Your rants here.



  • pastryboy
    pastryboy Posts: 1,385
    Fuck off wind, it's been like two months now - just leave me alone
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    work car is off so I have to take the car, not looking forward to it, I like my early rides though the park just the deer and the mist, and even the late afternoon joggers and kids, which require careful riding, it's just so nice. and the faint glimmer of a bit of SCR.

    but tomorrow will be the car, now it's a nice car but it's a car.
  • cyclingpast
    cyclingpast Posts: 111
    When I am bowling along to the local shops on an empty road I do not need to be overtaken, on a bend and T junction by someone who needed to teach me how to position my bike in the road. I was informed of the tuition by the driver, who chose to pull over further down the road. Apparently I should be in the gutter, to allow proper road users to get on. He knew this because he "had been a cyclist". When I stopped and asked him why he had chosen to pass so close to me, that was the answer I obtained.

    The weird thing is, he was even older than me! So you have two grey haired old geezers having a full-volume slanging match on this quiet suburban road. My father used to say "never argue with a madman" and he was right. However, the righteous indignation generated by this exchange powered the rest of my ride to considerable effect :)

    There is no point in argueing and I should have shrugged my shoulders and carried on, as I usually do. I'm calm now.

    never argue with an idiot; they'll take you down to their level and beat you with experience...
    Giant Defy 3
    FCN 5

    All wrenching and no riding makes me frickin' angry...
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    He knew this because he "had been a cyclist".
    I had an altercation once, with the fattest bloke in Oxfordshire & Bucks and probably Northants too for all I know. He accused me of wobbling all over the place trying to go as fast as possible, even tho I was arrow straight along the white line at the road edge at the time. His coup de grace was to claim - likewise - that he was a cyclist too and knew what he was on about. Twunt. It was hard not to point that he could hardly fit behind his steering wheel and probably hadn't cycled anywhere in 20 years. So hard not to in fact that I failed not to, and pointed it out in quite simple terms to him. Fat tw@t.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    You'd think Lexus's being all executive-like would be fitted with indicators - apparently not. Yes, I'm talking about you, driver of silver Lexus, PWC 100. Also despite squeezing past me on the Figges Marsh bus lane, and approaching each set of lights so fast that you overshot the stop line every time, it still took you over a mile to pull away from me.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    At myself for *still* not being able to find out what is making the noise on my front wheel...
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    notsoblue wrote:
    At myself for *still* not being able to find out what is making the noise on my front wheel...

    Annoying isn't it. Had similar when I put RR on my Allez and hit a pothole which was enough to move them oh so slightly depsite all the screws done up tightly and don't get me onto the lump of dried mud that appeared after a ride.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • straas
    straas Posts: 338
    notsoblue wrote:
    At myself for *still* not being able to find out what is making the noise on my front wheel...

    What noise? Mine was creaking and worrying me that the fork was about to snap. Turns out it's my shifter cables knocking against each other when the road surface isn't great!
    FCN: 6
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    redvee wrote:
    notsoblue wrote:
    At myself for *still* not being able to find out what is making the noise on my front wheel...

    Annoying isn't it. Had similar when I put RR on my Allez and hit a pothole which was enough to move them oh so slightly depsite all the screws done up tightly and don't get me onto the lump of dried mud that appeared after a ride.

    What kind of noise? Is their any dirt or crud inside?
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Just a slight rubbing sound, made worse by the fact it only occured when pedalling.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    redvee wrote:
    Just a slight rubbing sound, made worse by the fact it only occured when pedalling.

    Weird. I had a rattling from a MTB wheel which was caused by a broken reinforcing plate where the rim joins. Mavic replaced the rim but made the bike shop cover costs for shipping of the faulty part and the rebuild. French chunts!
  • EKE_38BPM
    EKE_38BPM Posts: 5,821
    Stupid drivers waiting to pull out of side roads onto a main road and blocking the cycle lane which I'm in.
    This morning I had the slam on the anchors to avoid smacking into the side of a car which pulled out halfway.

    Looking on the bright side, I know that my front brake can stop me pretty sharpish. First test in anger.

    Whilst I'm at it, I may as well have a rant about 4 stupid women I see walking their dogs in the park every morning. Every morning I pass dozens of dog walkers and I always slow as I pass if they are facing me, or call out "Mind your backs, please" when I am about ten seconds away if they are facing away from me, slow as I pass them and thank them.
    Every morning I see these 4 stupid women and go through my "Mind your backs, please" procedure. Every morning, two stop dead (rabbit in the headlights, stylee), one moves to the side (she is stupid for hanging around with the other 3 women, guilt by association) and the last one stays in the middle of the path but turns to face me. I slow to negotiate these stupid peds and one, I presume the one who turns to face me gives me grief.
    Why? I just don't see what her problem is.
    FCN 3: Raleigh Record Ace fixie-to be resurrected sometime in the future
    FCN 4: Planet X Schmaffenschmack 2- workhorse
    FCN 9: B Twin Vitamin - winter commuter/loan bike for trainees

    I'm hungry. I'm always hungry!
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    EKE_38BPM wrote:
    Why? I just don't see what her problem is.
    Well. either:

    * You haven't paid any road tax this week.

    * You're not wearing a helmet.

    * You're wearing a helmet.

    * You're in Midsomer Midsomer and they don't like you.

    I'd just run her over if I were you and be done with it. You'll feel better for it.

  • EKE_38BPM
    EKE_38BPM Posts: 5,821
    CiB wrote:
    EKE_38BPM wrote:
    Why? I just don't see what her problem is.
    Well. either:

    * You haven't paid any road tax this week.

    * You're not wearing a helmet.

    * You're wearing a helmet.

    * You're in Midsomer Midsomer and they don't like you.

    I'd just run her over if I were you and be done with it. You'll feel better for it.


    If road tax existed (no, I'm not going into that debate), mine is fully paid up
    Helmet and lycra wearer but no lycra lout
    Re MM, that is a possibility, but very few have the gumption to say that to your face.
    I've really thought about the running her over option. She'd deserve it in my opinion!
    FCN 3: Raleigh Record Ace fixie-to be resurrected sometime in the future
    FCN 4: Planet X Schmaffenschmack 2- workhorse
    FCN 9: B Twin Vitamin - winter commuter/loan bike for trainees

    I'm hungry. I'm always hungry!
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    I know I live in the "countryside" but WTF ebuyer. £7 delivery because you can't deliver it for nothing, despite the fact you can deliver it for nothing to an address 10 miles away and every other online store manages to deliver here without an extra charge.
  • Aidy
    Aidy Posts: 2,015
    Dear Sanctimonious Cyclist on the pavement,

    The light I went through was clearly amber. Amber.
    It was clearly going to be amber for the entire period in which I was going through the pedestrian crossing. If you had any judgement of speed this would have been obvious to you.

    Obnoxiously ringing your bell at me puts you in about the same league as taxi drivers.
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    Aidy wrote:
    Dear Sanctimonious Cyclist on the pavement,

    The light I went through was clearly amber. Amber.
    It was clearly going to be amber for the entire period in which I was going through the pedestrian crossing. If you had any judgement of speed this would have been obvious to you.

    Obnoxiously ringing your bell at me puts you in about the same league as taxi drivers.

    Maybe next time he'll have an airzound :roll:
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    Aidy wrote:
    Dear Sanctimonious Cyclist on the pavement,

    The light I went through was clearly amber. Amber.
    It was clearly going to be amber for the entire period in which I was going through the pedestrian crossing. If you had any judgement of speed this would have been obvious to you.

    Obnoxiously ringing your bell at me puts you in about the same league as taxi drivers.

    Maybe next time he'll have an airzound :roll:
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    What a surprise, a rant at myself.....

    I've got a bike fitting at Sigma Sport today, and I've managed to come to work without my wallet. that means that I'm going to have to get away from work earlier than I really can in order to go home, get my wallet and then get back to Kingston.

    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • iclestu
    iclestu Posts: 503
    Asprilla wrote:
    What a surprise, a rant at myself.....

