Chasing Legends



  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    Gazzaputt wrote:
    ...with quite a laugh about the Millar saddle episode.

    So what was the real story behind that then?
  • What a cracking film!
    Never will watching the tour on a tv be the same!
    That old boy was as bright as a button and the mini-cam shots were a real revelation.
    Anyone else sat there thinking that Aldag & Holm looked like the Chuckle Brothers during the Q&A?
    Not even a mention of the reason Mr 60% was "confident" of winning the TdF in '96!
    Cav's still not exactly comfortable with being the centre of attention.
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    Went to the 02 last night with the Mrs who is a casual fan of cycling (rides with me sometimes when the sun is out and watches a bit of the Tour) and we both thought the film was excellent. Even though I knew the outcome of the races, seeing it on such a huge screen, the excellent soundtrack and the great new footage made it really quite gripping.

    The Q&A was good, very relaxed with some interesting and funny comments. Cav came across as quite shy actually, like a very normal guy really, happy to sit and sign autographs and have his picture taken with my overexcited Mrs, (who says he's better looking in the flesh than he is on film)! As he said himself, is it fair to judge somebody based on interviews after a stage finish when their heart rate is 210bpm and they've been getting elbowed by Thor Hushovd?

    Phil Ligett was the ultimate professional host. The director, Jason Berry came across as a very passionate guy, who can be rightly proud of his film. Rolf Aldag & Brian Holm were just super cool, relaxed guys.

    The only complaint I could make would be the ever so slightly cheesy intro and outro and the Garmin bashing when talking about the stage where Hincapie lost out on the yellow jersey and Cav got disqualified in the sprint.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • Will.C
    Will.C Posts: 245
    Anyone know when it's out on DooVD?
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    Yeah i was at the O2 last night. Overall i think the film was pretty good. I don't think cycling films ever really nail it in getting the feeling across, but it did a pretty good job. Shame it was a more exciting tour really.

    The intro and outro with the small kid had me cringing. Wasn't needed. And the other option that the director spoke of, about having the old tour rider at those points sounded far better.

    My main annoyance was the music. Whilst it was great for the dramatic moments, it was completely unnecessary a lot of the time, and the film would've benefited by having no music at all in parts. It seemed to be a constant soundtrack throughout. It also made some of the commentary difficult to hear.

    Far too much of Phil and Paul. I would like to have seen more people featured, but the director did give us an idea of how difficult it was to get people involved. He also kept pushing home the fact that he has no money after blowing it all on the project, so i guess we all gotta go and buy it... which i probably will.

    The Q&A was good. The sound wasn't that great in the O2. Not sure how you can get such crappy microphones. However i enjoyed it, although i would've liked to have heard more from Brian & Rolf, but once Jason got talking, well, he kept talking.. but its his film so we'll let him have that.

    I do wish that people would ask Cav something different though. If i have to hear about his responses just after crossing the line one more time i think i'll scream. He did come across well though. Passionate, and says what he thinks most definitely, and i did like the point he made about the fact that he never goes on about what he's done, but always about what he thinks he's going to do. Which for me was bang on. His comment about the sport being nearly 100% clean was the standard Cyclist fettle.

    Overall, i really enjoyed the film. the music became very annoying, but this is a common trait with US documentaries, as did Ligett (Who i must say was a very good host on the night) and Paul. So yeah, a good watch, especially for people who know little about the sport. I just hope that the people behind the Cervelo films see it, and decide to make their own...
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Will.C wrote:
    Anyone know when it's out on DooVD?

    Some of us have had the DVD for a month :P
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Did remind me a lot of Overcoming, but a very well made film. Agree with others, the cheesy intro wasn't required. The time spent on the Big George thing in the middle was a bit strange. A few shots of him very disappointed would have been enough.

    The Q&A was a bit odd, although Cav came across very well.

