Your rants here.



  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    oh rant I've missed thee.

    Fecking ignorant idiot drivers. How difficult is it to get your car between the marked lines and allow everyone to get parked :evil: :evil:
  • To the person on bike besides the a3 tonight, if you want to play chicken but can't take losing then don't give me the sour face like i've done something the path not big enough for you to keep to your side....
    Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    I must have been visited by the PF last Thursday. My rear tyre was flat as a pancake on Sunday, I re-inflated it and it's now soft again.

    My first visit, I'm no longer the special never visited cyclist :(
  • Right, I was looking for someone to patch up my garage roof and I can say it definitely will not be Cheam Roofing. Yes, your truck is filthy but please not to be wiping it clean on my arm.

    Also you made me say the C word (not Carshalton, the other one) in front of a mother and child.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    Right, I was looking for someone to patch up my garage roof and I can say it definitely will not be Cheam Roofing. Yes, your truck is filthy but please not to be wiping it clean on my arm.

    Also you made me say the C word (not Carshalton, the other one) in front of a mother and child.

    Croydon? :wink:
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • rjsterry wrote:
    Right, I was looking for someone to patch up my garage roof and I can say it definitely will not be Cheam Roofing. Yes, your truck is filthy but please not to be wiping it clean on my arm.

    Also you made me say the C word (not Carshalton, the other one) in front of a mother and child.

    Croydon? :wink:

    wash it out potty mouth - that's disgusting!
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • dancook
    dancook Posts: 279
    I'm a driver at the moment, every morning I see so many numpty drivers (but not me!) heh.

    this morning approaching the slip road for the A31 here, the driver ahead turns into the hotel on the left. He uses it to do a U-turn right in front of me. I have to slam on my brakes to avoid driving into the side of his vehicle.

    I sound my horn, no look of apology just ignored. Makes me angry! ... 01,,0,7.07
  • The demos in London tomorrow mean that I can't cycle in as the garage where I park will be in lock down! After several days off for a variety of reasons (wisdom teeth removals and some throaty-lurgy thing) I was desperate to get back on!
    Nice weather bike: Fondriest TF2 (white/ black)
    Training Bike: Giant Avail (white/ blue/ green)
    Track bikes: Planet X Franko Bianco (white) and 7VRN (white/ black)
    CX: Kinesis Pro6 (sick green)
  • Wind... rain... 2 f***ing punctures both on rear wheel, 5 miles apart... only good thing, I was carrying 2 spare tubes....

    hopefully that's the last p*******s for another couple of years...
    Invacare Spectra Plus electric wheelchair, max speed 4mph :cry:
  • hopefully that's the last p*******s for another couple of years...

    Optimistic Biker is Optimistic...


    Why isn't there a internet meme for this?
  • Mr Sworld wrote:
    hopefully that's the last p*******s for another couple of years...

    Optimistic Biker is Optimistic...


    Why isn't there a internet meme for this?
    Well you have to be, don't you :)
    Invacare Spectra Plus electric wheelchair, max speed 4mph :cry:
  • the_fuggler
    the_fuggler Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2011
    Bah. PF visited for the first time since the Synapse arrived. Changed it as the hole was right by the valve, but must have got the tube caught under the bead of the tyre. Inflated to 100psi and bang went inner tube #2. 20 minutes wasted and ended up taking the Roadrat out instead. Regretted it immediately. Nowhere near as much fun...
    FCN 3 / 4
  • Mr Sworld wrote:
    hopefully that's the last p*******s for another couple of years...

    Optimistic Biker is Optimistic...


    Why isn't there a internet meme for this?

    Forever alone?
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • Jumpers of the red light brigade...
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • wearing the neoprene overshoes that keep out a fair amount of water. and getting the hole caught on the SPDs . On both sides. At the same time. am so glad there was a post to grab onto.
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • ToeKnee
    ToeKnee Posts: 376
    Muppets who insist on fitting into the safe distance you've kept from the curb at traffic lights ... if you have to bump into me, you're too close!
    Seneca wrote:
    It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
    Specialized TriCross Sport+Ultegra+Rack&Bag+Guards+Exposure Lights - FCN 7
    Track:Condor 653, MTB:GT Zaskar, Road & TT:Condors.
  • Topaxci
    Topaxci Posts: 106
    I guess my wish for six weeks contact free cycling was optimistic.

    On an empty road cycling through the city in the early morning. I'm lit up like a christmas tree. White van pulls out from opposite junction heading straight at me!
    Managed to get close enough to the kerb to avoid a pasting, really p*ssed me off so banged on rear panel to let him know what he had just done and the guy slows down and veers into the kerb. Had to slam brakes on to avoid being squished. Then he just speeds off.
    Police not interested - really annoys me these idiots just get away with this kind of thing. :x

    Bruised my hand too - must remember to carry baseball bat in future :twisted:
  • I thought you might have at least said thanks for tow last night Dynamo, but then again you are a Dynamo. That is all.
    If I know you, and I like you, you can borrow my bike box for £30 a week. PM for details.
  • Not serviced my bike for a while, did a quick lube and tighten. Then I remembered my gears have recently started sticking when trying to change, they also jump when I put pressure down on the pedals... So I thought... I'd try to index them... 3 hours later after making the problem much worse finally got them working (ish) however now I can't select two small gears on the rear cog... dammit! Tried to adjust the rear derailleur without success, problem remained... Ended up just saying f**k it, packed up tools and played Batman for a couple of hours. Going to admit defeat and pop the bike in local repair centre for service and confessional :-)
  • Topaxci wrote:
    I guess my wish for six weeks contact free cycling was optimistic.

