Evans/BMC Warranty



  • Having read this thread the biggest surprise to me is that you walked out the store with that replacement, if it were me the manager would have been wearing it, the whole shop would have been aware of how unhappy I was.

    Really honestly is anyone surprised? Evans are morphing in to Halfords, Evans seem to get away with it, only with bigger price tags.

    Interested to see the response.
  • mjl1982
    mjl1982 Posts: 64
    Having read this thread the biggest surprise to me is that you walked out the store with that replacement, if it were me the manager would have been wearing it, the whole shop would have been aware of how unhappy I was.

    Really honestly is anyone surprised? Evans are morphing in to Halfords, Evans seem to get away with it, only with bigger price tags.

    Interested to see the response.

    Cheers, will respond when I hear anything new.

    You are right!! I shouldnt of taken the bike back... why on earth I did I dont know.. it only clicked when I was on the train home!!

    I've sen a letter to Customer Services again and to the CEO whick people have suggested on here - so will wait for a response.

    I did get a phone call from the assistant manager on thursday at the cut, he said that I can get a seat and calipers free from the store - I was thinking of just leaving it there and taking that. Then I got a email friday from customer services saying that all I will get is 10% off these. They really need to make there mind up!

    Anyway, look forward to their response.....
  • merak
    merak Posts: 323
    If they offer you a matching seat and calipers free at the store I would take that - that would be the complete SR01 colour scheme. Why don't you phone him and check that the offer is still open (to avoid making a pointless trip) and go in an get them fitted?
  • mjl1982
    mjl1982 Posts: 64
    merak wrote:
    If they offer you a matching seat and calipers free at the store I would take that - that would be the complete SR01 colour scheme. Why don't you phone him and check that the offer is still open (to avoid making a pointless trip) and go in an get them fitted?

    Hi Merak, to be honest I dont want to talk to them on the phone anymore, I thought I should correspond now by email now.... just dont trust what any of them say!!!!
  • Evans Cycles is a joke. Test rode a bike and the front wheel fell off when I returned back to the store - turned out that they didn't tightened the front skewer! I told the shop assistant that I could have had a terrible accident, at which point he just put the bike back on the rack without even checking it!
    Waterloo Cut is supposed to be full of experts, but even the manager had no clue what a chain half-link was, when I had a problem with chain tension on my fixie.
  • chiark
    chiark Posts: 335
    I remember when Jessops was a camera shop staffed by (mostly) enthusiasts who were passionate for their subject and knew what they were talking about.

    It would be a real shame for Evans to be heading in the same direction as Jessops have taken, which seems to be to become the box shifters of the camera world.
    Synapse Alloy 105 / Rock Lobster Tig Team Sl
  • chiark wrote:
    I remember when Jessops was a camera shop staffed by (mostly) enthusiasts who were passionate for their subject and knew what they were talking about.

    It would be a real shame for Evans to be heading in the same direction as Jessops have taken, which seems to be to become the box shifters of the camera world.
    They are already there, their flagship HO warehouse store is staffed mainly by 16-18 year old part timers, I bought my bike from there and out of choice wouldn't go back. No real good advice on fitting, and I made the mistake of riding the bike once and packing it up for the winter (bought in the end of year sale) discovered on my third ride that a £1500+ bike had sailed through their PDI with one spoke almost falling off and two loose ones. Not much of an inspection.

    It is luck of the draw with staff but if I were CEO of a national bike chain, Halfords included, I would make sure anyone who sold a bike actually rode one themselves.

    I would have simply the best fitting service in every store, and never ever would a bike leave poorly set up. I would have systems in place. All they do is box tick half the stuff is never even looked at.

    In this case all Evans have done is pass the buck to BMC trying to avoid their duty as a retailer, BMC have reacted badly by merely sending the frame they have on the shelf, thinking "well its is upgraded" or expecting Evans to fit the the right spec parts for the frame.

    What both BMC and Evans lose sight of (as do most large retailers and manufact) is that goodwill and word of mouth count for a lot more than a £1300 bike (that prolly has a net cost of parts to BMC of around £600 or less)

    They look at the short weekly store profit figure, if you pulled thier accounts £1300 would be drop in the ocean of profit, but I would pay £1300 not to have this thread appeared on a bike forum...
  • +1
  • Oh an I would guess Evans are a big enough customer of BMC that had they done their duty and replaced the item, BMC would have given them a credit note.

    If you cannot tell this kind of thing drive me feckin crazy.
  • double post lol
  • well this thread has certainly put me off Evans - there's plenty other places to buy bikes/components. Just as i stopped buying from Halfords after crappy service i'll add Evans to the dont buy from list.

    the fact they replaced the frame with a different one beggars belief.
  • chiark wrote:
    I remember when Jessops was a camera shop staffed by (mostly) enthusiasts who were passionate for their subject and knew what they were talking about.

    It would be a real shame for Evans to be heading in the same direction as Jessops have taken, which seems to be to become the box shifters of the camera world.
    They are already there, their flagship HO warehouse store is staffed mainly by 16-18 year old part timers, I bought my bike from there and out of choice wouldn't go back. No real good advice on fitting, and I made the mistake of riding the bike once and packing it up for the winter (bought in the end of year sale) discovered on my third ride that a £1500+ bike had sailed through their PDI with one spoke almost falling off and two loose ones. Not much of an inspection.

    It is luck of the draw with staff but if I were CEO of a national bike chain, Halfords included, I would make sure anyone who sold a bike actually rode one themselves.

    I would have simply the best fitting service in every store, and never ever would a bike leave poorly set up. I would have systems in place. All they do is box tick half the stuff is never even looked at.

    In this case all Evans have done is pass the buck to BMC trying to avoid their duty as a retailer, BMC have reacted badly by merely sending the frame they have on the shelf, thinking "well its is upgraded" or expecting Evans to fit the the right spec parts for the frame.

    What both BMC and Evans lose sight of (as do most large retailers and manufact) is that goodwill and word of mouth count for a lot more than a £1300 bike (that prolly has a net cost of parts to BMC of around £600 or less)

    They look at the short weekly store profit figure, if you pulled thier accounts £1300 would be drop in the ocean of profit, but I would pay £1300 not to have this thread appeared on a bike forum...

    Well said. Things like this really annoy me. Wonder how many people just let Evans get away with this?!
  • mjl1982 wrote:
    chiark wrote:
    I remember when Jessops was a camera shop staffed by (mostly) enthusiasts who were passionate for their subject and knew what they were talking about.

    It would be a real shame for Evans to be heading in the same direction as Jessops have taken, which seems to be to become the box shifters of the camera world.
    They are already there, their flagship HO warehouse store is staffed mainly by 16-18 year old part timers, I bought my bike from there and out of choice wouldn't go back. No real good advice on fitting, and I made the mistake of riding the bike once and packing it up for the winter (bought in the end of year sale) discovered on my third ride that a £1500+ bike had sailed through their PDI with one spoke almost falling off and two loose ones. Not much of an inspection.

    It is luck of the draw with staff but if I were CEO of a national bike chain, Halfords included, I would make sure anyone who sold a bike actually rode one themselves.

    I would have simply the best fitting service in every store, and never ever would a bike leave poorly set up. I would have systems in place. All they do is box tick half the stuff is never even looked at.

    In this case all Evans have done is pass the buck to BMC trying to avoid their duty as a retailer, BMC have reacted badly by merely sending the frame they have on the shelf, thinking "well its is upgraded" or expecting Evans to fit the the right spec parts for the frame.

    What both BMC and Evans lose sight of (as do most large retailers and manufact) is that goodwill and word of mouth count for a lot more than a £1300 bike (that prolly has a net cost of parts to BMC of around £600 or less)

    They look at the short weekly store profit figure, if you pulled thier accounts £1300 would be drop in the ocean of profit, but I would pay £1300 not to have this thread appeared on a bike forum...

