Silly commuting racing



  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    itboffin wrote:
    He said BIG ring

    snigger snigger snigger

    I'd have thought 2 BIG RINGS would go together quite well snort whearas it's when you trying mixing a big and small ring things get painful.....

    It depends how hard your crank is snurk snurk
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    No riding for me today, tomorrow or Friday, but South Downs on the weekend might be fun. The cottage is in a valley with each way out involving a steep uphill, which I think is going to be a shock to the gf who hasn't ridden in over 2 years...
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Now biondino is this a real girlfriend or as previously suggested some one you intruded on whilst in a photo booth ;) OUCH!

    On a more serious note if this "gf" has not ridden a bike in several years then surely the first few rides should be on the flat, at least until the cravings kick in.
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Well, absolutely belted it home tonight. Despite the traffic and my chain coming off along Embankment at 27 mph (and I was still accelerating :) ), I made it home in 45 mins as the good lady was going out. I have just about stopped sweating, so it is safe for me to type. However, I continue to wheeze a little.

    All the same, I had a large slice of Humble Pie served up to me tonight, accompanied by a healthy portion of Wupass-flavoured ice cream.

    I wasn't actually racing this chap because I just had to get home so I was just concentrating on going fast with no targets in mind. I've seen him, spoken with him before on the ride home, but this wasn't to be a social commute so I kept myself to myself. He was there on Embankment and was riding very much within himself. I blazed away after the NKR, but due to traffic, he caught up on the approach to the Park and effortlessly breezed by. (The sweat was pouring off me.)

    I passed him again in the Park, wheezing like an asthmatic warthog, barely able to see through the torrent of sweat streaming off my cap. I thought he was on my wheel, but he wasn't. (I think the wheezing may have scared him.)

    Anyway, as I reached the top of the steep hill, he breezed by again in the 53 ring, dancing on the pedals, making the aforementioned asthamtic warthog look like he was standing still (that rarely happens on that hill).

    I passed him again in my pursuit of beating the balls safe/balls cut-off point, which I duly beat, and was probably put off from taking my wheel by the stream of snot coming from nose. He, on the other hand, looked as if he could have held a civilised conversation.

    This chap rides for a local team (and a nice chap too from the little time I've spoken to him), but the ease with which he could catch up, overtake, dance up the hills, all apparently without breathing was incredible. Not really a victory, more of a lesson (unintended by the other chap) dished out me thinks.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • I chose the slightly hillier route home tonight as I felt like a bit of punishment :-)
    As I pulled up at the light's at the bottom of Tulse Hill another roadie pulled up just alongside me.
    I wasn't feeling quite right this evening, I'm not sure if it was the cold weather or what I'd had for lunch but my chest felt tight and although I was breathing heavily (doing my best to hide it!) I didn't feel like I was actually breathing.......
    We start off up the hill, me secretly hoping that he doesn't attack as I really didn't feel I could have put up much of a battle - sure I would have run myself into the ground trying but I wasn't in the zone.

    Light's went green and we set off. Tulse Hill is by no means steep or particularly long, with our ascent punctuated by a red light. I stayed ahead with him just behind up until the light's at the "peak" and then used the descent into the death lanes by the station to pick up the pace. Had some tw4t in his Vauxhall Chavilar take exception to me moving a couple of extra foot away from the kerb to avoid the cyclist ahead as he beeped me and past gesticulating what appeared to be "keep in the gutter you stupid cyclist". I think I gave a hand gesture that implied that he partook in activities that could effect one's vision......

    Anyhow the roadie caught up with me at the light's at the bottom waiting to turn towards Norwood and said "That hill is to long, I'm surprised I kept up with you!" Now this is nothing short of him removing his helmet and handing me his own scalp :-)
    He also asked did that car beep me - I said yes and remarked that it seemed to be the day for a$$hole drivers and explained what happened to G66.

    We parted ways at the next set of light's after some friendly chat. I carried on with the other climbs towards Crystal Palace, feeling rather sadistic today I rode right up into the one way system and along Church Street so I could take my favourite route home down the hill! Unfortunately I got stuck behind one of the few cars driven by a driver that pays attention to speed limit's so spent most of it doing 27mph a few metre's behind their bumper.....
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • Day three of my experiment. Not a single gear change and I have been scooting around Edinburgh dealing with the hills with no problem. I think I have selected my gear, i just need to count my teeth now and make the final decision how how big I want my ring to be.
    Cannondale F500
    Peugeot Fixed Gear
    Specialized Hardrock
    Baordman Team Carbon
    Haro Freestyler Sport 1984
    Coming Soon...Canyon Nerve AM 7.0
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Took it easy this morning after last night's exertions.

    However, one moment of note.

    Vehicle coming up behind me a bit quick, but I turned off at my usual place and he thundered by as I turned off.

    The vehicle? A large site lorry.

    Location? North side of Southwark Bridge, about 100 yards if that before last week's incident.

    Fcukers. :evil:
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • I think it's just the week for a$$h0le drivers, I had not so much as a sniff of SCR action this morning but still had some stupid cow in her Merc come within a few inches of my handlebar so she could pass as we came upto a traffic island.....all this within 1/2 mile of my house so it was a great start!
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • Wrath Rob
    Wrath Rob Posts: 2,918
    Despite my fears the wind last night seemed to be on my back for once and I had an epic ride home, punctuated with several duals. The first was on Col de Soutwark Bridge. I got taken just before the cycle lane but reeled him back in before the top but had to back off due to the narrow lane. Honours even.

    Next was just after Lambeth Bridge coming onto the Embankment. A fixie went past in full lycra just as I was turning left, providing me with my first opportunity of a real scalp. I swung around the RB and set of after his back wheel, eyes locked on to my prize. Just as I was feeling the benefits of the tow at 25+ another fixie blew past both of us! My target forgot about keeping me behind and set of after his prize. The 3 way battle raged past Millbank until the new player made some poor lane choices at the bridge and then must have turned off as we didn't see him again.

    So, down to me and the fixie as the normal flotsam and jetsam in the Embankment Peleton was brushed aside. Well, when I say down to I mean I spent the entire ride from Vauxhaul to Albert trying to hold his wheel. Every time he started to pull away I dug deeper and clung on like a rabid limpet. I was ashamed however as I knew that I was not destined to take the lead as despite the wind my present lack of fitness means that I can't cruise past 22 so holding 27-28 for more than a few hundred meters was not on the cards. My lungs had been replaced by two pain machines and my legs were being turned into jelly from the inside out. At Albert Bridge he pushed to the front leaving me behind so I couldn't even thank him/apologies to him for the tow.

    A couple of roadies caught up at that point so I had to prove that it wasn't all the fixie's doing so by the time I hit Col de Wandsworth Bridge I was feeling wrecked. Only a RLJing roadie had to be put in his place on the climb and then I was free to stop trying to breath hard through my ears, gulp down some lungfuls of air and cruise home.

    Arriving home, sweat pooring from my body, my wife opened the door in disgust. That wasn't going to get me down though as the Game helped me have the best ride home in a long time. This morning paled in comparison so I can only hope that tonight brings the rematch...
    FCN3: Titanium Qoroz.
  • No real scalping action on the ride home, nor on the ride in this morning. The usual mid-life-crisis men on hybrids, easy targets really, I almost feel bad for them, especially as I had 2 panniers on this morning... :twisted:

    But on HSK on the way home last night, waiting my turn in the queue for a light, taxi driver rolls down his window
    'Alright luv?'

    I smile and say hi.

    'You should be wearing a helmet luv, lots of girls getting killed on bikes in London at the minute'.

    I said yes, I'd heard about the HGV incidents.

    'Bloody idiot HGV drivers only care about getting there within their time schedule - they don't look for cars, let alone cyclists. You be careful gal, and get a helmet!'

    Bless :D
  • Wrath Rob
    Wrath Rob Posts: 2,918
    Bless indeed, that he thinks a helmet will make a HGV see you and also prevent your body from being crushed by one. Personally, my helmet is there to hide my lack of hair and for no other reason at all.
    FCN3: Titanium Qoroz.
  • Wrath Rob wrote:
    Bless indeed, that he thinks a helmet will make a HGV see you and also prevent your body from being crushed by one. Personally, my helmet is there to hide my lack of hair and for no other reason at all.

    I just thought it was nice that he cared.

    Let's not have a h****t debate on this thread.
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    I had a couple of fixed scalps yesterday 1 deffo 1 probably

    the morning I did a courier fair a square, went past him and stayed past him

    on the way home waiting at the traffic lights just past lewisham I saw a guy on a nice fixed and he had skills too, one mighty track stand like he was barely trying the barsteward. so we set off I pull up next to him say hello then push on and leave him in my wake, felt good, I was just maintaining a better cadence...yes. got to the bottom of beckenham hill and got caught by the lights he comes up just before they turn and does an endo to enable a trackstand for himself.. nice we then set off him about 20 yards in front and he maintains that up the hill I was in pain at the end but maintained the distance and we split off later on

    is that a scalp? I'd like to think so even though I couldn't take him on the hill (I'm heavier of course)
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • There is something up at the moment.

    I told Mrs Greg66 last night about my incident - running the usual risk of hand wringing anxiety and wanting me to stop riding - but her response was to tell me that she's been beeped twice this week by impatient drivers and two of her Mummy Mates from school have had near misses/beeps. These are riders who never normally incur the attentions of drivers.

