the Cyclo cross racing post



  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Yeah, there's a picture on the web of me running down the tarmac on lap 1, with literally no-one behind me. Running on tarmac with studs isn't much fun at the best of times; I'm tempted to tape a copy to the back of my pressure gauge...

    Probably takes something like 10-15 mins to fit a new tyre, now I have the technique sorted; the trick is to apply the right consistency of water/washing up liquid to provide the initial first seal. It's enough of a faff that taking 3 sets of tyres and one set of wheels to an event isn't really an option (though in extremis it could be done) but it beats tub gluing hands-down, especially if you have a race the next day. Would probably be easier with a compressor (and might save washing-up liquid) but I've always managed fine with a track pump.

    The other big advantage of tubeless is that because the tyres are cheaper, it's easier to justify keeping spares. If I'd killed a tub at Shrewsbury, finding a new tub and fitting it in time for Derby would have been a bit of a mission, whereas I was able to replace the clincher when I got home on the Sunday night.

    Still planning to get a set of mud tubs for next season though; FMB Super Muds currently looking like the favourites...
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    The main downside of tubs is the need to have a lot of wheelsets. Once you've glued a set up, it stays glued, or at least it does the way I do it :)

    It took me best part of two hours to remove the remainder of the tub I destroyed earlier in the season. Then another 2 hours to prep the rim for the next glue job.

    From that point of view tubeless looks imperious. I might get a wheelset just to add some flexibility... It could be the perfect Three Peaks solution too.
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    I guess one other thing to add is that when I took off the tyre I'd trashed in Shrewsbury, there was a 1/2 inch thorn sticking into it, right in the middle of the tread. Not sure where it came from, but I'm guessing a training ride over Xmas. Nice to be able to incur that sort of damage without even knowing.

    Landcruisers seem to be the go-to tyre for Three Peaks; I may get a set and see how well they work set up tubeless...
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    TGOTB wrote:
    I guess one other thing to add is that when I took off the tyre I'd trashed in Shrewsbury, there was a 1/2 inch thorn sticking into it, right in the middle of the tread. Not sure where it came from, but I'm guessing a training ride over Xmas. Nice to be able to incur that sort of damage without even knowing.

    Landcruisers seem to be the go-to tyre for Three Peaks; I may get a set and see how well they work set up tubeless...

    It's desire to avoid the dreaded Landcruiser that's driving my interest in tubeless. Although people have been dragged into ditches and lynched for not using them :)
  • antsmithmk wrote:
    Yes I have been hitting refresh on their homepage today! I think I placed 3rd in the novices

    Provisional results are now online.

    Rule No.10 // It never gets easier, you just go faster
  • I did indeed place 3rd! Judging by my time, I might have been in a decent race for last place in the seniors! Next year I will do the first few novice races then step up to the seniors.
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    Well done antsmithmk. Vets results not out yet so still waiting to see how badly I did. I started out in the novice this year and after a couple of good results decided to do the vets. I thought I'd be battling for last place too but have so far managed to finish about 3/4 down the field. Not sure how I'd have felt about having to go to an hour of the seniors from 30 minutes of novices.
  • devhads wrote:
    Well done antsmithmk. Vets results not out yet so still waiting to see how badly I did. I started out in the novice this year and after a couple of good results decided to do the vets. I thought I'd be battling for last place too but have so far managed to finish about 3/4 down the field. Not sure how I'd have felt about having to go to an hour of the seniors from 30 minutes of novices.

    I reckon you finished ahead of me devhads but I'm pretty sure I didn't finish last. I never did a novice race, wondering whether I should have but it's fitness (or lack of) not off road ability that slows me down :)
  • antsmithmk wrote:
    I did indeed place 3rd! Judging by my time, I might have been in a decent race for last place in the seniors! Next year I will do the first few novice races then step up to the seniors.

    I finished 2nd, so if I'd stayed upright and not bruised my finger, which meant I stopped trying on the last lap because I couldn't brake or change gear properly, I could've challenged for the win. So I just need to learn some bike handling skills and how to tripod etc.!

    I did the seniors at Welwyn in the Eastern league earlier in the season and finished 3rd from last, but I think I have improved since then.

    I hope to do more than 3 races next season and like you, start with a few novice races before moving up to Seniors.

    Rule No.10 // It never gets easier, you just go faster
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    We'll soon see cyclingsheep, I had a pretty tough time out there plus a major brake issue which required a couple of minutes in the pits. I started with the novice, not because I was bothered about coming last, but because I was worried I'd be so slow and bad I'd be falling off and getting in the way. I soon realised it gets spread out pretty quickly and falling off and getting in the way is part of the fun :)

    Contrelamontre - I took my son to a couple of eastern league races but never raced myself as I don't qualify for the vets in that league. I might invoke rule 5 and try a few seniors races out next year.
  • devhads wrote:
    Contrelamontre - I took my son to a couple of eastern league races but never raced myself as I don't qualify for the vets in that league. I might invoke rule 5 and try a few seniors races out next year.

    Riding the Seniors was not as intimidating as I expected. As I was gridded at the back all the decent crossers hare off and I was left to ride my personal race. In the later stages I got lapped by the top guys, but to be honest you get so wrapped up in your own thing and trying to catch the guy just in front that you don't really care about the real race going on at the front!

    So do it!

