How many of you ride without a helmet?

dizzyblonde82 Posts: 100
edited October 2011 in Road beginners
I was just wondering how many people ride road bikes but don't wear a helmet?

After watching a programme the other day it would seem that there is a debate regarding how much protection a helmet gives you.


  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    And who uses WD40 on their chains ?

    sorry dizzyblonde, huuuuuuge can of worms you've just re-opened, as is the WD40 topic :D
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • TuckerUK
    TuckerUK Posts: 369
    I often ride my MTB on the road to commute (does that count?).

    I have never worn a helmet, they didn't even exist when I started cycling, and as (to my knowledge) roads and pavements haven't got any harder, and my head hasn't got any softer, I'll continue to ride this way.

    Interesting to note that amongst my extended family and circle of friends, I don't know a single person who has ever suffered a serious head injury whilst cycling. My sister suffered a very serious head injury from falling down the stairs though (no joke, coma for months).

    If people want to wear one then good for them, freedom of choice is a wonderful thing.
    "Coming through..."
  • TuckerUK
    TuckerUK Posts: 369
    huuuuuuge can of worms you've just re-opened,

    The OP merely asked who didn't wear a helmet, I don't see that as anything controversial in the least.
    "Coming through..."
  • Don't want to cause an argument, just curious.

    I don't wear a helmet as I don't find them comfortable and find the straps annoying.
  • cookdn
    cookdn Posts: 410
    I came off my bike entering an underpass on my commute to work. It was winter, the snow and slush had washed off the roundabout above and I hit a patch of black ice. I struck my head on the concrete wall writing-off the helmet and I have no doubt that without the helmet my concussion would have been a fractured skull. Needless to say I never ride without a helmet.

    I'm not sure I see the downside of helmet use; is it comfort, heat, weight? But then wearing of helmets is sort of ingrained in me from climbing/winter mountaineering/white water kayaking when I was younger and my main biking until now has been MTB.

    However I don't advocate that they are made compulsory; in a grown-up society everybody should be allowed to assess their own risk and I cannot see how compulsory helmet wear on bikes is realistically enforceable.

    Best regards
    Boardman CX Team
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I always wear one.

    I've had one crash where I'm sure that my helmet was of benefit, I hit the deck sufficiently hard to split my helmet into three pieces. I suspect that without the helmet, I might have been in a bit of a mess !

    That's the only bad one in 25years of 'proper biking' ie not just f*cking about on a bike as a kid.

    A lot of people will say that they're not worth the effort, but I've had numerous crashes where I've had a good smack to the head, so my view is that any protection is better than none.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    TuckerUK wrote:
    huuuuuuge can of worms you've just re-opened,

    The OP merely asked who didn't wear a helmet, I don't see that as anything controversial in the least.
    Anywhere else you'd be right, search the forum, you'll see exactly what I mean.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • kamil1891
    kamil1891 Posts: 658
    I wanted to ask exactly the same question. I ride without helmet because I have not found a helmet that would fit me very well and I'm very comfortable without it (actually, I found one, but I have to wait a bit until I buy it because no money at the moment).

    I wanted to ask this, as I think people look at me in a weired way and my family says that I'm stupid to not wear one ... everyone seems to wear a helmet execpt me. :lol:
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    I never wear one; don't know if it proves anything one way or another though.
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,713
    I very rarely wear one on the road. I generally do off-road though.
  • mouth
    mouth Posts: 1,195
    Thanks to two sets of stitches and a concussion, I have now convinced myself to wear a helmet whilst cycling. Not sure of the actual protection it will offer in the event of an off, but it makes me feel a little safer.

    Personal choice is the way forward, unless you're my ten year old son. He doesn't get a choice. He wears it. When he thinks he's big/good enough to ride without, I'll leave it up to him to decide on wearing one or not.
    The only disability in life is a poor attitude.
  • Always, always wear one. Been to RTCs where the helmet has taken a battering and you walk away thinking thank god they were wearing that. Also been to some where you think if only you'd have worn a helmet... Could have saved yourself some nasty injuries..

    No doubt it's just a matter of time before the EU legislate and make it compulsory.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I always wear one when doing a "proper" cycle. It took me a while to start though as I too grew up in an era where safety equipment was the source of much piff taking.

    A couple of weeks ago I was knocked out in a head on (literally) with a van and it was the helmet that took the brunt of the impact. After a short recovery spell I was back on the bike and I finished the ride. I am sure my injury would have been much worse without the helmet (which still has a dent in it and needs replacing). As others have said, total matter of choice, I wear one, don't mind if others don't.

    I would strongly suggest shopping around (which I am currently in the process of) if anyone cannot find one that's comfortable. I find them all very different and have to try quite a few on before finding the right fit.
  • ilm_zero7
    ilm_zero7 Posts: 2,213
    always, always wear a helmet - the moment you think, if only I had worn a helmet could be too late. I know someone who had an off without one - it took him 4 miserable years to finally end the brain damage scarred life it caused him

    every little helps!
    Wiliers: Cento Uno/Superleggera R and Zero 7. Bianchi Infinito CV and Oltre XR2
  • Wear one. I did get a wasp trapped in the ventillation once. Not a happy experience.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,095
    Wear one 99% of the time after this accident whilst wearing one
  • do on my road bike; don't when commuting/touring
    allen.coulson wrote
    I did get a wasp trapped in the ventillation once

    Yup - had to take mine off at speed yesterday to avoid a sting...
    >> Domane Four Series > Ridgeback Voyage
  • McTiger
    McTiger Posts: 23
    Always wear one, always. Had a fly over the bonnet of a car once and landed on my right shoulder and head on the other side. That one saw me picking out stone chips that were embedded in the helmet, would have been my temple if I didn't have a lid on. A more recent flying lesson from the saddle, when I high sided on a grass slope, had me skidding along a cycle path on my head again, would have had some cuts to the head at least but I had my lid on so I only bust a rib and cuts/bruises to elbows and knees.

    Freedom of choice for me, but as others have said, I can see it becoming law
  • spezial
    spezial Posts: 142
    I have always worn one, and am very glad I do, as it saved my life in a crash earlier this year (as much as I can be certain, I don't intend to repeat the exact conditions of the crash without a helmet just to prove my point!).

    If you're ever going to ride a sportive/ race/ TT/ UCI sanctioned event, you'll need to wear one anyway, so probably worth owning one.

    Most newer models are so light/ well ventilated that you barely notice you're wearing one, it's just a case of finding the right one for your head if comfort is an issue.

    Not sure if making them compulsory would work though, as you don't want to give people a reason for not riding their bike.
    "what's it pertaining?"
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    Always without exception.

    So does my next-door neighbour - a consultant anaesthetist -rightly or wrongly i see that as a positive endorsement
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • Always try to wear one .. I'm not convinced it'll help much in an incident with a car but, like my gloves that I absolutely always wear, I reckon if I'm sliding down the road then it might help keep the number/seriousness of cuts/bruises down.

    Obviously the rest of me will probably be gravel rash city.
    Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail

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  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    It's choice and for me it's a no, it's the noise, insect and strap issue.
    I do know the importance of a helmet because one saved my life when i had a big crash on a motorbike a few years back.
  • fludey
    fludey Posts: 384
    On the road I always wear one, came off once and it saved my head when landing on the curb from a high side big dent in helmet and a broken finger along with the usual road rash.
    But if I'm taking a gentle mtb xc ride with no road I don't tend to wear it, thou I probably should.
    Felt AR4
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  • Always wear one. I was knocked off my motorbike a few years ago the boots saved my leg & the helmet kept my head together.

    I was hit by a kid with no control of his car - you can be the safest rider in the world all it takes is a moron to wipe you out.

    I agree with some helmets being uncomfortable though - just have to keep trying.
    Ribble R872
    Specialized Langster Monaco
    Trek 6300
  • I always wear one, even in Italy where the roads are a lot safer, at least it is where i live.

    They are all so light now you hardly realise you wear one, they look pretty cool these days too and is just some more nice kit to buy is it not?!
    Il Sasso Cycling - Sempre in Bici
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  • Noclue
    Noclue Posts: 503
    I always wear one, the biggest reason being that i wouldn't let my kids ride their bikes without one and feel i have to lead by example, i have also had a couple of head bumps that would have been worse had it not been for a helmet.
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    I don't wear a helmet as I don't find them comfortable and find the straps annoying.

    I think I'd find brain damage / head trauma less comfortable and more annoying
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Before I got an aero helmet I used to ride TT's without (especially opens) The reason being that if a car hit me on a dual carriageway it was unlikely I'd need a helmet with the internal injuries i was going to get.
    Now I have an aero helmet I now ride 100% with one.
  • I'm not convinced it'll help much in an incident with a car.

    I was taken out in a head on with a car in May. Believe me, it helps.
  • Thanks for all the veiws :)

    I am currently trying to find a helmet that fits, tried a few on yesterday as I would prefer to wear one.

    Had an accident last night in the house (not on my bike), lost my footing due to a knee problem and fell backwards, hit my head on the kitchen table and damaged my elbow and wrist. Looks like it will be a couple of weeks before I get to ride my new road bike :(