    Well said. Things like this really annoy me. Wonder how many people just let Evans get away with this?!
    ENough people for it to be worth their while behaving like this, at least! Though like many large retailers, I suspect Evans Cycles is not particularly social-media-savvy, they also probably don't care - their Cut store is always full of people buying £500 bikes and matching accessories for the first time, and none of them look like forum readers...
  • You are probably right andrewlwood. I don’t think they care or try to pursue on what people think of them.

    I did send a link to this forum in part of my letter to the CEO though…. Doubt he would even take the time to click on the link to see what opinions are on this matter.
  • chiark
    chiark Posts: 335
    Indeed... This is what you get when the major differentiation that people use between stores is merely price. The market gets what the market demands.

    And I would estimate that perhaps 1 in 100 or less clients are forum users... So the impact of this thread is tiny, relatively speaking. We're probably the sort of customers that evans don't want, either, as comparatively speaking we're quite clued up and passionate, rather than automatons who buy what they're told...

    This shouldn't be an evans slagging match, so apologies if my quick comparison to Jessops took it down that route.
    Synapse Alloy 105 / Rock Lobster Tig Team Sl
  • In the interest of balance, I've had mostly good experiences at the Wandsworth and West End Evans stores, to be honest - West End in particular seems to cater to a more cycling-proficient crowd. The Cut on the other hand seems to be usually staffed by indifferent stoners (or perhaps they're just sleepy).
  • Rolf F wrote:
    The tour is hardly an extensive test...
    I feel you may have misinterpreted my meaning, so I will clarify.
    Testing for new frames could last two years plus multiple destructive tests,
    what I meant was that after all that the R&D was PROVEN as it won the race.
    As for your bikes being rebuilt, that wouln't affect the strength of the frame, which is the issue here.
    mjl1982 wrote:
    The bike is not discontinued, the colour coded bike in my size and in stock. Evans got a new delivery this week.
    I went in to Evans on Sat. and asked to test ride the BMC SR02.
    The bikes that were delivered all had customer deposits on them so were ordered from other stores, not BMC (and none of them in a 60cm). I was not even able to test ride ANY of them because of that.
    So going back to the car analogy, do you think that if you bought a car from any maker that they would cannibalise a perfectly good model to replace a door or alloy (and case in point sounds more like the foot matts TBH)?
    No, you'd be waiting for 6 weeks for a part to arrive from the factory, so Evans have IMHO done you a solid. How much more 'goodwill' would you like?
    By your reckoning I should be able to make a frame to the same geometry as a BMC using papier mache and NOT expect it to fail!?... the failure sounds like a problem with the material, not with the OP's position or riding ability. (Edit: Evans claiming to BMC under warranty proves that)
    Carbon and Alu are comparable to a degree, the difference being that carbon (can) provide give in a direction if wanted. For a carbon to be as strong (in all directions) as Alu it needs to have more fiber in the layup, which then makes it heavier.

    A further bit of information for everyone; the frame itself has NOT gone back to BMC thus nobody has accepted that it was a 'faulty' part, (sorry alfablue) and Evans have replaced it out of their own pocket, providing a level of customer service that will definitely keep me shopping there.
    Again, I would put the 'fault' down to weight and lack of technique, but Evans saw fit to try and help the customer anyway and all he can do is complain that it's the wrong colour.
    With a little pushing the frame in question was available for me to inspect when I mentioned this forum and the OP's complaint.
    The fracture is EXACTLY where I said it would be (@ the end of there the seatpost would be) and I am quite confident that if I had been riding the same bike (@74kg and with atleast some racecraft) then it would have lasted for years.

    One last question to the OP:
    You mentioned the wheel issue right at the start of this post and havn't (as far as I have read) said anything since.
    Can I assume Evans didn't leave you with broken spokes?
    Welcome to Hoogerland, Population: Heroes.

    Danny Hart; How does he sit down with balls that big?
  • andrewlwood
    andrewlwood Posts: 224
    edited September 2011
    Again, I would put the 'fault' down to weight and lack of technique,

    I still have no idea how you could reach this conclusion, even had you seen the bike. You're making far too many assumptions.

