Armstrong was really good today



  • carl_p
    carl_p Posts: 989
    Often necessary unfortunately, single-mindedness is a more clean description I guess?[/quote]

    The equivalent from other sports might be Michael Schumacher during his peak for example? You might not necessarily like him, but he has that winning attitude and is not too fussed how he does it, or what people think of him.
    Specialized Venge S Works
    Cannondale Synapse
    Enigma Etape
    Genesis Flyer Single Speed

    Turn the corner, rub my eyes and hope the world will last...
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    dliemna wrote: "There is no God..."
    You got proof then?
    Stick it on here...

    So Science rules? Ok, lets see the String Theory proof, the Multiverse proof and the
    Big Bang proof. Think the Jury's still out on all of these.

    GOD, Meaning one ultimate omnipotent power with 1. The power to destroy all before Him, and 2. Turn people to stone.

    1. Seven TdF wins.

    2. The "Look".

    "Praise the Lord, for he doth pedal with toes pointing downwards and doth weareth black socks."
  • shakey88
    shakey88 Posts: 289
    Splottboy wrote:
    God = the power of Life or Death over all living things.

    Enjoy yer burger and sausage did yer, or is the Veggie thing still in fashion? Lol!

    I'm sure you'd prefer a sheep sandwich :wink::wink::lol:
  • liversedge
    liversedge Posts: 1,003
    Splottboy wrote:
    dliemna wrote: "There is no God..."
    You got proof then?
    You cannot prove a negative.Those who claim that god exists need to provide the proof. Something they have singularly failed to do ever.
    Splottboy wrote:
    So Science rules? Ok, lets see the String Theory proof, the Multiverse proof and the
    Big Bang proof. Think the Jury's still out on all of these.
    Indeed, these are scientific theories, which are open and honestly debated. No-one in the science community is claiming them as FACT. Nor claiming moral authority on the basis of these theories. No one dies. No wars are started.

    Anyway, back on topic, LA hasn't shown any more than the other GC contenders yet. I reckon Kloden dropped back to save himself for today -- so he can mark attacks for LA and avoid him being isolated -- and if that is the case, it wouldn't be a sign of huge confidence on LA's part.
    Obsessed is just a word elephants use to describe the dedicated.
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    I'm having a hard time relating God to Splott. :shock:

    Anyhow, the Eurosport pundits think the opposite; that Armstrong is "down" and looks a bit rough. (post interview)
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    SSDD zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    thomasmc wrote:
    Guys, I think its a bit early in the race to say he has improved a lot from last year

    Probably. We might know better after the first big mountain stage today...
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    Dave_1 wrote:
    micron wrote:
    And with saddle sores too!!! (Hope he hasn't mislaid that 1999 backdated TUE :wink:)

    I think you're not going to be very happy by the end of the weekend :) hunch is LA is much better than 2009..

    I think so, too.
    He looked pretty solid, yesterday, even though that was a pretty large group.
    How do you think he's managed to get much better than 2009, with less riding, so much schedule disruption and the federal investigation hanging over him, Dave?

    Cause he's very good at cycling. Like Indurain, like Ullrich, like Mussuew, like many...I believe what I see is mostly at the top end. If that makes me the joke of the forum, so be it Blaze
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Splottboy wrote:
    Whats new, the guys a God!

    Be careful who you worship and bow down to.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Well, RS seemed to have found the back door today - Dennis, your wager that RS would secure a podium place is looking pretty dodgy...
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    New thread needed-

    Armstrong was really bad today!
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    The God is "almost" dead!

    Chance of a Resurrection, then???
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Armstrong was really bad today!

    A bit harsh NapD, I'd hazard to guess he's still riding faster then any of us could :wink:
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Ok, hands up all those who've won 7 Tour's on here?...
    Erm... no one then.

    Right then, hands up all who've won "A" tour?
    Anyone? No again.

    How bout a stage then? - Flip, I'm getting desperate now...
    Still no one.

    A sprint, or points on the Tour? A time trial even/ Come on, gotta be someone!!!
    Total silence pervades, once more.

    ( Ok, people in glass houses and all that...)

    I rest my case, M'lud.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    God - The "I Love Lance Brigade" are getting a bit touchy on here today eh !!! :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Why do I have to have to have won a professional bike race for saying that one professional bike racer is struggling compared to expectations/his contemporaries?
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    "I Love Lance Brigade"

    It's not often I'm accused of being a member of that club!
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    He's come off..AGAIN!
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    Not his day today... A real day to forget... Surprised a French local didn't wheel an old wheelbarrow out into the road for him to fall over as well, seems like everyone was falling infront of him!! (maybe it was the sound of 'gods' choir singing coming up on them from behind distracted the riders in front of him causing them to fall off in his way!) :lol:

    Shame was looking forward to the competition.
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Bless you my Son...

