Your best ever TT...



  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    peejay78 wrote:
    got my pacing right this morning, divided a 25 up into thirds, was initially aiming for 18 minute sections, but realised it was going better than that, so kept in the 53:11 as much as possible:

    1. 17.32.30
    2. 17.39.57
    3. 17.28.62

    53.57 for 25.49 miles. new PB. course was slightly overdistance due to moving of start/finish.

    a 53min 25TT is impressive, nice one, was it an open event?
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    yep, on the u46.

    definitely a quick day.
  • davelakers
    davelakers Posts: 762
    Just done a 24:11 on the PETTS course (L105). Beaten my previous best by 30 seconds but still a little pissed off I didnt break 24.

    Im riding a Ribble Audax frame with TT base bars and aerobars with bar end shifters and have robbed my Racing 3s of my road bike. It looks a mess but Im improving on it. I am about to take the plunge on some Chinese deep section wheels so hopefully that will be a few seconds off.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    55:08 in last Saturdays Belper BC 25. Was hoping for a short 56!
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • trickydisco
    trickydisco Posts: 173
    Haven't really posted much before but thought i'd share my experience.

    times for this year on our not so flat TT course in Bristol

    1st: 25.45
    2nd: 25.15

    This was with a standard road bike set up

    Then last night i fitted some clip on aero bars and got it down to 23.44 which i'm well pleased with. shaved 1min 30secs from 2 weeks ago with the addition of aero bars.

    It's not a particularly fast course as there's a couple of lumps in it and always a bit of wind
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Did a PB tonight of 34:34 for 13 mile hilly 5th out of 23, thought wtf because all I wanted to do all the way around was give up and get off the bike I felt like crap.
  • geoff93
    geoff93 Posts: 190
    I've only done 4 10s at the moment, and only on my madone with clip ons, with my first time being 23:59, but this Tuesday I did a 23:07 which I was happy with, bit dissapointed though as my computer said 22:58! But I just PLF!
    Trek Madone 3.5 (RS80s, Arione)
    Trek Madone 3.1 (Upgraded)
    Ribble TT Bike
    Trek Mamba (Garry Fisher Collection)
  • I'm going to try and beat the current road kill course record on Thursday! :D Living in Devon obviously has it's perks! Extra points for larger animals like cows or sheep? ;)
  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243
    We had a rider collide with a cow last season. Not recommended. He snapped his brand new TT bike in half along with his collarbone I think.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    More importantly, was the cow ok?
  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243
    Cow was fine, although another one got spooked and jumped over a barbed wire fence and the farmer was worried that she'd cut her udders on the fence but nothing ever came of that. Cow deflected the rider into a farm gate post the size of a tree, which is where the injuries came from, rather than the cow collision itself I think.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Sounds bad!

    Anyways I did an open 10 today, I made my mind up in the morning I was not going to do it, but I was umming and arring for hours and decided since I paid I might aswell MTFU and stop wimping out because of abit of heart burn and rain.

    Got to around 2 miles to the HQ and the rain started, it was so bad the roads were just like flooded!, it was delayed an hour, they was going to cancel it, I was soaked, just about got warmed up.

    Disappointed with my time of 24:24, I possibly lost abit when I stopped pedalling about twice looking behind me thinking wtf is number 6 coming already!?!? (I was number 4), anyway silly thing, got slightly held up when I had to stop at the second roundabout to give way, then had to navigated roundabouts 3 more times and I do around 10mph round them.

    I thought I was on for a good time, I did not feel bad and enjoyed it, maybe I was not pushing hard enough, but as I do every time I get overtook I seem to ease off, anyway the guy that overtook me (no5) never really lost me, was about 200 meters ahead by the end but before the last roundabout no more than 50 for a good 4 miles, think I might have got the pacing wrong, maybe I could have pushed harder, but I always worry about blowing up.

    60 miles there and back decided to put some sprints in for fun.

