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  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    Evil seems a bit strong... He's a guy who cheated at bike racing.
    “It’s guaranteed that if some people died, I would live a happier life,” he said, in a bitter outburst. “If they suffered a lot and then died, even better. It may be a sick idea to have and perhaps even more sick to say out loud, but it is the truth. There are some people that if something really bad happened to them, I will immediately send a card, and my congratulations.”
    Evil. Yes.

    "My words have gotten translated so many times they have lost all their meaning,"

    I don't think he's evil, maybe a little deluded but not evil.

    The 2007 tour was magic, until it all went horribly wrong. Bertie and Le Chicken knocking metaphorical lumps out of each other was great entertainment. And then, in true mountain goat style, he rode his TT bike like a 4 year old.

    The 2006 final TT was great viewing because of Rasmussen, tense thriller, horror movie and comedy all rolled into one.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    pat1cp wrote:

    "My words have gotten translated so many times they have lost all their meaning,"

    I don't think he's evil, maybe a little deluded but not evil.

    The 2007 tour was magic, until it all went horribly wrong. Bertie and Le Chicken knocking metaphorical lumps out of each other was great entertainment. And then, in true mountain goat style, he rode his TT bike like a 4 year old.

    The 2006 final TT was great viewing because of Rasmussen, tense thriller, horror movie and comedy all rolled into one.

    In 2006 and 2007? I thought that was 2005.
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    You are all WAY OTT here. One could argue that the UCI has done far more to damage the integrity of cycling. Rasmussen is no worse than LA, Valv. piti, riis, etc etc etc.
    Why is the vitriol so bad in his case? His duel with AC that year was outstanding. I don't mind any of them coming back as long as they are racing clean now.

    Hang on a minute there not everybody is way over the top here there are some who dont want him to hang himself of give him the rope to do it as was said by E Madden. There are one or two who see dont see him as evil as was said by FF. There are one or two who see it for what it was cheating at sport.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    DaveyL wrote:
    pat1cp wrote:

    "My words have gotten translated so many times they have lost all their meaning,"

    I don't think he's evil, maybe a little deluded but not evil.

    The 2007 tour was magic, until it all went horribly wrong. Bertie and Le Chicken knocking metaphorical lumps out of each other was great entertainment. And then, in true mountain goat style, he rode his TT bike like a 4 year old.

    The 2006 final TT was great viewing because of Rasmussen, tense thriller, horror movie and comedy all rolled into one.

    In 2006 and 2007? I thought that was 2005.

    Stand corrected Dave, my years have started merging :oops: :oops:
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    "Why you no attack, Berto? Vino soften field like goat dumplings". :lol::lol:
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    pat1cp wrote:
    DaveyL wrote:
    pat1cp wrote:

    "My words have gotten translated so many times they have lost all their meaning,"

    I don't think he's evil, maybe a little deluded but not evil.

    The 2007 tour was magic, until it all went horribly wrong. Bertie and Le Chicken knocking metaphorical lumps out of each other was great entertainment. And then, in true mountain goat style, he rode his TT bike like a 4 year old.

    The 2006 final TT was great viewing because of Rasmussen, tense thriller, horror movie and comedy all rolled into one.

    In 2006 and 2007? I thought that was 2005.

    Stand corrected Dave, my years have started merging :oops: :oops:

    That's cos I believe it's called "timeless comedy"....
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    O.K. I'll chime in with my 2 cents worth. Most of you have heard it before but here goes.
    Once again more than a few people seem to be unable to accept the fact that pro riders
    are human beings with faults like, dare I say it, everyone else. Even like you and I. Sorry, but I thought you might like to know this fact. Pretty sad when you find out your gods weren't really gods after all, right? I can understand your anger. You feel betrayed by these people. They have made fools out of you, and now, instead of worshipping them,
    all you can do is hate them. It's all you have left. Hmmmmmm, I think that went rather well. :wink::wink:
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    dennisn wrote:
    Pretty sad when you find out your gods weren't really gods after all, right? I can understand your anger. You feel betrayed by these people.

    Wait a minute, you're suggesting that there were people who didn't realise Rasmussen was dodgy?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    iainf72 wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    Pretty sad when you find out your gods weren't really gods after all, right? I can understand your anger. You feel betrayed by these people.

    Wait a minute, you're suggesting that there were people who didn't realise Rasmussen was dodgy?

    Well there was that dude with the shoebox who seemed to think he was OK... until he opened the shoebox.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    iainf72 wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    Pretty sad when you find out your gods weren't really gods after all, right? I can understand your anger. You feel betrayed by these people.

    Wait a minute, you're suggesting that there were people who didn't realise Rasmussen was dodgy?

    If you knew he was "dodgy"(I like that word - not something we use here in the States)
    why are you so surprised and angered at what he does or has done? :? :?
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    dennisn wrote:

    If you knew he was "dodgy"(I like that word - not something we use here in the States)
    why are you so surprised and angered at what he does or has done? :? :?

    I'm not. Have you seen me being surprised or angry?

    I get annoyed with his attitude about it though.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Just to clarify my viewpoint on the return of dopers, it's this-
    Millar confessed (albeit sitting in French cell with no shoelaces and an angle-poise lamp shining in his face) and proceeded to make any probation officer proud.

    Ricco and Ragmuffin and Basso et al have not apologized, or not done so adequately, so I don't like them.

    I am a simple soul.

    How would I feel if Cavendish, Wiggins, any long-term Garmin rider (and yes, they had a lucky escape with Tom Z) or track stars like Sir Chris, Vicky Pendleton and the gang tested positive?
    After falling to the floor, wailing and rending my clothes, I honestly don't know.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Tusher wrote:

    Ricco and Ragmuffin and Basso et al have not apologized, or not done so adequately, so I don't like them.

    How do you know they haven't apologized or done penance to there OWN satisfaction?
    When did you become someone that needed to be consoled by any of these guys???
    You realize, of course, that they don't know you exist??? Yet you still demand some sort of " There, there, it's OK, let mommy kiss it for you" type of thing?? You know that what you and I do doesn't amount to a hill of beans in their world, so why should what they do matter to us? If you were a friend or relative I suppose I could understand your
    "disappointment" in them, but you're not.
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    edited March 2010
    dennisn wrote:
    You realize, of course, that they don't know you exist???

    Are you suggesting they don't know "fans" exist? If we all stopped watching there would be no sponsors willing to pay for a team, so no pro contract. I don't know, maybe they don't care, maybe to alot of pros it is all about winning, being the best. But I do think the fans are often forgotten in the grand scheme of things when in fact we're the ones paying for it!
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    Give it a rest Dennis. You come out with the same old claptrap every single time this comes up. You're like the Aurelio/Biking Bernie of the rehabilitation world. :roll:
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    You're quite correct, Dennis, and I can't disagree with one word of your post.

    But as a fan of pro-cycling, they haven't apologised to my satisfaction which I realise means diddly-squat to them, but it does to me.

    I'm actually not that interested in sobbing adult men proclaiming their abject regrets, I would just like the fans to be treated as intelligent followers of the sport, and I don't feel that this is always the case when dopers return to the peloton having served their bans.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    andyp wrote:
    Give it a rest Dennis. You come out with the same old claptrap every single time this comes up. You're like the Aurelio/Biking Bernie of the rehabilitation world. :roll:

    You guys remind me of some song lyrics

    I've wasted emotions,
    on the slightest of notions
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Tusher wrote:
    You're quite correct, Dennis, and I can't disagree with one word of your post.

    But as a fan of pro-cycling, they haven't apologised to my satisfaction which I realise means diddly-squat to them, but it does to me.

    I'm actually not that interested in sobbing adult men proclaiming their abject regrets, I would just like the fans to be treated as intelligent followers of the sport, and I don't feel that this is always the case when dopers return to the peloton having served their bans.

    Even if they knew the fans, how are they supposed to give you respect when one minute you love them, then hate them, and the next all is forgiven, presumably until the next time? Not what I would call "intelligent followers of the sport" to be honest. How many friends do you have that you love one minute, hate the next, and so on and so on?
    Probably none. So why would you assume the riders would even think about trusting you(the intelligent fans)when you've proven you will turn on them in a minute?
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Tusher wrote:

    Ricco and Ragmuffin and Basso et al have not apologized, or not done so adequately, so I don't like them.

    I don't think you can put him with Ricco and the Chicken. I know I'm a fan, but he did apologise and has done things to prove he's doing it right. David Millar put him in the "good egg" camp
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    You're talking about waste? The man who has no interest in professional cycling but spends hours on here posting the same thing over and over and over?

    Do you want me to spell irony for you?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    iainf72 wrote:
    Tusher wrote:

    Ricco and Ragmuffin and Basso et al have not apologized, or not done so adequately, so I don't like them.

    David Millar put him in the "good egg" camp

    Until the next time you catch just a whiff of scandal?????
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    dennisn wrote:
    Until the next time you catch just a whiff of scandal?????

    If there was, then I'd mention it.

    Funny how scandal seems to follow some people and not others, eh Dennis. Never any scandal about Pip Gilbert or Marco Pinotti, is there. Wonder why that is?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    andyp wrote:
    You're talking about waste? The man who has no interest in professional cycling but spends hours on here posting the same thing over and over and over?

    Do you want me to spell irony for you?

    It is ironic isn't it? This never ending battle? I keep asking why these guys upset you so much, but never get an answer. I really would like to hear just one person admit what I already know, but that won't happen. Ironic? You bet.
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    dennisn wrote:
    How do you know they haven't apologized or done penance to there OWN satisfaction?

    Surely it's up to Tusher and noone else which riders she likes, and which she believes in?
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    dennisn wrote:

    It is ironic isn't it? This never ending battle? I keep asking why these guys upset you so much, but never get an answer. I really would like to hear just one person admit what I already know, but that won't happen. Ironic? You bet.

    So why does it bother YOU what I FEEL? Are you a relative instead of some septic on the internet?

    See, we can do it too. Doesn't achieve much though does it?
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    (big deep breath)

    It's because we all care about the sport, because we all love it, which is why we're on an internet forum discussing it.

    And why we get so narked off when we find that one of the riders we were following has been cheating. Or we suspect of having cheated. Or thinking about cheating.
    And then comes back as if he had a god-given right to pick up where he left off, as if nothing had happened.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    in an attempt to steer this thread back on topic- ... e-in-head/
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Tusher wrote:
    (big deep breath)

    It's because we all care about the sport, because we all love it, which is why we're on an internet forum discussing it.

    And why we get so narked off when we find that one of the riders we were following has been cheating. Or we suspect of having cheated. Or thinking about cheating.
    And then comes back as if he had a god-given right to pick up where he left off, as if nothing had happened.

    Believe it or not, this has been explained to Dennis on innumerable occasions. For some reason he still fails to grasp the concept that cycling fans like discussing cycling.