Is Contador a great guy??



  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dougzz wrote:
    You as ever miss the point. I'm not annoyed about the socks, but about your endless love affair with Bertie and your pathetic put downs of Lance. Criticise Lance for the big things he does wrong, don't bleat on about the colour of his kit, it's really sad. You pick something completely subjective such as style, and then make endless posts as if you're the absolute authority on style, you promote your opinions as if they're fact, when they're just the ramblings of your warped Bertie world. I really should know better than to respond since debating with you is akin to arguing with a 3 year old.I suspect you're one of these people with 4923 Facebook friends, and not a proper actual friend in the whole world.

    You know immediately if someone has lost the argument and lost composure when they resort to personal criticisms and attacks. That sort of stuff is below me so I will not reply in kind.

    You obviously didn't get it the first time so I shall repeat it a little more plainly. I will write whatever I chose to. If you find it inane or otherwise it has no bearing on my future postings. I couldn't care less what you think. Your opinion in no way influences mine.

    I am a fan of the best stage racer in the World. I suggest you get used to it as that will not change any time soon. You can call my admiration of his talent as a 'love affair' if you choose to if it makes you happy, I care not a bit.

    I will not bother replying to you again if you reply to this comment as I have better things to do with my time.

    Sorry about your luck doug. You appear to have been banned from the illuminating world of frenchfighter. Much like myself sometime back. It's a terrible thing but you like myself can learn to live with it. My sympathies go out to you. :cry::cry: