Wiggins : Sky not "most hated"



  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    Why does that spurious argument always rear its ugly head when poster x is critical of poster y's favourite rider?

    My only gripe with Sky is that, because of my nationality, I'm expected to become an instant fan. I'm a fan of the sport - can't be doing with all that tribal, nationalistic 'team' malarkey. Not sure that it hasn't been as responsible as religion for all thr troubles in the world :wink:
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    If you are not interested don't bloody read it then!

    Don't read what he says, slam him for it and then say you are not interested(which is clearly not true otherwise we wouldn't be here right now)

    You are the one judging him by what he says rather than what he has achieved on the road.

    That's just it - he hasn't won anything of note on the road yet.

    He may not have won anything on the road but by achieving 4th place he made himself a contender and as such he is now talking like one.

    Its not like he is walking round saying he's going to blow everyone apart in PR, just saying how he hopes to contend even more successfully in the TDF.

    You haven't achieved anything on the road so I guess you should keep your mouth shut too?

    Funnily enough when I cast my vote every 4 years, I don't have to justify my right by demonstrating that I am a more talented politician than the candidate on the ballot paper either. Each to their own.
  • I just think a lot of the other teams are envious of Team Skys budget and media machine.

    It will all blow over once we get more into the season.

    Im still not convinced that Wiggins will be better supported by Sky at the Tour than he would have been at Garmin.

    Maybe Wiggins didnt like the fact that Vandevelde was there to rival him for no1 status at the tour wheras at Sky he is defo No1 but who in that team is gonna help him on the climbs like CDV did last year????
    Riding wise ive been Making Mediocre cool since 2003.

    HIGHLIGHT..Raid Pyrenean 2005!!!

    LOWLIGHT..To many to mention!!!
  • Agreed, i think he would have been better off sticking with Garmin for 1 more year as the team had gel'd properly and wouldn't need to start from scratch like they are now, but if SKY get it together they do have a solid squad.

    Although if i remember rightly, CDV got dropped instantly on the climbs last year. Thats why Wiggins got to step up in the first place.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Gotta be the money hasn't it ? Didn't Sky quadruple his salary or something like that.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    Don't think they (Sky) had much choice!

    They have to capture the imagination of the British public/mainstream press and to do that they needed a high-profile British name. That means either Chris Hoy (?!), Mark Cavendish or Wiggo!

    It was, no doubt, considered unthinkable that Sky would launch (at great expense and fanfair) without a marquee British rider on board.

    The difference between Cav and Wiggo is the for Wiggo it was more of a sideward step. For Cav, he would've been starting again and wouldn't have anything like the support/focus he has at his disposal at HTC Columbia, where the team is built around him.

    I'm sure Wiggo will do well (comparatively), but can't believe he would've kicked and screamed to wriggle out of his contract with Garmin had it been a like-for-like pay deal.

    That all said, wouldn't we all have done the same? This contract will set him and his family up for life and you can't argue with that.
  • If you are not interested don't bloody read it then!

    Don't read what he says, slam him for it and then say you are not interested(which is clearly not true otherwise we wouldn't be here right now)

    You are the one judging him by what he says rather than what he has achieved on the road.

    That's just it - he hasn't won anything of note on the road yet.

    He may not have won anything on the road but by achieving 4th place he made himself a contender and as such he is now talking like one.

    Its not like he is walking round saying he's going to blow everyone apart in PR, just saying how he hopes to contend even more successfully in the TDF.

    You haven't achieved anything on the road so I guess you should keep your mouth shut too?

    Funnily enough when I cast my vote every 4 years, I don't have to justify my right by demonstrating that I am a more talented politician than the candidate on the ballot paper either. Each to their own.

    Exactly!!!!! You say he should shut up till he wins something but you are free to say what you want???? What part of this hypocrisy do you not understand?
  • micron wrote:
    Why does that spurious argument always rear its ugly head when poster x is critical of poster y's favourite rider?

    My only gripe with Sky is that, because of my nationality, I'm expected to become an instant fan. I'm a fan of the sport - can't be doing with all that tribal, nationalistic 'team' malarkey. Not sure that it hasn't been as responsible as religion for all thr troubles in the world :wink:

    I can't see team Sky starting any wars, war of words maybe
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    If you are not interested don't bloody read it then!

    Don't read what he says, slam him for it and then say you are not interested(which is clearly not true otherwise we wouldn't be here right now)

    You are the one judging him by what he says rather than what he has achieved on the road.

    That's just it - he hasn't won anything of note on the road yet.

    He may not have won anything on the road but by achieving 4th place he made himself a contender and as such he is now talking like one.

    Its not like he is walking round saying he's going to blow everyone apart in PR, just saying how he hopes to contend even more successfully in the TDF.

    You haven't achieved anything on the road so I guess you should keep your mouth shut too?

    Funnily enough when I cast my vote every 4 years, I don't have to justify my right by demonstrating that I am a more talented politician than the candidate on the ballot paper either. Each to their own.

    Exactly!!!!! You say he should shut up till he wins something but you are free to say what you want???? What part of this hypocrisy do you not understand?

    You are, of course, absolutely right - I don't know what came over me.
    Anyway, must go - I have an hypocrites anonymous meeting...
  • Fair enough, I'll let you be on your way.