Armstrong was really good today



  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    I think anyone who thinks that most of the Peleton is not doped in some way then they are nuts. Unless people here have been asleep over the last 20 years there must have been about 30-40 Positive dope tests and probably more.
    There have been Women's, Espiors, Juniors, under 23's, all Divisions have had doping problems.
    Since Neil Stephens proclaimed that he would never dope as he had his kids to think about and soon afterwards got caught for doping. Well; that was my watershed.
    No one knows the truth about LA but a lot of his ex Postal riders have been caught since leaving Postal/Discovery (Heras, Hamilton, Landis, Beltran, Clinger, Andreu admission).
    I knew a 2-3rd Cat rider who got an Oxygen Tent and his 25 mile TT times went from 1 hour to around 52 minutes. Considering that the difference in power between 20 to 25mph is double then you can tell what an Oxygen Tent can do, let alone proper doping. Come on guys; Cyclists are all looking for fame and fortune and will get round the systems in place to acheive this. It's the same with the Stock Market; big gains are made for cheating the system so they will always get around the rules. It is, I'm afraid, Human Nature.
    Just because a rider hasn't been caught it doesn't mean they are clean; it means they have the means to get around the rules.
    There is an army of rogue Scientists who are always keeping a step ahead of the Anti Doping authorities. This is how it all works; it's all a bit ugly really.

    Cheers Jerry
    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    afx237vi wrote:


    Good one