    The recent wave of incidents makes me think something is up. It may be that people are back from their summer hols and realise they've got shorter nights and winter to look forward to; they're worried about fuel bills; they're worried about hose prices; they're worried about the economy and/or their jobs; they're worried about the cost of the petrol going into their cars. I dunno. But I am pretty certain that the collective mindset at the moment is stressed and impatient. And that means dangerous.

    So be careful. You can't SCR if you can't ride.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Greg66 wrote:
    There is something up at the moment.

    I told Mrs Greg66 last night about my incident - running the usual risk of hand wringing anxiety and wanting me to stop riding - but her response was to tell me that she's been beeped twice this week by impatient drivers and two of her Mummy Mates from school have had near misses/beeps. These are riders who never normally incur the attentions of drivers.

    The recent wave of incidents makes me think something is up. It may be that people are back from their summer hols and realise they've got shorter nights and winter to look forward to; they're worried about fuel bills; they're worried about hose prices; they're worried about the economy and/or their jobs; they're worried about the cost of the petrol going into their cars. I dunno. But I am pretty certain that the collective mindset at the moment is stressed and impatient. And that means dangerous.

    So be careful. You can't SCR if you can't ride.

    Sensible words.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • You guys with your "I'm unfit so I can only cruise at 22-23" scare the poo out of me. If I GET to 22-23 I think I'm flying! :lol:

    Anyway last night I actually held off a roadie! full kit, razor tyres the lot, and me on my 32c panniered commute thing :shock:

    I saw him coming up the road I was joining and pulled out about 200 yards in front and expected him to come breezing past. This hill I used to struggle (and I mean struggle) up in 4th, I'm now over-rotating in 5th (mid gear) so i went up as quick as I ever have and when I got to the top I looked back and I'd gained a good couple of hundred yards on him.

    Now I *know* that he may not have been racing but look at my FCN :wink: even keeping in front of you roadie types is a minor miracle for me.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Picked up the bike from Evans yesterday evening, replete with fixed gears, (I have the full complement of 18, not 3, which is nice) and some free Gatorskins fitted too. Don't know what the difference was but my average speed home and in this morning has jumped from 14 to 16mph.

    Lovely morning for it today too - although I'm a bit worried that I'm still a n00b and yet I'm creaming most of the riders on the Clapham High St/Clapham Road/Kennington Road route into town! Might need to find harder targets.
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    cjcp wrote:
    Greg66 wrote:
    There is something up at the moment.

    I told Mrs Greg66 last night about my incident - running the usual risk of hand wringing anxiety and wanting me to stop riding - but her response was to tell me that she's been beeped twice this week by impatient drivers and two of her Mummy Mates from school have had near misses/beeps. These are riders who never normally incur the attentions of drivers.

    The recent wave of incidents makes me think something is up. It may be that people are back from their summer hols and realise they've got shorter nights and winter to look forward to; they're worried about fuel bills; they're worried about hose prices; they're worried about the economy and/or their jobs; they're worried about the cost of the petrol going into their cars. I dunno. But I am pretty certain that the collective mindset at the moment is stressed and impatient. And that means dangerous.

    So be careful. You can't SCR if you can't ride.

    Sensible words.

    except the thing about hoses... I doubt they have much economic baring really, especially as there was no summer to speak of this year
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • Wrath Rob wrote:
    Despite my fears the wind last night seemed to be on my back for once and I had an epic ride home, punctuated with several duals. The first was on Col de Soutwark Bridge. I got taken just before the cycle lane but reeled him back in before the top but had to back off due to the narrow lane. Honours even.

    Next was just after Lambeth Bridge coming onto the Embankment. A fixie went past in full lycra just as I was turning left, providing me with my first opportunity of a real scalp. I swung around the RB and set of after his back wheel, eyes locked on to my prize. Just as I was feeling the benefits of the tow at 25+ another fixie blew past both of us! My target forgot about keeping me behind and set of after his prize. The 3 way battle raged past Millbank until the new player made some poor lane choices at the bridge and then must have turned off as we didn't see him again.

    Mmmm, I blew past a couple of fellas (who seemed to be playing) on Millbank yesterday eve, turned of towards Victoria at Vauxhall bridge though. Was it me you saw I wonder - Blue Pearson SS, white tires, courier bag...
  • You guys with your "I'm unfit so I can only cruise at 22-23" scare the poo out of me. If I GET to 22-23 I think I'm flying! :lol:

    Attention seekers! :lol:

    during my SS experiment my pretty easy going crusing speed has been 18mph. Putting a bit more effort Im at 22-23 but that doesnt last all that long.

    Ive found that during lab conditions, the option not to change gear makes you push harder. It is easier, during non lab conditions, to change to a higher gear and just take it easy and take a bit of relief.

    No animals have been harmed during these tests. Yet.
    Cannondale F500
    Peugeot Fixed Gear
    Specialized Hardrock
    Baordman Team Carbon
    Haro Freestyler Sport 1984
    Coming Soon...Canyon Nerve AM 7.0

  • Mmmm, I blew past a couple of fellas (who seemed to be playing) on Millbank yesterday eve, turned of towards Victoria at Vauxhall bridge though. Was it me you saw I wonder - Blue Pearson SS, white tires, courier bag...

    I saw a bloke on a Pearson fixie/SS in full Pearson lycras last night up ahead of me, no chance of catching him I don't think, but I briefly gave it a go, then he RLJ'd. Bad Pearson man!
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    I couldn't agree more G66, this morning there seemed to be a palpable feeling of menace in the air. Mrs Littigator was back on the bike for the first time in a while and was visibly flinching as cars streamed past us at constant near miss distance.

    There is without doubt more traffic on the roads this week.

    Which culminated in my near demise under the wheels of another white van once again in Hannover Square. This one decided to cut across my front as I went straight on, he wanted to continue right...once again a rather shaky experience.
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Clever Pun wrote:

    except the thing about hoses... I doubt they have much economic baring really, especially as there was no summer to speak of this year

    NEVER underestimate the effect of hose prices on the economy.

    Gods, man, how have you managed to avoid the well-known pub approach "psst, wanna buy some hose?" :D
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    You guys with your "I'm unfit so I can only cruise at 22-23" scare the poo out of me. If I GET to 22-23 I think I'm flying! :lol:

    Attention seekers! :lol:

    during my SS experiment my pretty easy going crusing speed has been 18mph. Putting a bit more effort Im at 22-23 but that doesnt last all that long.

    Ive found that during lab conditions, the option not to change gear makes you push harder. It is easier, during non lab conditions, to change to a higher gear and just take it easy and take a bit of relief.

    No animals have been harmed during these tests. Yet.

    Not YET you say but by God Sir we want to start seeing some carnage do we not fellow bicyclete funsters???

    So MAN UP, buckle down, take a bit fat sip of toughen the F*** up and start slaughtering some scalps. They may be small frail furry creatures but afford them no respite. Pull out your blade swing it hard and rend them into pieces BYYYYYYYYYGOD!

    oh and stop tarting around with experiments with this gear or that gear,get yourself a HOOOOOJ ring and start enjoying the pleasure and pain of sss sss ssssss
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • beseku wrote:

    Lovely morning for it today too - although I'm a bit worried that I'm still a n00b and yet I'm creaming most of the riders on the Clapham High St/Clapham Road/Kennington Road route into town! Might need to find harder targets.
    These people do not count I'm afraid! I scalped about 100 of them them other day and I was wearing jeans, not trying and on my way out to meet friends for dinner!
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    beseku wrote:

    Lovely morning for it today too - although I'm a bit worried that I'm still a n00b and yet I'm creaming most of the riders on the Clapham High St/Clapham Road/Kennington Road route into town! Might need to find harder targets.
    These people do not count I'm afraid! I scalped about 100 of them them other day and I was wearing jeans, not trying and on my way out to meet friends for dinner!

    Your mates must love you turning up for dinner all sweaty and steaming :lol:

    Almost as attractive as ITB would have been on his arrival at lunch re his post yesterday, raging hangover, stinking of stale booze and sweating like a P I G!
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Littigator wrote:

    Not YET you say but by God Sir we want to start seeing some carnage do we not fellow bicyclete funsters???

    So MAN UP, buckle down, take a bit fat sip of toughen the F*** up and start slaughtering some scalps. They may be small frail furry creatures but afford them no respite. Pull out your blade swing it hard and rend them into pieces BYYYYYYYYYGOD!

    oh and stop tarting around with experiments with this gear or that gear,get yourself a HOOOOOJ ring and start enjoying the pleasure and pain of sss sss ssssss

    In a better mood today then Litts? :lol:
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Greg66 wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:

    except the thing about hoses... I doubt they have much economic baring really, especially as there was no summer to speak of this year

    NEVER underestimate the effect of hose prices on the economy.

    Gods, man, how have you managed to avoid the well-known pub approach "psst, wanna buy some hose?" :D

    Well, we are a bunch of blokes who buy tights so it does make a difference to us.
  • This is it though, I arrived fresh as the proverbial daisy. Not even a sweat on. If you ever want to see people cycling slower than walking pace then head down to Clapham High St/Clapham Road/Kennington Road one evening. It's like watching turtles migrate.
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    This is it though, I arrived fresh as the proverbial daisy. Not even a sweat on. If you ever want to see people cycling slower than walking pace then head down to Clapham High St/Clapham Road/Kennington Road one evening. It's like watching turtles migrate.

    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6