night riding...



  • I have been out at night before, but the worst thing I ever did was a few years ago now. I was at home with the gf, and we watched one of the Final Destination films. Straight after that, she jumped in the car and went home, and I went out for a run on a route I had done many times, only about 3.5 miles or so, on a road (well the path). I'll tell you what, I've never been so scared of the dark in my life.! Everything was moving around eerily and it was horrible. The worse bit, I had my head down for a bit, looked up and there was a guy on a bike right there, lights right in my face. I actually jumped out of my skin, the guy just laughed :x

    Never doing that again. Running, I mean.
  • t0pc4t
    t0pc4t Posts: 947
    Your wife handily gets a call... and tells us "it's ok, my husband won't be back for 4 hours yet"...
    "Us" being me, and all the male voice choirs in the Gwent area, as well as several rugby teams.

    Now do you get it?
    'Cause your wife sure does :lol:

    if my son comes out welsh on saturday there'll be a parcel in the post for you miladdo and it won't be something nice from CRC.

    and I'll know if it's welsh.
    Whether you're a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

    Cube Curve 2009
    Giant Anthem X4

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Will it be a box that's completely devoid of a sense of humour?
  • t0pc4t
    t0pc4t Posts: 947
    I was joking, I wouldn't really post a baby to you, it would cost a bomb, I'd sneak it through fedex from work.
    Whether you're a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

    Cube Curve 2009
    Giant Anthem X4

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Kick it over like a rugby ball.
  • tenfoot
    tenfoot Posts: 226
    mak3m wrote:

    tbh the adrenaline boost has given me some of my best times :P

    The first time I did a solo night ride, I knocked 5 minutes off a usual 40 minute route. I was proper knackered by the time I got home and the adrenalin had ebbed away.

    I've been out on my own at night a few times. It's weird hearing trees creaking, and leaves falling.
  • to be honest i havnt ridden at night yet, just dusk but yes i will admit i will be scared going off riding at night on my own! hopefully over 2000lm will help make it less scary tho :) lol
  • ploeb
    ploeb Posts: 19
    ive tried a couple of times, dont like it at all, keep hearing things then stopping and looking behind into the darkness to see whats/who is making the noise!
    And that's just on local trails 10 minutes form my house. Cannot imagine going further afield!
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    For some reason I don't like setting out solo in the dark but I love riding through sunset and continuing a ride in the dark. Shouldn't really be any different but it seems to be.
    welshkev wrote:
    anyone think that the crazy axe murderer is behind them where your lights don't shine? :oops: :lol:

    If I was a crazy axe murderer I wouldn't be lurking up in the hills- there's nobody there! Instead I'd be down a dark alley somewhere in a town... You've just not thought this through.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    If there really is no phone signal - how can you dial 999 ? I've never had need to try this, but I cant see how it could work ?

    I ride happily alone at night - but nothing technical - and its the badgers you need to watch out for - the buggers try to take you off.
  • cougie wrote:
    If there really is no phone signal - how can you dial 999 ? I've never had need to try this, but I cant see how it could work ?.

    If for instance you're on O2 and have no signal, but are in a strong Orange signal area, then for a 999 call your phone can roam onto Orange to make the call.

    If your phone has NO signal at all then it's time to release a flare cos you aren't going to be making a call anytime soon!
    2011 Cannondale Trail SL 29er HERE
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    Haha, what's all this axe-murderer fear? bl00dy townies!

    The biggest danger is rabbits and hares who get dazzled and always manage to run under my front wheel!

    Besides, you are far more likely to be attacked by someone weilding an axe in an urban area. I would be terrified if i lived in a suburb....... all the psycho's live in middle-class suburbs....... :twisted:
  • TownyDC
    TownyDC Posts: 157
    Haven't rode a night ride on my own but have done umpteen rides with my Bruv, Tenfoot and mate Ben.
    iI's funny as i'd never contemplate a ride on my own but when we are out together, sometimes we get split up on a descent or a climb and leave maybe a gap of 1 or 2 minutes between us. Never worried about it then but i suppose we'll always catch up with each other or the other will wait at the top of the climb etc etc, so never really alone afterall.
    Tenfoot goes out on his own quite a bit (brave lad).

    The scariest thing we have ever come across on a night ride, is a Badger that lept out in front of us from a hedge. Scared the life out of me.

