Your rants here.



  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    Traffic this morning from Clapham South through to Oval. WTF was going on.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    Sketchley wrote:
    Traffic this morning from Clapham South through to Oval. WTF was going on.

    Lord knows but it's amazing how drivers lose the plot and position themselves anywhere when there is an incident :roll: CS7 blue didn't exist as far as they were concerned.
  • cyclingpast
    cyclingpast Posts: 111
    Cafewanda wrote:
    Sketchley wrote:
    Traffic this morning from Clapham South through to Oval. WTF was going on.

    Lord knows but it's amazing how drivers lose the plot and position themselves anywhere when there is an incident :roll: CS7 blue didn't exist as far as they were concerned.

    apparently someone committed suicide at oval, but i've only heard that from a friend, haven't found anything on the net to support that
    Giant Defy 3
    FCN 5

    All wrenching and no riding makes me frickin' angry...
  • bibib
    bibib Posts: 25
    1. Roads in and out of Manchester city center, Oxford Road way.
    They really give me a good rattle and can make cycling dangerous as I try and avoid the big holes.
    There's even big grooves worn into the road from buses.

    2. Slow cyclist that overtake you whilst your waiting at traffic lights. You then have to imediately overtake them again..........

    3. Generally most slow cyclist. It always puts me on edge being behind someone who is really slow.
  • oxred81
    oxred81 Posts: 7
    @Biondino - that is totally my rant too!! and also those cars, who if they were paying attention to the road, and not d*** around with their phone or whatever, would see that traffic had moved, and move on in time so that i wouldn't have to slow for them - only to have to start pedalling again straight away as they move.
    I've worked hard for my momentum, help me keep it!!!!
  • this morning on way in...Jamaica road, I'm overtaking a bus in RH lane and Mr Silver Merc PE08KNW decides he's going to squeeze past me.....I'd anticipated his move so had stuck my right arm out to warn him I was there (pretty hard to miss with a massive bright red rucksack on) but he was sharp breaking allowed me to pull in behind the bus, which luckily wasn't stopping at the bus stop (most strange) and then I pull back out to catch him up...errm...about 20yrds up ahead at the lights. gentle tap on his window, window rolls down, puzzled look from the male I very politely point out the dismal display of driving he'd just shown. blooming cheek he claimed not to have seen me at all and wonder what he'd done wrong. I gave polite but stern words then advising him to use his eyes to see not just gaze out of his tin box and be particularly cautious of what's around him, especially vulnerable road users like cyclists. oh, and a comment that I had his reg plate and would be reporting him (met police website (done)). cheers mate. the look on your face as i said my parting comment made me smile.
  • Having just repaired a puncture by the roadside. Spent about five minutes trying to locate a hissing sound coming from the back of the bike. Eventually found a bee chilling out in the grass right by the tyre.

    Bloody bees and their practical jokes. Leave being a c&nt to the wasps you stripy tit.
  • pastryboy
    pastryboy Posts: 1,385
    2 punctures in three days. Not happy, especially as one was a Schwalbe marathon which is meant to be highly puncture-resistant.
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    Bloody bees and their practical jokes. Leave being a c&nt to the wasps you stripy tit.

    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    To all the drivers who drive onto the junction when it's really busy, and then, when the green man is showing on the crossing they're marooned in front of, just push their way through when pedestrians are trying to cross:

    Why do you do this? It can't be a surprise that this happens at 9am every morning, but there you are doing it anyway. Why not just wait if you can't actually drive through the junction?
  • bibib
    bibib Posts: 25
    Nearly got invited to someones car last night, as they opened their door straight into the cycle lane. Missed the driver and door by inches........

    This morning a car cut straight accross my path as it took a left turn. I wasn't able to break quick enough but was able to slow down enough to take the corner with the car. Again inches away..... Don't think they even realised.

    Again this morning, rant at myself for just being a bit silly and trying to overtake a car at a junction after it had cut me up. Didn't look properly and came close to another car... must do better.
  • nich
    nich Posts: 888
    Can't say I enjoyed that commute home.

    It it was looking oh so good, great sunshine, but it wasn't to be.

    Heavy Legs. Check.
    Heavy Bike. Check.
    Unexpected sickening headwind. Check.
    Crap Traffic. Check
    Leading to Irrate Drivers. Check.
    Dimwit revving and speeding at me on roundabout. Check.

    I shall have a rest-day tommorrow, and the weekend, and come back fighting next week

  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    Idiot in white van turning on to Priory lane tonight. Look at straight at then pull out in front of met making emergancy stop. Thanks now it's been tested I'm quite happy with by bike handling whilst going sideways with both wheels looked up. SMIDSY doesn't cut it.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • mattsaw
    mattsaw Posts: 907
    Sketchley wrote:
    Idiot in white van turning on to Priory lane tonight. Look at straight at then pull out in front of met making emergancy stop. Thanks now it's been tested I'm quite happy with by bike handling whilst going sideways with both wheels looked up. SMIDSY doesn't cut it.

    Was that out of Clarence Lane, the one that goes up to Roehampton Uni?

