Marmotte 2013



  • dp_1410
    dp_1410 Posts: 168
    So what tour operators are people using? Looks like most options for accommodation are all booked up already.

    Alpcycles were my choice but look to be fully booked. Any previous experience on offer out there?

  • Hi All

    I am doing La Marmotte in 2013 and so have just joined the forum to keep up to date.

    Getting really excited about training - shame we going into our winter!!

    I plan to organise travel/accomodation independently to save costs etc

    nor decided where to stay either up the col or in valley yet?
  • alanp23
    alanp23 Posts: 696
    Hi all,

    Just read this post and thought it might be useful to drop a line.

    Sportcommunication's Inscription website shows following since a few days : GRAND TROPHY 2013 REGISTRATION OPENING december 2012
    Last year the online inscription started first of december. However 1st of december 2012 is a saturday, so likely the inscription via Sportcommunication will start monday 3rd. But I would check daily from end of november though.

    Happy cycling!


    I think last year it sold out within 2 days. (previous year it was about 4 days) So you really to keep checking the site from the end of November to avoid missing out.

    Good luck! Its a great ride!
    Top Ten finisher - PTP Tour of Britain 2016
  • mpd62
    mpd62 Posts: 71
    Hi, Three of us want to ride next years marmotte, Entry only, Is it easy for one person to enter us all as a team at the same time . Has anyone had problems with this? . cheers
  • I did the Marmotte this year :)

    To answer a few queries.....

    1) Registration opened overnight going into the 1st December (I think), we booked 3 individual places via text relays at 6AM when one of us got up, the race was full by lunchtime. We paid something like 60 EU, I cant remember exactly but entries were sold on by agencies soon after at big mark ups

    2) Accommodation was a PIA to find for an individual traveller. ALthough there must be a gazillion hotel rooms and chalets in the area they were either not advertised or else on the market for £££££. Packages are available for varying cost with companies but most were pretty steep, TBH the one advertised on this thread seemed OK value to me (no connection). Its worth bearing in mind that your non cycling mates may not be happy with the premium that accommodation comes with just to join you. Its a very popular event and whilst Id expect the tour companies to be in it for profit not charity its easy to see their mark ups on hotels - yes they offer extras like mechanics and feed stations if thats your thing but I wasnt in it for Michelin starred food en route!

    3) Alpe d'Huez and Bourg are actually pretty scummy - but happy to discuss this!!

    4) We heard of several folk getting bikes nicked from campsites overnight plus feed stations on the route, although with 9000 bikes around suspect youd be unlucky

    5) We stayed in Bourg so had a bit of a lie in and avoided a chilly early morning ride down the mountain, blasting down in late afternoon sunshine after we finished wasnt much of a hardship

    6) Total cost for me. Entry = £60. Share of chalet = £200 (fixed weeks rental although we stayed 5 nights). Food and drink = whatever you want to spend really, good supermarket in Bourg and choice of uninspiring places to eat out :) Hire car from airport = £100 each although we drove in the end

    7) It was a blast, unlike some foreign sportives a bloody hard slog with a great sense of accomplishment

  • hatone
    hatone Posts: 228
    I did the Marmotte this year and had a great time. Managed just over 7 hrs. Well organised and a fantastic route - definitely one to do on your bucket list.

    Having said that, I didn't find the Marmotte as hard as the Fred Whitton. The Fred Whitton was definitely harder, particularly the last 40 miles.
  • Places are filling up fast but we have just secure more accommodation in Alpe d'Huez, so if you are still interested in doing this great event contact us.

    We will be offering a 4 night package staying in a luxury chalet in Alpe d'Huez (you can see the finish from the lounge) form Thursday 04th - Monday 08th July 2012.

    The cost will be £530 and will include the following:

    * Race Entry
    * Return Airport Transfers
    * 4 Nights Accommodation
    * 4 Continental Style Breakfasts
    * 4 Two Course Evening Meals & Complimentary Wine
    * La Marmotte Training Advise
    * Private Feed Station on race day

    For more info please visit or email us at

  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    Glad I found this thread, been really useful with the posts and links - thanks to all and keep the advice coming as I'll be popping my LaM cherry in 2013 - in fact it will be my first overseas event so really can't wait.

    Got a couple of local hills that are about 5km with 5% average gradient so they will be my training hills, Couple of others around 2-3Km with 8-10% gradients (some parts up to 15%) plus many others with a mix of length/gradients so I'll not have any excuse for not being prepared. Lastly have my turbo to use to simulate long hard efforts over the winter when I can't get out.
    Good luck to everyone doing this :D

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • Does anyone know when entries open? I believe it was 1st december last year at midnight (although not sure if that meant at the end of the 30th or 1st) As it is a weekend this year i was wondering if it may be at the begiining of the following week.....would be happy to hear from anyone with a definitive answer
  • Thanks for that. So it's at midnight this Friday (UK time) Any idea how this event books I need to be online at the stroke of midnight or will it be fine early on Saturday morning? (going by other recent years)
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Going by this year you'd be fine the next morning - going by the year before you'd have a few days at least - if I was going to sign up this time round I'd be doing it before I went to bed though, why take the chance.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    The Etape du Tour required those entering to register with an ASO prior to registering for the event.
    Is anything like this required for La Marmotte or is it not part of any ASO event?
    Just want to prepared for Friday at midnight!

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • No just enter via the webshyte.

    You'll need a docs certifcate at some point - either send a few months before the ride or you can present it when you sign on (which I normally do - there's less chance of anybody scutinising it then).
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    cheers! :D
    will ensure I take the Docs cert with me.

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    So I see entries go live at mid-night tonight. Typical that I am then out and away from a computer until tomorrow lunch!

    Managed to rope the girlfriend into staying up to sign me up though. How easy is it to sign up? Never done it before but assume it is similar to the Etape? Does the website crash like the Etape?
  • Not a great signing on experience - ur wag needs to know ur dob
  • alan_a
    alan_a Posts: 1,589
    Also entry opens at 11pm UK time
  • Countdown clock indicates midnight not 11pm...
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    Any recommendations for insurance for this trip?

    Planning 1 week - Wed to Wed and already got flights and accommodation so just car and entry to sort :D

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • bcss
    bcss Posts: 174
    anybody successful? Get to the sign up page and can download the medical form, but apart from that the webpage looks a bit out of order
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    me too! don't know if it will start working at midnight???

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • I can't check the box to register for La Marmotte, but I would be able to register for any of the other races.

    Either la Marmotte is already sold out or registration isn't open yet.

    Anybody been able to register?
  • I think I have entered. Got some message in French after paying by card. Not received an email yet though. Trick was to keep hitting refresh any time you get an error, never the back button.
  • anyone got a link to the entry form as the link posted above just takes me to goobledygook....although as someone else said they can download a medical form from there...I just cannot see any way to actually enter
  • No luck yet, got to be the worst website ever.
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    I'm in :D:D:D:D:D

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • kfinlay
    kfinlay Posts: 763
    Any time I clicked to go to the next page, if I got rubbish I tried to refesh the page but if that didn't work then I went back a page then clicked again. Had to go through this a good 10-20 times per page but once I got to the 4th stage to pay it was fine. Good luck!

    Summer Bike: Colnago C60
    Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
    MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum
  • wicked
    wicked Posts: 844
    Just like the last poster, but what a fuck up of a website!
    It’s the most beautiful sport in the world but it’s governed by ***ts who have turned it into a crock of ****.
  • In at last :D missed out last year so really pleased. That website just never gets any better