Chicken's latest



  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    I know, afx, I know.

  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Tusher wrote:
    (big deep breath)

    And why we get so narked off when we find that one of the riders we were following has been cheating. Or we suspect of having cheated. Or thinking about cheating.
    And then comes back as if he had a god-given right to pick up where he left off, as if nothing had happened.

    You know something happened. He knows something happened. I know. Bunches of people know. So how could he possibly think nothing has happened? And if he's "done his time"(so to speak), I would venture to say that he does have the God given right to pick up where he left off. He sure as heck isn't going to listen to you tell him he can or can't do this or that. You're "Tusher" not God. It's not something you have any say in, so why get all worked up about it? You're not letting Charles Manson loose in you neighborhood.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    dennisn wrote:
    And if he's "done his time"(so to speak), I would venture to say that he does have the God given right to pick up where he left off.

    I'm sure no gods had anything to do with him being banned. Now, pay attention. Yes, he's done his time and can come back. But, by the same token, teams don't need to hire him and indeed no decent teams are going near him. Why? Well, possibly because of the reaction of the fans. They don't want their brand associated with it.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    dennisn wrote:
    Tusher wrote:
    (big deep breath)

    And why we get so narked off when we find that one of the riders we were following has been cheating. Or we suspect of having cheated. Or thinking about cheating.
    And then comes back as if he had a god-given right to pick up where he left off, as if nothing had happened.

    You know something happened. He knows something happened. I know. Bunches of people know. So how could he possibly think nothing has happened? And if he's "done his time"(so to speak), I would venture to say that he does have the God given right to pick up where he left off. He sure as heck isn't going to listen to you tell him he can or can't do this or that. You're "Tusher" not God. It's not something you have any say in, so why get all worked up about it? You're not letting Charles Manson loose in you neighborhood.

    I give up.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    iainf72 wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    And if he's "done his time"(so to speak), I would venture to say that he does have the God given right to pick up where he left off.

    I'm sure no gods had anything to do with him being banned. Now, pay attention. Yes, he's done his time and can come back. But, by the same token, teams don't need to hire him and indeed no decent teams are going near him. Why? Well, possibly because of the reaction of the fans. They don't want their brand associated with it.

    You may be missing one crucial point in your theory. What if there aren't that many fans who care? Sure, there are some very vocal ones on this forum, but that doesn't mean
    because 10 people on here hate him that the rest of the race fans feel the same way.
    I also think you're assuming that he's bad news for a team. This may or may not be true.
    You say "they don't want their brand......" but who have you talked to???? How do you know this? Just saying "they don't..." doesn't make it true. Whether or not he makes it back is not up to you and I. It's actually up to him. Sorry, but that's the way it is in my book.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Tusher wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    Tusher wrote:
    (big deep breath)

    And why we get so narked off when we find that one of the riders we were following has been cheating. Or we suspect of having cheated. Or thinking about cheating.
    And then comes back as if he had a god-given right to pick up where he left off, as if nothing had happened.

    You know something happened. He knows something happened. I know. Bunches of people know. So how could he possibly think nothing has happened? And if he's "done his time"(so to speak), I would venture to say that he does have the God given right to pick up where he left off. He sure as heck isn't going to listen to you tell him he can or can't do this or that. You're "Tusher" not God. It's not something you have any say in, so why get all worked up about it? You're not letting Charles Manson loose in you neighborhood.

    I give up.

    Oh c'mon. What's that old saying "never quit, never quit". What would your riding buddies say?
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    dennisn wrote:
    You may be missing one crucial point in your theory. What if there aren't that many fans who care? Sure, there are some very vocal ones on this forum, but that doesn't mean
    because 10 people on here hate him that the rest of the race fans feel the same way.
    I also think you're assuming that he's bad news for a team. This may or may not be true.
    You say "they don't want their brand......" but who have you talked to???? How do you know this? Just saying "they don't..." doesn't make it true. Whether or not he makes it back is not up to you and I. It's actually up to him. Sorry, but that's the way it is in my book.

    Just because you believe something is true doesn't mean it is Dennis.

    I read lots of forums, talk to a lot of cycling fans and a few journalists from time to time. The general feeling I get is people think he's not good for the sport. I mean, he got flung out of the Tour (biggest event in cycling), wearing the yellow jersey by his own team. That's what people will remember, and they'll remember it as doping.