    Peat is right about Rabbits, especially with suicide tendancies who run away from you and then for some reason double track and head towards your line of route......madness.
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    Peat wrote:
    Haha, what's all this axe-murderer fear? bl00dy townies!


    i live halfway up a bloody montain!! that's how i know there's crazy people out there :lol:
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Most excellent on the Chase last night :)
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Forgot to add there were a couple of items of weirdness:

    Someone on a bike with no lights :|

    A group of ramblers with just a few torches between them. They were walking along with their arms linked, presumably in case one of them got picked off by a werewolf :twisted:
  • I plan on doing my 1st solo night ride tonight. Never had proper lights til now. I was saying to the lads at work that I will probably spook myself more than injure myself. Although I do expect to have a off or 3. I have chosen my regular loop but will miss the bit with a 30/40ft drop to the right out.
    I have no mrs to tell where I am going. So will prob ring a friend.

    Anyway, you say there are no axe murderers in the woods! How come the news is always reporting dog walkers finding mutilated bodies in woods? I only hope that they are too knackered from axe wielding, body dragging and shallow grave digging to chase me.


    Happy Riding in the woods.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • tsenior
    tsenior Posts: 664
    only riding i do atm is by myself at night

    have recently moved house so am heading out this evening to explore the new 'hood.

    doesent look to be much on offer compared to the last place :(
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    welshkev wrote:
    i live halfway up a bloody montain!! that's how i know there's crazy people out there :lol:
    Was it bloody before you got your axe out?

    fletch8928 wrote:
    How come the news is always reporting dog walkers finding mutilated bodies in woods?
    Because it's the dog walkers and joggers, mostly joggers, that do the butchering. They get away with it by manipulating the fact our inadequate legal system doesn't believe in "who smelt it, dealt it" logic.
  • I always lean towards it being the dog walkers. They call it in when they realise the dog isnt going to eat the evidence. Its always early in the morning and they are probably getting cold and tired with all the waiting.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Nah, it's the joggers mostly. They realise they can;t eat all the evidence, so they run away and call the cops.
    That's why joggers never stop for a chat, their mouths are always full of human flesh.
    Like Zombies. But not dead.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Like Zombies. But not dead.

    They just smell like they are, and look about as happy.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    It recently occured to me that everyone I pass on the way to and from work is generally cheerfull, and return a friendly "hello", apart from joggers, and middle aged dog-walking women.
  • A pal who jogs is wanting to come along on a ride. May have to rethink or make him wear a Silence of the Lambs mask.
    Anyway, the axe murderers do hang out in the woods. They may do the nasty in suburbia, but they then go to the woods. At night.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    True, there are tons of axe murderers, and chainsaw murderers and so on.
    But I still don't see what's t be scared of.
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    if a fat man carrying an axe can catch you, you're not riding quick enough!

    as long as people know where you're aiming to go and a reasonable time you should be back there is no problem going out alone.

    Also i didnt know that The Murders Trade Union had implemented a Night Working Only policy on its members?! In the woods on your own during the day could lead to problems.

    MTFU and just be sensible!

    plus i'd like to think that if i hit someone with my 4 cell LED mag light (carried for lighting emergenices in the accessible side pocket of my bag) then i'd stand a chance against most people!
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    kaiser83 wrote:
    plus i'd like to think that if i hit someone with my 4 cell LED mag light (carried for lighting emergenices in the accessible side pocket of my bag) then i'd stand a chance against most people!

    Can't you just carry a decent torch and a baseball bat?!

    More light and more whack-ability!

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • tenfoot
    tenfoot Posts: 226
    Although I hate listening to music while I ride, maybe that would be a solution. It'll blot out all of the rustles and creaking noises (creaking mostly coming from my old legs).
  • cougie wrote:
    If there really is no phone signal - how can you dial 999 ? I've never had need to try this, but I cant see how it could work ?
    Also, not so much for no signal but for a weak signal, it can sometimes be caused by too much use of one tower at once. If you dial 999 you will get priotity, so other calls will suffer.

    As for tiding at night, surely half the fun is scaring yourself more?
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    I would liken night-riding to running, as you did as a child, with your palms out-stretched into 'blades'.

    It feels like you are going really fast! but you probably aint...