Dale Farm eviction



  • Ron Stuart wrote:
    Dale Farm is just one small manifestation of what is fundamentally gone wrong in this country so may be the venom that has been expressed here could be better directed towards an area that has far more impact on the rest of our lives.

    Unfortunetly this does have an impact on peoples lives on a day to day basis. The people who have to live next to the illegal site are being affected. It's exactly the same as people who'll be affected by HS2, Heathrow runway 3 etc.

    There are thousands of people who are directly affected by the negative and illegal activities of some (not all) the traveller community, and Dale Farm could be seen as setting a precedent. If one part of the community can flaunt planning regulations, others will try to do the same.

    I would also suggest that most of the comments on this thread are actually directed at the usual "rent-a-mob" protestors who have nothing to do with the travellers but tend to turn up to this type of event.
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Dale Farm is just one small manifestation of what is fundamentally gone wrong in this country so may be the venom that has been expressed here could be better directed towards an area that has far more impact on the rest of our lives.

    Unfortunetly this does have an impact on peoples lives on a day to day basis. The people who have to live next to the illegal site are being affected. It's exactly the same as people who'll be affected by HS2, Heathrow runway 3 etc.

    There are thousands of people who are directly affected by the negative and illegal activities of some (not all) the traveller community, and Dale Farm could be seen as setting a precedent. If one part of the community can flaunt planning regulations, others will try to do the same.

    I would also suggest that most of the comments on this thread are actually directed at the usual "rent-a-mob" protestors who have nothing to do with the travellers but tend to turn up to this type of event.

    Lift your head up a look at little further :shock: :shock: :shock: It was once illegal for women to vote.
    Did it ever occur to anyone that we just might have some rubbish planning laws?
    There are commercial and private agencies flaunting planning regulations up and down the country all the time and do they make big time news and how about the cozy deals done between government and certain commercial enterprises to obviate planning requirements and smooth out delays. Has anyone got any idea just how many brownfield sites have planning consent on them but development on them by property companies has been frozen because they can't make enough money on them, greenfield sites are much cheaper to develop.
    Brownfield sites could help solve a large proportion of our extra housing requirements but the sites are bought, planning is gained relatively easily then the site is bartered around to deferent bidders like currencies to speculate on. We should be building houses on these sites by a certain minimum period or planning is revoked this keeps employment up and the industry in business, the benefits down and places for the Dale Farm crew somewhere to live if need be. The money spent on bloody lawyers surrounding this case is criminal in itself, it could be better spent on building somewhere for them to stay legally.
    A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum, well we have an increasing amount of scum of various backgrounds and habitats being produced on an ever increasing scale all over this wonderful land, the recent riots echoed that fact.
    You all need to look further a field for your answers.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Dale Farm is just one small manifestation of what is fundamentally gone wrong in this country so may be the venom that has been expressed here could be better directed towards an area that has far more impact on the rest of our lives.

    Unfortunetly this does have an impact on peoples lives on a day to day basis. The people who have to live next to the illegal site are being affected. It's exactly the same as people who'll be affected by HS2, Heathrow runway 3 etc.

    There are thousands of people who are directly affected by the negative and illegal activities of some (not all) the traveller community, and Dale Farm could be seen as setting a precedent. If one part of the community can flaunt planning regulations, others will try to do the same.

    I would also suggest that most of the comments on this thread are actually directed at the usual "rent-a-mob" protestors who have nothing to do with the travellers but tend to turn up to this type of event.

