Jail Sentence for Theo Bos?



  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    I've uploaded another version (not that I uploaded the original) that includes just the crash, then a slo-mo of the crash:


    The more I watch it, the more I can't my head around wtf he was thinking. Sure, Bos was getting near the barriers, but it doesn't look to me as if Impey was squeezing him - Bos could have just eased up a bit, or even put his hand on Impey to push him. But he doesn't - he deliberately grabs the jersey and forcefully pulls.

    If you were fearful about being pushed into a barrier, why would you grab and pull? It makes no sense at all.

    Basically there are two possibilities:

    1. Bos did it deliberately, and needs to be banned for a long time.

    2. Bos simply panicked, had a brainfreeze, and needs to be banned until he learns to sprint properly.

    Even Graeme Brown at his most batshitinsane never pulled a stunt like that.
  • stueyh
    stueyh Posts: 14
    Giving Bos the benefit of the doubt, it looks like he may have been trying to pass on the left (no gap really) and was off balance over the feet of the barriers and tried to grab onto the nearest thing (Impey) to pull himself back on line away from the barriers. Of course it didn't really work out and in fact makes him appear to be some sort of mad man.

  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,874
    afx237vi wrote:
    I've uploaded another version (not that I uploaded the original) that includes just the crash, then a slo-mo of the crash:


    The more I watch it, the more I can't my head around wtf he was thinking. Sure, Bos was getting near the barriers, but it doesn't look to me as if Impey was squeezing him - Bos could have just eased up a bit, or even put his hand on Impey to push him. But he doesn't - he deliberately grabs the jersey and forcefully pulls.

    If you were fearful about being pushed into a barrier, why would you grab and pull? It makes no sense at all.

    Basically there are two possibilities:

    1. Bos did it deliberately, and needs to be banned for a long time.

    2. Bos simply panicked, had a brainfreeze, and needs to be banned until he learns to sprint properly.

    Even Graeme Brown at his most batshitinsane never pulled a stunt like that.

    mostly number 2... with a pinch of 1

    he lost it..

    I've seen plenty of bonkers stuff in sprints before now...

    I was a lead out in a sprint where two guys started a fist fight that carried on from 400m out over the line where they both veered off the road, crashed over a low wall .... disappeared out of view only to reappear with fists flying

    it can be hectic stuff those sprints.. TB was a tad unprofessional in dealing with it all
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    In the slowmo Afx has uploaded it definitely looks to me like Bos was falling to the left before he "threw Impey" to the left - he did already have hold of him though.

    Looks like he had hold of him, started falling, and Bos' deceleration because he was falling, makes it look like he dragged Impey into the barriers on purpose. Looks to me though like he was only falling because he was trying to push past Impey.

    It is hard to make out what's going on though as you only ever see the upper half of Bos' torso.
    I like bikes...

  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    There is no way theo bos or anyone for that matter would deliberately pull another rider and himself into metal side railing at 30+ MPH!! Not only is it suicidal but with tv helicopters and motorbike cameramen being a constant presence, do you really think he would sacrifice his career, and his salary!??!
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Bloody weird. I've no idea - what have the riders themselves said ?
  • The way i saw it was the barriers on the left where narrowing (and all over the place not in a straight line at all) Bos looks like his trying to get the rider to let him in but something pulls him down. He grabs a hold of the yellow jersey and pulls him down. Very stupid but i cant see it being on purpose, someone needs to spend some time with him teaching him how to ride at that point in the race.
    Take care of the luxuries and the necessites will take care of themselves.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    robbie Mc also takes the view Bos didn't do it on purpose...which IMO he did not...but he should be punished severly for reckless endangerment of others...6 month ban? He meant to push DI to the right and otu of his way and NOT throw him into the barriers as some seem to think ...only lunatic would do that
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    A grab is out of order. A push, a tap, an elbow is ok, in some instances even a headbutt is excusable, even if it's going to get you in big trouble. But any action that causes a rider to move more than a rider's width in their line is bad stuff. In many ways it doesn't matter whether Bos was upset or getting boxed in, if riders are allowed to get away with moves like this, it sends a terrible signal.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    What struck me immedtiately was the ridiculous way the barriers were placed: if you look at the line of the barriers on the left you see that they're all over the place for a long time. They're not straight!!!

    To me it looks like Bos tried to get into one of the 'lay-bys' in the stupid barriers, then had to move back into the pack, lost his balance, or simply had to choose between grabbing Impey or crashing into the barriers. In an interview Bos says he doesn't remember much and is concerned, but thought Impey was moving into his direction and he pushed him off. Obviously he moved into Impeys direction, but with the curve of the barriers at that point I cans ee him thinking it was the other way round.
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    No....I've looked at it again and I can see only one reason.
    Bos was coming through fast, obviously going to contest the win.
    Through a combination of Impey and a barrier slightly out of alignment, he got completely squeezed.
    Lost a bit of impetus. Took his frustration out on the animate object.

    Sprint lust, I'd call it.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • Steve Tcp
    Steve Tcp Posts: 7,350
    I'm inclined to agree with Dave - it's bad but it's also ridiculous to assume it was a premeditated attempt to drag a rider out of the way no matter what the cost. Whilst, he certainly did have a handful of shirt bear in mind that we can't see everything that's going on down at ground level. I'd suggest it started as an attempt to push Impey out of the way, then perhaps Bos clipped the barrier with his wheels and started to lose control of his bike and, with his hand already on Impey, grabbed a handful of jersey in a stupid attempt to stabilise himself. At some point he should obvioulsy have let go but didn't, and the rest we can see - the result of a bike going violently out of control on roadside barriers and a tight grip on a bike jersey. He should get a ban just for the "I'm not going down alone" atitude, but If he really was angry and dumb enough to drag a guy across his own front wheel at that speed to throw him off then he should be sent to an asylum, not prison.
    Take care,

  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    Well, not surprisingly, Darryl doesn't agree with Dave. When he gets out of hospital, he plans to take it to the UCI and nose to nose with Mr Bos.
    Here's his site

    I got taken down deliberately by Bos from Rabobank, you can even see it on youtube, only one word for him and that is a true chophead. He doesn't deserve to race anymore and I am thinking about going to the UCI about his dangerous riding.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • fuelex
    fuelex Posts: 165
    Just watched it about 20 times in a row and can't see the "pushed him for more room" angle at all!
    Looks at the very least like he was trying to get a tow from the yellow jersey.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Its hard to tell exactly but looks to me like Bos was trying to push Impey to the right to make room made a horses ar**e of it and was going down and ended up grabbing Impey in panic/frustration and his movement propelled Impey forward and into the barriers . So Bos totally to blame for me .As posted above Darryl gonna have a little word in Bos' ear
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • camerone
    camerone Posts: 1,232
    Bos had a moment of red mist. no other explanation. all those saying he was off balance are wrong. he was so off balance he managed a powerful thrust forward with his arm? he is just too fecking stupid and didnt work out in his thick head what the consequence was going to be. he is a liabliliy and could have killed someone. needs to grow up, hopefully whilst watching not participating.
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    only one word for him and that is a true chophead

    Hmmmm. Not the word I'd be using in the circumstances
  • Moray Gub wrote:
    Its hard to tell exactly but looks to me like Bos was trying to push Impey to the right to make room made a horses ar**e of it and was going down and ended up grabbing Impey in panic/frustration and his movement propelled Impey forward and into the barriers . So Bos totally to blame for me .As posted above Darryl gonna have a little word in Bos' ear

    i think the perceived forward motion of impey is really the result of TB slowing down relative to everyone else speeding up....

    TB just doesn't let go!
  • liversedge
    liversedge Posts: 1,003
    To me it looks like Bos was pulling on Impey realised he was going down and didn't let go.

    Obsessed is just a word elephants use to describe the dedicated. http://markliversedge.blogspot.com
  • alanmcn1
    alanmcn1 Posts: 531
    Truly shocking!!! Must be banned for that
    Robert Millar for knighthood
  • Steve Tcp
    Steve Tcp Posts: 7,350
    Well, not surprisingly, Darryl doesn't agree with Dave. When he gets out of hospital, he plans to take it to the UCI and nose to nose with Mr Bos.
    Here's his site

    I got taken down deliberately by Bos from Rabobank, you can even see it on youtube, only one word for him and that is a true chophead. He doesn't deserve to race anymore and I am thinking about going to the UCI about his dangerous riding.

    I don't see how that contradicts Dave B S. My reading of his posts is that Bos pulled Impey over for whatever reason, but that he didn't simply try to THROW him out of the way. Either way Impey was taken out delbierately and he has the right to whatever indignation and recourse he cares to throw at Bos, who should simply have never grabbed his jersey FOR WHATEVER REASON. We're all trying to explain this but the bottom line is that everybody agrees Bos was wrong don't they? The rest is just conjecture and we may get a better handle on the matter when we hear from the riders around the incident (and maybe Bos himself) because, let's face it, Impey didn't see what TB did any better than we did.
    Take care,

  • On the head-on shot I thought there was some sort of activity/panic/maneuvering going on towards the middle of the bunch just before the incident. I don't know if that played a role in the crash, but did anyone else see it?
    No-one wanted to eat Patagonia Toothfish so they renamed it Chilean Sea Bass and now it's in danger of over fishing!
  • csp
    csp Posts: 777
    It does look like a pull, but I don't think anyone sitting on a bike could bring an other rider down with such violence. I think they were going down already while Bos was pushing Impey and that's why it appears to be a pull.
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    Here's another slow mo. This time from eurosport. Just the "facts" so easy to watch again and again, if one desires.

    http://picasaweb.google.de/hokmann/Expo ... 0944553314
    Take a good look at the barriers, both where it happens and up the road. Pretty darn straight, if you ask me.
    He's had sh*tty results on the road, both here (a small event) and Lombardy Week.(even smaller)
    I think he felt he had a sniff, yesterday, saw the door close and blew his top.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    http://picasaweb.google.de/hokmann/Expo ... 0944553314
    Take a good look at the barriers, both where it happens and up the road. Pretty darn straight, if you ask me.
    Up the road yes, but the stretch they had just done had several gaps, and the crash happened just after Bos one of those.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I thought Bos had pretty much won in his first race out ?

    I cant believe that he could have deliberately thrown the guy - even in a temper - its kisy too much of a stretch.

    I think I'd have to side with the losing balance and grabbing in panic thing - despite it looking like he lobbed the guy through the barriers ! Impey was fast and Bos was slowing - so the hand on the jersey just swung him off to the left. Its not as it looked - how strong would you need to be to throw a rider off to the left ? Unless Rabobank have signed a Dr David Banner ?

    Nasty crash anyway. Hope Impey recovers well.
  • Steve Tcp
    Steve Tcp Posts: 7,350
    Hard to do, but imagine this incident without Bos grabbing Impey. Had TB not done that he would, I think, have still gone down, in which case would Impey have been to blame for pushing him into the barriers? He had drifted across a fair way if you watch it from a few seconds earlier.
    Take care,

  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    cougie wrote:
    I think I'd have to side with the losing balance and grabbing in panic thing - despite it looking like he lobbed the guy through the barriers ! Impey was fast and Bos was slowing - so the hand on the jersey just swung him off to the left. Its not as it looked - how strong would you need to be to throw a rider off to the left ? Unless Rabobank have signed a Dr David Banner ?
    I'm tending to agree, especially having viewed the Eurosport footage which is a bit clearer than YouTube.

    It looks to me that Bos is trying to squeeze up the side of Impey, but finds that there isn't room against the barriers. He grabs hold of Impey's jersey for whatever reason (and that is the real cause of the problem here - why not a push? Maybe he was going for a push, but as he puts his hand up, panics and grabs instead?), then slows dramatically - you can see him head backwards relative to Impey just before the crash. Given the speed he's going, the pull on Impey's left shoulder as Bos brakes or hits something is enough to yank him round into the barriers. Although it looks like a throw, that would surely take enormous upper body strength? From a cyclist!
  • claudb
    claudb Posts: 212
    Having watched more replays again today, I have just e-mailed good wishes to Daryl Impey via his website. It has also just occurred to me that Rabobank were the team which introduced a harsh regime of "Penalties" for indisciplines (time keeping, riding without helmet etc.) this season. I'd be very interested to see how they deal with this "Breach of Discipline".
  • I watched the video.. is there one more rider who fell with them??? cause just based on the video, we can't see what happened to theo bos at the back...