Oh dear



  • Torvid wrote:
    No More Boom and Bust

    erm okay...

    Not just that, but Gordon proudly proclaimed that he had saved the world.

    How cool is that?

    AND he said (in October 2009) that there were only 50 days to save the world from climate change.

    No wonder he was a shite Chancellor if he was that bad at counting.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    *heads off to read about bikes and commuting and stuff*
  • greg66_tri_v2.0
    greg66_tri_v2.0 Posts: 7,172
    edited September 2011
    But of course Tories don't care cos they're too effin thick to understand how not everyone can achieve 12 GCSEs.

    Whereas Labour's solution to this problem is to make the exams easier lower the pass mark to zero. Then send them to "universities".

    Got it.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • ketsbaia
    ketsbaia Posts: 1,718
    CiB wrote:

    I love seeing lefties getting themselves in a complete froth over Mr Cameron. Multiply that froth ten-fold, no a hundred times over and then thrice more and you get somewhere close to how I saw the beatification of blair & his ilk by the BBC et al from May 1997 until we finally got shut of the whole lot foookin of em last year. It works both ways. It's our turn now.


    Frothing seems to work both ways too, eh? I mean, it's 14 years since New Labour kicked out the previous set of incompetents, yet you still seem to be foaming at the mouth about it. Your turn indeed.
  • Educationally wise people are being taught what they need for good exams results - not a good overall knowledge of the subject with which they can answer any question in a reasonable manner. Any government will want to be seen to be making people cleverer when they aren't actually - merely making people more efficient at passing with higher grades than the year before.
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • Torvid
    Torvid Posts: 449
    Back to the original picture was anyone else thinking total recal?

    Commuter: Forme Vision Red/Black FCN 4
    Weekender: White/Black - Cube Agree GTC pro FCN 3
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    Blair was a Tory.

    A Tory so evil he duped Labor voters into supporting him. While the true Tories were too scared to stop him.

    Even now, such was his grip, 'the left' cannot see the evil that was the Dark Lord Blair. He's a war criminal.

    Similar to Darth Sideous' rise to power in Star Wars in someways.

    The only Sith, I mean Tory, that was more attuned to the Dark Side was Thatcher.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • Torvid wrote:
    Back to the original picture was anyone else thinking total recal?


    Activate the machine....
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • DonDaddyD wrote:
    Blair was a Tory.

    A Tory so evil he duped Labor voters into supporting him. While the true Tories were too scared to stop him.

    Even now, such was his grip, 'the left' cannot see the evil that was the Dark Lord Blair. He's a war criminal.

    Similar to Darth Sideous' rise to power in Star Wars in someways.

    The only Sith, I mean Tory, that was more attuned to the Dark Side was Thatcher.

    Didn't you vote Tory last time around?
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    ketsbaia wrote:
    Frothing seems to work both ways too, eh? I mean, it's 14 years since New Labour kicked out the previous set of incompetents, yet you still seem to be foaming at the mouth about it. Your turn indeed.
    :) I see that you've completely failed to grasp the tone in my use of the phrase 'toodle-pip'. And it's a small matter of what, 18 months since Labour lost power.

    Do go on. This is quite an amusing little thread.
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    CiB wrote:
    Pffft. For the first five years or so they absolutely fawned over Blair's every utterance, and those of his lackies. NL told the BBC what the daily news agenda would be; Naughtie referring to Labour as 'we' during an interview. I don't have a long list of examples as I'm not such a saddo as to keep a list, but the BBC were thrilled to bits at NL getting in in May 97, as evidenced by the news on election night of 'dancing in the corridors' by BBC journos & staff. They loved it, and still can't get over blair turning out to be such a bad 'un.

    Well he's probably the most charismatic leader we've had in (my) living memory. Despite the fact that he turned out to be a bit of a nutcase when it came to wars and the economy you can't deny that he's now become the primeministerial template. Its hard to argue that David Cameron *isn't* Blair-lite. Its just that Cameron isn't as good at selling conservatism to the working class. Don't you think?
  • ketsbaia
    ketsbaia Posts: 1,718
    CiB wrote:
    ketsbaia wrote:
    Frothing seems to work both ways too, eh? I mean, it's 14 years since New Labour kicked out the previous set of incompetents, yet you still seem to be foaming at the mouth about it. Your turn indeed.
    :) I see that you've completely failed to grasp the tone in my use of the phrase 'toodle-pip'. And it's a small matter of what, 18 months since Labour lost power.

    Do go on. This is quite an amusing little thread.

    Heh. You admitted to frothing in your own post, sunshine. Don't for one minute assume I thought the tone of your post was serious - you only have to look at the subject matter and language to realise that.

    Pip pip.
  • CiB
    I want the leader to represent this country and lead it with a sense of his own self-worth and that he really is the best man for the job.

    I feel like I've just walked in on some weird noblesse oblige wet dream.

    Is this you?

  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    DDD on Universities:

    The cost of tuition fees are a barrier to entry, psychologically and financially. Even the Student Loans Company hasn't agreed to lend the full tuition cost for each year - according to my cousins/brother.

    However, value needed to be put back into our degrees. It became too easy to get into University and this cheapened the value of a degree as "everyone" had them while people with skilled manual labour qualifications diminished. Not everyone can fly a desk doing "Business, IT or Marketing".

    I would also argue that my generations focus on "Business, IT, Marketing, Media and Psychology - that's another favourite" has played a part in harming our economy. There will only ever be a finite amount of jobs requiring these skills and we have stopped building, making, inventing and repairing things. It was once a Country of great engineers, doctors, nurses, plumbers, mechanics, builders and electricians.

    It is a good thing that it is harder to get into University. It would be better for British Society if everyone wasn't "middle class" and the working class is as valuable as the great unwashed and the Gregs (that's the upper class types).

    I just don't agree with how the Coalition went about trying to put value back in our degrees through raising costs.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    All that shite and don't mention the two illegal wars Blair took us into killing thousands of people, so Blair is no saint and all this religous cr@p that he is doing now he is out of office is sickening.

    Good point, except neither war was illegal. Putin refused to validate the action in 2003, hardly a reliable arbiter of what's decent or fair. In fact the most strident support for the war came from the Murdoch press:

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2003/fe ... media.news

    Deference to Murdoch oiled the wheels of invasion. And Cameron drew Murdoch even closer into British politics.

    Is there anything that the Labour government did that you wouldn't blindly support?
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Thatcher = 4 million unemployed. Killed British Manufacturing.

    Cameron = 3 million unemployed and counting. Killing public services.

    When you get your redundancy notice, then you lose. And every single person that voted for this government deserves it.

    And what came before Thatcher and before Cameron? Years of Labour self-service and delusion.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    W1 wrote:
    Thatcher = 4 million unemployed. Killed British Manufacturing.

    Cameron = 3 million unemployed and counting. Killing public services.

    When you get your redundancy notice, then you lose. And every single person that voted for this government deserves it.

    And what came before Thatcher and before Cameron? Years of Labour self-service and delusion.

    Obviously it's gonna be labour. Who else is it going to be that came before? It's a binary system.

    I think literally every gov't that's ever existed can blame stuff on the previous lot.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    Greg66 wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Blair was a Tory.

    A Tory so evil he duped Labor voters into supporting him. While true Tories were too scared to stop him.

    Even now, such was his grip, 'the left' cannot see the evil that was the Dark Lord Blair. He's a war criminal.

    Similar to Darth Sideous' rise to power in Star Wars in someways.

    The only Sith, I mean Tory, that was more attuned to the Dark Side was Thatcher.

    Didn't you vote Tory last time around?

    In business (and politics) there is always some good to be gained from evil.

    Of what I can remember of it I enjoyed Blair's first term. I liked Blair but I can accept he was evil.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • That ''end of boom and bust'' quote of Brown, he was right though, wasn't he? I mean, has anybody seen any hint of a boom since (well, except Boom on a bike, obviously)?
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,377
    Would have been much funnier if we'd just tried to come up with captions

    Much better than a load of "Cameron's a ********"", "Yeah, well Blair was worse", "Yeah well Thatcher was worse" "Yeah well..."

    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    W1 wrote:
    Thatcher = 4 million unemployed. Killed British Manufacturing.

    Cameron = 3 million unemployed and counting. Killing public services.

    When you get your redundancy notice, then you lose. And every single person that voted for this government deserves it.

    And what came before Thatcher and before Cameron? Years of Labour self-service and delusion.

    Obviously it's gonna be labour. Who else is it going to be that came before? It's a binary system.

    I think literally every gov't that's ever existed can blame stuff on the previous lot.
    But it's a fact that when we have a labour govt, the Tories have to come in and clear up the mess afterwards, taking all the flak for doing so; Wilson with the devaluation of the £ let Heath in, Wilson then Callaghan & Healey completely lost it economically in the late 70s leading to the winter of discontent - cue Mrs Thatcher to sort it out and get herself elected three times + a bonus Major govt (didn't expect that until Kinnock did his speech in Sheffield ha ha ha), and then history repeats itself with a Labour govt inheriting a decent economy in 97 that they they then manage to royally screw up, leaving yet again the poison chalice for a Cons term in office to sort it out and get things close enough to being on track by the next election for the electorate to keep them in next time.

    The biggest problem is the short-termism of it all - that Osborne has to get the painful stuff out of the way ASAP (so deep pain etc for the punters) to allow the recovery to be under way by May 2015, or sooner if Clegg bottles it before then. As has been said before, short-termism isn't working. Quick - let's try something else.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    You forgot to capitalise 'fact'. If you don't write 'FACT' then it's not true.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • and then history repeats itself with a Labour govt inheriting a decent economy in 97 that they they then manage to royally screw up

    Blaming Gordon Brown for the worldwide economic downturn is stretching it a bit.

    You have to ask yourself…which party and which associated political inclination has always favoured making the rich richer so that prosperity will trickle down on the rest of us like some divine golden shower….

    And if you think long and hard, you will have your answer.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Golden shower, you say?
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    edited September 2011
    bails87 wrote:
    You forgot to capitalise 'fact'. If you don't write 'FACT' then it's not true.

    Totally this.

    This is fact. FACT.

    Whether you think it's Tories clearing up Labour mess or Labour clearing up Tory mess totally depends on your political alignment, so a FACT argument about either is pointless.

    This is why you need a nice PR gov't where everyone is always to blame - it's just a matter of degree. Less extreme lurches from one end of the spectrum to the other.

    Edit: I do find it amusing that a quirky picture of Cameron out chatting to a couple of slebs at a country bumpkin thing has generated this kind of debate.
  • Gussio wrote:
    Golden shower, you say?

    Leave Osborne out of this. A bloke in a pub told me Osborne's codeword in his BDSM sessions was "Louise!". People have taken to shouting the word at him in The House, the beasts.
  • Gussio wrote:
    Golden shower, you say?

    Leave Osborne out of this. A bloke in a pub told me Osborne's codeword in his BDSM sessions was "Louise!". People have taken to shouting the word at him in The House, the beasts.

  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    A Tory with a secret sex fetish. Oh the shock, surprise and horror. :roll:

    Next you'll be amazed that there are bankers out there who pay for prossies. Lawyers with coke habits. And NHS staff into swinging.swapping and certain clubs.

    Every profession has it's chosen vice.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • ooermissus wrote:
    Gussio wrote:
    Golden shower, you say?

    Leave Osborne out of this. A bloke in a pub told me Osborne's codeword in his BDSM sessions was "Louise!". People have taken to shouting the word at him in The House, the beasts.


    When The Beast Of Bolsover heckled Osborne about cocaine, little George's fat little face trembled in rage, the muscles around his mouth twitched he was so angry. Skinner got away with it cos he explained that when he referred to "The Boy George" he was referring to the popular beat combo, Boy George.
  • Lawyers with coke habits

    I think you're vastly overestimating just how interesting we are.

    You forgot to capitalise 'fact'. If you don't write 'FACT' then it's not true.

    FACT only really closes the deal so far... to really put the nail of truth in a debate you need an END OF!