    Tomorrow I'm going to sit in the garden once I've rigged up a turbo wheel and try 2x 20 then perhaps go out for a normal 30-40 mile ride.
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    edited July 2011
    Did my first (and quite possible last...) 50 yesterday.
    Managed a 2:12:48 and faded badly in the last 3 miles.
    So pacing wise I was quite pleased.
    Horrible conditions though.
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    well done, that's a good time for a first 50, especially in godawful conditions.

    50s are really tough events. i've done two this year, the first one i faded really badly at around 30 miles. that made the last 20 a total slog.

    the second one i rode much more conservatively, and as a result did better, it was hosing it down though.
  • masterchef
    masterchef Posts: 202
    managed a new pb on my local 10m tt a time off 23:42.....
    best bike: raleigh avanti U6 carbon comp
    10m tt pb:23:42.
    25m tt pb: 1h 2min( only done 2)
  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    freehub wrote:
    Sounds bad!

    Anyways I did an open 10 today, I made my mind up in the morning I was not going to do it, but I was umming and arring for hours and decided since I paid I might aswell MTFU and stop wimping out because of abit of heart burn and rain.

    Got to around 2 miles to the HQ and the rain started, it was so bad the roads were just like flooded!, it was delayed an hour, they was going to cancel it, I was soaked, just about got warmed up.

    Disappointed with my time of 24:24, I possibly lost abit when I stopped pedalling about twice looking behind me thinking wtf is number 6 coming already!?!? (I was number 4), anyway silly thing, got slightly held up when I had to stop at the second roundabout to give way, then had to navigated roundabouts 3 more times and I do around 10mph round them.

    I thought I was on for a good time, I did not feel bad and enjoyed it, maybe I was not pushing hard enough, but as I do every time I get overtook I seem to ease off, anyway the guy that overtook me (no5) never really lost me, was about 200 meters ahead by the end but before the last roundabout no more than 50 for a good 4 miles, think I might have got the pacing wrong, maybe I could have pushed harder, but I always worry about blowing up.

    60 miles there and back decided to put some sprints in for fun.

    Tomorrow I'm going to sit in the garden once I've rigged up a turbo wheel and try 2x 20 then perhaps go out for a normal 30-40 mile ride.

    I'm not sure I could write a post like this if I tried...
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    incog24 wrote:

    I'm not sure I could write a post like this if I tried...

  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    Excuses, contradictions etc. I'd struggle to come up with that number...

    + you consistently talk about a level of training that just doesn't fit with your tt times. Either you over train loads, or its just bull!
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    What excuses/contradictions?

    Do you expect me to fly over the car?

    What level of training?

    I don't think I do much training, do you think after 1 25 mile training ride and 1 2x15 min interval I should be able to average 30mph for 25 miles?

    Tell me what you think is bullshit that I say? Or are you as I suspect, another one of the forum users that like to stir things?
  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    What level of training??

    60mile round trip to a 10 mile open, 2x20 and a 30-40 mile ride in one weekend. That's pretty intense for someone doing doing a mid 24! If you've been doing that level for a while, and to all accounts you have been if your past posts are true, then you should be a well ahead of where you are...

    So either stop putting rubbish about stuff you are doing, or take some time off and rest properly before you over train into oblivion!
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    60 mile round trip is not intense, I do a 50 mile round trip to the club tt's and I probably take more recovery than most. The sort of miles dies not mean I should be doing a lot faster miles I dunno where you got that from

    I probably do 1 tt a week, 1 2*15 session a week and 1 20-25 mile @ TT pace per week aswell as training ride at the weekend, so I have 3-4 days recovery.

    I do extra riding if i recover fast and by the sounds of it, unlike most people I also enjoy riding my bike, so I also like to do normal club rides

    I'll post what I like thank you, if you don't Like my post then jog on.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    I think the point is, with "smarter" training, you could go alot faster.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    What training?

    I've only just started doing 20-25 @ TT pace and 2x15 mile but I need to include normal rides too.

    So what do you suggest I do to "train smarter" and get faster.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    I don't know, which is why I have a coach!!!! :wink:
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Ok, so basically, you don't know if the training I already and have since not long ago just started is good, and you don't know what training is better. All you can say is you splash out plenty of money for a coach.

