Your rants here.
I manage my gas & electric bill online as it's cheaper: I get an email to remind me to check the meter, then I log in and enter the readings and the bill is calculated/direct debit adjusted as necessary. Dandy. Except that the chap who turned up to verify our meter readings the other day - to check we aren't completely fabricating our readings - has logged my electric meter reading as 100 units higher than it actually was. So now when I want to log my reading, I can't because the actual reading is lower than the one my provider already has. A day in the seventh circle of call centre Hades awaits.1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
rjsterry wrote:I manage my gas & electric bill online as it's cheaper: I get an email to remind me to check the meter, then I log in and enter the readings and the bill is calculated/direct debit adjusted as necessary. Dandy. Except that the chap who turned up to verify our meter readings the other day - to check we aren't completely fabricating our readings - has logged my electric meter reading as 100 units higher than it actually was. So now when I want to log my reading, I can't because the actual reading is lower than the one my provider already has. A day in the seventh circle of call centre Hades awaits.
Can you not fabricate your reading to be slightly higher than it is (ie add 90 units to it), and reduce the "inflated amount" by every month -- e.g this month is 90 higher than real value, next month is 75 higher than real... etc?
Seems easier than explaining to the people in a call centre...Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.0 -
rjsterry wrote:Except that the chap who turned up to verify our meter readings the other day - to check we aren't completely fabricating our readings - has logged my electric meter reading as 100 units higher than it actually was.
dont they do that if they cant access the property, they make a guess-timate of how much you have used.
phone them an tell em!!Keeping it classy since '830 -
mudcow007 wrote:rjsterry wrote:Except that the chap who turned up to verify our meter readings the other day - to check we aren't completely fabricating our readings - has logged my electric meter reading as 100 units higher than it actually was.
dont they do that if they cant access the property, they make a guess-timate of how much you have used.
phone them an tell em!!
He came in and read the meter. He just pressed 2 on his machine when he should have pressed 1. @davis: I only do meter readings quarterly, by which time, I will have almost certainly forgotten.1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
Tax. That is all.What do you mean you think 64cm is a big frame?0
rjsterry wrote:I manage my gas & electric bill online as it's cheaper: I get an email to remind me to check the meter, then I log in and enter the readings and the bill is calculated/direct debit adjusted as necessary. Dandy. Except that the chap who turned up to verify our meter readings the other day - to check we aren't completely fabricating our readings - has logged my electric meter reading as 100 units higher than it actually was. So now when I want to log my reading, I can't because the actual reading is lower than the one my provider already has. A day in the seventh circle of call centre Hades awaits.
I had exactly this, albeit chummy had read the 10,000 unit one wrong. Sent the supplier a note on their "contact us scheme" explaining such & requested a refund. Received a call the next day to confirm; cheque for £1500 arrived two days later. Don't despair!Location: ciderspace0 -
rjsterry wrote:mudcow007 wrote:rjsterry wrote:Except that the chap who turned up to verify our meter readings the other day - to check we aren't completely fabricating our readings - has logged my electric meter reading as 100 units higher than it actually was.
dont they do that if they cant access the property, they make a guess-timate of how much you have used.
phone them an tell em!!
He came in and read the meter. He just pressed 2 on his machine when he should have pressed 1. @davis: I only do meter readings quarterly, by which time, I will have almost certainly forgotten.
Well by that time the extra 100 will have been absorbed, surely? As long as you present an accurate reading next quarter, it'll cancel itself out.Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.0 -
davis wrote:rjsterry wrote:mudcow007 wrote:rjsterry wrote:Except that the chap who turned up to verify our meter readings the other day - to check we aren't completely fabricating our readings - has logged my electric meter reading as 100 units higher than it actually was.
dont they do that if they cant access the property, they make a guess-timate of how much you have used.
phone them an tell em!!
He came in and read the meter. He just pressed 2 on his machine when he should have pressed 1. @davis: I only do meter readings quarterly, by which time, I will have almost certainly forgotten.
Well by that time the extra 100 will have been absorbed, surely? As long as you present an accurate reading next quarter, it'll cancel itself out.
Dunno, we are a pretty efficient household. Plus our next reading will look a bit 'light'.1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
New bed and matress delivered on Saturday. Got the old bed out, cleaned the carpet and then waited for it to dry before putting the new bed up. Put the thing together, chuck the matress on the top to find the bed's too short.
They sent me Kingsize ends, but standard double sides. So the new matress is overhanging the end. Go in to try and remedy it and they can't get me the right bits. I will have to get a completely different bed. Waiting for them to call me today and see what they can offer me.
I should have held the driver hostage for Asprilla. What a kerfuffle.0 -
Mattsaw wrote:cyclingprop wrote:Tax. That is all.
No. Begrudgingly, if he's following a legal tax scheme then he's legal - it's down to the politicians to close the scheme if it is "not in the spirit of tax". My problem with Jimmy is that he is a hypocrite.
And the tax reference is related to mine. I've just worked out how much tax I'll pay next month .What do you mean you think 64cm is a big frame?0 -
cyclingprop wrote:Mattsaw wrote:cyclingprop wrote:Tax. That is all.
No. Begrudgingly, if he's following a legal tax scheme then he's legal - it's down to the politicians to close the scheme if it is "not in the spirit of tax". My problem with Jimmy is that he is a hypocrite.
And the tax reference is related to mine. I've just worked out how much tax I'll pay next month .