    Lift your head up a look at little further :shock: :shock: :shock: It was once illegal for women to vote.
    Did it ever occur to anyone that we just might have some rubbish planning laws?
    There are commercial and private agencies flaunting planning regulations up and down the country all the time and do they make big time news and how about the cozy deals done between government and certain commercial enterprises to obviate planning requirements and smooth out delays. Has anyone got any idea just how many brownfield sites have planning consent on them but development on them by property companies has been frozen because they can't make enough money on them, greenfield sites are much cheaper to develop.
    Brownfield sites could help solve a large proportion of our extra housing requirements but the sites are bought, planning is gained relatively easily then the site is bartered around to deferent bidders like currencies to speculate on. We should be building houses on these sites by a certain minimum period or planning is revoked this keeps employment up and the industry in business, the benefits down and places for the Dale Farm crew somewhere to live if need be. The money spent on bloody lawyers surrounding this case is criminal in itself, it could be better spent on building somewhere for them to stay legally.
    A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum, well we have an increasing amount of scum of various backgrounds and habitats being produced on an ever increasing scale all over this wonderful land, the recent riots echoed that fact.
    You all need to look further a field for your answers.

    I think you're wrong. I don't think that most contributers on here think that these 'Travellers who don't travel' are scum. I think that most contributors on here think that people who seem tho think that they can ignore the rules and regulations that govern the rest of us, and behave in a generally antisocial manner, are scum. There's a huge difference.
    As for your comment on the money that was spent on laweyers etc would have been better spent on somewhere for them to stay. Why ? and Why should they get preferential treatment on their housing, just because of a choice in life style ? They have somewhere to stay, it's the caravan they've chosen to live in. If they want a piece of land to put it on and to live on, that's fine, but they have to go down the same channels ans anyone else would, and get the necessary permission to do so. Your suggestion that public money should be given to them so that they can live in the life style that they have choosen is frankly rediculous.
    If I choose to live in a way which violates the regulations which govern the rest of us, should the government cough up to accomodate my requirements ? Of course not. :roll:

    We may well have some rubbish planning laws, but they apply to us all. Travellers aren't exempt from them.

    I really don't understand quite how this has escallated to the level it has ! If I built a structure on my land, without planning permission, and which didn't comply with the regulations governing that piece of land, the council would ask that I remove it, or they would remove it and I would be liable for the costs. It's very simple. Why do these travellers think that they should have special treatment here ?

    Race is not an issue here, discrimination of any form is not an issue here. The issue is that they don't want to abide by the rules of the land. Nothing more.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Dale Farm is just one small manifestation of what is fundamentally gone wrong in this country so may be the venom that has been expressed here could be better directed towards an area that has far more impact on the rest of our lives.

    Unfortunetly this does have an impact on peoples lives on a day to day basis. The people who have to live next to the illegal site are being affected. It's exactly the same as people who'll be affected by HS2, Heathrow runway 3 etc.

    There are thousands of people who are directly affected by the negative and illegal activities of some (not all) the traveller community, and Dale Farm could be seen as setting a precedent. If one part of the community can flaunt planning regulations, others will try to do the same.

    I would also suggest that most of the comments on this thread are actually directed at the usual "rent-a-mob" protestors who have nothing to do with the travellers but tend to turn up to this type of event.

    Lift your head up a look at little further :shock: :shock: :shock: It was once illegal for women to vote.
    Did it ever occur to anyone that we just might have some rubbish planning laws?
    There are commercial and private agencies flaunting planning regulations up and down the country all the time and do they make big time news and how about the cozy deals done between government and certain commercial enterprises to obviate planning requirements and smooth out delays. Has anyone got any idea just how many brownfield sites have planning consent on them but development on them by property companies has been frozen because they can't make enough money on them, greenfield sites are much cheaper to develop.
    Brownfield sites could help solve a large proportion of our extra housing requirements but the sites are bought, planning is gained relatively easily then the site is bartered around to deferent bidders like currencies to speculate on. We should be building houses on these sites by a certain minimum period or planning is revoked this keeps employment up and the industry in business, the benefits down and places for the Dale Farm crew somewhere to live if need be. The money spent on bloody lawyers surrounding this case is criminal in itself, it could be better spent on building somewhere for them to stay legally.
    A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum, well we have an increasing amount of scum of various backgrounds and habitats being produced on an ever increasing scale all over this wonderful land, the recent riots echoed that fact.
    You all need to look further a field for your answers.

