Weekend Rides?



  • mr_ribble
    mr_ribble Posts: 1,068
    Club Run that started with 20 odd and at one point I turned around and there were just the three of us. This was in part due to the fact that there were a couple of Sportives I think going on in the area. (Big one on Ockham lane). Oh and also because of a horse that was walking sideways down a road.

    85 miles in total after chucking in a cheeky lap and a half in the park at the end. Stupid mistake.Full of twunts in cars and on bikes. Otherwise it was an ok-ish ride. Not at the pace or intensity of okgo's Saturday showdown, but a few decent 3rd cats made sure the pace was fruity.
  • okgo
    okgo Posts: 4,368
    I do enjoy the more social rides, but if one wants to progress I need to suffer a bit sadly. I'm still utter shit up-hill so these rides do help.
    Blog on my first and now second season of proper riding/racing - www.firstseasonracing.com
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Gentle trip to RP with my brother for me as I'm taking the bike to Cyprus on Sat and have a busy week ahead. Still managed a PB up Dark Hill though. One segment has me as SCR KOM one doesn't!

    Stupid Strava :lol:
  • kevess
    kevess Posts: 186
    Rode the Pearson 150 yesterday, no rain, but a lovely cold and windy Brighton. Bit of a headwind on the Devil's Dyke Road out of town on the return, but calmed a bit eventually. Strava reckons 6,338ft of climbs.

    Only one ever so minor complaint, the water only barrel at the feed station at Brighton must have been washed out with TCP and not rinsed properly. Filled two 750ml bottles, added my Hi5 and only discovered the exquisite taste and pungent aroma a mile or so later. :shock:

    All in all a good day's ride on a very well run sportive, for an excellent cause; Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. :)
  • Inter club 25 TT yesterday, a little different from last weekend! Managed to do a 1:14:34 on a rolling course with still shot legs and a reasonable amount of wind. Pleased I managed to average over 20mph and reckon I have a bit more in me... Cycling back from Twickenham to London bumped into a friendly wheeler on a red Dolan who'd been out in the hills. Hello if it's anyone on here!
    Nice weather bike: Fondriest TF2 (white/ black)
    Training Bike: Giant Avail (white/ blue/ green)
    Track bikes: Planet X Franko Bianco (white) and 7VRN (white/ black)
    CX: Kinesis Pro6 (sick green)
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    okgo wrote:
    If you are about one weekend you should come on the kw training ride John. They're great!

    Unfortunately there is absolutely no chance of me being able to do KW rides anymore. It would take me about 1.5hrs to drive down to LW. Not sure I'll find a club similar to KW round where I am, they tend to be smaller and more racing focused as far as I can work out.
  • okgo
    okgo Posts: 4,368
    Oh right, you've actually moved house?

    I have often thought about moving closer to work, but it would impact my cycling too much ;)
    Blog on my first and now second season of proper riding/racing - www.firstseasonracing.com
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    okgo wrote:
    Oh right, you've actually moved house?

    I have often thought about moving closer to work, but it would impact my cycling too much ;)

    Yes moved a few weeks back - commute is now longer, shitter (in terms of areas, lights, standard of driving, standard of competition) but I think I'll get fitter doing it as its no longer pan flat.
  • okgo
    okgo Posts: 4,368
    Ah ok.

    Big move, one end of town to the other!
    Blog on my first and now second season of proper riding/racing - www.firstseasonracing.com