That reminds me of customers that complain they have a large bill at the end of the month. Seeing as everything they buy from me is being sold on at a profit the large bill must mean they've had a good month.0 -
Estate agents, I hate them!
Sign the contract, pay the first months rent, 6 weeks deposit and a £420 ADMIN FEE!! And then the bloody land lady pulls out because she doesn't like the move dates!
So I have no flat, no money and a miserable fiancée! :evil:
Big gold star to the first who guess's the estate agent?0 -
Rick Chasey wrote:Foxtons?
Correct! Now although I said you would get a gold star, I'm pulling out...0 -
pitchshifter wrote:Rick Chasey wrote:Foxtons?
I'm pulling out...
Err, pulling out of what? :?0 -
Just a general rant from the weekend; walk your dog, text, or listen to your MP3 player. Don't try and do all three at the same time.0
Neighbours rowing from midnight until at least 3 am this morning.
FFS some of us actually have jobs and have to get up in the morning to go to work, must be nice knowing that your rent is paid, your Council Tax is paid and that you will always have money in your pocket and not have to go to work.
Grrrrr they bloody rile me they do. :x :x"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills0 -
rubertoe wrote:Neighbours rowing from midnight until at least 3 am this morning.
Odd complaint for neighbours really...
loud music? mess? badly behaved pets?
Nah - they got a -dum da duuuuum- rowing machine!
(sorry - poking fun aside, im sure it WAS very frustrating)FCN 7: Dawes Galaxy Ultra 2012 - sofa-like comfort to eat up the miles
Reserve: 2010 Boardman CX Pro0 -
iclestu wrote:rubertoe wrote:Neighbours rowing from midnight until at least 3 am this morning.
Odd complaint for neighbours really...
loud music? mess? badly behaved pets?
Nah - they got a -dum da duuuuum- rowing machine!
(sorry - poking fun aside, im sure it WAS very frustrating)
I also have to put up with this as well. So yes it is really quite frustrating."If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills0 -
Rick Chasey wrote:Motorbikes.
Why are you so loud?
Several reasons. Firstly they Rev incredibly high compared to a car, they have a very short exhaust run with usually one silencer. Lastly most people make them louder so people hear you coming.0 -
twist83 wrote:Rick Chasey wrote:Motorbikes.
Why are you so loud?
Several reasons. Firstly they Rev incredibly high compared to a car, they have a very short exhaust run with usually one silencer. Lastly most people make them louder so people hear you coming.
You missed out the key reason: they're massive tw@ts.
There's no reason for Mr Harley Davidson to be so loud. There's loud so you can hear (most motorbikes are not) and loud so that people can hear you 5 streets down. There's also absolutely no reason for the 'popping' either.
I come across two or three like him every day. It's just idiotic.
Anyway, are they even allowed to make them louder / remove the muffler?0 -
Rick Chasey wrote:twist83 wrote:Rick Chasey wrote:Motorbikes.
Why are you so loud?
Several reasons. Firstly they Rev incredibly high compared to a car, they have a very short exhaust run with usually one silencer. Lastly most people make them louder so people hear you coming.
You missed out the key reason: they're massive tw@ts.
There's no reason for Mr Harley Davidson to be so loud. There's loud so you can hear (most motorbikes are not) and loud so that people can hear you 5 streets down. There's also absolutely no reason for the 'popping' either.
I come across two or three like him every day. It's just idiotic.
Anyway, are they even allowed to make them louder / remove the muffler?
I believe they do it to compensate for the exceptional smallness of their genitalia.Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS0 -
Wheelspinner wrote:I believe they do it to compensate for the exceptional smallness of their genitalia.
uh-oh, my is arriving next week. Going to try it along embankment. BrrrrrrMMM. Make the scalps that more amusing.FCN 9 || FCN 50 -
Rick Chasey wrote:There's also absolutely no reason for the 'popping' either.
It doesn't usually happen in cars as their engines are usually in a lower state of tune and they have longer exhaust systems with more silencers. Although some older sports cars with short exhaust runs do it.
A new bike fitted with a catalyst shouldn't do it. Older bikes with less precise fuel injection or carbytooters will. My old Bonneville would flame so brightly I could see the flash reflect off buildings. But, that was a 40 year old bike. It was good for stopping cars following too close.
Admittedly some boy racers fit something in the exhaust to add fuel and make it do this. This is more likely to be in a souped up Citroen Saxo though.0 -
Veronese68 wrote:Rick Chasey wrote:There's also absolutely no reason for the 'popping' either.
It doesn't usually happen in cars as their engines are usually in a lower state of tune and they have longer exhaust systems with more silencers. Although some older sports cars with short exhaust runs do it.
A new bike fitted with a catalyst shouldn't do it. Older bikes with less precise fuel injection or carbytooters will. My old Bonneville would flame so brightly I could see the flash reflect off buildings. But, that was a 40 year old bike. It was good for stopping cars following too close.
Admittedly some boy racers fit something in the exhaust to add fuel and make it do this. This is more likely to be in a souped up Citroen Saxo though.
Or when your fuel injection is knackered after trying to get your Z going after three weeks stood still, cost me £400 to get fixed but it did sound bloody brilliant when reving it.If I know you, and I like you, you can borrow my bike box for £30 a week. PM for details.0 -
Rick Chasey wrote:There's no reason for Mr Harley Davidson to be so loud.
But they sound awesome, personally I think HDs should be the only bike permitted to go loud.0