Watch Out RLJ-ers...



  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    Roastie wrote:
    Sh!t, I was actually hoping to put in an appearance at the Morpeth sometime, but I think you'd all lynch me now. I've been too controversial I think.... Perhaps it's safer to be anonymous.
    :( You should come.

    Don't play the martyr Headhuunter.

    Furthermore, we're all actually nice people*, and while we can't all agree on everything it doesn't get in the way of a beer and a laugh.

    *Most of us are. Some of us are insufferable bores, liable to rant on and on about the wonder of Campag** and the absolute importance of colour coordination...
    **especially since we all know that is just plain wrong. Shimano uber alles.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    ....If you cycle through the City, the police seem to be lying in wait for cyclists at the moment. They pretty much always hang just out of sight in a doorway near the west bound lane of Newgate, just after it crosses Old Bailey. I spotted one lurkin there this morning.

    It's all so predictable, whenever they have a crack down that's the spot they hang out so it's probably advisable to check before RLJ-ing there for the time being. Of course they're not interested in mopeds, cars, white van men, lorries, buses etc etc etc sitting in the ASL box or cycle lane, it's those deadly, evil cyclists they need to crack down up.

    This has been a public service announcement....

    Good. They should have their f$ckin' knees done, the $$$$s. They give the rest of us a bad name. And it's dangerous, it's not just your life you're risking by RLJ'ing, it's also pedestrians, drivers, and the poor paramedics who have to risk life and limb to come and scrape you up off the road when you get creamed by a van. :evil:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • I was talking to my dad the other day, he's a cycle commuter too. He lives in Brussels, Belgium and confessed that he occassionally RLJs.

    Apparently over there they have this squad of do-gooders a bit like the Guardian Angels but on bikes who patrol the streets and make sure everyone plays by the rules - motorists and cyclists alike.

    If a cyclist RLJs these guys blow whistles really loudly at you and come over to give you a stern talking to. It happened to my dad and he said it made him change his ways a bit....
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I was talking to my dad the other day, he's a cycle commuter too. He lives in Brussels, Belgium and confessed that he occassionally RLJs.

    Apparently over there they have this squad of do-gooders a bit like the Guardian Angels but on bikes who patrol the streets and make sure everyone plays by the rules - motorists and cyclists alike.

    If a cyclist RLJs these guys blow whistles really loudly at you and come over to give you a stern talking to. It happened to my dad and he said it made him change his ways a bit....

    I sometimes get other cyclists tinkling their bells at me and I used to pass 1 guy every morning who used to shout "red light mate" at me, literally every morning. Mostly though no one seems to care, as I said I only RLJ when there is literally nothing happening in front of me. They'd have to be pretty damn quick to catch me after I've cleared the junction though, with an open road ahead I'm off like a shot. 8)
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  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    They'd have to be pretty damn quick to catch me after I've cleared the junction though, with an open road ahead I'm off like a shot. 8)


  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,504
    If a cyclist RLJs these guys blow whistles really loudly at you and come over to give you a stern talking to. It happened to my dad and he said it made him change his ways a bit....

    I was recently in Majorca, cycling along one of their excellent cyclepaths. I had elected not to wear the helmet due to the heat.

    A peleton of about 20 spanish cyclists came flying towards me, each rider slapping their hand against their heads and shouting in Spanish, what I presume translated as "Put a helmet on you fat hairy eijit.

    It was really funny but you probably had to be there
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    antfly wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    Terrible weather we've been having lately, what?


    Hasn`t Stephen Fry gone awfully fat since then and whatever happened to the other guy?

    Stephen Fry's lost 6st recently, he looks very slim indeed. Hugh Laurie has a very successful spot as 'House' on the show with the same name.

    I thought antfly was messing! You were messing right?


    Just been listening to Mr Fry's speech from the iTunes festival. Good stuff.
    I was messing about Hugh Laurie, that show of his is on all the time, I didn`t know Stephen Fry had lost 6 stone though. Come to think of it he did look different the other day at the cricket {on telly} but I could only see his head.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    They'd have to be pretty damn quick to catch me after I've cleared the junction though, with an open road ahead I'm off like a shot. 8)



    Ha! I wondered if that would elicit a response from someone. It's true though. I'm untouchable....
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    HH - You should come along to Morpeth, it's always a good laugh and so far DonDaddyD has always been able to ride home at the end of an evening and he seems to have some more controversial opinions then most ;-)
    Who's the daddy?
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