Hit and run - four months in jail and no deportation

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Welcome to Tuesday's argument

What do people think of this, it was mentioned in another thread, so I thought I'd light the fuse by starting a thread on it!
Personally, I think (and I know how bad this sounds) that the dad of the kid who died is wrong. Understandably he must be stricken with grief, even 7 years after the event, but that's why we have judges to make the decisions, and not victims' families.
Mr Houston says "How can he say he's deprived of his right to a family life? The only person deprived of a family life is me.". But I think that's completely missing the point. Sending a man away to Iraq (which isn't exactly the safest place in the world) will take a father and partner away from a British family, so it is depriving him of a family life. As well as doing the same to his kids and their mother. Surely the father is just being vindictive (which is completely understandable, I'd be vindictive if someone killed a member of my family)?
As for the 4 months in jail, that's the thing, in my view, to be angry about. Because if the deportation is to be seen as a fair punishment then that suggests that 4 months for a hit and run is not enough, in which case, change the law for that. But that has nothing to do with his immigration status (he's here legally btw), he would have got the same sentence if he was born here. When a white, hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding(apart from traffic laws, because they don't seem to count), middle-class (a registered trademark of the Daily Mail) drunk tw*t hits someone and drives away there doesn't seem to be the same level of outrage.....
Should we deport all criminals? Or do people who were born abroad have to live to different standards to the rest of us. Should an Afgahn or North Korean who's been living here for 30 years be sent back "home" for littering, or speeding, or being drunk and disorderly? Even if they've married a British person and have a family who they support?

I'm in complete agreement with you. No way should he be sent to Iraq. The 4 month prison term is a joke, but that is, as you say, an entirely different debate.0
as far as im concerned, anyone given legal asylum for whatever reason should be subject to the same rights and prvileges as any other british subject in britain.
anyone who is here illegally and comits a crime of any sort regardless of the severity should be sent back to the country from whence they came.
if someone was to be deported for a crime, it is their fault if the country they come from is the kind of place you are likely to be killed in upon arrival (although how likely this is is a whole different subject)
the idea of deportation should make them think a bit more carefully about committing a crime likely to end up in deportation to a place you have managed to gain asylum from.0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:as far as im concerned, anyone given legal asylum for whatever reason should be subject to the same rights and prvileges as any other british subject in britain.
anyone who is here illegally and comits a crime of any sort regardless of the severity should be sent back to the country from whence they came.Asylum seekers are ALL here legally, it's a legal title given to those granted asylum in the UK.
0 -
This is something I personally find to be an extremely good topic.
On one hand, they are just enforcing the laws and not much can be done when a high judge makes a ruling such as this, and it must be enforced either way.
On the other, this man is an asylum seeker, which is different to a normal immigrant. While people may say the father is going over the top, I completely agree with him. At the end of the day, the man came to England, broke laws and that resulted in someones death. 4 months sentence is a joke, and by the way the article is set out, it sounds to me like the culprit intentionally found a woman when he got out of prison, had kids with her so he could argue to stay. In my opinion he needs to be sent home. Whatever country they are from is not important, it was his choice to break the laws and end up in his situation. Why should we care about how well off he will be in his home country?0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:anyone who is here illegally and comits a crime of any sort regardless of the severity should be sent back to the country from whence they came.
Yeah, if you're here illegally you should be deported anyway! Migrant, aslyum seeker and illegal immigrant are 3 very different things. Unfortunately certain people seem to use them as interchangable terms to refer to a uniform baby-stealing, swan-eating foreign mass!0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:yes, all foreigners should fark off home.
harsh but fair0 -
i dont know why you pair are being such smart arses, i dont see whats different to what i have said compared to what you have
illegal people should go home, people here legally should be given the same rights as everyone else.0 -
MountainMonster wrote:the man came to England, broke laws and that resulted in someones death.4 months sentence is a joke,and by the way the article is set out, it sounds to me like the culprit intentionally found a woman when he got out of prison, had kids with her so he could argue to stay.Why should we care about how well off he will be in his home country?0
We should just deport everyone.0
coxy17 wrote:sheepsteeth wrote:yes, all foreigners should fark off home.
harsh but fair
you've only got 18 posts, what do you know!