    You will go to the Kingdom of Lance.

    Austin, Texas...Lol!

    St Pantani will be there on the Pearly Gates to meet you...
  • KillerMetre
    KillerMetre Posts: 199
    The end.

    Quite a sad sight to be honest.
  • NapoleonD wrote:
    New thread needed-

    Armstrong was really bad today!

    and really unlucky.
    Cotic Soul rider.
  • westerburk
    westerburk Posts: 37
    now he really is a brit! lost.

    perhaps hell share the Lance loo on the bus now?
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    The most ridiculous post ever posted........
    Splottboy wrote:
    Ok, hands up all those who've won 7 Tour's on here?...
    Erm... no one then.

    Right then, hands up all who've won "A" tour?
    Anyone? No again.

    How bout a stage then? - Flip, I'm getting desperate now...
    Still no one.

    A sprint, or points on the Tour? A time trial even/ Come on, gotta be someone!!!
    Total silence pervades, once more.

    ( Ok, people in glass houses and all that...)

    I rest my case, M'lud.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Monty Dog wrote:
    Well, RS seemed to have found the back door today - Dennis, your wager that RS would secure a podium place is looking pretty dodgy...

    Well, at least for LA. I thought LL sucked it up and toughed it out pretty well though. Lot of strong boys up there. And Andy, jeez, how easy does he make it look? He didn't even seem to be breathing, at all, near the end. Ride of the day goes to Novaro IMHO.
  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    Percy Vera wrote:
    The most ridiculous post ever posted........
    Splottboy wrote:
    Ok, hands up all those who've won 7 Tour's on here?...
    Erm... no one then.

    Right then, hands up all who've won "A" tour?
    Anyone? No again.

    How bout a stage then? - Flip, I'm getting desperate now...
    Still no one.

    A sprint, or points on the Tour? A time trial even/ Come on, gotta be someone!!!
    Total silence pervades, once more.

    ( Ok, people in glass houses and all that...)

    I rest my case, M'lud.

    Yep... but damn funny! (BTW, I once won a darts contest when I was 11 years old, so is it OK for me to comment?) :wink:

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Armstrong was really bad today!

    A bit harsh NapD, I'd hazard to guess he's still riding faster then any of us could :wink:

    Not harsh at all. It's irrelevant if he's riding faster than us or not, we aren't trying to win the Tour de France.
  • Airwave
    Airwave Posts: 483
    Splottboy wrote:
    Ok, hands up all those who've won 7 Tour's on here?...
    Erm... no one then.

    Right then, hands up all who've won "A" tour?
    Anyone? No again.

    How bout a stage then? - Flip, I'm getting desperate now...
    Still no one.

    A sprint, or points on the Tour? A time trial even/ Come on, gotta be someone!!!
    Total silence pervades, once more.

    ( Ok, people in glass houses and all that...)

    I rest my case, M'lud.

    I don't expect you've won any premiership titles or have any caps for playing for your country.Did'nt stop you expessing your opinion on Rooney&co at t' world cup a couple of weeks back.Pot,black&kettle spring to mind.
    Now where did i put those stones,i've got a date with a large house made out of glass. :lol:
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    carrock wrote:
    Yes hats off- for a guy of 38 pushing 39 he is impressive

    Strange thing is, he appears to be considerably better than last year- fitter, stronger, more up for it- but I can't see him getting on the podium- I can see him 4th or 5th behind contador, schleck, wiggins, evans etc
    This says it all I think. :roll:

    Followed by a post a little later saying " most tested rider" etc.
    Should read Most Half Tested Rider as the TUE cuts out the other testing half.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    ratsbeyfus wrote:
    Percy Vera wrote:
    The most ridiculous post ever posted........
    Splottboy wrote:
    Ok, hands up all those who've won 7 Tour's on here?...
    Erm... no one then.

    Right then, hands up all who've won "A" tour?
    Anyone? No again.

    How bout a stage then? - Flip, I'm getting desperate now...
    Still no one.

    A sprint, or points on the Tour? A time trial even/ Come on, gotta be someone!!!
    Total silence pervades, once more.

    ( Ok, people in glass houses and all that...)

    I rest my case, M'lud.

    Yep... but damn funny! (BTW, I once won a darts contest when I was 11 years old, so is it OK for me to comment?) :wink:

    Only if you want to slag off Phil the Power Taylor.