    On an empty road cycling through the city in the early morning. I'm lit up like a christmas tree. White van pulls out from opposite junction heading straight at me!
    Managed to get close enough to the kerb to avoid a pasting, really p*ssed me off so banged on rear panel to let him know what he had just done and the guy slows down and veers into the kerb. Had to slam brakes on to avoid being squished. Then he just speeds off.
    Police not interested - really annoys me these idiots just get away with this kind of thing. :x

    Bruised my hand too - must remember to carry baseball bat in future :twisted:

    I had a similar one today. pulled up to him at the lights and used my hands to show how much space i should be given and he says " I didn't hit you did I, i saw you and knew you were there ". really mr fecin numpty , if you saw me and knew i was there why not stay back until its clear to pass me.
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • to the cyclunt who rides the white framed bike with no lights , and has anger issues. next time i will stop and you will regret it.

    that is all
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • To the blue BMW "driver" when a cyclist is indicating a right turn approaching a traffc island no it doesn't mean you can still try to overtake thus nearly hitting the traffic lsland............
    Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.
  • Topaxci
    Topaxci Posts: 106
    Damned freewheel hub packed in. Will have to cope with pot luck traction take up coming out of freewheeling. Suppose I will just have to keep peddling. Makes junctions a real pain though. Roll on payday.
  • marchant
    marchant Posts: 362
    More of a demi-rant, but as I was looking to pick up a cycling-specific winter jacket I thought I'd pick up the latest issue of Cycling Plus. Why did they describe how the manufacturers generally rate their products (hydrostatic head in mm of water), test them putting a 10cm area under increasing water pressure (up to 0.6 bar), then give us a result in terms of them being either "storm proof" or "shower proof"?
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Topaxci wrote:
    Damned freewheel hub packed in. Will have to cope with pot luck traction take up coming out of freewheeling. Suppose I will just have to keep peddling. Makes junctions a real pain though. Roll on payday.
    If you don't fancy stripping down & it sorting it out yourself try laying the wheel flat on the floor freewheel side downwards and gently running a couple of kettles full of hot water down through the f/w mechanism. It might work. Did for me a few times when I was a lot younger.
  • My anger is at Halfrauds, for selling a cycle computer to a completely mis-guided friend who thought it might make a nice present for me.

    Apart from having awful instructions on assembly.. the battery was flat. Useless.

    What's sad is, that this would probably have been cheaper and better: ... elID=26194
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Why do companies make headphones (the in-ear buds) with one wire way longer than the other. I don't want to wrap one round my neck... it's stupid!
  • Bl00dy mice! Eaten their way into my spare pannier, consumed my emergency chocolate and shat everywhere.

    Note to self. Do not leave food of any kind inside garage - those pesky critters WILL find it :evil:
    Nobody told me we had a communication problem
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    bails87 wrote:
    There's a village somewhere missing it's arssehole!

    I've seen this idiot in a grey Saab estate, W14 ERO, doing stupid things on three seperate occasions. I'm oh so fortunate to share a commute with him

    He's an old guy, who, to look at, you'd think he was the friendly village GP, or a retired vicar or head of the bowls committee, something like that. Turns out he's an angry little man and an utter c*nt.

    He very nearly hit me when I was cycling in one morning a few months back, down a narrow country lane with just about room for a single car. I was no more than 100 yards away from a T junction with a major road, I was doing ~20mph, he came flying up behind me at 50, I realised he wasn't going to stop so had to move as far left as I could, including leaning the bike, and he only just avoided me with his wing mirror.

    A few seconds later I catch up to him at the junction where he's predictably had to stop, he's indicating right, so I go up the left, as he looks left to check for traffic, his window is open a crack so I politely and calmly say "Could you leave some more space next time please" to which he replies with a snarling "F*****CCCCKKKK OOOOOFFFFFFF!!!!". Not a dismissive "yeah yeah, whatever, no harm done" f*ck off but a "If you don't f*ck off right now I'll back the car up and run you over" type of f*ck off. Nice.

    Anyway, it's a number plate and car that I remembered for obvious reasons, so imagine my delight when he pulls out of a side road and begins following me this morning when I was driving in.

    "Old man c*nty bollox" tailgated for a bit (I was doing 40 in a 40, the horror), then tried to pass me on my right while we were going round a roundabout, despite the fact we were both taking the same exit. Then we get to the end of the 40 zone, and we're into a NSL road, so, being a sensible driver, I check my mirrors before accelerating, he's behind me still. Foot down, up to 60. A quick glance in the mirrors again, and what's this? Granpa d*ckcheese is trying to overtake, past a car driving at the speed limit already, across a solid white line, with a bus rapidly approaching us. He pulled in with inches between the front of my car and his towbar. Then, 300 yards up the road we stop (anticipation isn't this priick's strongpoint) at the traffic lights, where the road splits into three lanes, I'm going right, so get in the right hand lane, he's still in lane 1 as he's going straight on. And all of a sudden he's spotted something very engrossing on his passenger side front window because he's transfixed on it and refuses to look over at me.

    Absolute f*cking liability, unfortunately the police are useless without evidence and witnesses (fair enough really, I could be someone out to cause unjustified hassle for him) but if I see him do something stupid and it gets caught on my headcam I'll be reporting him in a flash, the miserable old f*cker shouldn't be driving, he's going to kill someone if he keeps doing what he's doing.

    And he's back, :x extremely close pass through a pinch point this morning.
    Video of that, plus my account of his other godawful driving will be going to the police.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • SimonAH
    SimonAH Posts: 3,730
    My colleague Sue is a very lovely lady, but has astonishing timing regarding transport. I ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that if I've been in the car for a few days and am therefore really needing some pedal miles Sue will have a transport crisis and sweetly ask for a lift.

    All week on the road last week?

    Come in on bike today?

    Sue needs a lift from work this evening?

    Home to swap for car at lunchtime........
    FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
    CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
    Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.