    What you represent is so far removed from the normal reality it's not even funny.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • brucey72
    brucey72 Posts: 1,086
    hey dennis, i often read posts and have to say I often agree with your arguments eg. the powertap one over in Training but I'm afraid in this case you are talking utter tosh
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    dennisn wrote:
    You may be missing one crucial point in your theory. What if there aren't that many fans who care? Sure, there are some very vocal ones on this forum, but that doesn't mean
    because 10 people on here hate him that the rest of the race fans feel the same way.
    I also think you're assuming that he's bad news for a team. This may or may not be true.
    You say "they don't want their brand......" but who have you talked to???? How do you know this? Just saying "they don't..." doesn't make it true. Whether or not he makes it back is not up to you and I. It's actually up to him. Sorry, but that's the way it is in my book.

    I don't know why I'm bothering, but that is not true. It's up to a team to hire him. Without a team having faith in him, he can't do anything. And you probably haven't noticed, but since his return, he's been hired by a Mexican university team and a semi-pro Polish team. What does that tell you?

    If you think the fans really don't have influence, why have no top pro teams signed people like Landis or Rasmussen?
  • Bakunin
    Bakunin Posts: 868
    andyp wrote:
    Give it a rest Dennis. You come out with the same old claptrap every single time this comes up. You're like the Aurelio/Biking Bernie of the rehabilitation world. :roll:


    More simplistic moralizing from the ex-hippie.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Hey , pardon my ignorance - but was he doping? I know he was done for violating the whereabouts rule, but does everyone 'know' from this that he was on the juice?
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    Pokerface wrote:
    Hey , pardon my ignorance - but was he doping? I know he was done for violating the whereabouts rule, but does everyone 'know' from this that he was on the juice?

    your kidding right? People on here know jack sh|t about whats really happening - I would say 98% of what talked about on here is info from other websites and forums..

    The chicken is (was) a great rider.. No doubt - He got a raw deal and for sure I would be as pi55ed off as he is..

    Anyways.. its april fools tomorrow.. I bet he signs for team sky :)
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Pokerface wrote:
    Hey , pardon my ignorance - but was he doping? I know he was done for violating the whereabouts rule, but does everyone 'know' from this that he was on the juice?

    They found Dynepo in his samples that year, but couldn't sanction him for some legal reason - not that it mattered.

    One of many sources:
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    andyp wrote:
    Give it a rest Dennis. You come out with the same old claptrap every single time this comes up. You're like the Aurelio/Biking Bernie of the rehabilitation world. :roll:

    I thought what he said was spot on especillay with regard to the "he has not aplogised line that gets trotted out every now and again.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Doobz wrote:
    Pokerface wrote:
    Anyways.. its april fools tomorrow.. I bet he signs for team sky :)

    There are 31 days in March. Still got another day to go!
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    iainf72 wrote:
    Just because you believe something is true doesn't mean it is Dennis.

    I read lots of forums, talk to a lot of cycling fans and a few journalists from time to time. The general feeling I get is people think he's not good for the sport. I mean, he got flung out of the Tour (biggest event in cycling), wearing the yellow jersey by his own team. That's what people will remember, and they'll remember it as doping.

    What you represent is so far removed from the normal reality it's not even funny.

    Iain in the the wider scheme of things mate your a punter who posts on a forum lets not get carried away here eh ! Anyway he has served his time and he has a right to come back and ride whether you like it or not Also irrelevant is the level of his apology. To be frank anybody that thinks they are due some sort of apology from pro rider needs to have a think to themslves.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    afx237vi wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    You may be missing one crucial point in your theory. What if there aren't that many fans who care? Sure, there are some very vocal ones on this forum, but that doesn't mean
    because 10 people on here hate him that the rest of the race fans feel the same way.
    I also think you're assuming that he's bad news for a team. This may or may not be true.
    You say "they don't want their brand......" but who have you talked to???? How do you know this? Just saying "they don't..." doesn't make it true. Whether or not he makes it back is not up to you and I. It's actually up to him. Sorry, but that's the way it is in my book.

    I don't know why I'm bothering, but that is not true. It's up to a team to hire him. Without a team having faith in him, he can't do anything. And you probably haven't noticed, but since his return, he's been hired by a Mexican university team and a semi-pro Polish team. What does that tell you?