Mind you, the first word was right.0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:i dont know why you pair are being such smart arses, i dont see whats different to what i have said compared to what you have
illegal people should go home, people here legally should be given the same rights as everyone else.
you said that if someone is here illegally AND they commit a crime then they should be deported. But if they're here illegally they'd be deported anyway, since being here illegally is a crime. So them committing a crime is a moot point.0 -
bails87 wrote:sheepsteeth wrote:i dont know why you pair are being such smart arses, i dont see whats different to what i have said compared to what you have
illegal people should go home, people here legally should be given the same rights as everyone else.
you said that if someone is here illegally AND they commit a crime then they should be deported. But if they're here illegally they'd be deported anyway, since being here illegally is a crime. So them committing a crime is a moot point.0 -
aaah, i see.
i know someone who used to be responsible for making recommendations to a couple of ministers who in turn were responsible for deciding on who stays and who goes.
it turned out that regardless of your legal status, the people commiting crimes were the people who were concentrated on in the first case for deportation. anyone else who had arrived but made some kind of useful contribution to their community and society in general were typically dealt with further down the list.
as far as im concerned, i dont really mind who is in britain as long they arent costing me anything and as long as they are decent folk living decent lives.
my "friend" demonstrated that there were roughly a gajillion of people who had arrived here through illegal channels but werent worth deporting as they werent doing any harm and there were much bigger fish to fry.
so in summary, if someone is here illegally but doing no harm, i dont think they shul be deported, unlike you pair of hatefull obviouses0 -
People who commit a crime of a serious nature should be sent to a deserted island with the clothes on their back and nothing else. Soon enough, the island will fill with the dregs of humanity, and they can all fight it out, gladiator stylee, for the little food there is on the island, or eat each other to survive. The last one standing will be deemed to have served a harsh enough sentence, and will be released into the community, and probably get a job dressing up as Santa.
But, OT, I'm in two minds. I think the jail term is shocking.. 4 months for a life is pitiful. Should he be sent home? No, as he is here legally. He should be sent to the island instead.
The ones that should be sent home are the *can of worms* Muslim Extremists (not all muslims, just extremists), the ones that preach hate, and tell our soldiers etc to burn in hell. Or send them to the island.0 -
Stav wrote:People who commit a crime of a serious nature should be sent to a deserted island with the clothes on their back and nothing else. Soon enough, the island will fill with the dregs of humanity, and they can all fight it out, gladiator stylee, for the little food there is on the island, or eat each other to survive. The last one standing will be deemed to have served a harsh enough sentence, and will be released into the community, and probably get a job dressing up as Santa.
have you heard of a place called australia?0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:as far as im concerned, i dont really mind who is in britain as long they arent costing me anything and as long as they are decent folk living decent lives.
Exactly my thoughts as well.
I think some of the benefit scrounging 100% british people should be deported too. Preferably to the island, or the middle of the Atlantic.0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:Stav wrote:People who commit a crime of a serious nature should be sent to a deserted island with the clothes on their back and nothing else. Soon enough, the island will fill with the dregs of humanity, and they can all fight it out, gladiator stylee, for the little food there is on the island, or eat each other to survive. The last one standing will be deemed to have served a harsh enough sentence, and will be released into the community, and probably get a job dressing up as Santa.
have you heard of a place called australia?
Kudos.0 -
bails87 wrote:MountainMonster wrote:the man came to England, broke laws and that resulted in someones death.4 months sentence is a joke,and by the way the article is set out, it sounds to me like the culprit intentionally found a woman when he got out of prison, had kids with her so he could argue to stay.Why should we care about how well off he will be in his home country?
But the thing is it wasn't just that, the crash resulted in the girl dieing. Not sure why he wasn't charged with involuntary manslaughter or the such. He hit someone, ran from the scene and the plug had to be pulled later that day which resulted in her death.
No lighter penalties for being a Briton, you break laws and you serve the punishment.
We are meant to be a civilised country, yes. We ( I say we, but I no longer live in the UK) also should not be accepting scum into the country. At the end of the day he did harm, while being allowed to live in the country.
Yeah it is a big leap, but that is what I gathered, and what my interpretation is of the situation.0 -
projectsome wrote:4 months? you get more for mugging someone. This one of the reasons I turned to petty theft instead0
This has fuckingangered me, this tw@t is a failed asylum seaker so in therory had no right to be here in the first place, so what does he do waiting for appeal ? yep fathers a child.....he then kills a young girl (whilst baned) and legs it from the scene what spineless tw@t would do that ??? gets caught goes to court and gets 4 months.....deported no due to the facking human rights act because his child is english, what about the human rights of the girl and her family, 4 months is taking the pi$$...it is not manslaughter it is murder as he was baned he should not of been behind the wheel, so how can it be manslaughter ??
the twatingfuckface should be deported or serve a life sentance...I hope the stick him in the same cell as a 12" donged homo...or even better a BNP hardcore member that beats him to within an inch of his life...
The worst thing we did was to join the EU, Brussels dictating what we do !! fack off..can't do this and can't do that for fear of upsetting another religion...what respect do they show us ?? yep fuckall...If I had my way there would be gun towers at every port to keep these social leeches out..0 -
yeehaamcgee wrote:We should just deport everyone.
I deported myself.
As has been said we have two separate issues here. Regarding the term the guy received..pure gash. Should have been longer.
As for him having the right to remain in the country I could go down the route of "he broke our laws so doesn't deserve to be here" and "other countries generally deport criminals if they're of another nationality" and finally the classic "if he's a refugee why didn't he seek asylum in the closest available country rather than coming all the way to the UK (and it's wonderful benefits system)" but I won't. We're doomed as a species so in the grand scheme it makes no difference. When is "Britain's Got Strictly Celebrity Get Me Out of Factor" back on?Formally known as Coatbridgeguy0 -
Put tyres around him and burn him in the street as a warning to all others asylum seekers who abuse this country and chavs who think that they are above the law. A couple of old warn out tyres is cheaper than a legal system that doesn't work.
Bails you should be deported for just being an annoying troll.0 -
Pudseyp wrote:This has fuckingangered me, this tw@t is a failed asylum seaker so in therory had no right to be here in the first placedeported no due to the facking human rights act because his child is english, what about the human rights of the girl and her familyThe worst thing we did was to join the EU, Brussels dictating what we do !! fack off..can't do this and can't do that for fear of upsetting another religion...what respect do they show us ?? yep fuckall...If I had my way there would be gun towers at every port to keep these social leeches out..
Please, do some research beyond reading the headlines of the red-tops.0 -
whyamihere wrote:The economic and social benefits to being an EU member state are huge.
my member is huge.
aaaathankyyeeeooo.0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:whyamihere wrote:The economic and social benefits to being an EU member state are huge.
my member is huge.
prove it!Formally known as Coatbridgeguy0 -
whyamihere wrote:Pudseyp wrote:This has fuckingangered me, this tw@t is a failed asylum seaker so in therory had no right to be here in the first placedeported no due to the facking human rights act because his child is english, what about the human rights of the girl and her familyThe worst thing we did was to join the EU, Brussels dictating what we do !! fack off..can't do this and can't do that for fear of upsetting another religion...what respect do they show us ?? yep fuckall...If I had my way there would be gun towers at every port to keep these social leeches out..
Please, do some research beyond reading the headlines of the red-tops.
Think you should fella...http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/dec/1 ... -remain-uk
See failed asylum seeker....ref human rights it is all to easy for them to to say " I am in danger back home" they know the system here and know they can claim benefits...so if your happy lining his pockets good old you...and ref the EU they pass European laws that we have to abide by...we were much better before we joined, the only thing it has done has increased unemployment as under the freedom of movement act we have more eastern europeans taking our jobs...also billions in aid to Spain and Turkey thanks again to the EU...better for it...?? you must be deranged
So if it was your daughter, I guess you would be pleased as punch that he can stay, and be calaiming benefits in 4 months...0