    If so that turning gets far more than it's fair share of idiots :x
    Bianchi C2C - Ritte Bosberg - Cervelo R3
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    Glorious GLORIOUS morning, this morning.

    Just stunning.

    The sun is just up and lighting up the mist-laden fields, not a breath of wind, crispy cold and clear.

    I'm cycling alongside a field just lit up orange and red and yellow and white. I'm feeling all arty so I slow pan my head around to take in the just beautiful scenery for the helmet cam, so I can share it later on.

    2 miles down the road, the helmet cam bleeps to let me know it's switching off as I'd forgotten to start it recording.

    :shock: :? :cry:
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,974
    to the knob who RLJ all the way out of Reading on the A4 this morning, it's not clever and will get you flattened at the junctions you did RLJ.

    Did it get you anywhere, you jump I overtake, jump, overtake.... get the picture?
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    to the folder testing my brakes by riding away from Richmond Station and then turning sharply on to the zebra crossing will shorten your life...
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Mr Bossman, if you don't have time to go through the list of things you've given me to do to check whether they are done THEN DON'T. I will email you when I AM HAPPY THAT THEY ARE FINISHED.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    Mattsaw wrote:
    Sketchley wrote:
    Idiot in white van turning on to Priory lane tonight. Look at straight at then pull out in front of met making emergancy stop. Thanks now it's been tested I'm quite happy with by bike handling whilst going sideways with both wheels looked up. SMIDSY doesn't cut it.

    Was that out of Clarence Lane, the one that goes up to Roehampton Uni?

    If so that turning gets far more than it's fair share of idiots :x

    FIrst left after the long drag up Priory Lane the one before the roundabout.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • mattsaw
    mattsaw Posts: 907
    Sketchley wrote:
    Mattsaw wrote:
    Sketchley wrote:
    Idiot in white van turning on to Priory lane tonight. Look at straight at then pull out in front of met making emergancy stop. Thanks now it's been tested I'm quite happy with by bike handling whilst going sideways with both wheels looked up. SMIDSY doesn't cut it.

    Was that out of Clarence Lane, the one that goes up to Roehampton Uni?

    If so that turning gets far more than it's fair share of idiots :x

    FIrst left after the long drag up Priory Lane the one before the roundabout.

    Yep that's the one, I've had a couple of close scrapes heading past there in the past two weeks alone one resulting in a damaged wing mirror :wink:
    Bianchi C2C - Ritte Bosberg - Cervelo R3
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    They're back - the nutters & wannabee journos who have 200 words to conjure up out of thin air and a pressing deadline, set against an empty brain and a warm Chardonnay sitting on the table.

    Lazy stereotype? Yeah - course it is. But no worse than this mad old bat pouring out another Poly Filla column. ... clist.html

    I expect the comments are the usual brain-dead responses, but luckily I can't see them from here - the Telegraph uses some 3rd party system which only works some of the time for me. Which is A Good Thing, clearly.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    Well if you will read the Telegraph...

    She's cropped up elsewhere on here today. Seems to be one of those people who just hates everything and everyone, especially if they are enjoying life.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    I hate everything and everyone especially when they're enjoying themselves but I don't feel the need to broadcast it (bar the occasional online rant ofc). Does she have to give people like me a bad name :evil:
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Cleaned the bikes yesterday so was doing a bit of crouching. And today I can barely stand up my thighs are so sore :(
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    CiB wrote:
    They're back - the nutters & wannabee journos who have 200 words to conjure up out of thin air and a pressing deadline, set against an empty brain and a warm Chardonnay sitting on the table.

    Lazy stereotype? Yeah - course it is. But no worse than this mad old bat pouring out another Poly Filla column. ... clist.html

    I expect the comments are the usual brain-dead responses, but luckily I can't see them from here - the Telegraph uses some 3rd party system which only works some of the time for me. Which is A Good Thing, clearly.

    Ha ha. London cyclists tend to be 'an upper middle-class bunch'. She also hates people who sit outside cafes sipping cappuccinos. No doubt the sort to live in places likes Clapham or Islington and.. er.. read The Telegraph. Talk about biting the hands that feeds you :shock:
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    this was last week but havent had a rant in a while....

    taking my dad to pick up his new sparkly tricross, i over take a girl (wearing a long fluttery dress) riding an amsterdam/ dutch bike. just as i over take her she sticks her arm out an wobbles all over the road behind my car, im only going slow an could see she gave my a dirty look!!

    luckily there was no other cars behind me......

    tis the season for "fair weather riders" tra la la laaa la
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Cyclist in 'signalling before turn' shocker.....

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    The clouds of midges I rode through today, some of them managed to find their way behind my glasses and one ended up in my mouth.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • georgee
    georgee Posts: 537
    Dick on the white spesh in Sky kit, you jumped the lights, I then caught and passed you.

    Weapon in the flouro kit, you jumped the lights, I then caught and passed you.

    Nodder on the tricross, you jumped the lights into my path so I really should have forced you into the gutter but I was feeling kind, you jumped more lights, I then caught and passed you.

    + plenty of others,
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Found a splinter in my trackie bottoms as I put them on this morning. Hurt like buggery and worst of all I can't think where it came from.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.