I predict more riots



  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Sewinman wrote:
    W1 wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    antfly wrote:
    surreyxc wrote:
    whatever the outcome or motivations, it is quite heartening that at least the youth are not as apathetic as the media portray. What surprises me is how the rest of the rest of us just keep taking the shoot and eating it.

    They are only not being apathetic because it's their own pockets that are being hit. I would call them selfish and I definitely don't want to pay for their education.

    Errrrrr, most of them are at Uni already - so it won't actually directly affect them...?

    So they have nothing to protest about then, do they?

    Anyway, predictable response from the green-eyed commie violent vandal supporter. Have you managed to get the paint out of your balaclava yet?

    You don't have to be directly affected to think something is wrong. That is why I was out supporting them yesterday.

    I am not a commie by the way, and I have nothing to be green eyed about. No Balaclava either...as you seem interested, I was wearing a flat cap and a Barbour.

    Well done. It should be easier to pick you out then.

    There is no justification for that behaviour. Defacing a war memorial is the heght of disrepect and ignorance. If it wasn't for the deaths of the people that those memorials represent there may well not be any right to protest in the first place, and the scum would have a lot more to complain about thanuniversity fees. And the police's actions wouldseem like a picnic.

    The right to protest goes hand in hand with a responsibility to do so peacfully and without interfering with innocent people or others' property.

    They brought the violence they received upon themselves and I therefore have zero sympathy.

    Anyway, I'm glad you had a fun day out supporting violent, ignorant idiots.
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Who is this W1 guy? You're not quite with the rest of the world.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you speak for the rest of the world?!

    I'd be interested to know what Wikipedia pigeon holes you place yourself in.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    edited December 2010
    W1 wrote:
    Who is this W1 guy? You're not quite with the rest of the world.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you speak for the rest of the world?!

    I'd be interested to know what Wikipedia pigeon holes you place yourself in.

    I never said I speak for the rest of the world. I said you're not quite with it. As demonstrated again here.

    It's up to you to pidgeon hole me.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    If Labour hadn't decided it was such a good idea for everyone to to go to uni, however stupid they are, we wouldn't have this problem.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    W1 wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    W1 wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    antfly wrote:
    surreyxc wrote:
    whatever the outcome or motivations, it is quite heartening that at least the youth are not as apathetic as the media portray. What surprises me is how the rest of the rest of us just keep taking the shoot and eating it.

    They are only not being apathetic because it's their own pockets that are being hit. I would call them selfish and I definitely don't want to pay for their education.

    Errrrrr, most of them are at Uni already - so it won't actually directly affect them...?

    So they have nothing to protest about then, do they?

    Anyway, predictable response from the green-eyed commie violent vandal supporter. Have you managed to get the paint out of your balaclava yet?

    You don't have to be directly affected to think something is wrong. That is why I was out supporting them yesterday.

    I am not a commie by the way, and I have nothing to be green eyed about. No Balaclava either...as you seem interested, I was wearing a flat cap and a Barbour.

    Well done. It should be easier to pick you out then.

    There is no justification for that behaviour. Defacing a war memorial is the heght of disrepect and ignorance. If it wasn't for the deaths of the people that those memorials represent there may well not be any right to protest in the first place, and the scum would have a lot more to complain about thanuniversity fees. And the police's actions wouldseem like a picnic.

    The right to protest goes hand in hand with a responsibility to do so peacfully and without interfering with innocent people or others' property.

    They brought the violence they received upon themselves and I therefore have zero sympathy.

    Anyway, I'm glad you had a fun day out supporting violent, ignorant idiots.

    I have not seen any defaced war memorial, although I did see someone spray paint an anarchy sign on a church, which I thought was wrong, but hardly a hanging offence (perhaps in W! world it is). However, it does not make me feel any differently about the issue.

    Yeah, thanks - it was great fun, like being at a raaaaaas-clat rave. Most of the people were just very nice young middle class kids.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    antfly wrote:
    If Labour hadn't decided it was such a good idea for everyone to to go to uni, however stupid they are, we wouldn't have this problem.

    Yeah! Let's deny people education! Yeah!
  • waddlie
    waddlie Posts: 542
    Sewinman wrote:

    I have not seen any defaced war memorial, although I did see someone spray paint an anarchy sign on a church, which I thought was wrong, but hardly a hanging offence (perhaps in W! world it is). However, it does not make me feel any differently about the issue.

    There you go, then.
    Rules are for fools.
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    So I am seeing someone hanging off a Union flag and someone having a slash on Winston Churchil. Which war memorial has been defaced?

    But really...is that all we want to get massively upset about. In my opinion. it is regretable, but I won't be losing sleep over it.
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    To put this in context:

    Only the top earners will be paying back thier education costs; and why not, considering that they will have taken the more advanced and expensive courses which are more likely to lead to the highest paying jobs.....Assuming they are not lazy sh1ts like I was!

    There are still likely to be alllot of students who will not earn over the threshold to pay back their fees. They should probably consider going out to work or vocational courses.

    When Fee's were intrduced a few years back, did people mreally believe that they would not go up?! Are we that dumb?

    Admittedly, tripling the max fee in one hit was a bad bad move - if they had knocked fees up by,say, £1000. I think people would have been more accepting....

    Perhaps students need to wake up and smell the reality of the cost of their education and their impact on society. I also think it will weed out the "no hopers" and the lazy who will scrape a 3rd from an ex polytechnic - The kinda kids who are better off getting a job straight from work or doing a vocational college course....Degree's are not for everyone and "upgrading" the old Polytechnics to University's was a very stupid idea.

    As for rioting about it - talk about blowing your entire cause out of the water. No one will have any sympathy for the silly sods!
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    Sewinman wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:
    So Sewinman given your penchant for violent protests getting air time on sky news, how do you feel yesterday went?

    they got on the news alright, yet the message seems a little muddled no?

    I was there for much of the day, so I did not watch much of the Sky coverage. I think we all know what the protests are about - so no, I would not describe it as 'muddled'.

    yet all the front pages are about two people in a rolls royce being attacked... pray tell how that related to fees?
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Clever Pun wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:
    So Sewinman given your penchant for violent protests getting air time on sky news, how do you feel yesterday went?

    they got on the news alright, yet the message seems a little muddled no?

    I was there for much of the day, so I did not watch much of the Sky coverage. I think we all know what the protests are about - so no, I would not describe it as 'muddled'.

    yet all the front pages are about two people in a rolls royce being attacked... pray tell how that related to fees?

    Probably more related to kettling than fees.
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    I did like someone's comment on a news channel about organised anarchy... wtf?
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    Clever Pun wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:
    So Sewinman given your penchant for violent protests getting air time on sky news, how do you feel yesterday went?

    they got on the news alright, yet the message seems a little muddled no?

    I was there for much of the day, so I did not watch much of the Sky coverage. I think we all know what the protests are about - so no, I would not describe it as 'muddled'.

    yet all the front pages are about two people in a rolls royce being attacked... pray tell how that related to fees?

    To state the bloody obvious - that incident was directly related to the protests on fees.
  • davmaggs
    davmaggs Posts: 1,008
    It seems that the demo has proven a very nice distraction and virtually the entire narrative is about that.

    Newsnight went through the figures for University funding and apart from medicine or courses that require infrastructure like labs there will be a 100% cut. The state is completely abolishing funding for University courses, and politicans have put a lot of effort into making sure that they divert attention away from that. Phrases like "contribution" are a fib, when it is a 100% fee.
  • Youngsters are told to go to uni as thats the future. Whats the alternative to uni? If you aren't acedemically minded but practical where are the apprenticships or on the job learning opportunities? Go on a building site and there are very few youngsters learning a trade. And the few I have employed are utter utter rubbish. An engineering company I use has had to employ retired people as there are no one with the skills to operate a lathe/mill etc.
    Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    d87heaven wrote:
    An engineering company I use has had to employ retired people as there are no one with the skills to operate a lathe/mill etc.

    I had to google what a "lathe" was :(
  • hfidgen
    hfidgen Posts: 340
    Personally I think it's about time that someone compared the ConDEMS to Hitler! Are the similarities not there for all to see?

    Joking aside, I

    Disagree with the 80% cuts to Higher Education funding, that's a gigantic cut and it's precipitated this whole problem.

    Agree that students should pay their fees. Increasing fees is fine if the courses warrant it. I suspect though that for some courses which will fit that bracket soon they just won't be worth that in terms of knowledge, contact time or employability. Universities need to pull their finger out. Degree in Surf Studies my arse. You want a degree? You go pay for it. How about you pay later on in your life once you're earning? A good deal IMO and one we've been running for some years already...

    I also disagree that it's the right of all young people to go to uni at the taxpayers expense. If you're too thick to get even a 3rd class degree you shouldn't be there m8. Somehow in the last 10 years it's become the accepted thing that everyone, no matter what, goes to uni. When did this happen and why?
    FCN 4 - BMC CX02
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Its because they all go to uni to do 'meeja studies' which seems to consist of watching TV and learning to read
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    Sewinman wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:
    So Sewinman given your penchant for violent protests getting air time on sky news, how do you feel yesterday went?

    they got on the news alright, yet the message seems a little muddled no?

    I was there for much of the day, so I did not watch much of the Sky coverage. I think we all know what the protests are about - so no, I would not describe it as 'muddled'.

    yet all the front pages are about two people in a rolls royce being attacked... pray tell how that related to fees?

    To state the bloody obvious - that incident was directly related to the protests on fees.

    to royals went through a crowd protesting about fees. The royal have nothing whatsoever to do with this protest. they get attacked by cretins

    How are they directly related to the actual protest? By attacking innocents how did that further the cause?
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • hfidgen
    hfidgen Posts: 340
    Clever Pun wrote:
    to royals went through a crowd protesting about fees. The royal have nothing whatsoever to do with this protest. they get attacked by cretins

    How are they directly related to the actual protest? By attacking innocents how did that further the cause?

    Have to agree. The only reason they were attacked is because they are "establishment", which tells you all you need to know about what the rioters were really there for.
    FCN 4 - BMC CX02
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    Clever Pun wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:
    Sewinman wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:
    So Sewinman given your penchant for violent protests getting air time on sky news, how do you feel yesterday went?

    they got on the news alright, yet the message seems a little muddled no?

    I was there for much of the day, so I did not watch much of the Sky coverage. I think we all know what the protests are about - so no, I would not describe it as 'muddled'.

    yet all the front pages are about two people in a rolls royce being attacked... pray tell how that related to fees?

    To state the bloody obvious - that incident was directly related to the protests on fees.

    to royals went through a crowd protesting about fees. The royal have nothing whatsoever to do with this protest. they get attacked by cretins

    How are they directly related to the actual protest? By attacking innocents how did that further the cause?

    I thought you were asking me how the attack on the Royals was connected to the student fees in the media, so I explained it to you.

    I agree, it is a bit random to attack them. I should imagine those particular protesters saw them as part of the state/establishment/whatever and thus a valid 'target'.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    That's allright then, as long as they saw them as a valid target. :?
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Sewinman, are you going to condemn your fellow protesters who urinated on the statue of Churchill, disrepected the Cenotaph or threw masonary and snooker balls at the police?

    I know you're an advocate of violence and vandalism, I'd just be interested to know how far your support goes.
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    After yesterday and seeing what happened any sympathy I had evaporated, I am all for peacefull protest but when it descends into what happened yesterday forget about it.

    If you have to hide your face on a protest you automatically lose the right to do so in my opinion.

    As far the damage to war memorials that makes me so angry, these people are supposed educated, do they not realise that these are memorials to people that gave their lives to enable these people to have the right to the freedoms of this country and the benefits that come with that.

    Attacking the Prince of Wales' car for no matter how short a time is still attacking the heir to the throne which is wrong on so many levels and shows the utter lack of respect these people have.

    Anyone who says anything about the police response has no grounds to say anything if they were not standing alongside the officers facing what they faced.

    I know some of that will have been said before but I had to get it off my chest.
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Paul E wrote:
    After yesterday and seeing what happened any sympathy I had evaporated, I am all for peacefull protest but when it descends into what happened yesterday forget about it.

    If you have to hide your face on a protest you automatically lose the right to do so in my opinion.

    As far the damage to war memorials that makes me so angry, these people are supposed educated, do they not realise that these are memorials to people that gave their lives to enable these people to have the right to the freedoms of this country and the benefits that come with that.

    Attacking the Prince of Wales' car for no matter how short a time is still attacking the heir to the throne which is wrong on so many levels and shows the utter lack of respect these people have.

    Anyone who says anything about the police response has no grounds to say anything if they were not standing alongside the officers facing what they faced.

    I know some of that will have been said before but I had to get it off my chest.

    Prepare to be psychoanalysed by Rich Chasey and the genius of Wikipedia.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    W1 wrote:
    Paul E wrote:
    After yesterday and seeing what happened any sympathy I had evaporated, I am all for peacefull protest but when it descends into what happened yesterday forget about it.

    If you have to hide your face on a protest you automatically lose the right to do so in my opinion.

    As far the damage to war memorials that makes me so angry, these people are supposed educated, do they not realise that these are memorials to people that gave their lives to enable these people to have the right to the freedoms of this country and the benefits that come with that.

    Attacking the Prince of Wales' car for no matter how short a time is still attacking the heir to the throne which is wrong on so many levels and shows the utter lack of respect these people have.

    Anyone who says anything about the police response has no grounds to say anything if they were not standing alongside the officers facing what they faced.

    I know some of that will have been said before but I had to get it off my chest.

    Prepare to be psychoanalysed by Rich Chasey and the genius of Wikipedia.

  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    W1 wrote:
    Sewinman, are you going to condemn your fellow protesters who urinated on the statue of Churchill, disrepected the Cenotaph or threw masonary and snooker balls at the police?

    I know you're an advocate of violence and vandalism, I'd just be interested to know how far your support goes.

    I don't agree with some of it, but for me it is just a minor side-show that people love to get indignant about and ignore the real scandal - the trebling of student fees. In comparison to that, its hand bags at five paces.
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    W1 wrote:
    Paul E wrote:
    After yesterday and seeing what happened any sympathy I had evaporated, I am all for peacefull protest but when it descends into what happened yesterday forget about it.

    If you have to hide your face on a protest you automatically lose the right to do so in my opinion.

    As far the damage to war memorials that makes me so angry, these people are supposed educated, do they not realise that these are memorials to people that gave their lives to enable these people to have the right to the freedoms of this country and the benefits that come with that.

    Attacking the Prince of Wales' car for no matter how short a time is still attacking the heir to the throne which is wrong on so many levels and shows the utter lack of respect these people have.

    Anyone who says anything about the police response has no grounds to say anything if they were not standing alongside the officers facing what they faced.

    I know some of that will have been said before but I had to get it off my chest.

    Prepare to be psychoanalysed by Rich Chasey and the genius of Wikipedia.

    I am prepared but really don't give a flying fock
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    Paul E wrote:
    As far the damage to war memorials that makes me so angry, these people are supposed educated, do they not realise that these are memorials to people that gave their lives to enable these people to have the right to the freedoms of this country and the benefits that come with that.

    Out of interest, where did you see that?
  • crimsondynamo
    crimsondynamo Posts: 246
    edited December 2010
    The reason why the students get no sympathy is because they're raising the wrong objections. On the radio and TV all we hear is, "I can't afford £9k pa, only rich people will go to uni" etc. They're silenced by the fact that the poorest will be supported through uni, and that the loans only need to be repaid when their salary suffices.

    Instead of focussing on the detail, they should be looking at the big picture and trying to reverse the dramatic shift in the way the argument is now being framed. In the past (and in Scotland) education is a right, not merely goods/services to purchased on the open market. Now we hear the argument "why should non-students fund universities?", in a rhetorical tone, as if there's no answer!!! Of course the answer is that everyone benefits from living in an educted society. Similarly I pay for the NHS even though I don't directly get my money's worth, because I benefit from living in a healthy society.

    By the way this is neither a tory thing nor recession related. It's an ongoing trend. It won't be reversed either by a change of government or an upturn in the nation's finances.