Jail Sentence for Theo Bos?



  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Bos was a world champ track sprinter - so he will be pretty strong - but not enough to lift a guy and throw him like the clip seems to show !
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    FWIW the only person I see doing anything even remotely wrong is Bos. I'm thinking that Bos thought(wrongly) that he might be able to fling Impey forward enough to get by him
    at Impey's rear. In any case for my money Bos definitely caused that crash and what he did was intentional. He took his hand off the bars(not the best of ideas) and grabbed
    hold of another rider(another, not the best of ideas to say the very least). Never should have took his hand off the bar. Ban him.

    Dennis Noward
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    I'm with Dennis, regardless of other things that happened, did he mean to kill Him? etc.

    The fact that he took his hands off the bars to attempt to touch another rider in the sprint, and his actions caused a crash sugest he should suffer a serious punishment for what he did. In many ways thats worse than doping.

    Doping doesn't have the potential to seriously harm and possibly jeopardise someone elses career.
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • Well well well. I agree with dennis. :shock:

    I started playing hurling again recently. I was told to keep both hands on the hurl, and you can't push anyone unfairly. Theo Boss is no amateur. He does this for a living.
  • avalon
    avalon Posts: 345
    nolf wrote:
    I'm with Dennis, regardless of other things that happened, did he mean to kill Him? etc.

    The fact that he took his hands off the bars to attempt to touch another rider in the sprint, and his actions caused a crash sugest he should suffer a serious punishment for what he did. In many ways thats worse than doping.

    Doping doesn't have the potential to seriously harm and possibly jeopardise someone elses career.

    It does if they keep winning getting rich and you keep losing staying poor. :cry:
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Well well well. I agree with dennis. :shock:

    I started playing hurling again recently. I was told to keep both hands on the hurl, and you can't push anyone unfairly. Theo Boss is no amateur. He does this for a living.

    Bad news though. If we agree then the world must be ending tomorrow or later today. :wink:

    Dennis Noward
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    You can't see what actually happens immediately preceding the incident - Bos might already be out of control having been pushed to the inside by Impey coming through the middle - it's hard to tell from the pictures. It looks like Impey's coming through a non-existant gap. If Impey was leaning on Bos, then he might have himself partly to blame
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    It's not possible that Bos would pull down another rider in front of him intentionally. There is going to be a huge chance of serious injury to Bos - it's beyond red mist and just makes no sense.

    Watching the footage about a dozen times, I think Bos is panicking at getting boxed in and Impey is there, slightly ahead and to his right, ie. Bos's escape route. But Bos's push doesn't move Impey, instead the force he exerts propels Bos himself to his left and, most likely, he's already lost control when he blindly clutches for anything to stop him falling. As we've discussed, it must take a fair amount of force to bring Impey down in the way he goes down, so assuming it's not literally a pull and drag across through malice (inconceivable) by Bos, it must be the weight of bike and rider falling to the left that pulls Impey across and into the barrier.

    I don't know enough about bunch racing to know whether Bos was unlucky to get himself into that position or if he was literally squeezed into a non-feasible space by the peloton. I don't know if pushing another rider in that circumstances can be acceptable or is completely beyond the pale. But it seems his lack of experience, his misfortune and one split-second of panic caused the accident, and he should be dealt with accordingly.
  • Steve Tcp
    Steve Tcp Posts: 7,350
    biondino wrote:
    I don't know enough about bunch racing to know whether Bos was unlucky to get himself into that position or if he was literally squeezed into a non-feasible space by the peloton.

    When you watch it again start 20 or so seconds earlier and you'll see that at that stage Impey was in the middle of the parcourse and that he drifts across to the barriers quite quickly. That makes me wonder whether Bos felt that he (Impey) had squeezed him into the barriers and, having tried to push him away then steady himself with a grab, simply decided to take him down with him. Pushing in the bunch is normal, what Bos did isn't (nor is it acceptable).
    Take care,

  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Steve Tcp wrote:
    biondino wrote:
    I don't know enough about bunch racing to know whether Bos was unlucky to get himself into that position or if he was literally squeezed into a non-feasible space by the peloton.

    When you watch it again start 20 or so seconds earlier and you'll see that at that stage Impey was in the middle of the parcourse and that he drifts across to the barriers quite quickly. That makes me wonder whether Bos felt that he (Impey) had squeezed him into the barriers and, having tried to push him away then steady himself with a grab, simply decided to take him down with him. Pushing in the bunch is normal, what Bos did isn't (nor is it acceptable).

    Not sure if "pushing" is really "normal". Will agree that what Bos did was "unacceptable"
    at the very least. A bump or two here and there and a touch to let someone know you are there are part of racing, at least at the pro level. Any more is not. Here in the States
    the rules state that hands shall be on the handlebars. While this rule is not widely enforced(much like the road center line rule) it is a rule none the less and for good reason.
    Whether this "rule" applies to "pros's" I can't say for sure but am betting that it does or at least should. Anyway that's my take.

    Dennis Noward
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Everyone seems to be attributing the 'grab' to a malicious act when it could be as reasonably explained as the panicked reflex to impending disaster. To discount Bos to being a novice is a bit rich from some of you armchair racers - he's a world class track sprinter and probably has spent as much time on the road as many other experienced pros - riding Keirin isn't a procession either. It's quite likely that Impey was already 'leaning on' Bos and Bos realised they were both going down - can't see why he'd take his hands off the bars for any other reason.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    ........other than for the reason everyone is speculating about....
    I'm bored.
    When's Cycling Report #4 due out? :P
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • Are you lot blind. Bos is a twat. It is a blatant grab and F.you. He obviously has a problem with Impey. Listen to the commentary. Put yourself there. You don't take your hands off the bars in a sprint.
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Here's a translation of Theo Bos's explanation
    From above it's difficult to tell but it seems like I'm pulling him off his bike. In reality, I'm completely trapped and I'm being pushed into the barriers on the left, and reflexively trying to keep him away from me as a last ditch effort. At that moment the only right option to prevent a crash. With my front wheel, I believe I hit the foot of one of the barriers and then together with Impey went sprawling

    And certainly in the first videos he wasn't grabbing...
    Jibbering Sports Stuff: http://jibbering.com/sports/
  • josd
    josd Posts: 107
    if he was out of control and merely trying to push him away, why would he grab his upper left shoulder when the lower back/butt were closer?
    maybe im just overanalyzing
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    Seems the UCI are now thinking of re-opening the case.
    After all, Lance, on twitter, has told them what really happened. :roll:
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    N.jolly - you don't know what you're talking about.

    Seems to be a balance thing to me - Bos is nudged and is falling - reaches out to prop himself up - instinctively grabs the guy and thats what happens. Its not a deliberate plan.

    McEwen hasnt got a problem with it, and he's seen more bunch sprints than we have.
  • Murr X
    Murr X Posts: 258
    cougie wrote:
    Seems to be a balance thing to me - Bos is nudged and is falling - reaches out to prop himself up - instinctively grabs the guy and thats what happens. Its not a deliberate plan.
    I agree that this is the case. In times of desperation and panic people can do strange things completely uncounsiously without ever meaning to. He never meant to do it on purpose - or at least its highly unlikely.

    Saying that it could have been avoided and its a pity that Impey was badly hurt.

    Perhaps the incident would have been avoided if the barriers were aligned in a straight line and not all over the place, so some of the blame may rest with the race organisers.

    Murr X
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    Maybe send a get well baseball bat to Impey, he can show it to Boss when he's better! :evil:
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    claudb wrote:
    I've watched it several times now and still see it as I first did. It looks to me like Bos used a lot of force to throw Impey ino the barriers, but the strange thing is that he threw him across his own path. I still fail to see how the Commisairres did not act.

    You can see Bos grab the jersey and throw Impey to the left but across his (Bos) own track (seems a bit stupid)
  • I have just sent that link of the finish to 5 different friends who paticipate in different sports(both contact and noncontact), and to a person they cannot understand how the rider to the left (bos) was not sanctioned in any way.
    In fact the guys from the contact sports thought is was a huge throw and in an idiotic way admired the sheer effort put in to it!
    Can I suggest the code of rugby or american fooball for Mr.Bos in future.
    Your comments please.

  • claudb
    claudb Posts: 212
    I used to play rugby too, and I was also amazed at the apparent force which Bos used - especially he was on a bike at 35 mph or so. It seemed to me to be comparable to tackling an opponent to put him on the ground.
  • Yes it was brutish and very calculated; it makes other sprinters actions pale into insignificance. Robbie becomes a "pussy" by comparison, seriously though, there is no place for that "red mist action" in this sport.
    Once again the ICU and the men in blazers look the other way just have they done so many times before.(I wont go down this way as we all know what I'm refering to).
    What apart from on his bike was Mr. Bos on? He certainly showed a death wish with his actions to all around him.
  • Steve Tcp
    Steve Tcp Posts: 7,350
    claudb wrote:
    I used to play rugby too, and I was also amazed at the apparent force which Bos used - especially he was on a bike at 35 mph or so. It seemed to me to be comparable to tackling an opponent to put him on the ground.

    "apparent" being the operative word. I contend that on a bike on an open road nobody could expend that level of force. The force here was almost entirely created by Bos' bike going from 35 - 40mph to a dead stop in a second, and the "crime" is that by grabbing his shirt Bos took Impey down with him. He should be sanctioned for that I reckon.

    However, if a load of contact sport players say it was a throw then it must have been. :wink:
    Take care,

  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Yeah - we asked a lot of people who had bugger all knowledge of cycling and THEY said....

    You cant just pick a rider up and hurl them across the road - try this at home kids - its safe cos it wont bloody work. Even if you have been pumping iron....

    Its the speed of Impey and the lesser speed of Bos. He's grabbed Impey in a panic and the speed has taken him across the road.

    Its ludicrous to think that he could ;

    a. Throw the guy and
    b. Do it on purpose.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    And I thought the first incident on this was bad:

    Contador is the Greatest
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Ow !
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    cougie wrote:
    N.jolly - you don't know what you're talking about.

    Seems to be a balance thing to me - Bos is nudged and is falling - reaches out to prop himself up - instinctively grabs the guy and thats what happens. Its not a deliberate plan.

    McEwen hasnt got a problem with it, and he's seen more bunch sprints than we have.

    Maybe he thought he was in a Maddison :D
    Cougie I have seen many of your posts and all of them are normally very good, informative and accurate but this time I think you are watching a different video :D
    I saw it on tv real time and thought "WTF is Bos doing", then on replay thought the same.
    On slo mo it looks worse.
    All this talk of giving him a push is bull, also the panic mode is bull.
    When in a bunch sprint you sometimes stick out elbows to nudge a riders are out of the way, and maybe a little push forward. If Impey was pushed he would not have come off.
    The video clearly shows Bos riding inside Impey until alongside him, then his arm grabs hold of Impey and pulls him, exaclty like a Maddison sling, except by his jersey not his hand :D
    It looks a lot different to someone holding on when falling.
    Look at the angle that Impey hits the barriers!!! If he was grabed in the act of falling he would have hit the barriers sideways, but in the video you can actually see he is pulled almost perpendicular into the barriers with some force. No way was that a grab in the act of falling.
    If he saw the barriers narrowing why ride up the inside? From what I saw the barriers narrowed a bit further up infront of the crash.
    Bos is a Psycho anyway so I reckin he just lost it for some reason :D
    It could have been a lot worse, both injury wise and race result.
    As for those saying why would Bos intentionally pull a rider off in front of him? SImple, he was not thinking!! Adrenalin!!
    Actually I remember a very similar event in an American track race which is also on you tube, but it was after the finish not in the sprint like this.
  • PeteinSQ
    PeteinSQ Posts: 2,292
    And I thought the first incident on this was bad:


    The mountain bike crash is quite amusing. Some of the ones on the track are pretty terrifying as I can just imagine it; you would have no way of stopping and would be able to see the impending doom from quite a way out.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Oldwelshman - I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one then ! :D

    Its a hard one to call as we only get a bit of the picture with regards to how much space Bos had.

    Its not a sprint to win the race - its something like 20th place on a minor tour - so really theres very little incentive to lose your rag over it.

    When I first watched it I thought the same as you - he threw the guy - but it just doesnt make sense.

    1. No incentive to do it
    2. He'll bring himself down too
    3. I dont recall Bos acting like that before - and he's a World Champ 5 times - so he's plenty of experience.
    4. I cant see that anyone has the strength to throw a bloke sideways off his bike.
    5. Impey himself says that he had no quarrel with Bos - so no long harboured grudges.

    It could well be the case that Bos squeezed into a gap that was too small - and then put out his hand to ward Impey off a bit. Bos cant go anywhere - Impey at least didnt have a barrier on his side. Something happens and Bos is off balance - maybe he hit the bottom of the barrier - and he's grabbed the guy - thats his big mistake.

    As Bos' bike hits the next barrier he slows - you can see this by looking at the guy to the right of Impey- they were level pegging and suddenly that guys pulling ahead...

    Bos slows to the impact, and still holding onto Impey in a panic or reflex - the speed of Impey catapults him into the barriers. Try holding your right arm out like Bos and then imagine holding a lit firework in it - the arm will swing off to the left - just like this crash.

    Ta for the compliments btw ! :-)