    So I presume the answer is get a paid for coach eh? I presume that means you're doing 50min 25's and 19 min 10's?
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2011
    All I know is what training I do, and its much more structured, and makes more sense than what you seem to be doing, I do know 20-25miles @ TT pace isn't an ideal session for starters.

    I've gone from long 26 10's to short 22's, 58 min 25's and 2:04 50's (first 100 this w/e), since May, so there must be something in it.......

    I am improving all the time, this is my first season, who knows how quick I can go.........
  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    I think the majority of people doing 19min 10s are coaching themselves. Generally by the time you get that good you have a fair idea of what does and doesn't work.

    On the training smarter note, try upping the intensity of your hard stuff and doing a bit less of the easy stuff. Personally doing 2x20 at ~103% of FTP is deadly for me and I wouldn't consider doing it and then riding for 2-3 hours afterwards, I'm not strong enough for that. So I imagine you're either much fitter than me (times don't reflect that), or you're doing them at the lower bound of what's recommended (~85% FTP) which is pretty pointless as a tune up work out.

    This is from another thread that you posted in:
    "Obviously apart from those 2x 20 mile rides I'd do other rides as I'd easily quickly recover from them. "

    Which kind of suggests that you aren't doing those rides at TT pace and perhaps tend to think you're going harder than you actually are. If you're trying to develop a tempo base then keep at it for a couple of weeks. If you're trying to go fast then cut the tempo out and do some full gas 3-5min intervals.

    I just find it hard to tell whether your posts are purely attention seeking monologues or actually useful contributions to the forum. But yes I could just ignore them.
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    edited July 2011
    Why is 20-25 miles at TT pace not ideal for training?

    I did 23 miles at TT pace yesterday and was keeping my HR at between 170 and 180, I felt quite happy at 180 which is around 90% according to my HRM.

    Last week when I did 2x 15min I'm pretty certain I must have being going around 185bpm judging by how I felt then and how I felt yesterday at 180bpm.

    So are you saying I should not do 20-25 miles @ TT pace and change it to 2x 20 at like 180bpm and then do something on another day like 7x5min at like 185bpm+ with 5 min recovery between.

    This is my first proper season at TT'ing not my first attempts at TT'ing, previous years I've done the odd 10 but not bothered with it. I use aero bars but that's it I just use my standard carbon road bike with shimano rear and Aksium front wheel.

    I'm pretty happy with 23:41 and I know I am already capable of going faster. Yesterday was the second time ever where I have even tried pushing TT pace over 20 miles, it's always being 10 miles, or do a normal ride with the odd hard effort in.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    edited July 2011
    Why is 20-25 miles at TT pace not ideal for training?

    I did 23 miles at TT pace yesterday and was keeping my HR at between 170 and 180, I felt quite happy at 180 which is around 90% according to my HRM.

    Last week when I did 2x 15min I'm pretty certain I must have being going around 185bpm judging by how I felt then and how I felt yesterday at 180bpm.

    So are you saying I should not do 20-25 miles @ TT pace and change it to 2x 20 at like 180bpm and then do something on another day like 7x5min at like 185bpm+ with 5 min recovery between.

    This is my first proper season at TT'ing not my first attempts at TT'ing, previous years I've done the odd 10 but not bothered with it. I use aero bars but that's it I just use my standard carbon road bike with shimano rear and Aksium front wheel.

    I'm pretty happy with 23:41 and I know I am already capable of going faster. Yesterday was the second time ever where I have even tried pushing TT pace over 20 miles, it's always being 10 miles, or do a normal ride with the odd hard effort in.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    At which TT pace?, 10?, 25?, also, I'd suggest not using HR to determine TT pace, its much better done on P.E. (is it safe to assume you know YOUR true MHR?)

    20-25miles @ x pace is a bit of a no mans land session IMO, its too long (and not intense enough) for a 10 session.

    All my specific 10 sessions are 5 mins intervals, longer intervals (15 mins upwards) are for 25's, and my training for 50's and above is all done at tempo pace (i.e 2hrs @ tempo etc).