    ... Is it just me, or is the O2 a lot smaller than expected?
  • le_patron
    le_patron Posts: 494
    edited October 2010
    I enjoyed it, some bits very much (team car stuff and Renshaw on the Champs Elysees), but I do think it is relatively easy to make a good film of the Tour de France. Stick some cameras in amongst the action, borrow some flash helicopter stuff from ASO and some 'classic moments', pictures and music are always greater than the sum of their parts and the story takes care of itself.
    The into/outro was cheese, been done so many times and combined with Ligget's tour history made feel I had already seen it in one of those plodding documentaries that seems to spend far too long in black and white.
    Don't know if it’s just me, but I am left a little cold by the Hincapie Yellow-jerseygate, at least they were riding within the rules….

    Nice plug for the DVD, seamlessly mentioning an event that can only be seen on the DVD outtakes.

    Q&A left me cringing a little, Phil trying a little too hard to be funny and I could never quite tell if he was taking the pi$$ with Cavendish (don't think Cav would know either way). And the way Cav goes from shy and not speaking (literally) to not making sense to an outpouring of stuff is awkward. But at least it wasn't all pre-scripted, 'signed-off' and safe, it was actually interesting.
    The mics being on before they were actually on stage reminded me of that live internet feed (was it California '09 ?) where Ligget and Sherwen thought they were off-air and swearing like dockers, funny.
    Riis and the Telekom days still seem to hold a lot of fond memories/influence on the the DS's, Rolf and Brian's responses were so very un-self-aware and non-PC, and it ended on that note. Oh and the Phil's nod to the McQuaid's...

    An evening well spent. Did remind me of Overcoming (there's a template for these things) but looked great in HD and on a big screen.
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    TheStone wrote:
    Did remind me a lot of Overcoming, but a very well made film. Agree with others, the cheesy intro wasn't required. The time spent on the Big George thing in the middle was a bit strange. A few shots of him very disappointed would have been enough.

    The Q&A was a bit odd, although Cav came across very well.

    ... Is it just me, or is the O2 a lot smaller than expected?

    I take it you've been into the actual O2 arena for a gig then? We were just in one of the cinema theatres.
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    le patron wrote:
    I enjoyed it, some bits very much (team car stuff and Renshaw on the Champs Elysees), but I do think it is relatively easy to make a good film of the Tour de France. Stick some cameras in amongst the action, borrow some flash helicopter stuff from ASO and some 'classic moments', pictures and music are always greater than the sum of their parts and the story takes care of itself.
    The into/outro was cheese, been done so many times and combined with Ligget's tour history made feel I had already seen it in one of those plodding documentaries that seems to spend far too long in black and white.
    Don't know if it’s just me, but I am left a little cold by the Hincapie Yellow-jerseygate, at least they were riding within the rules….

    Nice plug for the DVD, seamlessly mentioning an event that can only be seen on the DVD outtakes.

    Q&A left me cringing a little, Phil trying a little too hard to be funny and I could never quite tell if he was taking the pi$$ with Cavendish (don't think Cav wouldn't know either way). And the way Cav goes from shy and not speaking (literally) to not making sense to an outpouring of stuff is awkward. But at least it wasn't all pre-scripted, 'signed-off' and safe, it was actually interesting.
    The mics being on before they were actually on stage reminded me of that live internet feed (was it California '09 ?) where Ligget and Sherwen thought they were off-air and swearing like dockers, funny.
    Riis and the Telekom days still seem to hold a lot of fond memories/influence on the the DS's, Rolf and Brian's responses were so very un-self-aware and non-PC, and it ended on that note. Oh and the Phil's nod to the McQuaid's...

    An evening well spent. Did remind me of Overcoming (there's a template for these things) but looked great in HD and on a big screen.

    Ha ha yeah Holm talking about his year with Rijs winning the tour... very awkward... and i agree, that Garmin bash was just unnecessary.. it was though lance had had it included to spare Astana's blushes.. lol. Phil reveled in it though dint he..
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    I think you have to bear in mind that the film will be targeted largely at an American audience - hence following an American team. For Americans, the only "American" story in HTC was "Captain America" George Hincapie capping off a wonderful career with time in yellow. Also it enabled them to bring in Lance and Radioshack and Garmin - the other two American teams and make it interesting for that audience.

    The average American would be far more excited in that I think than Cav rocketing to another victory.

    Great team to follow though - some good stories. Wouldn't have been half as good following Skil-Shimano!

