Would You Wear A SKY Jersey?



  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    MattC59 wrote:
    Come on now gents, calm down, calm down, I don't want any trouble! (the guy came over a bit of a nob, he tried to explain, in a round-about way, he's foreign, he's tried his best, its all water under the bridge) and anyway, Ive got the jersey now, i wore it this morning, i was hoping people would pull me over asking for autographs, it didnt happen, but i liked the jersey.


    Glad you like the jersey, but a little disappointed that noone asked for your autograph. Give it time though. Failing that, get yourself a world champ jersey, that will definiteely attract attention :wink:

    and if all else fails, complain to Wiggle !

    Stop press!

    Said jersey is now being returned to wiggle, somebody at work kindly pointed out all the stiching on the reverse at the bottom (which makes it nice and springy) had come undone (id only been on the bike for 20 minutes, and hadn't snagged anything, and im not so fat that the top exploded). I don't blame wiggle though, i blame Murdoch.

    Dissapointed, but have requested a replacement. :(

    Oh deer this is going to get messy, they have discontinued my size, no replacement for me then :(


    That's truely sh*t mate !!!
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • LeicesterLad
    LeicesterLad Posts: 3,908
    MattC59 wrote:
    MattC59 wrote:
    Come on now gents, calm down, calm down, I don't want any trouble! (the guy came over a bit of a nob, he tried to explain, in a round-about way, he's foreign, he's tried his best, its all water under the bridge) and anyway, Ive got the jersey now, i wore it this morning, i was hoping people would pull me over asking for autographs, it didnt happen, but i liked the jersey.


    Glad you like the jersey, but a little disappointed that noone asked for your autograph. Give it time though. Failing that, get yourself a world champ jersey, that will definiteely attract attention :wink:

    and if all else fails, complain to Wiggle !

    Stop press!

    Said jersey is now being returned to wiggle, somebody at work kindly pointed out all the stiching on the reverse at the bottom (which makes it nice and springy) had come undone (id only been on the bike for 20 minutes, and hadn't snagged anything, and im not so fat that the top exploded). I don't blame wiggle though, i blame Murdoch.

    Dissapointed, but have requested a replacement. :(

    Oh deer this is going to get messy, they have discontinued my size, no replacement for me then :(


    That's truely sh*t mate !!!

    £6 at the local sweatshop gets me a new stitch and my jersey back by Monday. Not happy but it will have to do. :|
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    If I was in the Sky Pro Cycling Team I would wear one but that ain't going to happen so no I wouldn't and it's not Rupert Murdoch that is behind Team Sky it's his toe-rag son James and BSkyB. Rupert is as Wiggo would say "dead wood"....
    http://www.managementtoday.co.uk/news/1 ... BSkyB-AGM/
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    If I was in the Sky Pro Cycling Team I would wear one but that ain't going to happen so no I wouldn't and it's not Rupert Murdoch that is behind Team Sky it's his toe-rag son James and BSkyB. Rupert is as Wiggo would say "dead wood"....
    http://www.managementtoday.co.uk/news/1 ... BSkyB-AGM/

    I thought that last time we discussed Sky and its backing of the team someone said something along those lines about JM and he was shouted down by the Sky lovin' massif because JM was such a great cycling fan and rode bikes and loved the team and was instantly texting them the minute they won anything and, and, and ...

    Shurely shome mishtake?

    Pants re top LL - at least you'll have it back on Monday all sorted.