    One thing which would help me sympathise with this view might be if there was some sort of groundswell from the local community saying 'they've been here for 10 years now, we were a bit dubious to start with, but actually they've not been much bother'. Everything I've seen on the news has been more along the lines of 'theft, property damage, intimidation, anti-social behaviour etc'. That might be just the media presentation - interesting to see if anyone has any facts to support a different view. But my own experience of Traveller behaviour is more consistent with the reported view.

    I'm sure the planning laws could do with overhaul: I don't believe they serve us particularly well as a society. But this case is not the one which is going to inspire me to go out onto the streets in protest.
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Anyone got any pictures of traveller norks?
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    This country used build social housing then charge rent for those that lived in the premises, my wife was brought up in such a council house, that is where some of our public money should be spent not put into the pockets of a minority of legal experts. The properties could house the Dale Farm crew who are idiots like a lot of idiots we have around us these days, they should be subject to the same laws as the rest of us but at the same time should not be victimized purely on ethnic grouping. Direct government sponsored housing schemes circumnavigate the speculative nature of private property development i.e. you build when it is needed by the nation not when some private market thinks it's the right time financially.

    To put MattC59 right I did not write "most contributors on here think that these 'Travelers who don't travel' are scum." I said "A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum." a small but significant difference.

    So you have spent the money getting rid of them from this site, then what happens to them? They go to another site and cost the new local council a whole new packet of money trying to evict them once again; they should be on legal sites paying into our flawed system as do the rest of us. The problem is that there isn't enough legal sites for them to go to because building sites for these folk isn't a vote catcher, moving them on to someone else’s back yard is.

    Lastly a lot of folk from our past have strived and sacrificed because they thought that certain laws were fundamentally wrong and some now are remembered as heroes today. Some of them resorted to actually breaking the law of the day to advertise the stupidity of such a law others just campaigned for something better. Yes it's a fact.
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    rhext wrote:
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Dale Farm is just one small manifestation of what is fundamentally gone wrong in this country so may be the venom that has been expressed here could be better directed towards an area that has far more impact on the rest of our lives.

    Unfortunetly this does have an impact on peoples lives on a day to day basis. The people who have to live next to the illegal site are being affected. It's exactly the same as people who'll be affected by HS2, Heathrow runway 3 etc.

    There are thousands of people who are directly affected by the negative and illegal activities of some (not all) the traveller community, and Dale Farm could be seen as setting a precedent. If one part of the community can flaunt planning regulations, others will try to do the same.

    I would also suggest that most of the comments on this thread are actually directed at the usual "rent-a-mob" protestors who have nothing to do with the travellers but tend to turn up to this type of event.

    Lift your head up a look at little further :shock: :shock: :shock: It was once illegal for women to vote.
    Did it ever occur to anyone that we just might have some rubbish planning laws?
    There are commercial and private agencies flaunting planning regulations up and down the country all the time and do they make big time news and how about the cozy deals done between government and certain commercial enterprises to obviate planning requirements and smooth out delays. Has anyone got any idea just how many brownfield sites have planning consent on them but development on them by property companies has been frozen because they can't make enough money on them, greenfield sites are much cheaper to develop.
    Brownfield sites could help solve a large proportion of our extra housing requirements but the sites are bought, planning is gained relatively easily then the site is bartered around to deferent bidders like currencies to speculate on. We should be building houses on these sites by a certain minimum period or planning is revoked this keeps employment up and the industry in business, the benefits down and places for the Dale Farm crew somewhere to live if need be. The money spent on bloody lawyers surrounding this case is criminal in itself, it could be better spent on building somewhere for them to stay legally.
    A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum, well we have an increasing amount of scum of various backgrounds and habitats being produced on an ever increasing scale all over this wonderful land, the recent riots echoed that fact.
    You all need to look further a field for your answers.

    One thing which would help me sympathise with this view might be if there was some sort of groundswell from the local community saying 'they've been here for 10 years now, we were a bit dubious to start with, but actually they've not been much bother'. Everything I've seen on the news has been more along the lines of 'theft, property damage, intimidation, anti-social behaviour etc'. That might be just the media presentation - interesting to see if anyone has any facts to support a different view. But my own experience of Traveller behaviour is more consistent with the reported view.