    For all the Phil haters - I went with my wife who loves Phil. I do agree though - he was on proper "chippy, cheeky" form.

    I thought Cav in the interview was ace. He was obviously nervous and it reminded you, he is only 25 years old. Also, the level of anticipation in the cinema when he spoke - you never knew whether he was going to come out with something really scandalous or outspoken and I just don't think you get that with any other sport at all.

    In relation to the film, I agree the start and end were a bit cheesy - but then, what are we comparing too? Hollywood blockbuster films? This was a guy self-funding a film and doing a bloody good job of it. If it is so easy to do, why aren't there 100s of films out there? As far as I could work out there were 50 cinemas showing the film in the UK. Say 200 people per cinema at £15 a head - that's only £150,000 (and that's gross!)

    He's going to have to sell a number of DVDs to make this work financially for him - and good luck to him. I am grateful to Jason for taking this on - le patron - please, if its so easy, make your own films. I will come and watch them!
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    I really enjoyed it, but more to the point I dragged my GF along and she liked it too! I agree though that the intro/outro with the kid was a bit cheesy and didn't really need to be in it.

    I thought Cavendish came across fine (or as well as you'd expect anyway) in the Q&A- I'd sooner see him cobbling a sentence together while actually trying to express himself than reeling off soundbites.
  • jon208
    jon208 Posts: 335
    Jason, this is not a mountain bike race!
  • Paul_iow
    Paul_iow Posts: 110
    I thought it was a great film and didnt even mind the begining/ending with the little kid. Overall an excellent film and it was nice to be able to see behind the scenes, in the cars, team bus and hotels which are parts you very rarely, if ever, see much off. Id like to see other films made following some of the other teams as well. I'lll be buying it on DVD when it comes out.
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    I hated the intro : the plastic saddle and focus on the 'coaster brake' wording on an American cruiser bike in France ?

    And the editing and focus seemed sometimes to be superficial and aimed a bit at general non-cycling enthusiast viewers, then switching to detail which must have been completely confusing unless you were in the know, and confusing again in switching seamlessly into historical footage of abandons and crashes as though they were part of the 2009 race.

    But as for showing the colour, movement, excitement and glamour, it's superb !

    An excellent film overall and brilliant to see it on a big screen - just not the same thing on a little telly at all

    Which is where I'm puzzled by the comparisons with Overcoming above...

    To me, no comparison : I re-watched Overcoming during the week and it's dreadful - dreadful editing, nothing much happening, just lots of incoherent mumbling from Bjarne that you can barely understand.

    Hollentour is a different matter, a far better film and a better comparison with this one.
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    I can see why people are comparing the format with Overcoming but in terms of quality and excitement levels there is no comparison, I think Chasing Legends is far superior in almost every respect.

    In terms of the American focus, it's a film about an American team made by an American director so quite understandable, critiscising that is a bit like critiscising Monty Python for being too British!
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Oh and Jens Voigt is great in it.

    I never knew that Renshaw's nickname is Prince Harry. Made me chuckle.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    Gazzaputt wrote:
    I never knew that Renshaw's nickname is Prince Harry. Made me chuckle.

    He does look like Prince Harry as well. I thought Tony Martin's nickname was great - 'Panzerwagen' ;)
  • le_patron
    le_patron Posts: 494
    andy_wrx wrote:
    Which is where I'm puzzled by the comparisons with Overcoming above...

    To me, no comparison : I re-watched Overcoming during the week and it's dreadful - dreadful editing, nothing much happening, just lots of incoherent mumbling from Bjarne that you can barely understand.

    Hollentour is a different matter, a far better film and a better comparison with this one.

    You are right. I get confused, maybe it's becasue Aldag and Voigt seem to be in them all. Overcoming turned into a mess because of Hamilton if I recall.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    le patron wrote:
    andy_wrx wrote:
    Which is where I'm puzzled by the comparisons with Overcoming above...

    To me, no comparison : I re-watched Overcoming during the week and it's dreadful - dreadful editing, nothing much happening, just lots of incoherent mumbling from Bjarne that you can barely understand.

    Hollentour is a different matter, a far better film and a better comparison with this one.