    And if bikes are being sold that can't support a reasonably-sized rider (the size of tour riders is completely irrelevant, as are the bikes they ride) without being ridden like a pro, they shouldn't be sold. I don't believe BMC bikes can't support a standard rider - they're heavier than many comparable bikes.
  • Believe me I’m not one to slag off a company. I only posted my situation with Evans after I gave them many chances to rectify the problem.

    As I said on a previous post, this was my first bike I brought. Just feel Evans have really let me down on this.

    Saying that, I’ve been in Evans Lakeside store a couple of times and got to say they seemed to treat their customers with a lot more patience and respect, notice this especially with when my friend went in there to look at a bike, the sales assistant was excellent with him!

    So I can’t really slag off Evans stores as I’m sure a few of them are good. The cut are poor though, if you were to buy bikes from Evans then avoid the cut. Also got to say the Evans customer service team seem to be clueless so don’t expect them to resolve any problems you have.
  • Blah Blah
    A further bit of information for everyone; the frame itself has NOT gone back to BMC thus nobody has accepted that it was a 'faulty' part, (sorry alfablue) and Evans have replaced it out of their own pocket, providing a level of customer service that will definitely keep me shopping there.
    Again, I would put the 'fault' down to weight and lack of technique, but Evans saw fit to try and help the customer anyway and all he can do is complain that it's the wrong colour.

    Really strange, not sure if you are bragging that you have racecraft and are skinny fecker, or if you are calling the OP a fat barsteward who needs a reinforced bike made out of girders?

    Here is a little fact for you, if the BMC bike has any weakness in terms og how much weight a large frame can take it should by law come with a warning.

    I ride a carbon with no "racecraft" and at my heaviest I was 18 stone on a medium frame 3000 miles later it is one piece still.

    By the way racecraft and breaking a bike in the same sentence truly is a LOL moment, coffee was spat.
  • @Hierotochan

    So if they cannot offer me what I brought... is asking for a refund unreasonalble.

    I never once said I had problem with the wheels... puzzles me why you bring this up?
  • I find this unbelievable that they would show you the bike frame. As far as I was told they had to take some photos to send to BMC to review & confirm it was a warranty issue?
    If this was true and they replaced the frame, they must of ‘’cannibalise’’ a perfectly good model just to replace the frame right?
  • can argue the toss all day - makes no difference. a near brand new bike failed and wasn't replaced like for like.

    most high street stores (thats what evans is) refund/replace without any problems.

    and if fat overweight people are a risk to they're frames then god help my Trek!

    Evan's seem to be excelling in sh*te customer service.
  • I'll post a photo up here soon... I'M NOT FAT PEOPLE.

  • lol
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Please do not feed the troll.........
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Rolf F wrote:
    Please do not feed the troll.........

    You are sooo right Rolf!!

    I find it amusing that he brought up the wheels… why would I bring something up which I haven’t now got a problem with. The fact is Evans keeping bringing up the wheels as they think this is leverage for them with the frame.
  • Dear mjl1982,

    First of all, I’m sorry to hear that your original BMC frame has failed and then the replacement was of a different colour that didn’t match your existing components.

    The reason for notifying you that there were replacement bikes available was that we didn’t think at the time that the frame would arrive in time for your event. As it turned up faster than usual, we decided to build up the bike with the new frame and the original components, so you could participate in your ride.

    As far as I know, the bar tape has been replaced free of charge already and you have been offered replacement callipers and saddle by the store two weeks ago. You seem to have doubts about the validity of this offer so this will be confirmed in writing later today by Rachael.

    Hope this helps to rectify the situation.

    Kind regards,
    Balint @ Evans Cycles
  • speedy response from Evans :lol:
  • merak
    merak Posts: 323
    OK - but credit where it's due. They did eventually turn up here and confirm the offer publicly, which IMO is a fair offer now. Seems like a happy result all round now (assuming he gets his calipers and saddle) although the process has left me less than likely to buy from Evans in the future.

    I suspect the fact that this was being discussed so publicly might have had a little influence on the outcome :)