Ride for Palestine 2009



  • kevin44
    kevin44 Posts: 189
    I despair at humanity frequently. Too often on this forum. Keep it up, Mike
  • Kevin,

    As I said before, the negative stuff doesn't bother me. Rejoice that we live in such a nation. One where some people care about dead children and one where some people, well, don't.


    I'd love to go to Palestine, (not sure where effin Palestine is) as would my partner who has been prevented from seeing her family there for the last 8 years because of the Israeli siege. I hope she's effin able to do so before her effin mother effin dies.

    Of course there are some people who would argue for the secession of Yorkshire from the rest of the UK but I couldn't possibly comment.
    Character Fully Formed - please send no more problems.
  • mikedobson wrote:

    As I said before, the negative stuff doesn't bother me. Rejoice that we live in such a nation. One where some people care about dead children and one where some people, well, don't.


    I'd love to go to Palestine, (not sure where effin Palestine is) as would my partner who has been prevented from seeing her family there for the last 8 years because of the Israeli siege. I hope she's effin able to do so before her effin mother effin dies.

    Of course there are some people who would argue for the secession of Yorkshire from the rest of the UK but I couldn't possibly comment.

    Please dont be so melodramatic. Is it really that simple?

    Are Hamas completely blameless in the deaths of these children?
  • Bugly
    Bugly Posts: 520
    Hamas are totally blameless I mean the children obviously are at fault for playing where the rockets are being launched from. Dear me Hamas are such an honorable organisation they would never endanger innocent children by hiding there cowardly arses in schools and launching attacks from there no never. (not to say the Israelies are innocent either) Honestly I despair of the middle east and can see no diplomatic solution. Providing international support for terrorist organisations will do nothing other then prolong the conflict.
  • bugly, workhorse

    what exactly do you think Hamas is? And from where did you derive this knowledge?

    What would you call an organisation that stood up to your oppressors?

    Melodramatic? Strictly speaking that means I'm using the inherent pathos of any situation in order to manipulate an audience. I'm not interested in manipulating anyone but I am certainly interested in the pathos of slaughtered children. Aren't you?
    Character Fully Formed - please send no more problems.
  • Naz
    Naz Posts: 353
    So is anyone doing this bleeding bike ride or are forum members just using it as a reason to turn the thread into a rant? Seems like a lot of people have too much time on their hands. Go out and ride your bikes FFS. I know this is Cake Stop but it's usually light hearted fun.
  • ivancarlos
    ivancarlos Posts: 1,034
    mikedobson wrote:
    what exactly do you think Hamas is?

    What would you call an organisation that stood up to your oppressors?

    Just supposing they got the upper hand and were the dominant force in the region, what exactly do you think would happen? I don't think it would be pretty :roll:
    I have pain!
  • pjm-84
    pjm-84 Posts: 819
    I think I'll give this one a miss................phew
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,094
    On your side Mike. Thanks for the education. All I would say is that given their treatment, I wouldn't be surprised by any action taken by the Palestinians. Like someone said, any dog given a kicking is likely to have a snap at its attacker. The seeds sown by oppression of a people or a nation is always going to end in an ugly harvest. Desperation, frustration, rage and helplessness is a toxic recipe so to say Hamas is just idly tossing rockets into Israel for fun is to lack any kind of abilty to empathise with their experience. Hell, if I was in the same situation I wouldn't like to imagine what I might be doing now.

    And Gkerr. Enjoy your beers mate. A Buddhist phrase to think on...

    The world is on fire, are you laughing?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I admire the jewish take on things, you have to fight for everything. The jews have been persecuted for centuries. I dont see many Jewish suicide bombings taking place. If the palestinians ever got round to governing themselves, denouncing hezbollah and stop antagonizing Israel they would get along a lot better.