    You are right. I get confused, maybe it's becasue Aldag and Voigt seem to be in them all. Overcoming turned into a mess because of Hamilton if I recall.
    No, it focuses on Basso. Hamilton was already serving a ban by 2005. But, watching it with the benefit of hindsight is quite cringeworthy.

    Agree with Andy that Overcoming is all over the place in terms of content and editing, although in many respects a similar "behind the scenes" peek.
  • I thought it was great, music was fantastic, I had forgotten about most of the 2009 tour and it was great to re live it on the big screen.

    The interviews were off the charts on ‘unintentional comedy’ scale, with Cav doing his best Rick Bobby ‘I don’t know what to do with my hands’ routine.

    Can we get a rule that if you turn up to any cycling event in Jeans, topped off with a cycling hat and jersey you are barred from entry, I mean that’s a whole new scale of dorky.
  • le_patron
    le_patron Posts: 494
    Hamilton was defiintely involved in a fancy Tour feature film at some point, that got canned.

    Maybe it was this one
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Hamilton was involved in "Brain Power" which has shown in various Imax cinemas. Without Hamilton appearing obviously.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Raphapimp wrote:
    Can we get a rule that if you turn up to any cycling event in Jeans, topped off with a cycling hat and jersey you are barred from entry, I mean that’s a whole new scale of dorky.
    :) Yeah there were a few in the cinema where I saw it. What were they thinking?

    BTW how weird is it to sit and watch a film where you know or at least recognise about 75% of the audience. Odd.
  • friso
    friso Posts: 107
    What a great film

    Yes the boy on the bike was unnescessary but i wont lose any sleep about it

    To have our minority sport finally on the big screen and in the public eye after so many years of bad press is fantastic

    Lets be positive about the film and hope that non-cyclists also watch this and learn to love and appreciate cycling the same we do

    The more fans the sport attracts the more it can flourish

    The best quote was from Cav speaking about his HTC team when he said 'you know that thing that tells you that you shouldn't be doing this?' 'well we dont really have that'
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    I have to wait until the DVD arrives.
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    just taking this thread on a turn for the (worse?) ... oogle#3079

    oh, and check the sizing?! Is this a fattys only website?!
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    mroli wrote:
    In relation to the film, I agree the start and end were a bit cheesy - but then, what are we comparing too? Hollywood blockbuster films? This was a guy self-funding a film and doing a bloody good job of it. If it is so easy to do, why aren't there 100s of films out there? As far as I could work out there were 50 cinemas showing the film in the UK. Say 200 people per cinema at £15 a head - that's only £150,000 (and that's gross!)

    He's going to have to sell a number of DVDs to make this work financially for him - and good luck to him. I am grateful to Jason for taking this on - le patron - please, if its so easy, make your own films. I will come and watch them!

    £150k is a good take for a low-key documentary. For example, by contrast, the Oscar and BAFTA winning 'Man on Wire' took 800k at the UK box-office over a couple of months. Last year's Oscar winner, 'The Cove', took 17k (a lot more in the US).

    The money on films like this is made on DVDs and to a lesser extent TV. The man will make money, I expect
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Thought the film was great. :) I reckon Aldag and Holm will make millions on the cycling club after-dinner circuit in later life :D Didn`t hang about for the Q & A thing.

    "Overcoming" is a good film IMO, for different reasons, certainly doesn`t look as "professional" as this new one, filmed more fly-on-the-wall type, but still a good insight into what`s going on behind the scenes of a pro-team before and during the TDF. Same with "Hellentour" , can`t believe Zabel had to have someone to cream up his chamois for him :oops: (not a euphemism for anything else) :wink: All worth a watch or two, or three.
    Jens says "Shut up legs !! "

    Specialized S-Works SaxoBank SL4 Tarmac Di2
  • went to the o2... amazing. Well worth the extra travel.

    brian's purple? trousers- wouldnt get an englishman pull them off so well...

    Best bit- TTT... + cavs win on hilly stage... had to look around just incase someone noticed what an idiot I must have looked- mouth wide open big cheesy smile about to jump out of seat :?

    Just what I needed before winter training.