    If you think the fans really don't have influence, why have no top pro teams signed people like Landis or Rasmussen?

    You flatter yourself if you think you have that much pull. Fans don't tell sponsor "A" or sponsor "B" who to hire. They hire whomever they want to hire ,for whatever reasons they want. Your not liking a certain rider carries no weight with them. i.e. LA. You all claim he is the devil himself, yet he's on one of the best teams around. I guess they don't listen to the "fans". Fans don't know anything about running a pro team. They just talk like they do and if you think a sponsor is going to listen to a few people ranting on forums, well, think again. Don't flatter yourself. I know you would like to think that what you say counts and in a rare instant or two it might, but....
    As for hiring FL and Ras, well, you're the one who claims to know why, but I would bet it's not because some fans wrote nasty grams to the all the potential sponsors. They are not listening to you, they are listening to money. And it for d*mn sure speaks louder than you or I.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    dennisn wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    I don't know why I'm bothering, but that is not true. It's up to a team to hire him. Without a team having faith in him, he can't do anything. And you probably haven't noticed, but since his return, he's been hired by a Mexican university team and a semi-pro Polish team. What does that tell you?

    If you think the fans really don't have influence, why have no top pro teams signed people like Landis or Rasmussen?

    You flatter yourself if you think you have that much pull. Fans don't tell sponsor "A" or sponsor "B" who to hire. They hire whomever they want to hire ,for whatever reasons they want. Your not liking a certain rider carries no weight with them. i.e. LA. You all claim he is the devil himself, yet he's on one of the best teams around. I guess they don't listen to the "fans". Fans don't know anything about running a pro team. They just talk like they do and if you think a sponsor is going to listen to a few people ranting on forums, well, think again. Don't flatter yourself. I know you would like to think that what you say counts and in a rare instant or two it might, but....
    As for hiring FL and Ras, well, you're the one who claims to know why, but I would bet it's not because some fans wrote nasty grams to the all the potential sponsors. They are not listening to you, they are listening to money. And it for d*mn sure speaks louder than you or I.

    Where does the money come from, bearing in mind the sole purpose of a cycling team is an advertisement to cycling fans?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    dennisn wrote:
    You flatter yourself if you think you have that much pull. Fans don't tell sponsor "A" or sponsor "B" who to hire. They hire whomever they want to hire ,for whatever reasons they want. Your not liking a certain rider carries no weight with them. i.e. LA. You all claim he is the devil himself, yet he's on one of the best teams around. I guess they don't listen to the "fans". Fans don't know anything about running a pro team. They just talk like they do and if you think a sponsor is going to listen to a few people ranting on forums, well, think again. Don't flatter yourself. I know you would like to think that what you say counts and in a rare instant or two it might, but....
    As for hiring FL and Ras, well, you're the one who claims to know why, but I would bet it's not because some fans wrote nasty grams to the all the potential sponsors. They are not listening to you, they are listening to money. And it for d*mn sure speaks louder than you or I.

    So sponsors don't care what the public thinks and whether their brand can be tarnished by associated by a disgraced sponsee (is that a word?). I think that's the gist of your arguement.

    In opposition, I would like to present exhibit A as evidence:

    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Tiger Woods took EPO?
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    dennisn wrote:
    You flatter yourself if you think you have that much pull. Fans don't tell sponsor "A" or sponsor "B" who to hire. They hire whomever they want to hire ,for whatever reasons they want. Your not liking a certain rider carries no weight with them. i.e. LA. You all claim he is the devil himself, yet he's on one of the best teams around. I guess they don't listen to the "fans". Fans don't know anything about running a pro team. They just talk like they do and if you think a sponsor is going to listen to a few people ranting on forums, well, think again. Don't flatter yourself. I know you would like to think that what you say counts and in a rare instant or two it might, but....
    As for hiring FL and Ras, well, you're the one who claims to know why, but I would bet it's not because some fans wrote nasty grams to the all the potential sponsors. They are not listening to you, they are listening to money. And it for d*mn sure speaks louder than you or I.

    LA is untouchable in the US and you know that Denis, the man that walked away from cancer, he couldn't possible do drugs, right? If you had video footage of him injecting from a giant syringe labelled EPO with the President and the Pope as witnesses, people in the US would still believe his denials.

