT.

    Then 3 weeks off before the Olympics. Then 2 weeks later he was riding the Vuelta.

    He was perfectly fine.

    He was also perfectly fine in the Dauphine.

    I guess you dont know of the concept of "race miles" or "race fitness" :lol::lol:
    Wiggins has beaten Martin 8 times out of 8 this year
    Wiggins has beaten Cancellara 5 times out of 6 in the last two years (FC winning a prologue)

    You can make all the excuses for defeats you like, but to suggest that Wiggins is 'not in their league' is just perverse.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Would anyone genuinely want Phinney to win over Martin?

    Contador is the Greatest
  • in the dual interests of a) diverting this thread from the Wiggins-would-have-smoked-it/no-he-wouldnt, line, and b) spreading scurrilious gossip, someone on Twitter's just posted a photo of the UCI checking a BMC bike for a motor, post TT.... :?
  • Would anyone genuinely want Phinney to win over Martin?

    He was my PTP pick, so yeah.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • They're both fairly dull, non-descript types.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,314
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:
    emadden wrote:
    Turfle wrote:

    He was perfectly fine for the Olympics.

    You may have forgotten that he had to pull out of the Tour in its second week due to a badly injured wrist (he was back in a cast). It wasnt exactly ideal preparation for the Olympics the week after the Tour, now was it?

    He pulled out only after riding the 2nd TT.

    Then 3 weeks off before the Olympics. Then 2 weeks later he was riding the Vuelta.

    He was perfectly fine.

    He was also perfectly fine in the Dauphine.

    I guess you dont know of the concept of "race miles" or "race fitness" :lol::lol:

    Finishing the Tour 10 days before a major TT (esp with the added pressure/fatigue of winning the thing) would NOT be considered ideal preparation according to any coaching theory I've ever heard of.
    Had Wiggins left the race at the same time as Martin and prepared solely for Olympic TT, I suspect he'd have put even more time into him.

    Reports suggest that Martin was slowing on the climbs today - not a scenario usually applicable to Wiggins.
    In my impartial view, Wiggins would have dicked everyone today...
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Worth watching?

    Managed to avoid all posts on the thread.
  • Worth watching?

    Managed to avoid all posts on the thread.

    Yeah, it was a good 'un
  • milton50
    milton50 Posts: 3,856
    Didn't see it. Was at work.

    Another PTP masterstroke from me to change my pick to Contador at the last minute.

    An expected but well taken victory by Martin. Good ride by Phinney.

    Wiggins has been the best TT rider in the world this year.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Would anyone genuinely want Phinney to win over Martin?

    Sure, why not? Phinney is a phenomenal athlete and one of the futures of the sport.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,161
    pb21 wrote:
    I reckon, if Wiggins wanted to, he would have won today too.

    I agree, but I think Wiggo did the right thing. If he rode this year the following outcomes would be possible:

    1. Doesn't win.
    Takes the gloss off the all-time most successful performance by a UK cyclist, and missed out savoring his Tdf and Olympic triumph.
    2. Wins, and consolidates the all time UK etc...
    Then what? The rest of his career can never match this, so what has he got to aim for? Repeat of the same (without Olympics)?

    By not competing this year he gets to have a good few beers. I wouldn't bet against him for the 2013 TT, although the TdF will be a more difficult - not doing him down, but this year was particularly suited to his style.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    He's got to get out of that annoying habit of turning around and going back down the course. Not good in a TT ...
  • Was David McCann not riding for Ireland?
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Shame we only had one Brit in the mix but I think it was a good ride by Dowsett
  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    LangerDan wrote:
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Is it me or is Phinney's time a bit suspect ???? - only days ago he was struggling to keep the pace with his BMC team mates. Or am i just being Dr Geert Leinders cynical 8)

    Maybe he just wanted save himself for today rather than going all out for some novelty prize.
    Didn't he think he was fifth man before realising he was fourth so he had to chase back on?

    Great to see Martin flying past Contador who got annoyed that someone other than him was drafting his motorbike. Felt for Phinney, especially after coming 4th in the Olympics twice, I'm sure he'll get another chance or two though!
  • Drumlin
    Drumlin Posts: 120
    Well, that was the best time trial I've seen since Lemond/Fignon. A shame for Phinney but he's got many more championships in front of him.
    Would welcome company for Sat rides west/south of Edinburgh, up to 3 hrs, 16mph ish. Please PM me if interested/able to help.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Was David McCann not riding for Ireland?

    He withdrew as he hadn't recovered from a training crash.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Enjoyed that.

    Phinney is very pretty on a TT bike.
  • ttmenbum.jpg
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Looks like Hutch had to ride is some serious rain

    Heavyweight legs

    Contador is the Greatest