    I've got a bike fitting at Sigma Sport today, and I've managed to come to work without my wallet. that means that I'm going to have to get away from work earlier than I really can in order to go home, get my wallet and then get back to Kingston.


    No friendly colleagues there who can sub you till tomorrow??
    FCN 7: Dawes Galaxy Ultra 2012 - sofa-like comfort to eat up the miles

    Reserve: 2010 Boardman CX Pro
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    iclestu wrote:
    Asprilla wrote:
    What a surprise, a rant at myself.....

    I've got a bike fitting at Sigma Sport today, and I've managed to come to work without my wallet. that means that I'm going to have to get away from work earlier than I really can in order to go home, get my wallet and then get back to Kingston.


    No friendly colleagues there who can sub you till tomorrow??

    Maybe for lunch, but not for £120...
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • hatbeard
    hatbeard Posts: 1,087
    just tell them it's a really expensive lunch, problem solved!
    Hat + Beard
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    A sarcastic WELL DONE to the Toyota Prius driver who tried to bully me off primary position by repeated use of the horn and intimidatory close pass up Constitution Hill on Thu night. When I caught up with him in the traffic literally 20m up the road and asked what he thought he was playing at, he complained that I didn't pay any road tax. I laughed in his face "you're driving a Prius, you don't pay any either". That shut him up.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    A sarcastic WELL DONE to the Toyota Prius driver who tried to bully me off primary position by repeated use of the horn and intimidatory close pass up Constitution Hill on Thu night. When I caught up with him in the traffic literally 20m up the road and asked what he thought he was playing at, he complained that I didn't pay any road tax. I laughed in his face "you're driving a Prius, you don't pay any either". That shut him up.

    He spoke before thinking and he's allowed out on the roads :roll:
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • nich
    nich Posts: 888
    It's too hot outside, and now the window is acting like a big magnifying glass on my face :x

    And where's me shades for the ride home! :x :x
  • georgee
    georgee Posts: 537
    A sarcastic WELL DONE to the Toyota Prius driver who tried to bully me off primary position by repeated use of the horn and intimidatory close pass up Constitution Hill on Thu night. When I caught up with him in the traffic literally 20m up the road and asked what he thought he was playing at, he complained that I didn't pay any road tax. I laughed in his face "you're driving a Prius, you don't pay any either". That shut him up.

    I thought the norm was that given they were saving the environment it didn't matter if they ran over others who were being green.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    georgee wrote:
    A sarcastic WELL DONE to the Toyota Prius driver who tried to bully me off primary position by repeated use of the horn and intimidatory close pass up Constitution Hill on Thu night. When I caught up with him in the traffic literally 20m up the road and asked what he thought he was playing at, he complained that I didn't pay any road tax. I laughed in his face "you're driving a Prius, you don't pay any either". That shut him up.

    I thought the norm was that given they were saving the environment it didn't matter if they ran over others who were being green.
    Spotted elsewhere recently - "I pay income tax but I don't expect the govt to still use it to fund a war with France". Neat, but relies too much on a slack-jawed driver understanding it.

    See if you have a friend who may fit that description.
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    11 job interviews in one day.

    My head hurts and I hate people.

    (edit: but at least I got the 3000th rant :D )
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,974
    Rant 1

    to the car that blocked me from drafting a couple of tractors on the dual carriageway, were you able to get past no, would it have hurt you to stay back a bit and let me have a bit of the action NO

    Rant 2

    1 mile up, to the novice cyclists on the next stretch of dual carriageway, a pedalling motion of pedal, stop, freewheel, pedal really isn't going to get you very far and on that stretch with cars / trucks passing you at 50+, usually a good idea to not hang about.

    Rant 3

    Next cyclist, same dual carriageway but at the roundabout at the end with queing traffic; please don't try and pull out and filter without checking. I was coming up the outside of you at 20 and you almost took me out. No doubt the camera clipped onto your head would have been able to show you where you went wrong, but I'd rather it wasn't at my expense.

    Rant 4

    43 today, grumble grumble

    .....and breathe
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    Happy birthday :) and stop grumbling.

    You still a youngster (kind of) :wink: