For F*** sake a rant about fruit booters

rhyko7 Posts: 781
edited November 2009 in MTB general
Sorry but another rant against what ile call fruit booters

I took my hack bike out for a long enduro ride today which involves riding from my house 45 minutes along main roads country lanes to get to my xc route. It’s the 1st time ive taken my hack around bike offroad since I built it up a few weeks ago.

I had been riding for about 2 hours when I ran into a guy on a ludicrously expensive bike and stopped for a little chat. I asked him about his bike because it looked real nice, it turns out his wheels are worth almost more than I paid for my full sus. I asked him what he was about to ride-he said he was “just cruising the road practicing manuals.” I said oh right how come your not riding the trails, his reply was “ I don’t want to get my bike muddy and have to replace any parts, I only use this bike in the summer”. I said “I take you ride DH on that bike en?” it was 160 mm travel front and rear, to my surprise he said “no I just ride trail centres on it.”
We spoke about riding for a while and then he started picking holes in my bike about my components and tyre choice etc, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I almost lost it. I decided to just ride off. I didn’t tell him it was my hack bike or that I had skinny tyres on because I had rode 8 miles on roads to get there.

I really wanted him to come to the DH track with me so I could show him up on my crappy hack bike lol

Im sorry but things like this really p*ss me off, bike snobbery. Bikes are for f**king riding not looking at, whats the point of having an awesome bike not to ride? I just don’t get it, I thought the idea of expensive components was that they ride better? Hence I would ride more with them!

Anyway rant over the guy was c*ck, I have zero respect for people like that! :roll:
Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

my riding:

Some of my Rides Data/maps:


  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    You had it easy. Saw a guy with carbon wheelset, carbon stumpy ht frame, carbon £900 suspension forks, etc. etc. Basically the nicest, fastest, lightest xc machine you can build. It had slicks on it. I asked him where abouts he rides. He said, oh, I don't ride, this is just what I use to get to work.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Sounds like you and your Santa Cruz haha!
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    RealMan wrote:
    You had it easy. Saw a guy with carbon wheelset, carbon stumpy ht frame, carbon £900 suspension forks, etc. etc. Basically the nicest, fastest, lightest xc machine you can build. It had slicks on it. I asked him where abouts he rides. He said, oh, I don't ride, this is just what I use to get to work.

    haha where do these people come from, didnt their parents love them enough? or have they just got more money that sense :lol:
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

    my riding:

    Some of my Rides Data/maps:
  • robertpb
    robertpb Posts: 1,866
    They sound more like bankers using up their latest bonus :x
    Now where's that "Get Out of Crash Free Card"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    See, I'm not bothered what people ride, if they can afford it, fine.
    What annoys me, is when they look down their noses at other riders, because they haven't got a bike as expensive as theirs.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I bumped into two riders at Wharny last year on my alu zaskar. They were on Yetis. They were amazed at what I was riding on the rocks! To be fair, weren't snobs, but they must have thought I was a loon. They were intrigued though.
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    Is hard for me to tell if I am getting odd looks because I don't have a rear disk brake and no suspension, or if it is because my bike isn't worth much more then £350. thinking about it, is probably a bit of both... :(
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    That is what is was with those - 80mm of travel, Vs and a hardtail from the last century!
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    While I agree, I also don't like reverse snobbery. Who cares if they've got an expensive bike and can't ride it well.
  • birchy
    birchy Posts: 309
    up at dalby last weekend just about to do the last section we got caught behind some of these rich city folk on top end bikes doing about 2 mph anyway they let me and my mate by and we were gone nailing it :twisted: , we got to the end both laughing thinking what they must have been thinking plus when they got down we were almost packed up and ready to go 8)
  • buduk
    buduk Posts: 55
    to me it works both ways ,the wife bought me the best bike for the money we could find RH expert for my 40th i haven't been on a bike in 20 years not quite as much as the so called bankers bikes but to me it is ,my point is i probs push it more than ride it going up hill and decending bottle it quite alot ,but i will talk to anybody and let anyone past when i can but i aint bothered when i eventually get to the car park and the so called pros are having a giggle coz it took me 40mins more okay and hour :oops: so then whos the snobs ??? and i will get better ,and still loving it
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    birchy wrote:
    up at dalby last weekend just about to do the last section we got caught behind some of these rich city folk on top end bikes doing about 2 mph anyway they let me and my mate by and we were gone nailing it :twisted: , we got to the end both laughing thinking what they must have been thinking plus when they got down we were almost packed up and ready to go 8)

    Maybe they were just learning the track.
  • Skonk
    Skonk Posts: 364
    birchy wrote:
    up at dalby last weekend just about to do the last section we got caught behind some of these rich city folk on top end bikes doing about 2 mph anyway they let me and my mate by and we were gone nailing it :twisted: , we got to the end both laughing thinking what they must have been thinking plus when they got down we were almost packed up and ready to go 8)

    Perhaps they were laughing about how they got more of a day out for their £7 than you did since they were taking their time and enjoying the ride?

    But yeh, there is definatly some reverse snobbery going on here too.

    People will buy a bike which is within their budget, thats all; some people have more disposable income than others so their budget will be a higher.

    Why does it matter?

    There's no law that says you have to buy the cheapest bike if your budget allows for something a little better.

    @ the original poster, are you sure you wern't giving off any wierd vibes to the guy because you were subconciously a little jelous of him ?
    Canyon Spectral AL 9.0 EX
    Planet X RT90 Ultegra Di2
  • birchy
    birchy Posts: 309
    no we work with singletraction so get in for free :wink:
  • x-isle
    x-isle Posts: 794
    Lesson in life........

    Don't give a stuff about anyone else.

    Who cares what anyone thinks......

    If you are ok with what you've got then smile, if they are not happy with what you've got then smile!

    If you're not happy with what you got, then either get it or dream about getting it!

    ....and smile! :D
    Craig Rogers
  • M1llh0use
    M1llh0use Posts: 863
    so what's worse, the snob or the revese snob?

    so the bloke bought a bike that he could afford for doing what he wanted, where's the harm in that??

    {insert smartarse comment here}
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Nothing wrong at all. But there is something wrong when they look down at others for having a bike that doesn't cost as much.
  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    birchy wrote:
    up at dalby last weekend just about to do the last section we got caught behind some of these rich city folk on top end bikes doing about 2 mph anyway they let me and my mate by and we were gone nailing it :twisted: , we got to the end both laughing thinking what they must have been thinking plus when they got down we were almost packed up and ready to go 8)

    So in summary, they are well off and humble and you are poor and arrogant with a chip on your shoulder?
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur
  • x-isle
    x-isle Posts: 794
    It is a shame when you see bikes that are not being used to their potential.

    But then think about it, is your own bike running to it's potential? Probably not.

    Who cares what people ride? It's their own money they are wasting, just get on with your own riding and be happy.

    Why get all "stressed Eric" about things that don't really affect your own life?
    Craig Rogers
  • BurtonM
    BurtonM Posts: 425
    birchy wrote:
    up at dalby last weekend just about to do the last section we got caught behind some of these rich city folk on top end bikes doing about 2 mph anyway they let me and my mate by and we were gone nailing it , we got to the end both laughing thinking what they must have been thinking plus when they got down we were almost packed up and ready to go

    Your an arsehole. and if it was me, i would have planted you and your mate one. Your no better than any of the bike snobs, if you can ride faster, who gives. I hope they were just taking it slow because they won a sleepless in the saddle the day previous and they were just stretching off
    yeehaamcgee wrote:

    That's like saying i want a door for my car that doesn't meet the roof, because I once had the wind blow it shut when I was getting in, and I had my head squished between, well, the door and the roof.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    GHill wrote:
    While I agree, I also don't like reverse snobbery. Who cares if they've got an expensive bike and can't ride it well.
    Very true.
    It does annoy me if thay "believe out loud" that they're better than you, because they have the better bike though. You know the ones...
    "let me show you how to ride" followed by a dismissive smirk, and then wobbling unsteadily down the trail. But that's just cause they're mongs, not because of their bikes.
  • birchy
    birchy Posts: 309
    not at all mate got a good job 2 nice bikes (top fuel 8 & ex9) but as said before in other posts you spend the money on the parts to push them to limits they were desgined for and not for show.(all the gear and no idea).
    didnt have chips for my tea so dont think i've got one on my shoulder normally hit my mouth anyway :wink::lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I kept up with a lycra clad whippet on his superlight XC hardtail once, on a long fireroad climb, on my new wolf-ridge.
    When we got to the top, we laughed about it, and how unexpected that was, both taken aback somewhat!
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    I was out on my new expensive bike today and some twit on an old nail came up to me and started sneering at me because my bike was worth 100 times what his was. Jeez he was so arrogant and chippy so I tried to get my own back by pointing out the cheap shoot parts on his bike but he just rode off trying to look cool and hip he ruined the effect when he tried to bunnyhop over his ego but missed by a mile
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • birchy
    birchy Posts: 309
    Burton m you dont know me to make that judgement we didnt barge them off the trail rode behind steady till they realised they'd been caught then passed them on a wider section said cheers, what i was stating is that they must have been bewildered by the speed that can be carried through that section on bikes simalar to theirs.
    As for planting me go try planting some sunflowers or christmas trees or something first instead. lmao
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Why must they have been bewildered at your supposed warp speed, like people have said they either dont want go fast, were recovering from other things or didnt know the track at all to bomb down it.
  • BurtonM
    BurtonM Posts: 425
    Your not funny in the slightest. the last 2 jokes you made only benefitted the tumbleweed salesman.
    From what you wrote, i can make a perfectly accurate judgement. it wasnt about you barging them off the trails its your snide comments that nobody appreciates.
    yeehaamcgee wrote:

    That's like saying i want a door for my car that doesn't meet the roof, because I once had the wind blow it shut when I was getting in, and I had my head squished between, well, the door and the roof.
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    birchy wrote:
    what i was stating is that they must have been bewildered by the speed that can be carried through that section on bikes simalar to theirs.

    Whoo I think Steve Peat has just joined the forum tell us how you won the worlds Steve I mean birchy
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • birchy
    birchy Posts: 309
    not our warp speed but the speed the section can be rode at they were going fast enough to do skids are for kids on some corners as we caught them
  • BurtonM
    chilax and take a breath and dont bite his head off, you had ago at a comment earlier for soe guy calling bob cr@p and you have done nearly that by biting back and getting short fused over this

    now people chilax!!!!