    I'm sure the planning laws could do with overhaul: I don't believe they serve us particularly well as a society. But this case is not the one which is going to inspire me to go out onto the streets in protest.

    I was brought up in an Essex Town called Wickford; Wickford was part of Basildon Urban District Council. I had a lot of experiences in the area as you can imagine and my father was Chairman of Works at the Council for sometime. I am talking up to 45 years ago here and I can assure you that there were a lot of undesirable elements around certain areas of the community. The idea that the rest of the community are somehow qualified to comment on the moral fiber of the traveler community is begging belief.
    My Sister in Law still lives quite near Basildon and from what we are hearing things have got worse not better generally as is the case throughout England.
    I left the area in 1974 and was pleased to leave it behind and I can assure you it wasn’t because of travelers.
  • Ron Stuart wrote:
    This country used build social housing then charge rent for those that lived in the premises, my wife was brought up in such a council house, that is where some of our public money should be spent not put into the pockets of a minority of legal experts. The properties could house the Dale Farm crew who are idiots like a lot of idiots we have around us these days, they should be subject to the same laws as the rest of us but at the same time should not be victimized purely on ethnic grouping. Direct government sponsored housing schemes circumnavigate the speculative nature of private property development i.e. you build when it is needed by the nation not when some private market thinks it's the right time financially.

    To put MattC59 right I did not write "most contributors on here think that these 'Travelers who don't travel' are scum." I said "A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum." a small but significant difference.

    So you have spent the money getting rid of them from this site, then what happens to them? They go to another site and cost the new local council a whole new packet of money trying to evict them once again; they should be on legal sites paying into our flawed system as do the rest of us. The problem is that there isn't enough legal sites for them to go to because building sites for these folk isn't a vote catcher, moving them on to someone else’s back yard is.

    Lastly a lot of folk from our past have strived and sacrificed because they thought that certain laws were fundamentally wrong and some now are remembered as heroes today. Some of them resorted to actually breaking the law of the day to advertise the stupidity of such a law others just campaigned for something better. Yes it's a fact.

    But Ron, they don't want social housing. They are travellers, the clue is in the name. It's the lifestyle they have chosen.
    They have been offered various sites but have rejected them.

    Perhaps we should suggest that they move here:

    http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=P ... CCsQ8gEwAQ
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    I was brought up in an Essex Town called Wickford; Wickford was part of Basildon Urban District Council. I had a lot of experiences in the area as you can imagine and my father was Chairman of Works at the Council for sometime. I am talking up to 45 years ago here and I can assure you that there were a lot of undesirable elements around certain areas of the community. The idea that the rest of the community are somehow qualified to comment on the moral fiber of the traveler community is begging belief.
    My Sister in Law still lives quite near Basildon and from what we are hearing things have got worse not better generally as is the case throughout England.
    I left the area in 1974 and was pleased to leave it behind and I can assure you it wasn’t because of travelers.

    I'm not suggesting that the rest of the community are qualified to comment on the moral fiber of the traveller community. All I'm saying is that they don't appear to have gone out of their way to remove the excuses of the vocal minority who'd want them off the site merely because they're different. For every rabid racist, there's another (myself included) who'd stand there and say 'they're no trouble, leave them alone'...unless they've p****d everyone off.

    10 years ago I was very sympathetic to the situation the travellers find themselves in, with few legal sites to use and a rabid NIMBY reaction to any council brave enough to try to establish one. Then I experienced a couple of encampments and you can probably tell I'm less sympathetic now.

    You say you left and were pleased to leave. How would you react if the 'undesirable elements' you were so glad to leave behind suddenly turned up illegally in the field next to your house, started pouring concrete, chucking beer bottles into your garden and intimidating your family?
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    This country used build social housing then charge rent for those that lived in the premises, my wife was brought up in such a council house, that is where some of our public money should be spent not put into the pockets of a minority of legal experts. The properties could house the Dale Farm crew who are idiots like a lot of idiots we have around us these days, they should be subject to the same laws as the rest of us but at the same time should not be victimized purely on ethnic grouping. Direct government sponsored housing schemes circumnavigate the speculative nature of private property development i.e. you build when it is needed by the nation not when some private market thinks it's the right time financially.

    To put MattC59 right I did not write "most contributors on here think that these 'Travelers who don't travel' are scum." I said "A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum." a small but significant difference.

    So you have spent the money getting rid of them from this site, then what happens to them? They go to another site and cost the new local council a whole new packet of money trying to evict them once again; they should be on legal sites paying into our flawed system as do the rest of us. The problem is that there isn't enough legal sites for them to go to because building sites for these folk isn't a vote catcher, moving them on to someone else’s back yard is.

    Lastly a lot of folk from our past have strived and sacrificed because they thought that certain laws were fundamentally wrong and some now are remembered as heroes today. Some of them resorted to actually breaking the law of the day to advertise the stupidity of such a law others just campaigned for something better. Yes it's a fact.
    The point that you seem to be missing, is that these people are not in need of social housing. They are not in caravans because they can not afford to buy or rent houses, they are in caravans because they choose to be.
    Their chosen lifestyle is found anti social by the majority (an assumption, but I'd say a fairly accurate one) so why should public money be used to accomodate this lifestyle ? If they choose a certain lifestyle, that's fine, but they should fund it themselves, as I fund my lifestyle, and they must abide by the rules which the rest of us abide by.

    Your fact above may well be a fact, but these Travellers aren't breaking the rules to make a point. They're breaking the rules because they have no regard for them and feel that they can do what ever they like. If they dont think this, then why do they so often display this behavior ?
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    For the very last time here I shall try and keep this in context.
    The Dale Farm lot are idiots that I have already stated, it is difficult dealing with idiots that is a fact and it is a problem that also is a fact but unless we get back to the reasons why this came to be such a problem along with all the other anti-social degenerates we have causing problems these days then there is absolutely no hope for the future none what's so ever.
    We’ve had generations of governments that think that by just making money is the way forward, what actually has happened is that a small minority have prospered at the cost in social terms of everyone else.
    By the way they are travelers in name only not by action therefore there is no clue in the name. They like many ethnics in our divided society live as it were 'birds of a feather' along with many other groups.
    We have travelers near where I live and believe or not they also don't travel, mainly because it's far from the over crowded South East of England which by nature will be confrontational, we live in lesser numbers here and it has so far kept us from living in each others shoes. Overcrowding brings the universal problems.

    The sort of low life activity that in the quote below also by the way goes on in a lot of urban and some suburban areas up and down the country all the time....

    "You say you left and were pleased to leave. How would you react if the 'undesirable elements' you were so glad to leave behind suddenly turned up illegally in the field next to your house, started pouring concrete, chucking beer bottles into your garden and intimidating your family?"

    So far I have the good sense to recognize trouble coming and kept away from it, unlike a lot of people that don't have it on their door step I feel for those that do, so much so that I wish our government would spend a lot less of our resources putting other peoples countries to right and spend some of it over here trying to sort out a lot of the mess folk have to deal with here.

    The whole essence of my posts has been to try and get some of you guys to look if you like at what has lead up to the Dale Farm confrontation and to try and broaden the issue into areas that are also problems of a similar nature, until we as a public start to recognize where the faults and short comings originate then there is little hope.

    End of posts.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    For the very last time here I shall try and keep this in context.
    The Dale Farm lot are idiots that I have already stated, it is difficult dealing with idiots that is a fact and it is a problem that also is a fact but unless we get back to the reasons why this came to be such a problem along with all the other anti-social degenerates we have causing problems these days then there is absolutely no hope for the future none what's so ever.
    We’ve had generations of governments that think that by just making money is the way forward, what actually has happened is that a small minority have prospered at the cost in social terms of everyone else.
    By the way they are travelers in name only not by action therefore there is no clue in the name. They like many ethnics in our divided society live as it were 'birds of a feather' along with many other groups.
    We have travelers near where I live and believe or not they also don't travel, mainly because it's far from the over crowded South East of England which by nature will be confrontational, we live in lesser numbers here and it has so far kept us from living in each others shoes. Overcrowding brings the universal problems.

    The sort of low life activity that in the quote below also by the way goes on in a lot of urban and some suburban areas up and down the country all the time....

    "You say you left and were pleased to leave. How would you react if the 'undesirable elements' you were so glad to leave behind suddenly turned up illegally in the field next to your house, started pouring concrete, chucking beer bottles into your garden and intimidating your family?"

    So far I have the good sense to recognize trouble coming and kept away from it, unlike a lot of people that don't have it on their door step I feel for those that do, so much so that I wish our government would spend a lot less of our resources putting other peoples countries to right and spend some of it over here trying to sort out a lot of the mess folk have to deal with here.

    The whole essence of my posts has been to try and get some of you guys to look if you like at what has lead up to the Dale Farm confrontation and to try and broaden the issue into areas that are also problems of a similar nature, until we as a public start to recognize where the faults and short comings originate then there is little hope.

    End of posts.
    I think he's serious. Misguided, but serious !!!
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59 wrote:
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    Dale Farm is just one small manifestation of what is fundamentally gone wrong in this country so may be the venom that has been expressed here could be better directed towards an area that has far more impact on the rest of our lives.

    Unfortunetly this does have an impact on peoples lives on a day to day basis. The people who have to live next to the illegal site are being affected. It's exactly the same as people who'll be affected by HS2, Heathrow runway 3 etc.

    There are thousands of people who are directly affected by the negative and illegal activities of some (not all) the traveller community, and Dale Farm could be seen as setting a precedent. If one part of the community can flaunt planning regulations, others will try to do the same.

    I would also suggest that most of the comments on this thread are actually directed at the usual "rent-a-mob" protestors who have nothing to do with the travellers but tend to turn up to this type of event.

    Lift your head up a look at little further :shock: :shock: :shock: It was once illegal for women to vote.
    Did it ever occur to anyone that we just might have some rubbish planning laws?
    There are commercial and private agencies flaunting planning regulations up and down the country all the time and do they make big time news and how about the cozy deals done between government and certain commercial enterprises to obviate planning requirements and smooth out delays. Has anyone got any idea just how many brownfield sites have planning consent on them but development on them by property companies has been frozen because they can't make enough money on them, greenfield sites are much cheaper to develop.
    Brownfield sites could help solve a large proportion of our extra housing requirements but the sites are bought, planning is gained relatively easily then the site is bartered around to deferent bidders like currencies to speculate on. We should be building houses on these sites by a certain minimum period or planning is revoked this keeps employment up and the industry in business, the benefits down and places for the Dale Farm crew somewhere to live if need be. The money spent on bloody lawyers surrounding this case is criminal in itself, it could be better spent on building somewhere for them to stay legally.
    A lot of contributors on this thread think these ‘travelers that don't travel’ are just scum, well we have an increasing amount of scum of various backgrounds and habitats being produced on an ever increasing scale all over this wonderful land, the recent riots echoed that fact.
    You all need to look further a field for your answers.

    I think you're wrong. I don't think that most contributers on here think that these 'Travellers who don't travel' are scum. I think that most contributors on here think that people who seem tho think that they can ignore the rules and regulations that govern the rest of us, and behave in a generally antisocial manner, are scum. There's a huge difference.
    As for your comment on the money that was spent on laweyers etc would have been better spent on somewhere for them to stay. Why ? and Why should they get preferential treatment on their housing, just because of a choice in life style ? They have somewhere to stay, it's the caravan they've chosen to live in. If they want a piece of land to put it on and to live on, that's fine, but they have to go down the same channels ans anyone else would, and get the necessary permission to do so. Your suggestion that public money should be given to them so that they can live in the life style that they have choosen is frankly rediculous.
    If I choose to live in a way which violates the regulations which govern the rest of us, should the government cough up to accomodate my requirements ? Of course not. :roll:

    We may well have some rubbish planning laws, but they apply to us all. Travellers aren't exempt from them.

    I really don't understand quite how this has escallated to the level it has ! If I built a structure on my land, without planning permission, and which didn't comply with the regulations governing that piece of land, the council would ask that I remove it, or they would remove it and I would be liable for the costs. It's very simple. Why do these travellers think that they should have special treatment here ?

    Race is not an issue here, discrimination of any form is not an issue here. The issue is that they don't want to abide by the rules of the land. Nothing more.

    Totally agree with MaatC59' comments and I don't really see a rational argument against it.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • I once had "travellers" billeted for a winter next door to my workshop. Total nightmare! Anything that was not cemented down was stolen and anything that was fixed was vandalised.There were constant attempts to get inside my place "just for a look". Funny that they were always carrying anything they could lay their hands on out of the door when I found them! Now all travellers may not be like that but my experience certainly colours my opinion. My sympathies are with this who have to live anywhere near them. Those who think they are all wonderful have no experience of being on the receiving end.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    The other point to note, is that one of the terms of the injunction is that the Travellers dismantle the barricades. Have they ? No. Once again, ignoring the law.

    I think that this is a perfect example of their attitude to the law. They use it when it suits them but disregard it at all times.

    In this case, as they have ignored terms of the injunction, then it should be null and void. Simple as that.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Un-f*cking-believable !!!
    the courts needed first to rule on the legality of their removal.

    Surely the courts have been repeatedly slapped around the face with the irony of this ?!?!?!
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59 wrote:
    Un-f*cking-believable !!!
    the courts needed first to rule on the legality of their removal.

    Surely the courts have been repeatedly slapped around the face with the irony of this ?!?!?!

    I don't know why you're getting so worked up.
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • MattC59 wrote:
    Un-f*cking-believable !!!
    the courts needed first to rule on the legality of their removal.

    Surely the courts have been repeatedly slapped around the face with the irony of this ?!?!?!

    I don't know why you're getting so worked up.

    when surely the most important unanswered question is this:
    Yossie wrote:
    Anyone got any pictures of traveller norks?
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • MattC59 wrote:
    Un-f*cking-believable !!!
    the courts needed first to rule on the legality of their removal.

    Surely the courts have been repeatedly slapped around the face with the irony of this ?!?!?!

    I don't know why you're getting so worked up.

    when surely the most important unanswered question is this:
    Yossie wrote:
    Anyone got any pictures of traveller norks?

    Amen to that!
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    Unfortunately I don't have any pics of traveller norks, although I do remember a street-fight many years ago between a traveller and local - both of them female.

    There was none of the standard hair-pulling normally seen in girl-brawls - this was a full-on punch up. End result - local ended up in a rubbish bin and the traveller's top was torn off (no bra) in the melee. Absolutely brilliant - a slightly violent/erotic/voyeuristic thrill for me in my mid teens!

    And sorry, I have no evidence to refute the POIDH rule.
  • Is anyone watching? Apparently two protesters did the electric boogaloo and got tasered.
  • oh no, not this again. I'm off for an eccles cake.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Redhog14
    Redhog14 Posts: 1,377
    Resident Kathleen McCarthy said: "The memory of Dale Farm will weigh heavily on Britain for generations - we are being dragged out of the only homes we have in this world.

    Sorry could they not just move on then?
  • LeicesterLad
    LeicesterLad Posts: 3,908
    Redhog14 wrote:
    Resident Kathleen McCarthy said: "The memory of Dale Farm will weigh heavily on Britain for generations - we are being dragged out of the only homes we have in this world.

    Sorry could they not just move on then?

    This is the green and pleasant land, plenty more fields for them to dump their sh*t all over.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    It's on !!!!

    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • I'll give this one a miss this time. :D
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    Is anyone watching? Apparently two protesters did the electric boogaloo and got tasered.

    I'm sure there is a joke in the somewhere about travellers being used to handling live electrical cables.
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    My sister has a good take on recent Dale Farm developments; she reckons that with the traveller community being singled out for attention and caravans being set on fire, the whole thing sounds like an episode of Top Gear....

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal