Cheshire Cat ride reports!



  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    pictures are up on the other site now.
    I think I may buy the one of me climbing swiss hill (shortly before I fell off)
  • ... id=8897683

    Here is a picture of me up Mow Cop! I must admit that there are some brilliant pictures from the ride
  • popette wrote:
    pictures are up on the other site now.
    I think I may buy the one of me climbing swiss hill (shortly before I fell off)

    Ta for the link Popette; I think that you did brilliantly on the day. Riding up Mow Cop & Macc Forest is a considerable achievement - most of those that I was with, had to walk. I tried very hard to get up Mow Cop but failed; I even burst a couple of blood vessels in my eye (looks quite cool, actually :D ). The satisfaction that you will feel for getting your Mow Cop medal will last long after the soreness in your legs has gone.

    It just shows what can be done with dedication and training (both of which I lack - but soon that will change!!!).

    I've found it inspirational to read about the grit & determination shown by yourself and Howie - both on this forum and in Cycling Plus. Towards the very end of the Cheshire Cat, I was beginning to let negative thoughts seep into my mind, telling myself - "Just face it; you're too old, too fat, you're never going to be a cyclist, your bike is shite, you are totally out of place, what are you doing here ?, never again" etc., etc..

    I should, of course, have done the 66 miler- I'm sure that I could have got up Mow Cop with far fewer miles in the legs. Problem is, next year the 66 miler might seem like a 'backward' step. If I did do it and get up all the hills, I'd probably regret not having done the longer route. Of course, I could possibly get around these 'problems' if I started to do some structured training :lol: .

    As a 'newbie', I've really enjoyed my first 100k, my first 100 miler and my first sportive. What I've found particularly impressive is the encouragement shown to riders of lesser ability - such as myself. Some very good riders slowed to give me encouragement and to have a chat - most kind of them, cos they didn't have to do so.

    To read about how Popette, Howie and many others had such good rides, leads me to think that maybe I can become some sort of cyclist as well.
  • One of me just after the pub on Mow Cop too... ... id=8896278

    some really good picture, although I must try and at least attempt a smile for the camera!! :)

    edit; ...and also to breathe in :oops: :oops:
  • Showing team GB how its done!

  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    Here is one of me going up Mow Cop.

    Don't know about smile for the camera, was just trying not to grimace to much LOL. ... id=8895268
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    popette wrote:
    pictures are up on the other site now.
    I think I may buy the one of me climbing swiss hill (shortly before I fell off)

    Ta for the link Popette; I think that you did brilliantly on the day. Riding up Mow Cop & Macc Forest is a considerable achievement - most of those that I was with, had to walk. I tried very hard to get up Mow Cop but failed; I even burst a couple of blood vessels in my eye (looks quite cool, actually :D ). The satisfaction that you will feel for getting your Mow Cop medal will last long after the soreness in your legs has gone.

    It just shows what can be done with dedication and training (both of which I lack - but soon that will change!!!).

    I've found it inspirational to read about the grit & determination shown by yourself and Howie - both on this forum and in Cycling Plus. Towards the very end of the Cheshire Cat, I was beginning to let negative thoughts seep into my mind, telling myself - "Just face it; you're too old, too fat, you're never going to be a cyclist, your bike is shite, you are totally out of place, what are you doing here ?, never again" etc., etc..

    I should, of course, have done the 66 miler- I'm sure that I could have got up Mow Cop with far fewer miles in the legs. Problem is, next year the 66 miler might seem like a 'backward' step. If I did do it and get up all the hills, I'd probably regret not having done the longer route. Of course, I could possibly get around these 'problems' if I started to do some structured training :lol: .

    As a 'newbie', I've really enjoyed my first 100k, my first 100 miler and my first sportive. What I've found particularly impressive is the encouragement shown to riders of lesser ability - such as myself. Some very good riders slowed to give me encouragement and to have a chat - most kind of them, cos they didn't have to do so.

    To read about how Popette, Howie and many others had such good rides, leads me to think that maybe I can become some sort of cyclist as well.

    LPR - thank you so much for your lovely comments which make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to read them. Who would have thought it eh? - I had my fourth baby, took a career break, lost my identity a bit, picked up a bike and here I am, two years on, cycling up Mow Cop and providing a tiny bit of inspiration to another cyclist.

    I was telling my husband about you last night - you'd never cycled over 50 miles, had done only 165 miles of cycling this year on a "sh!te" bike whereas I was on a decent bike with some bling wheels, had lost 10% of my bodyweight since christmas and had done loads of training - and yet, we ended up with very similar times. In fact, weren't you quicker than me? I'd say that you definitely CAN be some sort of cyclist - a really good sort! keep it up & see you next year on the Cat - please stop and chat to me when you pass me :)

    from a very happy popette :oops:

    btw, here's me on swiss hill ... id=8893513
  • SBezza,

    well hat of to you sir for going in shorts!!! :shock:
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Here's the best pic of me. Might buy this one.

    Need to get down to some serious training as died towards the end of the ride.
    8:24 is not good enough for this time of year.
  • downloading the finishing times and then comparing some of those near the top to the pictures..... thinks quite a few riders didnt do the route length next to their names (myself included I will add) :oops:
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Well done to Popette, Howie, lastpubrunner, in fact everyone who struggled round but got round.
    Feel proud of yourselves !
  • Mr Lastpubrunner
    Well done, and drop the negativity. You must remember its still early in the season, so anyone who rode the 37 miler, or the 66 miler and the 102miler and finished, in whatever time is a cyclist,You dont need to be blasting along with a 20mph average speed at this time of year, unless your super fit and have a plan.
    Get out, enjoy your riding and build up your fitness. I use sportives as challenges, but also training rides. You will ride on roads you would not normally ride on, meet people you wouldnt meet, and generally have a great time, especially having a beer or 10 after the event.
    So bloody well done, see you at the next event.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • Stealth and speed spring to mind - ... id=8900714

    Oh this hurts can i get off - ... id=8899149

    Of course you can and have a rest by the road - ... id=8899161

    Got a lovely bruise on the knee and still the right shoulder aches from the impact.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • popette wrote:
    popette wrote:

    LPR - thank you so much for your lovely comments which make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to read them. Who would have thought it eh? - I had my fourth baby, took a career break, lost my identity a bit, picked up a bike and here I am, two years on, cycling up Mow Cop and providing a tiny bit of inspiration to another cyclist.

    I was telling my husband about you last night - you'd never cycled over 50 miles, had done only 165 miles of cycling this year on a "sh!te" bike whereas I was on a decent bike with some bling wheels, had lost 10% of my bodyweight since christmas and had done loads of training - and yet, we ended up with very similar times. In fact, weren't you quicker than me? I'd say that you definitely CAN be some sort of cyclist - a really good sort! keep it up & see you next year on the Cat - please stop and chat to me when you pass me :)

    from a very happy popette :oops:

    btw, here's me on swiss hill ... id=8893513

    With my level of fitness/weight, I don't think that it mattered that I didn't have a modern bike. The only downside to the bike, was that psychologically I felt 'inferior' to everyone else. But as I mentioned on an earlier posting; I took a tumble before I'd even started - which might have broken a carbon frame; now that would have upset me !I

    And no, I don't think that I was quicker than you; and if I had been, it really wouldn't have mattered anyway and unlike yourself, I didn't get all the way up Mow Cop - which makes me appreciate your efforts all the more !.

    I've actually found a pic of myself, but where it is, I really don't know - ... id=8898035

    For my money, however, this is the best pic of the entire event !
  • Ed_Bear
    Ed_Bear Posts: 5
    I totally agree. I saw this this young guy on the bike up near the cat & fiddle and he was going really well! Great stuff. :D
  • le_patron
    le_patron Posts: 494
    Wow - that is an awesome photo.

    I agree...the photography on this event has gone up several notches - well done to the enterprising chaps doing it.
  • thetrotter
    thetrotter Posts: 258

    I've actually found a pic of myself, but where it is, I really don't know - ... id=8898035

    For my money, however, this is the best pic of the entire event !

    Mow Cop at a guess (probably just before the pub). Well done on the ride. Wouldn't get hung up about the bike - it's the rider that counts. The young lad is 9 years old and did the 66 mile event. Chapeau.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    NINE YEARS OLD ??!?!?

    OMG - thats stunning. But also bordering on child cruelty too....
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173

    well hat of to you sir for going in shorts!!! :shock:

    Well I did start off with leg warmers on, but as soon as the sun came out, they came off. To be honest I didn't feel cold at all in my legs. Top half got a little cold on some of the descents, but nothing too bad.
  • Crayton
    Crayton Posts: 8
    For my money, however, this is the best pic of the entire event !

    Does anybody know who the nine year old and his dad are?
    I would love to send him the image i think he deserves it.
    I rode up on my single speed, well i say rode up i only made it half way up riding the other side.

    If you do know them maybe send me there email or get them to contact me :D
  • Rob,

    Well the Dad is entrant 0333, so I'm sure Kilotogo would have their details for you.....

    My lad is 7, and I couldn't imagine putting him thorugh Mow Cop in 2 years time....mind you, he'd probably argue till he was blue in the face for me to let him have a go at it!! :D:D
  • Marko1962
    Marko1962 Posts: 320
    alastair curtis TEAM SB 66 miles 333 08:06:03's a start

  • dobbo75
    dobbo75 Posts: 23
    The Cheshire Cat was my first ever sportive so was a bit nervous.
    Got in a group giving it the 'big lick' for the first 20 miles, and then reached Mow Cop.
    Having got completely the wrong gearing, wasn't doing too bad until a car of two hot chicks came up behind me. Not wanting to look too stupid I pulled over to let them past.
    Trying to set off again, missed my pedal and fell off!
    Put chain back on, grazed elbow, and pushed the iron the remaining few hundred yards.
    Thought the forest section was fantastic, even if I did have to push again at the top.
    Managed to complete the 66 miles in 5.02.
    Well done all and thanks to the chap with quite a few teeth missing pushing me on up the lumps! :)
  • pedalrog
    pedalrog Posts: 633
    Great day out, did the 102mile ride in 6:27. An easy ride to start with but became progressivley harder after Mow Cop. Stunning views from the tops of the climbs, particularly Mac Forest. Great cameraderie between the riders, a truly fun day out!
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Well done you lot......wish I was there but an RTA in December put my shoulder not 'up to it' - hope to be there next year - hopefully when it get's some maintenance (surgery)...

    Lastpubrunner - don't be put off by an old bike, as long as it works they are fine - my 18 year old Frank Herety SLX attracted a fair amount of attention at the Manchester 100......
  • fossyant wrote:
    Well done you lot......wish I was there but an RTA in December put my shoulder not 'up to it' - hope to be there next year - hopefully when it get's some maintenance (surgery)...

    Lastpubrunner - don't be put off by an old bike, as long as it works they are fine - my 18 year old Frank Herety SLX attracted a fair amount of attention at the Manchester 100......[/quote]

    To me, that's a nearly new bike :D, A Frank Herety in Columbus SLX is a very desirable bike in my eyes. I don't know for sure, but I believe that my FW Evans has Reynolds 531 tubing; I'm actually considering buying a bike with Columbus SLX tubing - is it noticeably better than 531 ?
  • Mr Lastpubrunner
    Well done, and drop the negativity. You must remember its still early in the season, so anyone who rode the 37 miler, or the 66 miler and the 102miler and finished, in whatever time is a cyclist,You dont need to be blasting along with a 20mph average speed at this time of year, unless your super fit and have a plan.
    Get out, enjoy your riding and build up your fitness. I use sportives as challenges, but also training rides. You will ride on roads you would not normally ride on, meet people you wouldnt meet, and generally have a great time, especially having a beer or 10 after the event.
    So bloody well done, see you at the next event.

    Ta for the message, Howie.

    What are your next events ?
  • LPB,

    will hijack the question.......I've only got the Polka dot and Mcr 100 planned as such (i.e paid for)......although looking at potentially doing the M'cr-Blackpool and also maybe the Rapha Condor ride from Blackpool into the lakes....
  • LPB,

    will hijack the question.......I've only got the Polka dot and Mcr 100 planned as such (i.e paid for)......although looking at potentially doing the M'cr-Blackpool and also maybe the Rapha Condor ride from Blackpool into the lakes....

    Ta for the reply; I'd be keen to know what others have got coming up in the next few months. It would be nice to do an event, (not to fall off before the start & begin late) and actually be able to chat to some of you ! I'm interested in events which are north of Birmingham and anywhere in Wales.