    Rule No.10 // It never gets easier, you just go faster
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    Well there's still one event left. If you want to join me in making up a composite team for the team event, then I'm up for it. Anybody else want to be the third member?
  • How does the team event work? Unfortunately I'm not sure I can do the last race anyway, partly because it is just so far away!

    Rule No.10 // It never gets easier, you just go faster
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    AFAIK if you're not entering a club team then you can enter a mixed or composite team but you are not entitled to any medals, no danger of that though. You race individually as normal and your team score is based on the first 3 out of teams of 3 or 4. Thinking about it I'm not sure if you have to be a league member to enter a team, which I'm not.
  • When and where is the team event?
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    It's 9th Feb in Mistley which is between Colchester and Ipswich.
  • Vets results are out for Welwyn.......and I'm not last :D but it looks like you were two in front of me devhads
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    Yes that's me. Final standings are out, looks like I'm a couple ahead there too, due to an extra race. You beat me on average points. Looks like we're going to have some great battles next season :)
  • devhads wrote:
    Yes that's me. Final standings are out, looks like I'm a couple ahead there too, due to an extra race. You beat me on average points. Looks like we're going to have some great battles next season :)

    Just been in touch with them about that. They're missing my points from Hillingdon so I should be 31st in final rankings I think. Looking forward to next season for sure :D

    Edit, points updated and yep you're two ahead of me again.....must train harder
  • bobley
    bobley Posts: 60
    I'm happy with that too. A real PB on Sunday coming home 17th bringing me in 22nd in the final rankings.

    When do we start again??
  • It will be September.... But they did retweet a comment about organising a few central events in summer. Watch this space!
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    TGOTB wrote:
    I guess one other thing to add is ...

    I note your fine joint 5th overall in the league! Nice one 8)
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    VamP wrote:
    I note your fine joint 5th overall in the league! Nice one 8)
    Thanks! A bit unexpected TBH; I knew it was theoretically possible, but an awful lot of stars had to align for it actually to happen. Bit of a gap to 4th place though, going to have to work hard next year...

    Congrats on 3rd overall in your league! Not doing quite as well as you seems to be a bit of a theme for me this season :) I see the final gap on Sunday was just 17 seconds; next season there's going to be a very large target on your back :twisted:
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • TGOTB wrote:
    VamP wrote:
    I note your fine joint 5th overall in the league! Nice one 8)
    Thanks! A bit unexpected TBH; I knew it was theoretically possible, but an awful lot of stars had to align for it actually to happen. Bit of a gap to 4th place though, going to have to work hard next year...

    Congrats on 3rd overall in your league! Not doing quite as well as you seems to be a bit of a theme for me this season :) I see the final gap on Sunday was just 17 seconds; next season there's going to be a very large target on your back :twisted:

    Haha, clearly there are two very different tiers of rider on this thread :) Congrats to all that competed this season on whatever level. Hope you had as much fun as I did (it is supposed to be fun right?)
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    TGOTB wrote:
    VamP wrote:
    I note your fine joint 5th overall in the league! Nice one 8)
    Thanks! A bit unexpected TBH; I knew it was theoretically possible, but an awful lot of stars had to align for it actually to happen. Bit of a gap to 4th place though, going to have to work hard next year...

    Congrats on 3rd overall in your league! Not doing quite as well as you seems to be a bit of a theme for me this season :) I see the final gap on Sunday was just 17 seconds; next season there's going to be a very large target on your back :twisted:

    Haha, clearly there are two very different tiers of rider on this thread :) Congrats to all that competed this season on whatever level. Hope you had as much fun as I did (it is supposed to be fun right?)

    Fun? Whatever gave you that idea? :D

    Yeah, well done to all and @TGOTB - Bring it on!
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    Haha, clearly there are two very different tiers of rider on this thread :) Congrats to all that competed this season on whatever level. Hope you had as much fun as I did (it is supposed to be fun right?)

    That's what's great about cross though, it doesn't seem to matter how good or bad you are everyone is still very friendly and is happy to have a chat.

    Good job too as my son wouldn't even speak to me, him 3rd in category :D me 29th :?

    If SPOTY had an award for friendliest sport, cross would win every year
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Yep, well done everyone! One of the things I love about cross is that the racing's equally "enjoyable" right through the field.

    Twickenham guys (and anyone else in the area) - if you want to fast-track your technique, look out for the Thursday evening training sessions in the Old Deer Park next Autumn.
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • TGOTB wrote:
    Yep, well done everyone! One of the things I love about cross is that the racing's equally "enjoyable" right through the field.

    Twickenham guys (and anyone else in the area) - if you want to fast-track your technique, look out for the Thursday evening training sessions in the Old Deer Park next Autumn.

    Yeah managed to get to one last year before my daughter arrived....she put the brakes on any further development for this season but look out next :D
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    It is the ultimate grass roots sport isn't it? I love the family feel of Sunday League events. Can't wait for my daughter to get old enough to ride a bike.
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    VamP wrote:
    It is the ultimate grass roots sport isn't it? I love the family feel of Sunday League events. Can't wait for my daughter to get old enough to ride a bike.
    Mine did her first race at 5, so you don't have that long to wait! Unfortunately cross seems to be about the only discipline where adults and young children can race in the same event. You can't quite send a small child pottering down a dual carriageway on their own, with or without aero bars, but it wouldn't be hard to run a few short kids races at some of the circuit-based road races.

    There seem to be a decent number of U8 kids doing Central league races; I'm going to petition them to do separate U8 results and prizes next year...
    Pannier, 120rpm.