Superstar Wheels



  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,401
    peter413 wrote:
    Because it was either that or stop riding

    Erm, you should have stopped riding... :roll:
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    You've put yourself in a very weak position, especially as you've pointed SS to this thread where you've stated your intention of riding the wheels again on Saturday, possibly to destruction, having questioned their fitness for purpose.

    I've stated that they should be able to handle this and that my only option is to use them, I asked people if this would affect my claim with them, has anyone actually given me a straight answer yet. Not that I can figure out just, 'your an idiot, you shouldn't have done this or that or done what you thought was right'. Yeah, thanks guys :roll:
  • t0pc4t
    t0pc4t Posts: 947
    ring or email them and see what they say.

    ^^^ straight answer
    Whether you're a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

    Cube Curve 2009
    Giant Anthem X4

  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    peter413 wrote:
    Because it was either that or stop riding

    Exactly - you had two choices. You took one of them.
    Maybe the right one, maybe the wrong one, but your choice.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    peter413 wrote:
    Because it was either that or stop riding

    Erm, you should have stopped riding... :roll:

    Even after I got them trued up which should have fixed the problem

    And I don't really count a blue route as 'a hard days riding' or even really a red at a relaxed pace. I had no opportunity to test them out since I was busy for the whole week and then the day after that I was riding and as have said, my other wheels were unusable
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    t0pc4t wrote:
    ring or email them and see what they say.

    ^^^ straight answer

    Which I have, I said that in my second post so no one else had to say it :roll:
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    peter413 wrote:
    You've put yourself in a very weak position, especially as you've pointed SS to this thread where you've stated your intention of riding the wheels again on Saturday, possibly to destruction, having questioned their fitness for purpose.

    I've stated that they should be able to handle this and that my only option is to use them, I asked people if this would affect my claim with them, has anyone actually given me a straight answer yet. Not that I can figure out just, 'your an idiot, you shouldn't have done this or that or done what you thought was right'. Yeah, thanks guys :roll:

    Straight answer - yes. The could probably tell you to take a hike.
    But from reading previous posts here by Superstar, you may just be lucky as they could get some PR out of it.
    Above and beyond and all that.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    Good luck ringing them, I'v been trying all week to ask a few q's before ordering some wheels but phone hasen't been answered yet :(
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    I wouldn't phone them anyway, I want stuff in writing so they can't go back on there word.

    That's something I have definitely learnt on a few occasions
  • dot1
    dot1 Posts: 538
    peter413 wrote:
    peter413 wrote:
    Because it was either that or stop riding

    Erm, you should have stopped riding... :roll:

    Even after I got them trued up which should have fixed the problem

    And I don't really count a blue route as 'a hard days riding' or even really a red at a relaxed pace. I had no opportunity to test them out since I was busy for the whole week and then the day after that I was riding and as have said, my other wheels were unusable

    I would have stopped riding after getting them trued the first time. SS could say yeah ok, get them trued once as a result of them bedding in but getting them re-trued again and again they could easily blame the mechanic. I personally would of thought "hang on, new wheels need bedding in, these have needed tru-ing X amount of times on the first ride, perhaps I'm riding too hard on them" and stopped. Also, it's not Superstars fault that you had no opportunity to test them because you were busy or that your other wheels are unusable. You should of either bought them earlier so you did have time to bed them in, or cancel the ride.
    Trek Remedy 7 2009

    Boardman Pro Singlespeed - Sold

    Giant Defy 5 2012
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    I don't see a need to test them out beforehand though, they should be fine out of the box and since SS claim they could handle DH racing, it seemed as though they were just bedding in since I wasn't doing anything that hard

    So sorry everyone for making a simple mistake and wanting to know what I could do about it
  • largephil
    largephil Posts: 358
    Just out of intrest, what were your old wheels?
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    quick summary.. sold according to a description as being suitable for x. Buyer uses them for x and they fail. Not withstanding any limitations or terms which can be treated as warranty terms or limitation of warranty terms. The buyer has the right to either rescind the contract (get a refund) or get the seller to remedy the breach (fix them or replace them).

    buyer fecks with the product without first contacting the seller to fix the problem - seller says good luck fixing your wheel. Buyer then has to prove that his fix doesn't change the fact that the item does not meet the description. By fecking with the wheel buyer nolonger has the right to rescind the contract.

    Proving not fit for purpose or quality etc.. doesn't come in to it until the seller disputes that there was a defect and you argue that the use was according to purpose.

    in summary, if you buy something and use it for the purpose its described as being suitable for, you return it. If the seller then argues abuse, you rescind, if they refuse a refund you sue or settle.

    my personal experience of SS has been excellent.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Just as a matter of interest - which wheels does Superstar state can be used for DH racing?
    Was looking for some grips earlier so had a quick look at wheels. Mainly look like XC style to me, and I can't see any obvious claims for DH.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Hello im a little late to the party here, it would have been easier if you had emailed us directly to sort this out as we would have know about your problem sooner, we dont spend all day looking for threads (too busy packing, servicing and answering emails and phonecalls)!

    The AM rims are suitible for DH racing (ie lightweight performance, but not indestructable) i wouldnt reccomend them for rough DH and FR drops etc. Ollie Burton has been riding these rims in the UCI DH world cup all year getting 14th in qualifying in champery, so they are up to the job.

    Sometimes as you say a wheel will bed in a little and require a bit of a tweak occasionally, but if you have had it done 5 times in a day it sounds like there is a problem somewhere either with the build, the person tweaking them or the rim. Personally IMHO prolocking the spokes is just a way of hiding bad tensioning and isnt really needed.

    It depends on how the rims have been damaged, if they have got a materials fault thats a warranty job, but if the rim has been dinged to death from rockstrikes its not. Without looking i cannot advise on this.

    We will need the wheels back to inspect them for faults, if you carry on riding a wheelset which you claim to be faulty you are just reducing the likelyhood of it going in your favour as it is harder for us to prove the rim/build was at fault for you. We process stuff like this quite quickly but unfortunately it will take a few days to get back and forth.

    Obviously without seeing these in person, all of this is just a estimate of what could be wrong, and i cant comment on the exact case until they have come back for warranty.

    Im sure (like in most cases) we will come to a fair conclusion for you and sort the problem one way or another.

    If you have any questions please PM me and let me know, Neil (Superstar)
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Some of us lazy people spend all day looking at threads and relieve the boredom by being annoying and trollish.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    edited October 2010
    One thing... None of the riding Pete's talking about is very extreme at all, "freeride style drops" someone said but the riding in the glentress freeride area is no rougher than you'd expect on a black XC trail really. I think he's maybe given a bit of a false impression there, people who've not ridden there are probably going away thinking he's Josh Bender :lol:
    Uncompromising extremist
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    diy wrote:
    says the man with 1100 posts in 6 months :lol::lol:

    1102 now. Trollish and pedantic.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Northwind wrote:
    One thing... None of the riding Pete's talking about is very extreme at all, "freeride style drops" someone said but the riding in the glentress freeride area is no rougher than you'd expect on a black XC trail really. I think he's maybe given a bit of a false impression there, people who've not ridden there are probably going away thinking he's Josh Bender :lol:

    I never said I was doing freeride drops, I said 3 foot (off the box) at the most :wink:
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    largephil wrote:
    Just out of intrest, what were your old wheels?

    DT X455 rims on Deore Hubs

    The front is fine but the rear rim and hub are toast
  • largephil
    largephil Posts: 358
    peter413 wrote:
    largephil wrote:
    Just out of intrest, what were your old wheels?

    DT X455 rims on Deore Hubs

    The front is fine but the rear rim and hub are toast

    Ahh, thought maybe if you rear hub was ok you could just have a nice strong rim re-built onto it. Suppose if the front is fine, your 1 wheel away from a spare set.
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Except dad is getting the front one and the front wheel isn't bad anyway, its the rear causing the big problems
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Just read this and I think Neil is absolutely spot on. They need to be examined to ascertain what the problem is. My hunch is that you have dinged them, and the person who has trued them has not evenly tensioned this wheel. This gets progressively worse.

    But I bet there is a slight flat spot somewhere, and this has caught the truer out ;-)
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    You obviously haven't met the guy that does it, he is about as good as it gets when it comes to wheel builds/trues

    I know you can't take my word for it but he is

    But if I have dinged them then surely they are not fit for purpose if I have done no harder than red grade
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Anyone can ding wheels if they crack a rock hard enough, or land a jump sideways. Especially if running low pressures. I have dinged DH wheels on road kerbs!

    A well built, highly, and evenly tensioned wheel should not go out of true if used within its design parameters. Red grade has nothing to with it really. You hit a 8 inch high, square edged kerb or rock, head on, at speed with 25psi then most wheels will come off badly, no matter what they are.
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Thats the thing though, I haven't hit anything that hard and I run a Dual Ply High Roller at 35 psi so not that soft a pressure either

    I do land a few jumps slightly sideways but my old (supposedly weaker) wheels coped fine and they were also tensioned and also re-built twice by the same mechanic
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Well I hope you both come to an amicable settlement. But in my experience, wheels that need repeatedly truing were either not built properly (rare), have a flat spot (most often), or the person truing and tensioning them has done a poor job. Or all!
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Considering they went out of true straight away and the spokes loosened off when I hadn't ridden the darn thing I would bet it was a bad build.

    So do you think a re-build would sort it?
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Well surely thats what the guy truing and tensioning was doing? If they were out of whack, then he sorted it, no?