    I think cheats do owe fans an apology, even if it's just an act. Typically sponsors invest in a sport because they think it will raise their profile in a positive way. They don't care what this fan or that fan thinks, but collectively fans do matter to them (hence the distancing of serious global companies from Tiger). Sponsors bring the money, and that pays the riders and keeps them employed, the unwritten exchange here is that riders behave in a decent manner towards fans, if the wider fanbase is positive about a sport it will encourage sponsors, and the cycling world goes round. If something wholesome like a breakfast cereal wants a face for their ad campaign, do you think they'll look to Rasmussen or Cancellara? Surely you don't need it explained why.
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Tusher wrote:
    Tiger Woods took EPO?

    He would have if she were a slutty nightclub hostess :)

    Despite my own post previously they'll all be back to Tiger like flies round when the heat is off a little. He apologised, he did the right thing etc etc. Personally don't believe a word of it but the act was good.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Yup, Oscar winning stuff, wasn't it?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    dougzz wrote:

    He would have if she were a slutty nightclub hostess :)

    Despite my own post previously they'll all be back to Tiger like flies round when the heat is off a little. He apologised, he did the right thing etc etc. Personally don't believe a word of it but the act was good.

    Whether or not you believe it (I don't either), my point was he felt the need to do it - to appease sponsors and fans, even though it was a private matter. And he's a billionaire who could have stuck two fingers up to everyone. Therefore, he and IMG (his agents) disagree with dennisn.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Well put, Rich
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    edited March 2010
    dougzz wrote:
    Tusher wrote:
    Tiger Woods took EPO?

    Despite my own post previously they'll all be back to Tiger like flies round when the heat is off a little. He apologised, he did the right thing etc etc. Personally don't believe a word of it but the act was good.

    So what was the point of the apology, if it didn't do a thing for him and you didn't believe a word of it? Why would you want to hear something that was just a put on?? A good laugh, maybe??? You're right about flies on sh*t as soon as the heats off. He's back already. I've talked to plenty of golf fans and none of them proclaimed any hate for him. Most wondered why he bothered to apologize. Most said they didn't care, it was none of their business. Things must be different over there. Sounds like some people want to pull a Les Mis and hound people for the rest of their lives over a slice of bread.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dougzz wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    You flatter yourself if you think you have that much pull. Fans don't tell sponsor "A" or sponsor "B" who to hire. They hire whomever they want to hire ,for whatever reasons they want. Your not liking a certain rider carries no weight with them. i.e. LA. You all claim he is the devil himself, yet he's on one of the best teams around. I guess they don't listen to the "fans". Fans don't know anything about running a pro team. They just talk like they do and if you think a sponsor is going to listen to a few people ranting on forums, well, think again. Don't flatter yourself. I know you would like to think that what you say counts and in a rare instant or two it might, but....
    As for hiring FL and Ras, well, you're the one who claims to know why, but I would bet it's not because some fans wrote nasty grams to the all the potential sponsors. They are not listening to you, they are listening to money. And it for d*mn sure speaks louder than you or I.

    I think cheats do owe fans an apology, even if it's just an act.

    Seriously, you, yourself want an apology "even if it's just an act"? What would this do for you? Having someone say their are sorry for whatever and then turning around and basically laughing at you for being so naive and thinking he was serious or worse, actually thinking he was talking to you? No thanks. Way too weird for me. But to each his own.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    RichN95 wrote:
    dougzz wrote:

    He would have if she were a slutty nightclub hostess :)

    Despite my own post previously they'll all be back to Tiger like flies round when the heat is off a little. He apologised, he did the right thing etc etc. Personally don't believe a word of it but the act was good.

    Whether or not you believe it (I don't either), my point was he felt the need to do it - to appease sponsors and fans, even though it was a private matter. And he's a billionaire who could have stuck two fingers up to everyone. Therefore, he and IMG (his agents) disagree with dennisn.

    I thought his apology was a pathetic stage managed affair and most folk i talked too said it did him more harm than good ,a PR disaster really. So he screws around big f*ckin deal, he doesnt need to apologise to me or anybody else..........except maybe his wife !
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    afx237vi wrote:

    Where does the money come from, bearing in mind the sole purpose of a cycling team is an advertisement to cycling fans?

    You think when a team is in the TDF or Giro they are appealing to cycling fans alone ? Come on get real.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !